Пример #1
  Initialize Gdt for all processors.

  @param[in]   Cr3          CR3 value.
  @param[out]  GdtStepSize  The step size for GDT table.

  @return GdtBase for processor 0.
          GdtBase for processor X is: GdtBase + (GdtStepSize * X)
InitGdt (
  IN  UINTN  Cr3,
  OUT UINTN  *GdtStepSize
  UINTN                     Index;
  IA32_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR   *GdtDescriptor;
  UINTN                     TssBase;
  UINTN                     GdtTssTableSize;
  UINT8                     *GdtTssTables;
  UINTN                     GdtTableStepSize;

  // For X64 SMM, we allocate separate GDT/TSS for each CPUs to avoid TSS load contention
  // on each SMI entry.
  GdtTssTableSize = (gcSmiGdtr.Limit + 1 + TSS_SIZE + 7) & ~7; // 8 bytes aligned
  mGdtBufferSize = GdtTssTableSize * gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus;
  GdtTssTables = (UINT8*)AllocateCodePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (mGdtBufferSize));
  ASSERT (GdtTssTables != NULL);
  mGdtBuffer = (UINTN)GdtTssTables;
  GdtTableStepSize = GdtTssTableSize;

  for (Index = 0; Index < gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus; Index++) {
    CopyMem (GdtTssTables + GdtTableStepSize * Index, (VOID*)(UINTN)gcSmiGdtr.Base, gcSmiGdtr.Limit + 1 + TSS_SIZE);

    // Fixup TSS descriptors
    TssBase = (UINTN)(GdtTssTables + GdtTableStepSize * Index + gcSmiGdtr.Limit + 1);
    GdtDescriptor = (IA32_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTOR *)(TssBase) - 2;
    GdtDescriptor->Bits.BaseLow = (UINT16)(UINTN)TssBase;
    GdtDescriptor->Bits.BaseMid = (UINT8)((UINTN)TssBase >> 16);
    GdtDescriptor->Bits.BaseHigh = (UINT8)((UINTN)TssBase >> 24);

    if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard)) {
      // Setup top of known good stack as IST1 for each processor.
      *(UINTN *)(TssBase + TSS_X64_IST1_OFFSET) = (mSmmStackArrayBase + EFI_PAGE_SIZE + Index * mSmmStackSize);

  *GdtStepSize = GdtTableStepSize;
  return GdtTssTables;
Пример #2
  Initialize IDT to setup exception handlers for SMM.

InitializeSmmIdt (
  EFI_STATUS               Status;
  BOOLEAN                  InterruptState;
  IA32_DESCRIPTOR          DxeIdtr;

  // There are 32 (not 255) entries in it since only processor
  // generated exceptions will be handled.
  gcSmiIdtr.Limit = (sizeof(IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR) * 32) - 1;
  // Allocate page aligned IDT, because it might be set as read only.
  gcSmiIdtr.Base = (UINTN)AllocateCodePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES(gcSmiIdtr.Limit + 1));
  ASSERT (gcSmiIdtr.Base != 0);
  ZeroMem ((VOID *)gcSmiIdtr.Base, gcSmiIdtr.Limit + 1);

  // Disable Interrupt and save DXE IDT table
  InterruptState = SaveAndDisableInterrupts ();
  AsmReadIdtr (&DxeIdtr);
  // Load SMM temporary IDT table
  AsmWriteIdtr (&gcSmiIdtr);
  // Setup SMM default exception handlers, SMM IDT table
  // will be updated and saved in gcSmiIdtr
  Status = InitializeCpuExceptionHandlers (NULL);
  // Restore DXE IDT table and CPU interrupt
  AsmWriteIdtr ((IA32_DESCRIPTOR *) &DxeIdtr);
  SetInterruptState (InterruptState);
Пример #3
      GdtDescriptor->Bits.BaseHigh = (UINT8)(TssBase >> 24);
      // Fixup TSS segments
      // ESP as known good stack
      *(UINTN *)(TssBase + TSS_IA32_ESP_OFFSET) =  mSmmStackArrayBase + EFI_PAGE_SIZE + Index * mSmmStackSize;
      *(UINT32 *)(TssBase + TSS_IA32_CR3_OFFSET) = Cr3;
  } else {
    // Just use original table, AllocatePage and copy them here to make sure GDTs are covered in page memory.
    GdtTssTableSize = gcSmiGdtr.Limit + 1;
    mGdtBufferSize = GdtTssTableSize * gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus;
    GdtTssTables = (UINT8*)AllocateCodePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (mGdtBufferSize));
    ASSERT (GdtTssTables != NULL);
    mGdtBuffer = (UINTN)GdtTssTables;
    GdtTableStepSize = GdtTssTableSize;

    for (Index = 0; Index < gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus; Index++) {
      CopyMem (GdtTssTables + GdtTableStepSize * Index, (VOID*)(UINTN)gcSmiGdtr.Base, gcSmiGdtr.Limit + 1);

  *GdtStepSize = GdtTableStepSize;
  return GdtTssTables;

  Transfer AP to safe hlt-loop after it finished restore CPU features on S3 patch.