Пример #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int errs = 0;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);
    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to
     * run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
     * Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations
     * of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
        if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
        /* Determine the sender and receiver */
        MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
        MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
        source = 0;
        dest = size - 1;

            while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
                errs += test(comm, rank, source, dest, &sendtype, &recvtype);

    /* Part #2: simple large size test - contiguous and noncontiguous */
    if (sizeof(void *) > 4) {   /* Only if > 32-bit architecture */
        MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
        MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
        source = 0;
        dest = size - 1;

        MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, LARGE_CNT_CONTIG);
        errs += test(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, source, dest, &sendtype, &recvtype);

        do {
            MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, LARGE_CNT_NONCONTIG);
        } while (strstr(MTestGetDatatypeName(&sendtype), "vector") == NULL);
        errs += test(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, source, dest, &sendtype, &recvtype);

    return 0;
Пример #2
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0;
    int attrval;
    int i, key[32], keyval, saveKeyval;
    MPI_Datatype type, duptype;
    MTestDatatype mstype, mrtype;
    char typename[MPI_MAX_OBJECT_NAME];
    int tnlen;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &mstype, &mrtype, 1 )) {
        type = mstype.datatype;
        MPI_Type_create_keyval( copy_fn, delete_fn, &keyval, (void *)0 );
        saveKeyval = keyval;   /* in case we need to free explicitly */
        attrval = 1;
        MPI_Type_set_attr( type, keyval, (void*)&attrval );
        /* See MPI-1, 5.7.1.  Freeing the keyval does not remove it if it
           is in use in an attribute */
        MPI_Type_free_keyval( &keyval );

        /* We create some dummy keyvals here in case the same keyval
           is reused */
        for (i=0; i<32; i++) {
            MPI_Type_create_keyval( MPI_NULL_COPY_FN, MPI_NULL_DELETE_FN,
                                    &key[i], (void *)0 );

        if (attrval != 1) {
            MPI_Type_get_name( type, typename, &tnlen );
            printf( "attrval is %d, should be 1, before dup in type %s\n",
                    attrval, typename );
        MPI_Type_dup( type, &duptype );
        /* Check that the attribute was copied */
        if (attrval != 2) {
            MPI_Type_get_name( type, typename, &tnlen );
            printf( "Attribute not incremented when type dup'ed (%s)\n",
                    typename );
Пример #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, root;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;

	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
	   change the error handler to errors return */
	MPI_Errhandler_set( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );

	/* The max value of count must be very large to ensure that we 
	   reach the long message algorithms */
	for (count = 1; count < 2800; count = count * 4) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
		for (root=0; root<size; root++) {
		    if (rank == root) {
			sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
					 sendtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		    else {
			recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, 
				    recvtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    fprintf( stderr, "Error with communicator %s and datatype %s\n", 
				 MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );
			    MTestPrintError( err );
			err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
			if (err) {
			    errs += errs;
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MPI_Win       win;
    MPI_Aint      extent;
    MPI_Group     wingroup, neighbors;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	source = 0;
	dest   = size - 1;
	for (count = 1; count < 65000; count = count * 2) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
		/* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */
		recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );

		MPI_Type_extent( recvtype.datatype, &extent );
		MPI_Win_create( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count * extent, 
				(int)extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win );
		MPI_Win_get_group( win, &wingroup );
		if (rank == source) {
		    /* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
		       change the error handler to errors return */
		    MPI_Win_set_errhandler( win, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    /* Neighbor is dest only */
		    MPI_Group_incl( wingroup, 1, &dest, &neighbors );
		    err = MPI_Win_start( neighbors, 0, win );
		    if (err) {
			if (errs < 10) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		    MPI_Group_free( &neighbors );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				    sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) {
			MTestPrintError( err );
		    err = MPI_Win_complete( win );
		    if (err) {
			if (errs < 10) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		else if (rank == dest) {
		    MPI_Group_incl( wingroup, 1, &source, &neighbors );
		    MPI_Win_post( neighbors, 0, win );
		    MPI_Group_free( &neighbors );
		    MPI_Win_wait( win );
		    /* This should have the same effect, in terms of
		       transfering data, as a send/recv pair */
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) {
			errs += errs;
		else {
		    /* Nothing; the other processes need not call any 
		       MPI routines */
		MPI_Win_free( &win );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
		MPI_Group_free( &wingroup );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #5
int main( int argc, char **argv )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MPI_Win       win;
    MPI_Aint      extent;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;
    int           onlyInt = 0;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );
    /* Check for a simple choice of communicator and datatypes */
    if (getenv( "MTEST_SIMPLE" )) onlyInt = 1;

    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	source = 0;
	dest   = size - 1;
	for (count = 1; count < 65000; count = count * 2) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {

		MTestPrintfMsg( 1, 
		       "Putting count = %d of sendtype %s receive type %s\n", 
				count, MTestGetDatatypeName( &sendtype ),
				MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );

		/* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */
		recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );

		MPI_Type_extent( recvtype.datatype, &extent );
		MPI_Win_create( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count * extent, 
				extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win );
		/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
		   change the error handler to errors return */
		MPI_Win_set_errhandler( win, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );

		/* At this point, we have all of the elements that we 
		   need to begin the multiple fence and put tests */
		/* Fence 1 */
		err = MPI_Win_fence( MPI_MODE_NOPRECEDE, win ); 
		if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }
		/* Source puts */
		if (rank == source) {
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				   sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }

		/* Fence 2 */
		err = MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }
		/* dest checks data, then Dest puts */
		if (rank == dest) {
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) { 
			    PrintRecvedError( "fence 2", &sendtype, &recvtype );
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				   sendtype.datatype, source, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }

		/* Fence 3 */
		err = MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }
		/* src checks data, then Src and dest puts*/
		if (rank == source) {
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) { 
			    PrintRecvedError( "fence 3", &sendtype, &recvtype );
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				   sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }
		if (rank == dest) {
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				   sendtype.datatype, source, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }

		/* Fence 4 */
		err = MPI_Win_fence( MPI_MODE_NOSUCCEED, win );
		if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) MTestPrintError(err); }
		/* src and dest checks data */
		if (rank == source) {
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) { 
			    PrintRecvedError( "src fence4", &sendtype, &recvtype );
		if (rank == dest) {
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) { if (errs++ < MAX_PERR) { 
			    PrintRecvedError( "dest fence4", &sendtype, &recvtype );

		MPI_Win_free( &win );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );

		/* Only do one datatype in the simple case */
		if (onlyInt) break;
	    /* Only do one count in the simple case */
	    if (onlyInt) break;
	/* Only do one communicator in the simple case */
	if (onlyInt) break;

    MTest_Finalize( errs );

    return 0;
Пример #6
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, root;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	count = 1;

        /* To shorten test time, only run the default version of datatype tests
         * for comm world and run the minimum version for other communicators. */
        if (comm != MPI_COMM_WORLD) {

	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
		for (root=0; root<size; root++) {
		    if (rank == root) {
			sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
					 sendtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		    else {
			recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );
			err = MPI_Bcast( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, 
				    recvtype.datatype, root, comm );
			if (err) {
			    fprintf( stderr, "Error with communicator %s and datatype %s\n", 
				 MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );
			    MTestPrintError( err );
			err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
			if (err) {
			    errs += errs;
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #7
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MPI_Status    status;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	source = 0;
	dest   = size - 1;

	/* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
	   change the error handler to errors return */
	MPI_Comm_set_errhandler( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );
	for (count = 1; count < 65000; count = count * 2) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
		if (rank == source) {
		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Send( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				    sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, comm );
		    if (err) {
			MTestPrintError( err );
		    MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
		else if (rank == dest) {
		    recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );
		    err = MPI_Recv( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, 
				    recvtype.datatype, source, 0, comm, &status );
		    if (err) {
			fprintf( stderr, "Error with communicator %s and datatype %s\n", 
				 MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );
			MTestPrintError( err );
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( &status, &recvtype );
		    if (err) {
			errs += errs;
		    MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
	MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #8
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count, nmsg, maxmsg;
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
        if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
        /* Determine the sender and receiver */
        MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
        MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
        source = 0;
        dest   = size - 1;

        /* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
           change the error handler to errors return */
        MPI_Comm_set_errhandler( comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );

        for (count = 1; count < MAX_COUNT; count = count * 2) {
            while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {
                int nbytes;
                MPI_Type_size( sendtype.datatype, &nbytes );

                /* We may want to limit the total message size sent */
                if (nbytes > MAX_MSG_SIZE) {
                    /* We do not need to free, as we haven't
                       initialized any of the buffers (?) */
                maxmsg = MAX_COUNT - count;
                MTestPrintfMsg( 1, "Sending count = %d of sendtype %s of total size %d bytes\n",
                                count, MTestGetDatatypeName( &sendtype ),
                                nbytes*count );
                /* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */
                recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );

                if (rank == source) {
                    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );

                    for (nmsg=1; nmsg<maxmsg; nmsg++) {
                        err = MPI_Send( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
                                        sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, comm);
                        if (err) {
                            if (errs < 10) {
                                MTestPrintError( err );
                else if (rank == dest) {
                    for (nmsg=1; nmsg<maxmsg; nmsg++) {
                        err = MPI_Recv( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count,
                                        recvtype.datatype, source, 0,
                                        comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
                        if (err) {
                            if (errs < 10) {
                                MTestPrintError( err );

                        err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
                        if (err) {
                            if (errs < 10) {
                                printf( "Data in target buffer did not match for destination datatype %s and source datatype %s, count = %d, message iteration %d of %d\n",
                                        MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ),
                                        MTestGetDatatypeName( &sendtype ),
                                        count, nmsg, maxmsg );
                                recvtype.printErrors = 1;
                                (void)MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
                            errs += err;
                MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );
                MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
        MTestFreeComm( &comm );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #9
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count; 
    MPI_Comm      comm;
    MPI_Win       win;
    MPI_Aint      extent;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init( &argc, &argv );

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to 
       run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
       Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations 
       of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral( &comm, minsize, 1 )) {
	if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) continue;
	/* Determine the sender and receiver */
	MPI_Comm_rank( comm, &rank );
	MPI_Comm_size( comm, &size );
	source = 0;
	dest   = size - 1;
	for (count = 1; count < 65000; count = count * 2) {
	    while (MTestGetDatatypes( &sendtype, &recvtype, count )) {

		MTestPrintfMsg( 1, 
		       "Putting count = %d of sendtype %s receive type %s\n", 
				count, MTestGetDatatypeName( &sendtype ),
				MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ) );

		/* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */
		recvtype.InitBuf( &recvtype );

		MPI_Type_extent( recvtype.datatype, &extent );
		MPI_Win_create( recvtype.buf, recvtype.count * extent, 
				extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win );
		MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		if (rank == source) {
		    /* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
		       change the error handler to errors return */
		    MPI_Win_set_errhandler( win, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN );

		    sendtype.InitBuf( &sendtype );
		    err = MPI_Put( sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, 
				   sendtype.datatype, dest, 0, 
				   recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, win );
		    if (err) {
			if (errs < 10) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		    err = MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		    if (err) {
			if (errs < 10) {
			    MTestPrintError( err );
		else if (rank == dest) {
		    MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		    /* This should have the same effect, in terms of
		       transfering data, as a send/recv pair */
		    err = MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
		    if (err) {
			if (errs < 10) {
			    printf( "Data in target buffer did not match for destination datatype %s (put with source datatype %s)\n", 
				    MTestGetDatatypeName( &recvtype ),
				    MTestGetDatatypeName( &sendtype ) );
			    /* Redo the test, with the errors printed */
			    recvtype.printErrors = 1;
			    (void)MTestCheckRecv( 0, &recvtype );
			errs += err;
		else {
		    MPI_Win_fence( 0, win );
		MPI_Win_free( &win );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &sendtype );
		MTestFreeDatatype( &recvtype );

    MTest_Finalize( errs );
    return 0;
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size, source, dest;
    int minsize = 2, count;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Win win;
    MPI_Aint extent;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);

    /* The following illustrates the use of the routines to
     * run through a selection of communicators and datatypes.
     * Use subsets of these for tests that do not involve combinations
     * of communicators, datatypes, and counts of datatypes */
    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
        if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)
        /* Determine the sender and receiver */
        MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
        MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
        source = 0;
        dest = size - 1;

            while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
                /* Make sure that everyone has a recv buffer */

                MPI_Type_extent(recvtype.datatype, &extent);
                MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, recvtype.count * extent,
                               (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
                MPI_Win_fence(0, win);
                if (rank == source) {

                    /* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
                     * change the error handler to errors return */
                    MPI_Win_set_errhandler(win, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);

                    /* MPI_REPLACE on accumulate is almost the same
                     * as MPI_Put; the only difference is in the
                     * handling of overlapping accumulate operations,
                     * which are not tested here */
                    err = MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
                                         sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
                                         recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);
                    if (err) {
                        if (errs < 10) {
                            printf("Accumulate types: send %s, recv %s\n",
                    err = MPI_Win_fence(0, win);
                    if (err) {
                        if (errs < 10) {
                else if (rank == dest) {
                    MPI_Win_fence(0, win);
                    /* This should have the same effect, in terms of
                     * transfering data, as a send/recv pair */
                    err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                    if (err) {
                        errs += err;
                else {
                    MPI_Win_fence(0, win);

    return 0;
Пример #11
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int errs = 0;
    int rank, size;
    int minsize = 2, count;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Win win;
    MPI_Aint lb, extent;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);

    while (MTestGetIntracommGeneral(&comm, minsize, 1)) {
        if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL)

        MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
        MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);
        int source = 0;

            while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {
                recvtype.printErrors = 1;
                MPI_Type_get_extent(recvtype.datatype, &lb, &extent);

                MPI_Win_create(recvtype.buf, lb + recvtype.count * extent,
                               (int) extent, MPI_INFO_NULL, comm, &win);
                if (rank == source) {
                    int dest;

                    MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
                    for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
                        if (dest != source) {
                            MPI_Accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
                                           sendtype.datatype, dest, 0,
                                           recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);

                    char *resbuf = (char *) calloc(lb + extent * recvtype.count, sizeof(char));

                    /*wait for the destinations to finish checking and reinitializing the buffers */

                    MPI_Win_lock_all(0, win);
                    for (dest = 0; dest < size; dest++)
                        if (dest != source) {
                            MPI_Get_accumulate(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count,
                                               sendtype.datatype, resbuf, recvtype.count,
                                               recvtype.datatype, dest, 0, recvtype.count,
                                               recvtype.datatype, MPI_REPLACE, win);

                else {
                    int err;
                    MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
                    err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                    if (err)
                    MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);

                    /*signal the source that checking and reinitialization is done */

                    MPI_Win_lock(MPI_LOCK_SHARED, rank, 0, win);
                    err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                    if (err)
                    MPI_Win_unlock(rank, win);

    return 0;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int errs = 0, err;
    int rank, size;
    int count;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    MPI_Request req;
    MTestDatatype sendtype, recvtype;

    MTest_Init(&argc, &argv);

    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size);

    /* To improve reporting of problems about operations, we
     * change the error handler to errors return */
    MPI_Comm_set_errhandler(comm, MPI_ERRORS_RETURN);

        while (MTestGetDatatypes(&sendtype, &recvtype, count)) {


            err = MPI_Irecv(recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm, &req);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {

            err = MPI_Send(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, sendtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
            err = MPI_Wait(&req, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
                        ("Data in target buffer did not match for destination datatype %s and source datatype %s, count = %d\n",
                         MTestGetDatatypeName(&recvtype), MTestGetDatatypeName(&sendtype), count);
                    recvtype.printErrors = 1;
                    (void) MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                errs += err;

            err = MPI_Irecv(recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm, &req);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {

            err = MPI_Ssend(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, sendtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
            err = MPI_Wait(&req, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
                        ("Data in target buffer did not match for destination datatype %s and source datatype %s, count = %d\n",
                         MTestGetDatatypeName(&recvtype), MTestGetDatatypeName(&sendtype), count);
                    recvtype.printErrors = 1;
                    (void) MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                errs += err;

            err = MPI_Irecv(recvtype.buf, recvtype.count, recvtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm, &req);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {

            err = MPI_Rsend(sendtype.buf, sendtype.count, sendtype.datatype, rank, 0, comm);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
            err = MPI_Wait(&req, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
            err = MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
            if (err) {
                if (errs < 10) {
                        ("Data in target buffer did not match for destination datatype %s and source datatype %s, count = %d\n",
                         MTestGetDatatypeName(&recvtype), MTestGetDatatypeName(&sendtype), count);
                    recvtype.printErrors = 1;
                    (void) MTestCheckRecv(0, &recvtype);
                errs += err;


    return 0;