Пример #1
 * Multisocket BSC call to start all system core 0s to perform a standard AP_TASK.
 * This function loops through all possible socket locations, starting core 0 of
 * each populated socket to perform the passed in AP_TASK.  After starting all
 * other core 0s, the BSC will perform the AP_TASK as well.  This must be run by
 * the system BSC only.
 * @param[in]  TaskPtr           Function descriptor
 * @param[in]  StdHeader         Config handle for library and services
 * @param[in]  ConfigParams      AMD entry point's CPU parameter structure
RunCodeOnAllSystemCore0sMulti (
  IN       AP_TASK *TaskPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader,
  IN       VOID *ConfigParams
  UINT32 BscSocket;
  UINT32 BscModule;
  UINT32 BscCoreNum;
  UINT8  Socket;
  UINT32 NumberOfSockets;
  AGESA_STATUS DummyStatus;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &DummyStatus));

  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &BscModule, &BscCoreNum, &DummyStatus);

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (Socket != BscSocket) {
      if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore (Socket, 0, TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (TaskPtr, StdHeader, ConfigParams);
Пример #2
 * Runs the given task on all cores (including self) on the socket of the executing
 * core 0.
 * This function is used to invoke all APs on the socket of the executing core 0 to
 * run a specified AGESA procedure.
 * @param[in]  TaskPtr      Function descriptor
 * @param[in]  StdHeader    Config handle for library and services
IdsApRunCodeOnAllLocalCores (
  IN       AP_TASK *TaskPtr,
  UINT32 Core;
  UINT32 BscCoreNum;
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 BscSocket;
  UINT32 IgnoredModule;
  UINT32 NumberOfCores;
  UINT32 NumberOfSockets;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &IgnoredModule, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
      for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
        if ((Socket != (UINT32) BscSocket) || (Core != (UINT32) BscCoreNum)) {
          ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, TaskPtr, StdHeader);
 // BSP codes
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (TaskPtr, StdHeader, NULL);
Пример #3
 *    Main entry point for initializing the Thermal Control
 *    safety net feature.
 *    This must be run by all Family 10h core 0s in the system.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10PmThermalInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    LocalPciRegister;
  UINT32    Socket;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS  IgnoredSts;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, 0, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts)) {
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_CAPS_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((NB_CAPS_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcCapable == 1) {
      // Enable HTC
      PciAddress.Address.Register = HTC_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
      ((HTC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcSlewSel = 0;
      ((HTC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcEn = 1;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
Пример #4
 *  FeatureLeveling
 *    CPU feature leveling. Set least common features set of all CPUs
 *    @param[in,out]   StdHeader   - Pointer to AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS struct.
FeatureLeveling (
  UINT32 BscSocket;
  UINT32 Ignored;
  UINT32 BscCoreNum;
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Core;
  UINT32 NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32 NumberOfCores;
  BOOLEAN *FirstTime;
  BOOLEAN *NeedLeveling;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  CPU_FEATURES_LIST *globalCpuFeatureList;
  AP_TASK  TaskPtr;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &IgnoredSts));

  GetGlobalCpuFeatureListAddress ((UINT64 **) &globalCpuFeatureList, StdHeader);
  FirstTime = (BOOLEAN *) ((UINT8 *) globalCpuFeatureList + sizeof (CPU_FEATURES_LIST));
  NeedLeveling = (BOOLEAN *) ((UINT8 *) globalCpuFeatureList + sizeof (CPU_FEATURES_LIST) + sizeof (BOOLEAN));

  *FirstTime = TRUE;
  *NeedLeveling = FALSE;

  LibAmdMemFill (globalCpuFeatureList, 0xFF, sizeof (CPU_FEATURES_LIST), StdHeader);
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = SaveFeatures;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (CPU_FEATURES_LIST);
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = globalCpuFeatureList;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = DATA_IN_MEMORY;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      if (Socket !=  BscSocket) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, 0, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, NULL);

  if (*NeedLeveling) {
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI  = WriteFeatures;
    for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
      if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
        for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
          if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
            ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8)Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
    ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, NULL);
 * Get PCI Config Space Address for the current running core.
 * @param[out]   PciAddress   The Processor's PCI Config Space address (Function 0, Register 0)
 * @param[in]    StdHeader    Header for library and services.
 * @retval       TRUE         The core is present, PCI Address valid
 * @retval       FALSE        The core is not present, PCI Address not valid.
GetCurrPciAddrMulti (
     OUT   PCI_ADDR               *PciAddress,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT8        Node;
  UINT32       Socket;
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       Core;
  BOOLEAN      Result;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  Result = TRUE;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Module < MAX_DIES);

  if (GetNodeId (Socket, Module, &Node, StdHeader)) {
    // Socket is populated
    PciAddress->AddressValue = MAKE_SBDFO (0, 0, 24, 0, 0);
    PciAddress->Address.Device = PciAddress->Address.Device + Node;
  } else {
    // Socket is not populated
    PciAddress->AddressValue = ILLEGAL_SBDFO;
    Result = FALSE;

  return Result;
 *  Writes to all nodes on the executing core's socket.
 *  @param[in]     PciAddress    The Function and Register to update
 *  @param[in]     Mask          The bitwise AND mask to apply to the current register value
 *  @param[in]     Data          The bitwise OR mask to apply to the current register value
 *  @param[in]     StdHeader     Header for library and services.
ModifyCurrSocketPciMulti (
  IN       PCI_ADDR               *PciAddress,
  IN       UINT32                 Mask,
  IN       UINT32                 Data,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 Core;
  UINT32 LocalPciRegister;
  AGESA_STATUS AgesaStatus;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &AgesaStatus);

  for (Module = 0; Module < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &Reg, &AgesaStatus)) {
      Reg.Address.Function = PciAddress->Address.Function;
      Reg.Address.Register = PciAddress->Address.Register;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, Reg, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
      LocalPciRegister &= Mask;
      LocalPciRegister |= Data;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, Reg, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
Пример #7
 * Family 15h Kaveri core 0 entry point for performing the necessary steps after
 * a warm reset has occurred.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *   1.    Temp1=D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   2.    Temp2=D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0].
 *   3.    Temp3=D18F5x170[NbPstateThreshold].
 *   4.    Temp4=D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   5.    If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=0, go to step 6. If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=1, go to step 11.
 *   6.    Write 1 to D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   7.    Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   8.    Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   9.    Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=1.
 *   10.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi]. Go to step 15.
 *   11.   Write 1 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   12.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi].
 *   13.   Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   14.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   15.   Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=Temp1, D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0]=Temp2, D18F5x170[NbP-
 *         stateThreshold]=Temp3, and D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis]=Temp4.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15KvPmNbAfterReset (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    TaskedCore;
  UINT32    Ignored;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  F15KvPmNbAfterReset\n");

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // Launch one core per node.
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F15KvPmNbAfterResetOnCore;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, Module, &TaskedCore, &Ignored, StdHeader)) {
      if (TaskedCore != 0) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) TaskedCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, (VOID *) CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
Пример #8
 *  Enable Application Power Management (APM)
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint         Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
InitializeApmFeature (
  IN       UINT64                 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32       BscSocket;
  UINT32       Ignored;
  UINT32       Socket;
  UINT32       NumberOfSockets;
  AP_TASK      TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "    APM mode is enabled\n");

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &Ignored, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = EnableApmOnSocket;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      if (Socket != BscSocket) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, 0, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

  EnableApmOnSocket (StdHeader);
Пример #9
  * This function checks the status of BIST and places the error status in the event log
  * if there are any errors
  * @param[in]      StdHeader              Header for library and services
  * @retval         AGESA_SUCCESS          No BIST errors have been logged.
  * @retval         AGESA_ALERT            BIST errors have been detected and added to the
  *                                        event log.
CheckBistStatus (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32                Socket;
  UINT32                Core;
  UINT32                BscSocket;
  UINT32                BscCoreNum;
  UINT32                NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32                NumberOfCores;
  UINT32                Ignored;
  UINT32                ReturnCode;
  AGESA_STATUS          IgnoredSts;
  AGESA_STATUS          AgesaStatus;
  AP_TASK               TaskPtr;

  // Make sure that Standard Header is valid
  ASSERT (StdHeader != NULL);
  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &IgnoredSts));

  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  // Get the BscSocket, BscCoreNum and NumberOfSockets in the system
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  // Setup TaskPtr struct to execute routine on APs
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskO = GetBistResults;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
      for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
        if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
          ReturnCode = ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8)Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
        } else {
          ReturnCode = TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskO (StdHeader);

        // If BIST value is non-zero, add to BSP's event log
        if (ReturnCode != 0) {
          IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  BIST failure: socket %d core %d, status = 0x%x\n", Socket, Core, ReturnCode);
          AgesaStatus = AGESA_ALERT;
          PutEventLog (AGESA_ALERT,
                       ReturnCode, Socket, Core, 0, StdHeader);

  return AgesaStatus;
Пример #10
 * Family 10h core 0 entry point for performing the necessary steps after
 * a warm reset has occurred.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. Modify F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to reflect the lowest performance P-state
 *       supported, as indicated in MSRC001_00[68:64][PstateEn]
 *    2. If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
 *    3. If MSRC001_0071[CurPstate] != F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], go to step 20
 *    4. If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] = 0 or F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] != 4, go to step 7
 *    5. If MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] <= F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1, go to step 17
 *    6. Exit the sequence
 *    7. Copy the P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the P-state
 *       register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1
 *    8. Write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *    9. Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
 *   10. Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
 *       register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *   11. Copy (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
 *   12. Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
 *       register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
 *   13. If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
 *   14. If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
 *       P-state register pointed to by MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] using the NB COF
 *       and VID transition sequence after a warm reset
 *   15. Write MSRC001_00[68:64][PstateEn]=0 for the P-state pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *   16. Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] and exit the sequence
 *   17. Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
 *   18. Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
 *       register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
 *   19. If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
 *   20. Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
 *   21. Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
 *       register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *   22. If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
 *   23. Issue an LDTSTOP assertion in the IO hub and exit sequence
 *   24. If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
 *       P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] using the NB COF and VID
 *       transition sequence after a warm reset
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10PmAfterReset (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    PsMaxVal;
  UINT32    CoreNum;
  UINT32    MsrAddr;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    AndMask;
  UINT32    OrMask;
  UINT64    LocalMsrRegister;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
  GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&CoreNum, StdHeader);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // Step 1 Modify F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to reflect the lowest performance
  //        P-state supported, as indicated in MSRC001_00[68:64][PstateEn]
  for (MsrAddr = PS_MAX_REG; MsrAddr > PS_REG_BASE; --MsrAddr) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (MsrAddr, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((PSTATE_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->PsEnable == 1) {
  PsMaxVal = MsrAddr - PS_REG_BASE;
  PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
  PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PstateMaxVal = 0;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PstateMaxVal = PsMaxVal;
  ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  // Launch each local core to perform the remaining steps.
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F10PmAfterResetCore;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
Пример #11
 * Family 15h Trinity core 0 entry point for performing the necessary steps after
 * a warm reset has occurred.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *   1.    Temp1=D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   2.    Temp2=D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0].
 *   3.    Temp3=D18F5x170[NbPstateThreshold].
 *   4.    Temp4=D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   5.    If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=0, go to step 6. If MSRC001_0070[NbPstate]=1, go to step 11.
 *   6.    Write 1 to D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis].
 *   7.    Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   8.    Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   9.    Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=1.
 *   10.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi]. Go to step 15.
 *   11.   Write 1 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis].
 *   12.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateHi] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateHi].
 *   13.   Write 0 to D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis, NbPstateDisOnP0, NbPstateThreshold].
 *   14.   Wait for D18F5x174[CurNbPstate] = D18F5x170[NbPstateLo] and D18F5x174[CurNbFid, CurNb-
 *         Did]=[NbFid, NbDid] from D18F5x1[6C:60] indexed by D18F5x170[NbPstateLo].
 *   15.   Set D18F5x170[SwNbPstateLoDis]=Temp1, D18F5x170[NbPstateDisOnP0]=Temp2, D18F5x170[NbP-
 *         stateThreshold]=Temp3, and D18F5x170[NbPstateGnbSlowDis]=Temp4.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15TnPmNbAfterReset (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    TaskedCore;
  UINT32    Ignored;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "  F15TnPmNbAfterReset\n");

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  if (FamilySpecificServices->IsNbPstateEnabled (FamilySpecificServices, &CpuEarlyParamsPtr->PlatformConfig, StdHeader)) {
    PciAddress.AddressValue = NB_PSTATE_CTRL_PCI_ADDR;
    Locate.BufferHandle = AMD_CPU_NB_PSTATE_FIXUP_HANDLE;
    if (HeapLocateBuffer (&Locate, StdHeader) == AGESA_SUCCESS) {
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, Locate.BufferPtr, StdHeader);
    } else {

  // Launch one core per node.
  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F15TnPmNbAfterResetOnCore;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  for (Module = 0; Module < GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
    if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, Module, &TaskedCore, &Ignored, StdHeader)) {
      if (TaskedCore != 0) {
        ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) TaskedCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, (VOID *) CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
Пример #12
IdsCmnTaskCore0Early (
  IN       IDS_EARLY_AP_TASK *PEarlyApTask,
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 IgnoredModule;
  UINT32 IgnoredCore;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  ASSERT (PEarlyApTask->Ap_Task0.Core != 0);

  PEarlyApTask->Ap_Task0.ApTask.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &PEarlyApTask->Parameters[0];
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &IgnoredModule, &IgnoredCore, &IgnoredSts);
  ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, PEarlyApTask->Ap_Task0.Core, &PEarlyApTask->Ap_Task0.ApTask, StdHeader);
Пример #13
 *  Enable high performance computing (HPC mode)
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint         Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
InitializePstateHpcModeFeature (
  IN       UINT64                 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32       BscSocket;
  UINT32       Ignored;
  UINT32       BscCoreNum;
  UINT32       Core;
  UINT32       Socket;
  UINT32       NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32       NumberOfCores;
  AP_TASK      TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  if (!IsWarmReset (StdHeader)) {
    IDS_HDT_CONSOLE (CPU_TRACE, "    P-state HPC mode is enabled\n");

    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
    NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = EnablePstateHpcModeOnAps;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 2;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = PlatformConfig;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;

    for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
      if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
        for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
          if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
            ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

    EnablePstateHpcModeOnAps (PlatformConfig, StdHeader);
Пример #14
 * Run code on every AP in the system.
 * @param[in] ApParams       AP task pointer.
 * @param[in] StdHeader      Handle to config for library and services
 * @return    The most severe AGESA_STATUS returned by an AP.
RunLateApTaskOnAllAPs (
  IN       AP_EXE_PARAMS     *ApParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32                  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32                  NumberOfCores;
  UINT8                   Socket;
  UINT8                   Core;
  UINT8                   ApicId;
  UINT32                  BscSocket;
  UINT32                  Ignored;
  UINT32                  BscCoreNum;
  AGESA_STATUS            CalledStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS            IgnoredStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS            AgesaStatus;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &IgnoredStatus));

  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredStatus);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
      for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
        if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
          GetApicId (StdHeader, Socket, Core, &ApicId, &IgnoredStatus);
          AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfBeforeRunApFromAllAps, StdHeader);
          CalledStatus = AgesaRunFcnOnAp ((UINTN) ApicId, ApParams);
          AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAfterRunApFromAllAps, StdHeader);
          if (CalledStatus > AgesaStatus) {
            AgesaStatus = CalledStatus;
  return AgesaStatus;
Пример #15
 *  CpuPrefetchModeApTask
 *  Parameters:
 *    @param[in] ApExeParams   Handle to config for library and services.
 *    @retval    AGESA_STATUS
 *  Processing:
CpuPrefetchModeApTask (
  IN       AP_EXE_PARAMS *ApExeParams
  UINT32      Socket;
  UINT32      Module;
  UINT32      Core;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  AGESA_STATUS CalledStatus;

  CalledStatus = AGESA_ERROR;

  IdentifyCore (&(ApExeParams->StdHeader), &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&PrefetchModeFamilyServiceTable, Socket, (CONST VOID **)&FamilyServices, &(ApExeParams->StdHeader));
  if (FamilyServices != NULL) {
    CalledStatus = FamilyServices->PrefetchModeControlOnCore (FamilyServices, (PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *) (ApExeParams->RelatedDataBlock), &(ApExeParams->StdHeader));
  return CalledStatus;
Пример #16
 *  PutAllCoreInPState0
 *  Description:
 *    This function will put core pstate to p0.
 *  Parameters:
 *    @param[in,out]    *PStateBufferPtr
 *    @param[in]        *StdHeader
 *    @retval          AGESA_STATUS
PutAllCoreInPState0 (
  IN OUT   PSTATE_LEVELING    *PStateBufferPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS  *StdHeader
  AP_TASK                 TaskPtr;
  UINT32                  BscSocket;
  UINT32                  Ignored;
  UINT32                  BscCoreNum;
  UINT32                  Core;
  UINT32                  Socket;
  UINT32                  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32                  NumberOfCores;
  AGESA_STATUS            IgnoredSts;

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = PutCoreInPState0;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (PSTATE_LEVELING);
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = PStateBufferPtr;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = DATA_IN_MEMORY;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  PutCoreInPState0 (PStateBufferPtr, StdHeader);

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
      for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
        if ((Socket != (UINT32) BscSocket) || (Core != (UINT32) BscCoreNum)) {
          ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

Пример #17
 * This function will set msr on all cores of all nodes.
 * @param[in]     CpuAmdPState  Pointer to S_CPU_AMD_PSTATE.
 * @param[in]     StdHeader     Header for library and services.
 * @retval        AGESA_SUCCESS  Always succeeds
StartPstateMsrModify (
  IN       S_CPU_AMD_PSTATE    *CpuAmdPState,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS   *StdHeader
  AP_TASK                 TaskPtr;
  UINT32                  BscSocket;
  UINT32                  Ignored;
  UINT32                  BscCoreNum;
  UINT32                  Core;
  UINT32                  Socket;
  UINT32                  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32                  NumberOfCores;
  AGESA_STATUS            IgnoredSts;

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = CorePstateRegModify;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = (UINT16) (CpuAmdPState->SizeOfBytes / 4 + 1);
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = CpuAmdPState;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = DATA_IN_MEMORY;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  CorePstateRegModify (CpuAmdPState, StdHeader);

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
      for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
        if ((Socket != (UINT32) BscSocket) || (Core != (UINT32) BscCoreNum)) {
          ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

Пример #18
 *  Exit function for HDT out Function of S3 Resume
 *  Restore debug register and Deallocate heap, and will also fire a HDTOUT
 *  Command to let hdtout script do corresponding things.
 *  @param[in,out] StdHeader    The Pointer of AGESA Header
AmdIdsHdtOutS3ApExit (
  AP_TASK TaskPtr;
  UINT32  Ignored;
  UINT32  BscSocket;
  UINT32  BscCoreNum;
  UINT32  Core;
  UINT32  Socket;
  UINT32  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32  NumberOfCores;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  if (AmdIdsHdtOutSupport ()) {
    // run code on all APs except BSP
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = (PF_AP_TASK_I)AmdIdsHdtOutExitCoreTask;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = NULL;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;

    NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);

    for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
      if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
        if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
          for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
            if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
              ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
Пример #19
 * Runs the given task on all cores (including self) on the socket of the executing
 * core 0.
 * This function is used to invoke all APs on the socket of the executing core 0 to
 * run a specified AGESA procedure.
 * @param[in]  TaskPtr      Function descriptor
 * @param[in]  StdHeader    Config handle for library and services
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr Required input parameters for early CPU initialization
ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (
  IN       AP_TASK *TaskPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS *CpuEarlyParamsPtr
  UINT32 Core;
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 IgnoredModule;
  UINT32 IgnoredCore;
  UINT32 ActiveCores;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &IgnoredModule, &IgnoredCore, &IgnoredSts);
  GetActiveCoresInCurrentSocket (&ActiveCores, StdHeader);

  for (Core = 1; Core < (UINT8) ActiveCores; ++Core) {
    ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8)Core, TaskPtr, StdHeader);
  ApUtilTaskOnExecutingCore (TaskPtr, StdHeader, (VOID *) CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
Пример #20
 * Run code on core 0 of every socket in the system.
 * @param[in] ApParams       AP task pointer.
 * @param[in] StdHeader      Handle to config for library and services
 * @return    The most severe AGESA_STATUS returned by an AP.
RunLateApTaskOnAllCore0s (
  IN       AP_EXE_PARAMS     *ApParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32                  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT8                   Socket;
  UINT8                   ApicId;
  UINT32                  BscSocket;
  UINT32                  IgnoredModule;
  UINT32                  IgnoredCore;
  AGESA_STATUS            CalledStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS            IgnoredStatus;
  AGESA_STATUS            AgesaStatus;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &IgnoredStatus));

  AgesaStatus = AGESA_SUCCESS;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &IgnoredModule, &IgnoredCore, &IgnoredStatus);
  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
      if (Socket != BscSocket) {
        GetApicId (StdHeader, Socket, 0, &ApicId, &IgnoredStatus);
        AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfBeforeRunApFromAllCore0s, StdHeader);
        CalledStatus = AgesaRunFcnOnAp ((UINTN) ApicId, ApParams);
        AGESA_TESTPOINT (TpIfAfterRunApFromAllCore0s, StdHeader);
        if (CalledStatus > AgesaStatus) {
          AgesaStatus = CalledStatus;
  return AgesaStatus;
Пример #21
 *     BSC task to run Core0 task at early, must only run on BSC
 *     @param[in]   Socket   - Socket which run the task
 *     @param[in]   Core   - Core which run the task
 *     @param[in]   ApTask   - Task for AP
 *     @param[in,out]   StdHeader    - The Pointer of AGESA Header
IdsRunCodeOnCoreEarly (
  IN       UINT8 Socket,
  IN       UINT8 Core,
  IN       AP_TASK* ApTask,
  UINT32 BscSocket;
  UINT32 BscCoreNum;
  UINT32 IgnoredModule;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  AP_TASK Core0Task;

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &IgnoredModule, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
  ASSERT (~((Socket == BscSocket) && (Core == BscCoreNum)));
  if ((Socket == BscSocket) || (Core == 0)) {
    ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore (Socket, Core, ApTask, StdHeader);
  } else {
    //Init IDS_EARLY_AP_TASK for Core 0
    IdsEarlyTask.Ap_Task0.ApTask = *ApTask;
    IdsEarlyTask.Ap_Task0.Core = Core;
    //Init Parameter buffer, Target core can't get the parameter from pointer, which point to Host Core memory space
    ASSERT ((ApTask->DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords * sizeof (UINT32)) <= IDS_EARLY_AP_TASK_PARA_NUM);
    LibAmdMemCopy (&IdsEarlyTask.Parameters[0], ApTask->DataTransfer.DataPtr, sizeof (UINT32) * ApTask->DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords, StdHeader);
    if ((ApTask->DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords * sizeof (UINT32)) <= IDS_EARLY_AP_TASK_PARA_NUM) {
      //Lauch Core0 1st
      Core0Task.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = (PF_AP_TASK_I)IdsCmnTaskCore0Early;
      Core0Task.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
      Core0Task.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (IDS_EARLY_AP_TASK0) + ApTask->DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords;
      Core0Task.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &IdsEarlyTask;
      Core0Task.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
      ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore (Socket, 0, &Core0Task, StdHeader);
Пример #22
 *  Enable the C6 C-state
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint         Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig     Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader          Config Handle for library, services.
 * @retval       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
InitializeC6Feature (
  IN       UINT64                 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS      *StdHeader
  UINT32  BscSocket;
  UINT32  Ignored;
  UINT32  BscCoreNum;
  UINT32  Core;
  UINT32  Socket;
  UINT32  NumberOfSockets;
  UINT32  NumberOfCores;
  AP_TASK TaskPtr;
  C6_FAMILY_SERVICES  *C6FamilyServices;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  CpuEarlyParams.PlatformConfig = *PlatformConfig;

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskIC = EnableC6OnSocket;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 2;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &EntryPoint;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
  TaskPtr.ExeFlags = PASS_EARLY_PARAMS;
  OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.BscRunCodeOnAllSystemCore0s (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, &CpuEarlyParams);

      !(IsSecureS3 (StdHeader))) {
    // Load any required microcode patches on both normal boot and resume from S3.
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &Ignored, &BscCoreNum, &IgnoredSts);
    GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&C6FamilyServiceTable, BscSocket, (CONST VOID **)&C6FamilyServices, StdHeader);
    if (C6FamilyServices != NULL) {
      C6FamilyServices->ReloadMicrocodePatchAfterMemInit (StdHeader);

    // run code on all APs
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = 0;

    NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();

    for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
      if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
        GetFeatureServicesOfSocket (&C6FamilyServiceTable, Socket, (CONST VOID **)&C6FamilyServices, StdHeader);
        if (C6FamilyServices != NULL) {
          // run code on all APs
          TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = C6FamilyServices->ReloadMicrocodePatchAfterMemInit;
          if (GetActiveCoresInGivenSocket (Socket, &NumberOfCores, StdHeader)) {
            for (Core = 0; Core < NumberOfCores; Core++) {
              if ((Socket != BscSocket) || (Core != BscCoreNum)) {
                ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8) Socket, (UINT8) Core, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
Пример #23
 *  Core 0 task to enable message-based C1e on a family 10h CPU.
 * @param[in]    MsgBasedC1eServices Pointer to this CPU's HW C1e family services.
 * @param[in]    EntryPoint          Timepoint designator.
 * @param[in]    PlatformConfig      Contains the runtime modifiable feature input data.
 * @param[in]    StdHeader           Config Handle for library, services.
 * @return       AGESA_SUCCESS      Always succeeds.
F10InitializeMsgBasedC1e (
  IN       MSG_BASED_C1E_FAMILY_SERVICES *MsgBasedC1eServices,
  IN       UINT64 EntryPoint,
  IN       PLATFORM_CONFIGURATION *PlatformConfig,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32       AndMask;
  UINT32       Core;
  UINT32       Module;
  UINT32       OrMask;
  UINT32       PciRegister;
  UINT32       Socket;
  AP_TASK      TaskPtr;
  PCI_ADDR     PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

    // Note that this core 0 does NOT have the ability to launch
    // any of its cores.  Attempting to do so could lead to a system
    // hang.

    // Set F3xA0[IdleExitEn] = 1
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = PW_CTL_MISC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->IdleExitEn = 1;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xA0

    // Set F3x188[EnStpGntOnFlushMaskWakeup] = 1
    PciAddress.Address.Register = NB_EXT_CFG_LO_REG;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((NB_EXT_CFG_LO_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->EnStpGntOnFlushMaskWakeup = 1;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x188

    // Set F3xD4[MTC1eEn] = 1, F3xD4[CacheFlushImmOnAllHalt] = 1
    // Set F3xD4[StutterScrubEn] = 1 if scrubbing is enabled
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->StutterScrubEn = 0;
    OrMask = 0;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->MTC1eEn = 1;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->CacheFlushImmOnAllHalt = 1;

    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);

    for (Module = 0; Module < (UINT8)GetPlatformNumberOfModules (); Module++) {
      if (GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts)) {
        PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
        PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC0_REG;
        if (IsDramScrubberEnabled (PciAddress, StdHeader)) {
          ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StutterScrubEn = 1;
        } else {
          ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StutterScrubEn = 0;
        LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
        PciRegister &= AndMask;
        PciRegister |= OrMask;
        LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);

  } else if (EntryPoint == CPU_FEAT_AFTER_PM_INIT) {
    // At early, this core 0 can launch its subordinate cores.
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = F10InitializeMsgBasedC1eOnCore;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 1;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &PlatformConfig->C1ePlatformData;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
    ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, NULL);

Пример #24
 * Family 15h core 0 entry point for performing the family 15h Processor-
 * Systemboard Power Delivery Check.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. Starting with P0, loop through all P-states until a passing state is
 *       found.  A passing state is one in which the current required by the
 *       CPU is less than the maximum amount of current that the system can
 *       provide to the CPU.  If P0 is under the limit, no further action is
 *       necessary.
 *    2. If at least one P-State is under the limit & at least one P-State is
 *       over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is disabled by the power check,
 *          then the BIOS must request a transition to an enabled P-state
 *          using MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063[CurPstate]
 *          to reflect the new value.
 *       b. Copy the contents of the enabled P-state MSRs to the highest
 *          performance P-state locations.
 *       c. Request a P-state transition to the P-state MSR containing the
 *          COF/VID values currently applied.
 *       d. If a subset of boosted P-states are disabled, then copy the contents
 *          of the highest performance boosted P-state still enabled to the
 *          boosted P-states that have been disabled.
 *       e. If all boosted P-states are disabled, then program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc]
 *          to zero.
 *       f. Adjust the following P-state parameters affected by the P-state
 *          MSR copy by subtracting the number of P-states that are disabled
 *          by the power check.
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[SwPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *    3. If all P-States are over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is !=F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], then
 *          write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for
 *          MSRC001_0063[CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       b. If MSRC001_0061[PstateMaxVal]!=000b, copy the contents of the P-state
 *          MSR pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the software P0 MSR.
 *          Write 000b to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063
 *          [CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       c. Adjust the following P-state parameters to zero:
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[SwPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *       d. Program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc] to zero.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F15PmPwrCheck (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT8       DisPsNum;
  UINT8       PsMaxVal;
  UINT8       Pstate;
  UINT32      ProcIddMax;
  UINT32      LocalPciRegister;
  UINT32      Socket;
  UINT32      Module;
  UINT32      Core;
  UINT32      AndMask;
  UINT32      OrMask;
  UINT32      PstateLimit;
  PCI_ADDR    PciAddress;
  UINT64      LocalMsrRegister;
  AP_TASK     TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  UINT32      NumModules;
  UINT32      HighCore;
  UINT32      LowCore;
  UINT32      ModuleIndex;

  // get the socket number
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  ErrorData.SocketNumber = (UINT8) Socket;

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // get the Max P-state value
  for (PsMaxVal = NM_PS_REG - 1; PsMaxVal != 0; --PsMaxVal) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (PS_REG_BASE + PsMaxVal, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((F15_PSTATE_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->PsEnable == 1) {

  ErrorData.HwPstateNumber = (UINT8) (PsMaxVal + 1);

 // Starting with P0, loop through all P-states until a passing state is
 // found.  A passing state is one in which the current required by the
 // CPU is less than the maximum amount of current that the system can
 // provide to the CPU.  If P0 is under the limit, no further action is
 // necessary.
  DisPsNum = 0;
  for (Pstate = 0; Pstate < ErrorData.HwPstateNumber; Pstate++) {
    if (FamilySpecificServices->GetProcIddMax (FamilySpecificServices, Pstate, &ProcIddMax, StdHeader)) {
      if (ProcIddMax > CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[CoreVrm].CurrentLimit) {
        // Add to event log the Pstate that exceeded the current limit
        PutEventLog (AGESA_WARNING,
                     Socket, Pstate, 0, 0, StdHeader);
      } else {

  ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber = ((PsMaxVal + 1) - DisPsNum);

  if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber == 0) {
    PutEventLog (AGESA_FATAL,
                 Socket, 0, 0, 0, StdHeader);

  if (DisPsNum != 0) {
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_4;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPB_CTRL_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F4x15C
    ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates = (UINT8) ((F15_CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->NumBoostStates;

    if (DisPsNum >= ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates) {
      // If all boosted P-states are disabled, then program D18F4x15C[BoostSrc] to zero.
      AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      ((F15_CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->BoostSrc = 0;
      OrMask = 0x00000000;
      OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F4x15C
      // Update the result of isFeatureEnabled in heap.
      UpdateFeatureStatusInHeap (CoreBoost, FALSE, StdHeader);

      ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled = DisPsNum - ErrorData.NumberOfBoostStates;
    } else {
      ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled = 0;

    NumModules = GetPlatformNumberOfModules ();

    // Only execute this loop if this is an MCM.
    if (NumModules > 1) {

      // Since the P-State MSRs are shared across a
      // node, we only need to set one core in the node for the modified number of supported p-states
      // to be reported across all of the cores in the module.
      TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = F15PmPwrCheckCore;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (PWRCHK_ERROR_DATA);
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &ErrorData;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
      TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;

      for (ModuleIndex = 0; ModuleIndex < NumModules; ModuleIndex++) {
        // Execute the P-State reduction code on the module's primary core only.
        // Skip this code for the BSC's module.
        if (ModuleIndex != Module) {
          if (GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, ModuleIndex, &LowCore, &HighCore, StdHeader)) {
            ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8)LowCore, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);

    // Path for SCM and the BSC
    F15PmPwrCheckCore (&ErrorData, StdHeader);

    // Final Step
    //    F3x64[HtPstatelimit] -= disPsNum
    //    F3x68[SwPstateLimit] -= disPsNum
    //    F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] -= disPsNum

    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = HTC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((HTC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->HtcPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x64
    PstateLimit = ((HTC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcPstateLimit;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((HTC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->HtcPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x64

    PciAddress.Address.Register = SW_PS_LIMIT_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SwPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x68
    PstateLimit = ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->SwPstateLimit;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((SW_PS_LIMIT_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SwPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x68

    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PstateMaxVal = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3xDC
    PstateLimit = ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal;
    if (PstateLimit > ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled) {
      PstateLimit -= ErrorData.NumberOfSwPstatesDisabled;
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PstateMaxVal = PstateLimit;
    OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.ModifyCurrSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xDC
 * Multisocket call to determine the most severe AGESA_STATUS return value after
 * processing the power management initialization tables.
 * This function loops through all possible socket locations, collecting any
 * power management initialization errors that may have occurred.  These errors
 * are transferred from the core 0s of the socket in which the errors occurred
 * to the BSC's heap.  The BSC's heap is then searched for the most severe error
 * that occurred, and returns it.  This function must be called by the BSC only.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader         Config handle for library and services
 * @return     The most severe error code from power management init
GetEarlyPmErrorsMulti (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT16 i;
  UINT32 BscSocket;
  UINT32 BscModule;
  UINT32 BscCoreNum;
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 NumberOfSockets;
  AP_TASK      TaskPtr;
  AGESA_EVENT  EventLogEntry;
  AGESA_STATUS ReturnCode;
  AGESA_STATUS DummyStatus;

  ASSERT (IsBsp (StdHeader, &ReturnCode));

  ReturnCode = AGESA_SUCCESS;
  EventLogEntry.EventClass = AGESA_SUCCESS;
  EventLogEntry.EventInfo = 0;
  EventLogEntry.DataParam1 = 0;
  EventLogEntry.DataParam2 = 0;
  EventLogEntry.DataParam3 = 0;
  EventLogEntry.DataParam4 = 0;

  NumberOfSockets = GetPlatformNumberOfSockets ();
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BscSocket, &BscModule, &BscCoreNum, &DummyStatus);

  TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = GetNextEvent;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (AGESA_EVENT);
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &EventLogEntry;
  TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
  for (Socket = 0; Socket < NumberOfSockets; Socket++) {
    if (Socket != BscSocket) {
      if (IsProcessorPresent (Socket, StdHeader)) {
        do {
          ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore ((UINT8)Socket, (UINT8) 0, &TaskPtr, StdHeader);
          if ((EventLogEntry.EventInfo & CPU_EVENT_PM_EVENT_MASK) == CPU_EVENT_PM_EVENT_CLASS) {
            PutEventLog (
        } while (EventLogEntry.EventInfo != 0);

  for (i = 0; PeekEventLog (&EventLogEntry, i, StdHeader); i++) {
    if ((EventLogEntry.EventInfo & CPU_EVENT_PM_EVENT_MASK) == CPU_EVENT_PM_EVENT_CLASS) {
      if (EventLogEntry.EventClass > ReturnCode) {
        ReturnCode = EventLogEntry.EventClass;
  return (ReturnCode);
Пример #26
 * Family 10h core 0 entry point for performing the family 10h Processor-
 * Systemboard Power Delivery Check.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. Starting with P0, loop through all P-states until a passing state is
 *       found.  A passing state is one in which the current required by the
 *       CPU is less than the maximum amount of current that the system can
 *       provide to the CPU.  If P0 is under the limit, no further action is
 *       necessary.
 *    2. If at least one P-State is under the limit & at least one P-State is
 *       over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is disabled by the power check,
 *          then the BIOS must request a transition to an enabled P-state
 *          using MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063[CurPstate]
 *          to reflect the new value.
 *       b. Copy the contents of the enabled P-state MSRs to the highest
 *          performance P-state locations.
 *       c. Request a P-state transition to the P-state MSR containing the
 *          COF/VID values currently applied.
 *       d. On revision E systems with CPUID Fn8000_0007[CPB]=1, if P0 is disabled then
 *          program F4x15C[BoostSrc]=0. This step uses hardware P-state numbering.
 *       e. Adjust the following P-state parameters affected by the P-state
 *          MSR copy by subtracting the number of P-states that are disabled
 *          by the power check.
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[StcPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *    3. If all P-States are over the limit, the BIOS must:
 *       a. If the processor's current P-State is !=F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], then
 *          write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for
 *          MSRC001_0063[CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       b. If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]!= 000b, copy the contents of the P-state
 *          MSR pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0064 and set
 *          MSRC001_0064[PstateEn]
 *       c. Write 000b to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd] and wait for MSRC001_0063
 *          [CurPstate] to reflect the new value.
 *       d. Adjust the following P-state parameters to zero on revision D and earlier processors.
 *          On revision E processors adjust the following fields to F4x15C[NumBoostStates]:
 *          1. F3x64[HtcPstateLimit]
 *          2. F3x68[StcPstateLimit]
 *          3. F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
 *       e. For revision E systems with CPUID Fn8000_0007[CPB]=1, program F4x15C[BoostSrc]=0.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10PmPwrCheck (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  UINT8       DisPsNum;
  UINT8       PsMaxVal;
  UINT8       Pstate;
  UINT32      ProcIddMax;
  UINT32      LocalPciRegister;
  UINT32      Socket;
  UINT32      Module;
  UINT32      Core;
  UINT32      AndMask;
  UINT32      OrMask;
  UINT32      PstateLimit;
  PCI_ADDR    PciAddress;
  UINT64      LocalMsrRegister;
  AP_TASK     TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;

  // get the socket number
  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  ErrorData.SocketNumber = (UINT8)Socket;

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  // get the Max P-state value
  for (PsMaxVal = NM_PS_REG - 1; PsMaxVal != 0; --PsMaxVal) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (PS_REG_BASE + PsMaxVal, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((PSTATE_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->PsEnable == 1) {

  ErrorData.HwPstateNumber = (UINT8) (PsMaxVal + 1);

  DisPsNum = 0;
  for (Pstate = 0; Pstate < ErrorData.HwPstateNumber; Pstate++) {
    if (FamilySpecificServices->GetProcIddMax (FamilySpecificServices, Pstate, &ProcIddMax, StdHeader)) {
      if (ProcIddMax > CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig.VrmProperties[CoreVrm].CurrentLimit) {
        // Add to event log the Pstate that exceeded the current limit
        PutEventLog (AGESA_WARNING,
                     Socket, Pstate, 0, 0, StdHeader);
      } else {

  // If all P-state registers are disabled, move P[PsMaxVal] to P0
  // and transition to P0, then wait for CurPstate = 0

  ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber = ((PsMaxVal + 1) - DisPsNum);

  // We only need to log this event on the BSC
  if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber == 0) {
    PutEventLog (AGESA_FATAL,
                 Socket, 0, 0, 0, StdHeader);

  if (DisPsNum != 0) {
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
    // Check if CPB is supported. if yes, get the number of boost states.
    ErrorData.NumberofBoostStates = F10GetNumberOfBoostedPstatesOnCore (StdHeader);

    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = F10PmPwrCheckCore;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (PWRCHK_ERROR_DATA);
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &ErrorData;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
    ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParams);

    // Final Step 1
    // For revision E systems with CPUID Fn8000_0007[CPB]=1, if P0 is disabled then
    // program F4x15C[BoostSrc]=0. This step uses hardware P-state numbering.
    if (ErrorData.NumberofBoostStates == 1) {
      PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_4;
      PciAddress.Address.Register = CPB_CTRL_REG;
      LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
      ((CPB_CTRL_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->BoostSrc = 0;
      LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    // Final Step 2
    //    F3x64[HtPstatelimit] -= disPsNum
    //    F3x68[StcPstateLimit]-= disPsNum
    //    F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-= disPsNum

    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = HTC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((HTC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->HtcPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x64
    PstateLimit = ((HTC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->HtcPstateLimit;
    if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber != 0) {
      if (PstateLimit > DisPsNum) {
        PstateLimit -= DisPsNum;
        ((HTC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->HtcPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    } else {
      ((HTC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->HtcPstateLimit = ErrorData.NumberofBoostStates;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x64

    PciAddress.Address.Register = STC_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((STC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->StcPstateLimit = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3x68
    PstateLimit = ((STC_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->StcPstateLimit;
    if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber != 0) {
      if (PstateLimit > DisPsNum) {
        PstateLimit -= DisPsNum;
        ((STC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StcPstateLimit = PstateLimit;
    } else {
      ((STC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->StcPstateLimit = ErrorData.NumberofBoostStates;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3x68

    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PstateMaxVal = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader); // F3xDC
    PstateLimit = ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal;
    if (ErrorData.AllowablePstateNumber != 0) {
      if (PstateLimit > DisPsNum) {
        PstateLimit -= DisPsNum;
        ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PstateMaxVal = PstateLimit;
    } else {
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PstateMaxVal = ErrorData.NumberofBoostStates;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader); // F3xDC

    // Now that P0 has changed, recalculate VSSlamTime
    F10ProgramVSSlamTimeOnSocket (&PciAddress, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
Пример #27
 * Support routine for F10PmAfterReset to perform MSR initialization on all
 * cores of a family 10h socket.
 * This function implements steps 2 - 24 on each core.
 * @param[in]  StdHeader          Config handle for library and services.
F10PmAfterResetCore (
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS *StdHeader
  UINT32 Socket;
  UINT32 Module;
  UINT32 Ignored;
  UINT32 PsMaxVal;
  UINT32 LocalPciRegister;
  UINT64 LocalMsrRegister;
  UINT64 SavedMsr;
  UINT64 CurrentLimitMsr;
  PCI_ADDR PciAddress;
  GO_TO_STEP GoToStep;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices;

  // Step 2 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);
  GetCpuServicesFromLogicalId (&LogicalId, &FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader);
  if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
    LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
      LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);


  LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_PSTATE_CURRENT_LIMIT, &CurrentLimitMsr, StdHeader);
  PsMaxVal = (UINT32) (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal);

  // Step 3 If MSRC001_0071[CurPstate] != F3xDC[PstateMaxVal], go to step 20
  LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
  if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurPstate !=
      ((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal) {
    GoToStep = STEP20;
  } else {
    // Step 4 If F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] = 0 || F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] != 4, go to step 7
    if ((PsMaxVal == 0) || (PsMaxVal != 4)) {
      GoToStep = STEP7;
    } else {
      // Step 5 If MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] <= F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1, go to step 17
      if (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->CurPstateLimit <=
          (((PSTATE_CURLIM_MSR *) &CurrentLimitMsr)->PstateMaxVal - 1)) {
        GoToStep = STEP17;
  switch (GoToStep) {
    // Step 6 Exit the sequence
  case STEP7:
    // Workaround for S3 ----Save the value of [The PState[4:0] Registers] MSRC001_00[68:64]
    //                      pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] + 1
    LibAmdMsrRead ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &SavedMsr, StdHeader);

    // Step 7 Copy the P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to the P-state
    //        register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1
    LibAmdMsrRead ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + PsMaxVal), &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
    LibAmdMsrWrite ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 8 Write F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]+1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Ignored, &IgnoredSts);
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);
    PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal = PsMaxVal + 1;
    LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 9 Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) (PsMaxVal + 1), (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 10 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch ((UINT32) (PsMaxVal + 1), StdHeader);

    // Step 11 Copy (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) PsMaxVal, (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 12 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch (PsMaxVal, StdHeader);

    // Step 13 If MSRC001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSRC001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 1) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 14 If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
    //         P-state register pointed to by MSRC001_0061[CurPstateLimit] using the NB COF
    //         and VID transition sequence after a warm reset

    // Step 15 Write 0 to PstateEn of the P-state register pointed to by (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    // Workaround for S3----Restore the value of [The PState[4:0] Registers] MSRC001_00[68:64]
    //                   pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] + 1
    ((PSTATE_MSR *) &SavedMsr)->PsEnable = 0;
    LibAmdMsrWrite ((MSR_PSTATE_0 + (PsMaxVal + 1)), &SavedMsr, StdHeader);

    // Step 16 Write (the new) F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &LocalPciRegister)->PstateMaxVal = PsMaxVal;
    LibAmdPciWrite (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &LocalPciRegister, StdHeader);
  case STEP17:
    // Step 17 Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1 to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) (PsMaxVal - 1), (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 18 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]-1
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch ((UINT32) (PsMaxVal - 1), StdHeader);

    // Step 19 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 0, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis]
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 0) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Fall through from step 19 to step 20
  case STEP20:
    // Step 20 Copy F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] to MSRC001_0062[PstateCmd]
    FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) PsMaxVal, (BOOLEAN) FALSE, StdHeader);

    // Step 21 Wait for MSRC001_0071[CurCpuFid/CurCpuDid] = CpuFid/CpuDid from the P-state
    //         register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal]
    WaitForCpuFidAndDidToMatch (PsMaxVal, StdHeader);

    // Step 22 If MSR C001_0071[CurNbDid] = 1, set MSR C001_001F[GfxNbPstateDis] and exit
    //         the sequence
    if ((LogicalId.Revision & (AMD_F10_C3 | AMD_F10_DA_C2)) != 0) {
      LibAmdMsrRead (MSR_COFVID_STS, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
      if (((COFVID_STS_MSR *) &LocalMsrRegister)->CurNbDid == 1) {
        LibAmdMsrRead (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);
        LocalMsrRegister |= BIT62;
        LibAmdMsrWrite (NB_CFG, &LocalMsrRegister, StdHeader);

    // Step 23 Issue an LDTSTOP and exit the sequence

    // Step 24 If required, transition the NB COF and VID to the NbDid and NbVid from the
    //         P-state register pointed to by F3xDC[PstateMaxVal] using the NB COF and VID
    //         transition sequence after a warm reset
Пример #28
 *       This is the training function which set up the environment for remote
 * training on the ap and launches the remote routine.
 *     @param[in,out]   *NBPtr   - Pointer to the MEM_NB_BLOCK
 *     @return          TRUE -  Launch training on AP successfully.
 *     @return          FALSE - Fail to launch training on AP.
MemFParallelTrainingHy (
  AP_TASK TrainingTask;
  UINT8 Socket;
  UINT8 Module;
  UINT8 APCore;
  UINT8 p;
  UINT32 LowCore;
  UINT32 HighCore;
  UINT32 BspSocket;
  UINT32 BspModule;
  UINT32 BspCore;
  UINT16 MctDataSize;
  StdHeader = &(NBPtr->MemPtr->StdHeader);
  MCTPtr = NBPtr->MCTPtr;
  Socket = MCTPtr->SocketId;
  Module = MCTPtr->DieId;

  // Allocate buffer for REMOTE_TRAINING_ENV
  MctDataSize = MAX_DCTS_PER_NODE_HY * (
                  sizeof (DCT_STRUCT) + (
                    MAX_CHANNELS_PER_DCT_HY * (sizeof (CH_DEF_STRUCT) + sizeof (MEM_PS_BLOCK))
  AllocHeapParams.RequestedBufferSize = MctDataSize + sizeof (REMOTE_TRAINING_ENV);
  AllocHeapParams.BufferHandle = GENERATE_MEM_HANDLE (ALLOC_PAR_TRN_HANDLE, Socket, Module, 0);
  AllocHeapParams.Persist = HEAP_LOCAL_CACHE;
  if (HeapAllocateBuffer (&AllocHeapParams, StdHeader) == AGESA_SUCCESS) {
    EnvPtr = (REMOTE_TRAINING_ENV *) AllocHeapParams.BufferPtr;
    AllocHeapParams.BufferPtr += sizeof (REMOTE_TRAINING_ENV);

    // Setup Remote training environment
    LibAmdMemCopy (&(EnvPtr->StdHeader), StdHeader, sizeof (AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS), StdHeader);
    LibAmdMemCopy (&(EnvPtr->DieStruct), MCTPtr, sizeof (DIE_STRUCT), StdHeader);
    for (p = 0; p < MAX_PLATFORM_TYPES; p++) {
      EnvPtr->GetPlatformCfg[p] = NBPtr->MemPtr->GetPlatformCfg[p];
    EnvPtr->ErrorHandling = NBPtr->MemPtr->ErrorHandling;
    EnvPtr->NBBlockCtor = MemConstructRemoteNBBlockHY;
    EnvPtr->FeatPtr = NBPtr->FeatPtr;
    EnvPtr->HoleBase = NBPtr->RefPtr->HoleBase;
    EnvPtr->BottomIo = NBPtr->RefPtr->BottomIo;
    EnvPtr->UmaSize = NBPtr->RefPtr->UmaSize;
    EnvPtr->SysLimit = NBPtr->RefPtr->SysLimit;
    EnvPtr->TableBasedAlterations = NBPtr->RefPtr->TableBasedAlterations;
    EnvPtr->PlatformMemoryConfiguration = NBPtr->RefPtr->PlatformMemoryConfiguration;

    LibAmdMemCopy (AllocHeapParams.BufferPtr, MCTPtr->DctData, MctDataSize, StdHeader);

    // Get Socket, Core of the BSP
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &BspSocket, &BspModule, &BspCore, &Status);
    EnvPtr->BspSocket = ((UINT8)BspSocket & 0x000000FF);
    EnvPtr->BspCore = ((UINT8)BspCore & 0x000000FF);

    // Set up the remote task structure
    TrainingTask.DataTransfer.DataPtr = EnvPtr;
    TrainingTask.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = (UINT16) (AllocHeapParams.RequestedBufferSize + 3) / 4;
    TrainingTask.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
    TrainingTask.ExeFlags = 0;
    TrainingTask.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = (PF_AP_TASK_I)MemFParallelTraining;

    // Get Target AP Core
    GetGivenModuleCoreRange (Socket, Module, &LowCore, &HighCore, StdHeader);
    APCore = (UINT8) (LowCore & 0x000000FF);

    // Launch Remote Training
    ApUtilRunCodeOnSocketCore (Socket, APCore, &TrainingTask, StdHeader);

    HeapDeallocateBuffer (AllocHeapParams.BufferHandle, StdHeader);

    return TRUE;
  } else {
    SetMemError (AGESA_FATAL, MCTPtr);
    ASSERT(FALSE); // Could not allocated heap space for "REMOTE_TRAINING_ENV"
    return FALSE;
Пример #29
 * Family 10h core 0 entry point for performing the "Northbridge COF and
 * VID Configuration" algorithm.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. Determine if the algorithm is necessary by checking if all NB FIDs
 *       match in the coherent fabric.  If so, check to see if NbCofVidUpdate
 *       is zero for all CPUs.  If that is also true, no further steps are
 *       necessary.  If not + cold reset, proceed to step 2.  If not + warm
 *       reset, proceed to step 8.
 *    2. Determine NewNbVid & NewNbFid.
 *    3. Copy Startup Pstate settings to P0/P1 MSRs on all local cores.
 *    4. Copy NewNbVid to P0 NbVid on all local cores.
 *    5. Transition to P1 on all local cores.
 *    6. Transition to P0 on local core 0 only.
 *    7. Copy NewNbFid to F3xD4[NbFid], set NbFidEn, and issue a warm reset.
 *    8. Update all enabled Pstate MSRs' NbVids according to NbVidUpdateAll
 *       on all local cores.
 *    9. Transition to Startup Pstate on all local cores.
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParamsPtr       Service related parameters (unused).
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10PmNbCofVidInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParamsPtr,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN   PerformNbCofVidCfg;
  BOOLEAN   SystemNbCofsMatch;
  UINT8     NewNbFid;
  UINT8     NewNbVid;
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    SystemNbCof;
  UINT32    AndMask;
  UINT32    OrMask;
  UINT32    Ignored;
  UINT32    NewNbVoltage;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  AGESA_STATUS IgnoredSts;
  NB_COF_VID_INIT_WARM FunctionData;

  PerformNbCofVidCfg = TRUE;
  OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.GetSystemNbCof (&SystemNbCof, &SystemNbCofsMatch, StdHeader);
  if (SystemNbCofsMatch) {
    if (!OptionMultiSocketConfiguration.GetSystemNbCofVidUpdate (StdHeader)) {
      PerformNbCofVidCfg = FALSE;
  if (PerformNbCofVidCfg) {
    // get the local node ID
    IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
    GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);

    ASSERT (Core == 0);

    // get NewNbVid
    FamilySpecificServices->GetNbFrequency (FamilySpecificServices, &PciAddress, &Ignored, &NewNbVoltage, StdHeader);
    ASSERT (((1550000 - NewNbVoltage) % 12500) == 0);
    NewNbVid = (UINT8) ((1550000 - NewNbVoltage) / 12500);
    ASSERT (NewNbVid < 0x80);

    if (!(IsWarmReset (StdHeader))) {

      // determine NewNbFid
      NewNbFid = (UINT8) ((SystemNbCof / 200) - 4);

      TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = PmNbCofVidInitP0P1Core;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 1;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &NewNbVid;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
      TaskPtr.ExeFlags = 0;
      ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParamsPtr);

      // Transition core 0 to P0 and wait for change to complete
      FamilySpecificServices->TransitionPstate (FamilySpecificServices, (UINT8) 0, (BOOLEAN) TRUE, StdHeader);

      PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC0_REG;
      AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->NbFid = 0;
      OrMask = 0x00000000;
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->NbFid = NewNbFid;
      ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->NbFidEn = 1;
      ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

      // warm reset request
      FamilySpecificServices->GetWarmResetFlag (FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader, &Request);
      Request.RequestBit = TRUE;
      FamilySpecificServices->SetWarmResetFlag (FamilySpecificServices, StdHeader, &Request);
    } else {
      // warm reset path

      FunctionData.NewNbVid = NewNbVid;
      FamilySpecificServices->IsNbCofInitNeeded (FamilySpecificServices, &PciAddress, &FunctionData.NbVidUpdateAll, StdHeader);

      TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTaskI = PmNbCofVidInitWarmCore;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = SIZE_IN_DWORDS (NB_COF_VID_INIT_WARM);
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataPtr = &FunctionData;
      TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataTransferFlags = 0;
      TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
      ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParamsPtr);
  } // skip whole algorithm
Пример #30
 * Family 10h core 0 entry point for performing power plane initialization.
 * The steps are as follows:
 *    1. If single plane, program lower VID code of CpuVid & NbVid for all
 *       enabled P-States.
 *    2. Configure F3xA0[SlamMode] & F3xD8[VsRampTime & VsSlamTime] based on
 *       platform requirements.
 *    3. Configure F3xD4[PowerStepUp & PowerStepDown]
 *    4. Optionally configure F3xA0[PsiVidEn & PsiVid]
 * @param[in]  FamilySpecificServices  The current Family Specific Services.
 * @param[in]  CpuEarlyParams          Service parameters
 * @param[in]  StdHeader               Config handle for library and services.
F10CpuAmdPmPwrPlaneInit (
  IN       CPU_SPECIFIC_SERVICES *FamilySpecificServices,
  IN       AMD_CPU_EARLY_PARAMS  *CpuEarlyParams,
  IN       AMD_CONFIG_PARAMS     *StdHeader
  BOOLEAN   PviModeFlag;
  PCI_ADDR  PciAddress;
  UINT16    PowerStepTime;
  UINT32    PowerStepEncoded;
  UINT32    PciRegister;
  UINT32    VsSlamTime;
  UINT32    Socket;
  UINT32    Module;
  UINT32    Core;
  UINT32    NumOfCores;
  UINT32    LowCore;
  UINT32    AndMask;
  UINT32    OrMask;
  UINT64    MsrRegister;
  AP_TASK   TaskPtr;
  AGESA_STATUS  IgnoredSts;

  // Initialize the union
  Features.PlatformValue = 0;
  GetPlatformFeatures (&Features, &CpuEarlyParams->PlatformConfig, StdHeader);

  IdentifyCore (StdHeader, &Socket, &Module, &Core, &IgnoredSts);
  GetPciAddress (StdHeader, Socket, Module, &PciAddress, &IgnoredSts);

  ASSERT (Core == 0);

  GetLogicalIdOfCurrentCore (&LogicalId, StdHeader);

  // Set SlamVidMode
  PciAddress.Address.Function = FUNC_3;
  PciAddress.Address.Register = PW_CTL_MISC_REG;
  LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  if (((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PviMode == 1) {
    PviModeFlag = TRUE;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SlamVidMode = 0;

    // Have all single plane cores adjust their NB and CPU VID fields
    TaskPtr.FuncAddress.PfApTask = F10PmPwrPlaneInitPviCore;
    TaskPtr.DataTransfer.DataSizeInDwords = 0;
    TaskPtr.ExeFlags = WAIT_FOR_CORE;
    ApUtilRunCodeOnAllLocalCoresAtEarly (&TaskPtr, StdHeader, CpuEarlyParams);

  } else {
    PviModeFlag = FALSE;
    ((POWER_CTRL_MISC_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SlamVidMode = 1;
  ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  F10ProgramVSSlamTimeOnSocket (&PciAddress, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);

  // Configure PowerStepUp/PowerStepDown
  PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC0_REG;
  if ((Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformSingleLink == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformUma == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformUmaIfcm == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformIfcm == 1) ||
      (Features.PlatformFeatures.PlatformIommu == 1)) {
    PowerStepEncoded = 0x8;
  } else {
    GetGivenModuleCoreRange ((UINT32) Socket,
                             (UINT32) Module,
    NumOfCores = ((NumOfCores - LowCore) + 1);
    PowerStepTime = (UINT16) (400 / NumOfCores);
    for (PowerStepEncoded = 0xF; PowerStepEncoded > 0; PowerStepEncoded--) {
      if (PowerStepTime <= PowerStepEncodings[PowerStepEncoded]) {
  AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PowerStepUp = 0;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PowerStepDown = 0;
  OrMask = 0x00000000;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PowerStepUp = PowerStepEncoded;
  ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PowerStepDown = PowerStepEncoded;
  ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  if ((LogicalId.Revision & AMD_F10_C3) != 0) {
    // Set up Pop up P-state register
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    LibAmdPciRead (AccessWidth32, PciAddress, &PciRegister, StdHeader);
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupPstate = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuVid = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuFid = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->PopupCpuDid = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupEn = 0;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupPstate = ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PstateMaxVal;
    LibAmdMsrRead ((((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &PciRegister)->PstateMaxVal + PS_REG_BASE), &MsrRegister, StdHeader);
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuVid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuVid;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuFid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuFid;
    ((POPUP_PSTATE_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->PopupCpuDid = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuDid;
    PciAddress.Address.Register = POPUP_PSTATE_REG;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

    // Set AltVidStart
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC1_REG;
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL1_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->AltVidStart = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL1_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->AltVidStart = (UINT32) ((PSTATE_MSR *) &MsrRegister)->CpuVid;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

    // Set up Altvid slam time
    PciAddress.Address.Register = CPTC2_REG;
    VsSlamTime = F10CalculateAltvidVSSlamTimeOnCore (PviModeFlag, &PciAddress, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);
    AndMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->AltvidVSSlamTime = 0;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &AndMask)->SlamTimeMode = 0;
    OrMask = 0x00000000;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->AltvidVSSlamTime = VsSlamTime;
    ((CLK_PWR_TIMING_CTRL2_REGISTER *) &OrMask)->SlamTimeMode = 2;
    ModifyCurrentSocketPci (&PciAddress, AndMask, OrMask, StdHeader);

  if (IsWarmReset (StdHeader) && !PviModeFlag) {
    // Configure PsiVid
    F10PmVrmLowPowerModeEnable (FamilySpecificServices, CpuEarlyParams, StdHeader);