Пример #1
void BedIntersectPE::IntersectBamPE(string bamFile) {

    // load the "B" bed file into a map so
    // that we can easily compare "A" to it for overlaps

    // open the BAM file
    BamReader reader;
    BamWriter writer;

    // get header & reference information
    string bamHeader = reader.GetHeaderText();
    RefVector refs   = reader.GetReferenceData();

    // open a BAM output to stdout if we are writing BAM
    if (_bamOutput == true) {
        // set compression mode
        BamWriter::CompressionMode compressionMode = BamWriter::Compressed;
        if ( _isUncompressedBam ) compressionMode = BamWriter::Uncompressed;
        // open our BAM writer
        writer.Open("stdout", bamHeader, refs);

    // track the previous and current sequence
    // names so that we can identify blocks of
    // alignments for a given read ID.
    string prevName, currName;
    prevName = currName = "";

    vector<BamAlignment> alignments;        // vector of BAM alignments for a given ID in a BAM file.

    _bedA->bedType = 10;                    // it's a full BEDPE given it's BAM

    // rip through the BAM file and convert each mapped entry to BEDPE
    BamAlignment bam1, bam2;
    while (reader.GetNextAlignment(bam1)) {
        // the alignment must be paired
        if (bam1.IsPaired() == true) {
            // grab the second alignment for the pair.

            // require that the alignments are from the same query
            if (bam1.Name == bam2.Name) {
                ProcessBamBlock(bam1, bam2, refs, writer);
            else {
                cerr << "*****ERROR: -bedpe requires BAM to be sorted or grouped by query name. " << endl;
    // close up
    if (_bamOutput == true) {
Пример #2
void BedIntersectPE::IntersectBamPE(string bamFile) {

    // load the "B" bed file into a map so
    // that we can easily compare "A" to it for overlaps

    // open the BAM file
    BamReader reader;
    BamWriter writer;

    // get header & reference information
    string bamHeader = reader.GetHeaderText();
    RefVector refs   = reader.GetReferenceData();

    // open a BAM output to stdout if we are writing BAM
    if (_bamOutput == true) {
        // set compression mode
        BamWriter::CompressionMode compressionMode = BamWriter::Compressed;
        if ( _isUncompressedBam ) compressionMode = BamWriter::Uncompressed;
        // open our BAM writer
        writer.Open("stdout", bamHeader, refs);

    // track the previous and current sequence
    // names so that we can identify blocks of
    // alignments for a given read ID.
    string prevName, currName;
    prevName = currName = "";

    vector<BamAlignment> alignments;        // vector of BAM alignments for a given ID in a BAM file.

    _bedA->bedType = 10;                    // it's a full BEDPE given it's BAM

    // rip through the BAM file and convert each mapped entry to BEDPE
    BamAlignment bam1, bam2;
    while (reader.GetNextAlignment(bam1)) {
        if (bam1.Name != bam2.Name) {
            while (bam1.Name != bam2.Name)
                if (bam1.IsPaired()) 
                    cerr << "*****WARNING: Query " << bam1.Name
                         << " is marked as paired, but it's mate does not occur"
                         << " next to it in your BAM file.  Skipping. " << endl;
                bam1 = bam2;
        else if (bam1.IsPaired() && bam1.IsPaired()) {
            ProcessBamBlock(bam1, bam2, refs, writer);
    // close up
    if (_bamOutput == true) {