// Purpose: 
// Input  : pMaterial - 
//			source - 
//			color - 
void DrawHaloOriented( const Vector& source, float scale, float const *color, float roll )
	Vector point, screen;
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh();

	CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
	meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );

	// Transform source into screen space
	ScreenTransform( source, screen );

	Vector right, up;
	float sr, cr;

	SinCos( roll, &sr, &cr );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		right[i] = CurrentViewRight()[i] * cr + CurrentViewUp()[i] * sr;
		up[i] = CurrentViewRight()[i] * -sr + CurrentViewUp()[i] * cr;

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 1);
	VectorMA (source, -scale, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, right, point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 0);
	VectorMA (source, scale, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, right, point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 0);
	VectorMA (source, scale, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, right, point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 1);
	VectorMA (source, -scale, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, right, point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());
Пример #2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : pMaterial - 
//			source - 
//			color - 
void DrawHalo(IMaterial* pMaterial, const Vector& source, float scale, float const* color, float flHDRColorScale )
	static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0;
	Vector		point, screen;
	if( pMaterial )
		IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache );
		if( pHDRColorScaleVar )
			pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale );

	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( materials );
	IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( );

	CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
	meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );

	// Transform source into screen space
	ScreenTransform( source, screen );

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 1);
	VectorMA (source, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 0);
	VectorMA (source, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 0);
	VectorMA (source, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color3fv (color);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 1);
	VectorMA (source, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());
float PixelVisibility_DrawProxy( IMatRenderContext *pRenderContext, OcclusionQueryObjectHandle_t queryHandle, Vector origin, float scale, float proxyAspect, IMaterial *pMaterial, bool screenspace )
	Vector point;

	// don't expand this with distance to fit pixels or the sprite will poke through
	// only expand the parts perpendicular to the view
	float forwardScale = scale;
	// draw a pyramid of points touching a sphere of radius "scale" at origin
	float pixelsPerUnit = pRenderContext->ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere( origin, 1.0f );
	pixelsPerUnit = MAX( pixelsPerUnit, 1e-4f );
	if ( screenspace )
		// Force this to be the size of a sphere of diameter "scale" at some reference distance (1.0 unit)
		float pixelsPerUnit2 = pRenderContext->ComputePixelDiameterOfSphere( CurrentViewOrigin() + CurrentViewForward()*1.0f, scale*0.5f );
		// force drawing of "scale" pixels
		scale = pixelsPerUnit2 / pixelsPerUnit;
		float pixels = scale * pixelsPerUnit;
		// make the radius larger to ensure a minimum screen space size of the proxy geometry
		if ( pixels < MIN_PROXY_PIXELS )
			scale = MIN_PROXY_PIXELS / pixelsPerUnit;

	// collapses the pyramid to a plane - so this could be a quad instead
	Vector dir = origin - CurrentViewOrigin();
	origin -= dir * forwardScale;
	forwardScale = 0.0f;

	Vector verts[5];
	const float sqrt2 = 0.707106781f; // sqrt(2) - keeps all vectors the same length from origin
	scale *= sqrt2;
	float scale45x = scale;
	float scale45y = scale / proxyAspect;
	verts[0] = origin - CurrentViewForward() * forwardScale;					  // the apex of the pyramid
	verts[1] = origin + CurrentViewUp() * scale45y - CurrentViewRight() * scale45x; // these four form the base
	verts[2] = origin + CurrentViewUp() * scale45y + CurrentViewRight() * scale45x; // the pyramid is a sprite with a point that
	verts[3] = origin - CurrentViewUp() * scale45y + CurrentViewRight() * scale45x; // pokes back toward the camera through any nearby 
	verts[4] = origin - CurrentViewUp() * scale45y - CurrentViewRight() * scale45x; // geometry

	// get screen coords of edges
	Vector screen[4];
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		extern int ScreenTransform( const Vector& point, Vector& screen );
		if ( ScreenTransform( verts[i+1], screen[i] ) )
			return -1;

	// compute area and screen-clipped area
	float w = screen[1].x - screen[0].x;
	float h = screen[0].y - screen[3].y;
	float ws = MIN(1.0f, screen[1].x) - MAX(-1.0f, screen[0].x);
	float hs = MIN(1.0f, screen[0].y) - MAX(-1.0f, screen[3].y);
	float area = w*h; // area can be zero when we ALT-TAB
	float areaClipped = ws*hs;
	float ratio = 0.0f;
	if ( area != 0 )
		// compute the ratio of the area not clipped by the frustum to total area
		ratio = areaClipped / area;
		ratio = clamp(ratio, 0.0f, 1.0f);

	pRenderContext->BeginOcclusionQueryDrawing( queryHandle );
	CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
	IMesh* pMesh = pRenderContext->GetDynamicMesh( false, NULL, NULL, pMaterial );
	meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_TRIANGLES, 4 );
	// draw a pyramid
	for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		int a = i+1;
		int b = (a%4)+1;
		meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[0].Base() );
		meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[a].Base() );
		meshBuilder.Position3fv( verts[b].Base() );

	// sprite/quad proxy
#if 0
	meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );

	VectorMA (origin, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	VectorMA (origin, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, -scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	VectorMA (origin, scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	VectorMA (origin, -scale, CurrentViewUp(), point);
	VectorMA (point, scale, CurrentViewRight(), point);
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());
	pRenderContext->EndOcclusionQueryDrawing( queryHandle );

	// fraction clipped by frustum
	return ratio;
Пример #4
// Purpose: Determine sprite orientation axes
// Input  : type - 
//			forward - 
//			right - 
//			up - 
void C_SpriteRenderer::GetSpriteAxes( SPRITETYPE type, 
	const Vector& origin,
	const QAngle& angles,
	Vector& forward, 
	Vector& right, 
	Vector& up )
	int				i;
	float			dot, angle, sr, cr;
	Vector			tvec;

	// Automatically roll parallel sprites if requested
	if ( angles[2] != 0 && type == SPR_VP_PARALLEL )

	switch( type )
			// generate the sprite's axes, with vup straight up in worldspace, and
			// r_spritedesc.vright perpendicular to modelorg.
			// This will not work if the view direction is very close to straight up or
			// down, because the cross product will be between two nearly parallel
			// vectors and starts to approach an undefined state, so we don't draw if
			// the two vectors are less than 1 degree apart
			tvec[0] = -origin[0];
			tvec[1] = -origin[1];
			tvec[2] = -origin[2];
			VectorNormalize (tvec);
			dot = tvec[2];	// same as DotProduct (tvec, r_spritedesc.vup) because
			//  r_spritedesc.vup is 0, 0, 1
			if ((dot > 0.999848f) || (dot < -0.999848f))	// cos(1 degree) = 0.999848
			up[0] = 0;
			up[1] = 0;
			up[2] = 1;
			right[0] = tvec[1];
			// CrossProduct(r_spritedesc.vup, -modelorg,
			right[1] = -tvec[0];
			//              r_spritedesc.vright)
			right[2] = 0;
			VectorNormalize (right);
			forward[0] = -right[1];
			forward[1] = right[0];
			forward[2] = 0;
			// CrossProduct (r_spritedesc.vright, r_spritedesc.vup,
			//  r_spritedesc.vpn)

			// generate the sprite's axes, completely parallel to the viewplane. There
			// are no problem situations, because the sprite is always in the same
			// position relative to the viewer
			for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
				up[i]		= CurrentViewUp()[i];
				right[i]	= CurrentViewRight()[i];
				forward[i]	= CurrentViewForward()[i];

			// generate the sprite's axes, with g_vecVUp straight up in worldspace, and
			// r_spritedesc.vright parallel to the viewplane.
			// This will not work if the view direction is very close to straight up or
			// down, because the cross product will be between two nearly parallel
			// vectors and starts to approach an undefined state, so we don't draw if
			// the two vectors are less than 1 degree apart
			dot = CurrentViewForward()[2];	// same as DotProduct (vpn, r_spritedesc.g_vecVUp) because
			//  r_spritedesc.vup is 0, 0, 1
			if ((dot > 0.999848f) || (dot < -0.999848f))	// cos(1 degree) = 0.999848
			up[0] = 0;
			up[1] = 0;
			up[2] = 1;
			right[0] = CurrentViewForward()[1];
			// CrossProduct (r_spritedesc.vup, vpn,
			right[1] = -CurrentViewForward()[0];	//  r_spritedesc.vright)
			right[2] = 0;
			VectorNormalize (right);
			forward[0] = -right[1];
			forward[1] = right[0];
			forward[2] = 0;
			// CrossProduct (r_spritedesc.vright, r_spritedesc.vup,
			//  r_spritedesc.vpn)

			// generate the sprite's axes, according to the sprite's world orientation
			AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, &up );
			// generate the sprite's axes, parallel to the viewplane, but rotated in
			// that plane around the center according to the sprite entity's roll
			// angle. So vpn stays the same, but vright and vup rotate
			angle = angles[ROLL] * (M_PI*2.0f/360.0f);
			SinCos( angle, &sr, &cr );
			for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
				forward[i] = CurrentViewForward()[i];
				right[i] = CurrentViewRight()[i] * cr + CurrentViewUp()[i] * sr;
				up[i] = CurrentViewRight()[i] * -sr + CurrentViewUp()[i] * cr;

		Warning( "GetSpriteAxes: Bad sprite type %d\n", type );
Пример #5
static void DrawSpriteTangentSpace( const Vector &vecOrigin, float flWidth, float flHeight, color32 color )
	unsigned char pColor[4] = { color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a };

	// Generate half-widths
	flWidth *= 0.5f;
	flHeight *= 0.5f;

	// Compute direction vectors for the sprite
	Vector fwd, right( 1, 0, 0 ), up( 0, 1, 0 );
	VectorSubtract( CurrentViewOrigin(), vecOrigin, fwd );
	float flDist = VectorNormalize( fwd );
	if (flDist >= 1e-3)
		CrossProduct( CurrentViewUp(), fwd, right );
		flDist = VectorNormalize( right );
		if (flDist >= 1e-3)
			CrossProduct( fwd, right, up );
			// In this case, fwd == g_vecVUp, it's right above or 
			// below us in screen space
			CrossProduct( fwd, CurrentViewRight(), up );
			VectorNormalize( up );
			CrossProduct( up, fwd, right );

	Vector left = -right;
	Vector down = -up;
	Vector back = -fwd;

	CMeshBuilder meshBuilder;
	Vector point;
	IMesh* pMesh = materials->GetDynamicMesh( );

	meshBuilder.Begin( pMesh, MATERIAL_QUADS, 1 );

	meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 1);
	VectorMA (vecOrigin, -flHeight, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, -flWidth, right, point);
	meshBuilder.TangentS3fv( left.Base() );
	meshBuilder.TangentT3fv( down.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Normal3fv( back.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 0, 0);
	VectorMA (vecOrigin, flHeight, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, -flWidth, right, point);
	meshBuilder.TangentS3fv( left.Base() );
	meshBuilder.TangentT3fv( down.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Normal3fv( back.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 0);
	VectorMA (vecOrigin, flHeight, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, flWidth, right, point);
	meshBuilder.TangentS3fv( left.Base() );
	meshBuilder.TangentT3fv( down.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Normal3fv( back.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());

	meshBuilder.Color4ubv (pColor);
	meshBuilder.TexCoord2f (0, 1, 1);
	VectorMA (vecOrigin, -flHeight, up, point);
	VectorMA (point, flWidth, right, point);
	meshBuilder.TangentS3fv( left.Base() );
	meshBuilder.TangentT3fv( down.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Normal3fv( back.Base() );
	meshBuilder.Position3fv (point.Base());
Пример #6
// Purpose: 
// Input  : noise_divisions - 
//			*prgNoise - 
//			*spritemodel - 
//			frame - 
//			rendermode - 
//			source - 
//			delta - 
//			flags - 
//			*color - 
//			fadescale - 
void DrawSegs( int noise_divisions, float *prgNoise, const model_t* spritemodel,
				float frame, int rendermode, const Vector& source, const Vector& delta, 
				float startWidth, float endWidth, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments,
				int flags, float* color, float fadeLength, float flHDRColorScale )
	int				i, noiseIndex, noiseStep;
	float			div, length, fraction, factor, vLast, vStep, brightness;
	Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f );
	CEngineSprite *pSprite = Draw_SetSpriteTexture( spritemodel, frame, rendermode );
	if ( !pSprite )

	if ( segments < 2 )

	IMaterial *pMaterial = pSprite->GetMaterial( (RenderMode_t)rendermode );
	if( pMaterial )
		static unsigned int nHDRColorScaleCache = 0;
		IMaterialVar *pHDRColorScaleVar = pMaterial->FindVarFast( "$hdrcolorscale", &nHDRColorScaleCache );
		if( pHDRColorScaleVar )
			pHDRColorScaleVar->SetFloatValue( flHDRColorScale );
	length = VectorLength( delta );
	float flMaxWidth = MAX(startWidth, endWidth) * 0.5f;
	div = 1.0 / (segments-1);

	if ( length*div < flMaxWidth * 1.414 )
		// Here, we have too many segments; we could get overlap... so lets have less segments
		segments = (int)(length / (flMaxWidth * 1.414)) + 1;
		if ( segments < 2 )
			segments = 2;

	if ( segments > noise_divisions )		// UNDONE: Allow more segments?
		segments = noise_divisions;

	div = 1.0 / (segments-1);
	length *= 0.01;

	// UNDONE: Expose texture length scale factor to control "fuzziness"

	if ( flags & FBEAM_NOTILE )
		// Don't tile
		vStep = div;
		// Texture length texels per space pixel
		vStep = length*div;	
	// UNDONE: Expose this paramter as well(3.5)?  Texture scroll rate along beam
	vLast = fmod(freq*speed,1);	// Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture)

	if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE )
		if ( segments < 16 )
			segments = 16;
			div = 1.0 / (segments-1);
		scale *= 100;
		length = segments * (1.0/10);
		scale *= length;

	// Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2)
	noiseStep = (int)((float)(noise_divisions-1) * div * 65536.0f);
	noiseIndex = 0;
	if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE )
		noiseIndex = 0;

	brightness = 1.0;
	if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN )
		brightness = 0;

	// What fraction of beam should be faded
	Assert( fadeLength >= 0.0f );
	float fadeFraction = fadeLength/ delta.Length();
	// BUGBUG: This code generates NANs when fadeFraction is zero! REVIST!
	fadeFraction = clamp(fadeFraction,1.e-6f,1.f);

	// Choose two vectors that are perpendicular to the beam
	Vector perp1;
	ComputeBeamPerpendicular( delta, &perp1 );

	// Specify all the segments.
	CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
	CBeamSegDraw segDraw;
	segDraw.Start( pRenderContext, segments, NULL );

	for ( i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
		Assert( noiseIndex < (noise_divisions<<16) );
		BeamSeg_t curSeg;
		curSeg.m_flAlpha = 1;

		fraction = i * div;

		// Fade in our out beam to fadeLength

		if ( (flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN) && (flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT) )
			if (fraction < 0.5)
				brightness = 2*(fraction/fadeFraction);
				brightness = 2*(1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction));
		else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEIN )
			brightness = fraction/fadeFraction;
		else if ( flags & FBEAM_SHADEOUT )
			brightness = 1.0 - (fraction/fadeFraction);

		// clamps
		if (brightness < 0 )		
			brightness = 0;
		else if (brightness > 1)		
			brightness = 1;

		VectorScale( *((Vector*)color), brightness, curSeg.m_vColor );

		// UNDONE: Make this a spline instead of just a line?
		VectorMA( source, fraction, delta, curSeg.m_vPos );
		// Distort using noise
		if ( scale != 0 )
			factor = prgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale;
			if ( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE )
				float	s, c;
				SinCos( fraction*M_PI*length + freq, &s, &c );
				VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor * s, CurrentViewUp(), curSeg.m_vPos );
				// Rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal
				VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor * c, CurrentViewRight(), curSeg.m_vPos );
				VectorMA( curSeg.m_vPos, factor, perp1, curSeg.m_vPos );

		// Specify the next segment.
		if( endWidth == startWidth )
			curSeg.m_flWidth = startWidth * 2;
			curSeg.m_flWidth = ((fraction*(endWidth-startWidth))+startWidth) * 2;
		curSeg.m_flTexCoord = vLast;
		segDraw.NextSeg( &curSeg );

		vLast += vStep;	// Advance texture scroll (v axis only)
		noiseIndex += noiseStep;