//***************************************************************************** // // MPU9150 Application error handler. Show the user if we have encountered an // I2C error. // //***************************************************************************** void MPU9150AppErrorHandler(char *pcFilename, uint_fast32_t ui32Line) { // // Set terminal color to red and print error status and locations // UARTprintf("\033[31;1m"); UARTprintf("Error: %d, File: %s, Line: %d\n" "See I2C status definitions in sensorlib\\i2cm_drv.h\n", g_vui8ErrorFlag, pcFilename, ui32Line); // // Return terminal color to normal // UARTprintf("\033[0m"); // // Set RGB Color to RED // g_pui32Colors[0] = 0xFFFF; g_pui32Colors[1] = 0; g_pui32Colors[2] = 0; RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); // // Increase blink rate to get attention // RGBBlinkRateSet(10.0f); // // Go to sleep wait for interventions. A more robust application could // attempt corrective actions here. // while(1) { // // Do Nothing // } }
void initsensorhub(void) { // // Enable port B used for motion interrupt. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOB); // // Initialize the UART. // ConfigureUART(); // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2JMPU9150 Raw Example\n"); // // Set the color to a purple approximation. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x0000; // // Initialize RGB driver. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for INT signal from the // MPU9150 // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); ROM_IntEnable(INT_GPIOB); // // Keep only some parts of the systems running while in sleep mode. // GPIOB is for the MPU9150 interrupt pin. // UART0 is the virtual serial port // TIMER0, TIMER1 and WTIMER5 are used by the RGB driver // I2C3 is the I2C interface to the ISL29023 // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOB); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the MPU9150 Driver. // MPU9150Init(&g_sMPU9150Inst, &g_sI2CInst, MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Write application specifice sensor configuration such as filter settings // and sensor range settings. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_94_98; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_250; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[2] = (MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_ACCEL_HPF_5HZ | MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_2G); MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_CONFIG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 3, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the data ready interrupt pin output of the MPU9150. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_LEVEL | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_RD_CLEAR | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_LATCH_INT_EN; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_INT_ENABLE_DATA_RDY_EN; MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_INT_PIN_CFG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 2, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Initialize the DCM system. 50 hz sample rate. // accel weight = .2, gyro weight = .8, mag weight = .2 // CompDCMInit(&g_sCompDCMInst, 1.0f / 50.0f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f); UARTprintf("\033[2J\033[H"); UARTprintf("MPU9150 9-Axis Simple Data Application Example\n\n"); UARTprintf("\033[20GX\033[31G|\033[43GY\033[54G|\033[66GZ\n\n"); UARTprintf("Accel\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("Gyro\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("Mag\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("\n\033[20GRoll\033[31G|\033[43GPitch\033[54G|\033[66GYaw\n\n"); UARTprintf("Eulers\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("\n\033[17GQ1\033[26G|\033[35GQ2\033[44G|\033[53GQ3\033[62G|" "\033[71GQ4\n\n"); UARTprintf("Q\033[8G|\033[26G|\033[44G|\033[62G|\n\n"); // // Enable blinking indicates config finished successfully // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); // // Initialize convenience pointers that clean up and clarify the code // meaning. We want all the data in a single contiguous array so that // we can make our pretty printing easier later. // pfAccel = pfData; pfGyro = pfData + 3; pfMag = pfData + 6; pfEulers = pfData + 9; pfQuaternion = pfData + 12; }
//***************************************************************************** // // Main application entry point. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { int_fast32_t i32IPart[16], i32FPart[16]; uint_fast32_t ui32Idx, ui32CompDCMStarted; float pfData[16]; float *pfAccel, *pfGyro, *pfMag, *pfEulers, *pfQuaternion; // // Initialize convenience pointers that clean up and clarify the code // meaning. We want all the data in a single contiguous array so that // we can make our pretty printing easier later. // pfAccel = pfData; pfGyro = pfData + 3; pfMag = pfData + 6; pfEulers = pfData + 9; pfQuaternion = pfData + 12; // // Setup the system clock to run at 40 Mhz from PLL with crystal reference // SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // // Enable port B used for motion interrupt. // SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOB); // // Initialize the UART. // ConfigureUART(); // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2JMPU9150 Raw Example\n"); // // Set the color to a purple approximation. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x0000; // // Initialize RGB driver. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for INT signal from the // MPU9150 // GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTB_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); IntEnable(INT_GPIOB); // // Keep only some parts of the systems running while in sleep mode. // GPIOB is for the MPU9150 interrupt pin. // UART0 is the virtual serial port // TIMER0, TIMER1 and WTIMER5 are used by the RGB driver // I2C3 is the I2C interface to the ISL29023 // SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOB); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the MPU9150 Driver. // MPU9150Init(&g_sMPU9150Inst, &g_sI2CInst, MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Write application specifice sensor configuration such as filter settings // and sensor range settings. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_94_98; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_250; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[2] = (MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_ACCEL_HPF_5HZ | MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_2G); MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_CONFIG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 3, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the data ready interrupt pin output of the MPU9150. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_LEVEL | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_RD_CLEAR | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_LATCH_INT_EN; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_INT_ENABLE_DATA_RDY_EN; MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_INT_PIN_CFG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 2, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Initialize the DCM system. 50 hz sample rate. // accel weight = .2, gyro weight = .8, mag weight = .2 // CompDCMInit(&g_sCompDCMInst, 1.0f / 50.0f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f); UARTprintf("\033[2J\033[H"); UARTprintf("MPU9150 9-Axis Simple Data Application Example\n\n"); UARTprintf("\033[20GX\033[31G|\033[43GY\033[54G|\033[66GZ\n\n"); UARTprintf("Accel\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("Gyro\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("Mag\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("\n\033[20GRoll\033[31G|\033[43GPitch\033[54G|\033[66GYaw\n\n"); UARTprintf("Eulers\033[8G|\033[31G|\033[54G|\n\n"); UARTprintf("\n\033[17GQ1\033[26G|\033[35GQ2\033[44G|\033[53GQ3\033[62G|" "\033[71GQ4\n\n"); UARTprintf("Q\033[8G|\033[26G|\033[44G|\033[62G|\n\n"); // // Enable blinking indicates config finished successfully // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); ui32CompDCMStarted = 0; while(1) { // // Go to sleep mode while waiting for data ready. // while(!g_vui8I2CDoneFlag) { SysCtlSleep(); } // // Clear the flag // g_vui8I2CDoneFlag = 0; // // Get floating point version of the Accel Data in m/s^2. // MPU9150DataAccelGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfAccel, pfAccel + 1, pfAccel + 2); // // Get floating point version of angular velocities in rad/sec // MPU9150DataGyroGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfGyro, pfGyro + 1, pfGyro + 2); // // Get floating point version of magnetic fields strength in tesla // MPU9150DataMagnetoGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfMag, pfMag + 1, pfMag + 2); // // Check if this is our first data ever. // if(ui32CompDCMStarted == 0) { // // Set flag indicating that DCM is started. // Perform the seeding of the DCM with the first data set. // ui32CompDCMStarted = 1; CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfMag[0], pfMag[1], pfMag[2]); CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfAccel[0], pfAccel[1], pfAccel[2]); CompDCMGyroUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfGyro[0], pfGyro[1], pfGyro[2]); CompDCMStart(&g_sCompDCMInst); } else { // // DCM Is already started. Perform the incremental update. // CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfMag[0], pfMag[1], pfMag[2]); CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfAccel[0], pfAccel[1], pfAccel[2]); CompDCMGyroUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, -pfGyro[0], -pfGyro[1], -pfGyro[2]); CompDCMUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst); } // // Increment the skip counter. Skip counter is used so we do not // overflow the UART with data. // g_ui32PrintSkipCounter++; if(g_ui32PrintSkipCounter >= PRINT_SKIP_COUNT) { // // Reset skip counter. // g_ui32PrintSkipCounter = 0; // // Get Euler data. (Roll Pitch Yaw) // CompDCMComputeEulers(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfEulers, pfEulers + 1, pfEulers + 2); // // Get Quaternions. // CompDCMComputeQuaternion(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfQuaternion); // // convert mag data to micro-tesla for better human interpretation. // pfMag[0] *= 1e6; pfMag[1] *= 1e6; pfMag[2] *= 1e6; // // Convert Eulers to degrees. 180/PI = 57.29... // Convert Yaw to 0 to 360 to approximate compass headings. // pfEulers[0] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; pfEulers[1] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; pfEulers[2] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; if(pfEulers[2] < 0) { pfEulers[2] += 360.0f; } // // Now drop back to using the data as a single array for the // purpose of decomposing the float into a integer part and a // fraction (decimal) part. // for(ui32Idx = 0; ui32Idx < 16; ui32Idx++) { // // Conver float value to a integer truncating the decimal part. // i32IPart[ui32Idx] = (int32_t) pfData[ui32Idx]; // // Multiply by 1000 to preserve first three decimal values. // Truncates at the 3rd decimal place. // i32FPart[ui32Idx] = (int32_t) (pfData[ui32Idx] * 1000.0f); // // Subtract off the integer part from this newly formed decimal // part. // i32FPart[ui32Idx] = i32FPart[ui32Idx] - (i32IPart[ui32Idx] * 1000); // // make the decimal part a positive number for display. // if(i32FPart[ui32Idx] < 0) { i32FPart[ui32Idx] *= -1; } } // // Print the acceleration numbers in the table. // UARTprintf("\033[5;17H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[0], i32FPart[0]); UARTprintf("\033[5;40H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[1], i32FPart[1]); UARTprintf("\033[5;63H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[2], i32FPart[2]); // // Print the angular velocities in the table. // UARTprintf("\033[7;17H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[3], i32FPart[3]); UARTprintf("\033[7;40H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[4], i32FPart[4]); UARTprintf("\033[7;63H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[5], i32FPart[5]); // // Print the magnetic data in the table. // UARTprintf("\033[9;17H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[6], i32FPart[6]); UARTprintf("\033[9;40H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[7], i32FPart[7]); UARTprintf("\033[9;63H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[8], i32FPart[8]); // // Print the Eulers in a table. // UARTprintf("\033[14;17H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[9], i32FPart[9]); UARTprintf("\033[14;40H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[10], i32FPart[10]); UARTprintf("\033[14;63H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[11], i32FPart[11]); // // Print the quaternions in a table format. // UARTprintf("\033[19;14H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[12], i32FPart[12]); UARTprintf("\033[19;32H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[13], i32FPart[13]); UARTprintf("\033[19;50H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[14], i32FPart[14]); UARTprintf("\033[19;68H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[15], i32FPart[15]); } } }
//***************************************************************************** // // Main 'C' Language entry point. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { float fTemperature, fPressure, fAltitude; int32_t i32IntegerPart; int32_t i32FractionPart; // // Setup the system clock to run at 40 MHz from PLL with crystal reference // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // // Initialize the UART. // ConfigureUART(); // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2JBMP180 Example\n"); // // Set the color to a white approximation. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x8000; // // Initialize RGB driver. Use a default intensity and blink rate. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing. // ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Initialize the GPIO for the LED. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF); ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOOutput(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); ROM_GPIOPinWrite(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1, 0x00); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize the I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the BMP180. // BMP180Init(&g_sBMP180Inst, &g_sI2CInst, BMP180_I2C_ADDRESS, BMP180AppCallback, &g_sBMP180Inst); // // Wait for initialization callback to indicate reset request is complete. // while(g_vui8DataFlag == 0) { // // Wait for I2C Transactions to complete. // } // // Reset the data ready flag // g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Enable the system ticks at 10 Hz. // ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / (10 * 3)); ROM_SysTickIntEnable(); ROM_SysTickEnable(); // // After all the init and config we start blink the LED // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); // // Begin the data collection and printing. Loop Forever. // while(1) { // // Read the data from the BMP180 over I2C. This command starts a // temperature measurement. Then polls until temperature is ready. // Then automatically starts a pressure measurement and polls for that // to complete. When both measurement are complete and in the local // buffer then the application callback is called from the I2C // interrupt context. Polling is done on I2C interrupts allowing // processor to continue doing other tasks as needed. // BMP180DataRead(&g_sBMP180Inst, BMP180AppCallback, &g_sBMP180Inst); while(g_vui8DataFlag == 0) { // // Wait for the new data set to be available. // } // // Reset the data ready flag. // g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Get a local copy of the latest temperature data in float format. // BMP180DataTemperatureGetFloat(&g_sBMP180Inst, &fTemperature); // // Convert the floats to an integer part and fraction part for easy // print. // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t) fTemperature; i32FractionPart =(int32_t) (fTemperature * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } // // Print temperature with three digits of decimal precision. // UARTprintf("Temperature %3d.%03d\t\t", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); // // Get a local copy of the latest air pressure data in float format. // BMP180DataPressureGetFloat(&g_sBMP180Inst, &fPressure); // // Convert the floats to an integer part and fraction part for easy // print. // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t) fPressure; i32FractionPart =(int32_t) (fPressure * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } // // Print Pressure with three digits of decimal precision. // UARTprintf("Pressure %3d.%03d\t\t", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); // // Calculate the altitude. // fAltitude = 44330.0f * (1.0f - powf(fPressure / 101325.0f, 1.0f / 5.255f)); // // Convert the floats to an integer part and fraction part for easy // print. // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t) fAltitude; i32FractionPart =(int32_t) (fAltitude * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } // // Print altitude with three digits of decimal precision. // UARTprintf("Altitude %3d.%03d", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); // // Print new line. // UARTprintf("\n"); // // Delay to keep printing speed reasonable. About 100 milliseconds. // ROM_SysCtlDelay(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / (10 * 3)); }//while end }
//***************************************************************************** // // Main 'C' Language entry point. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { float fAmbient; int32_t i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart; uint8_t ui8Mask; // // Setup the system clock to run at 40 Mhz from PLL with crystal reference // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); // // Initialize the UART and its pins. // ConfigureUART(); // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2JISL29023 Example\n"); // // Set the color to a white approximation. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x8000; // // Initialize RGB driver. Use a default intensity and blink rate. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing. // ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for INT signal from the // ISL29023 // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_5); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_5); ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); ROM_IntEnable(INT_GPIOE); // // Keep only some parts of the systems running while in sleep mode. // GPIOE is for the ISL29023 interrupt pin. // UART0 is the virtual serial port // TIMER0, TIMER1 and WTIMER5 are used by the RGB driver // I2C3 is the I2C interface to the ISL29023 // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); // // Configure desired interrupt priorities. Setting the I2C interrupt to be // of more priority than SysTick and the GPIO interrupt means those // interrupt routines can use the I2CM_DRV Application context does not use // I2CM_DRV API and GPIO and SysTick are at the same priority level. This // prevents re-entrancy problems with I2CM_DRV but keeps the MCU in sleep // state as much as possible. UART is at least priority so it can operate // in the background. // ROM_IntPrioritySet(INT_I2C3, 0x00); ROM_IntPrioritySet(FAULT_SYSTICK, 0x40); ROM_IntPrioritySet(INT_GPIOE, 0x80); ROM_IntPrioritySet(INT_UART0, 0x80); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the ISL29023 Driver. // ISL29023Init(&g_sISL29023Inst, &g_sI2CInst, ISL29023_I2C_ADDRESS, ISL29023AppCallback, &g_sISL29023Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // ISL29023AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the ISL29023 to measure ambient light continuously. Set a 8 // sample persistence before the INT pin is asserted. Clears the INT flag. // Persistence setting of 8 is sufficient to ignore camera flashes. // ui8Mask = (ISL29023_CMD_I_OP_MODE_M | ISL29023_CMD_I_INT_PERSIST_M | ISL29023_CMD_I_INT_FLAG_M); ISL29023ReadModifyWrite(&g_sISL29023Inst, ISL29023_O_CMD_I, ~ui8Mask, (ISL29023_CMD_I_OP_MODE_ALS_CONT | ISL29023_CMD_I_INT_PERSIST_8), ISL29023AppCallback, &g_sISL29023Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // ISL29023AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the upper threshold to 80% of maximum value // g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data[1] = 0xCC; g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data[2] = 0xCC; ISL29023Write(&g_sISL29023Inst, ISL29023_O_INT_HT_LSB, g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data, 2, ISL29023AppCallback, &g_sISL29023Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // ISL29023AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the lower threshold to 20% of maximum value // g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data[1] = 0x33; g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data[2] = 0x33; ISL29023Write(&g_sISL29023Inst, ISL29023_O_INT_LT_LSB, g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data, 2, ISL29023AppCallback, &g_sISL29023Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // ISL29023AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // //Configure and enable SysTick Timer // ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / SYSTICKS_PER_SECOND); ROM_SysTickIntEnable(); ROM_SysTickEnable(); // // After all the init and config we start blink the LED // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); // // Loop Forever // while(1) { ROM_SysCtlSleep(); if(g_vui8DataFlag) { g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Get a local floating point copy of the latest light data // ISL29023DataLightVisibleGetFloat(&g_sISL29023Inst, &fAmbient); // // Perform the conversion from float to a printable set of integers // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t)fAmbient; i32FractionPart = (int32_t)(fAmbient * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } // // Print the temperature as integer and fraction parts. // UARTprintf("Visible Lux: %3d.%03d\n", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); // // Check if the intensity of light has crossed a threshold. If so // then adjust range of sensor readings to track intensity. // if(g_vui8IntensityFlag) { // // Disable the low priority interrupts leaving only the I2C // interrupt enabled. // ROM_IntPriorityMaskSet(0x40); // // Reset the intensity trigger flag. // g_vui8IntensityFlag = 0; // // Adjust the lux range. // ISL29023AppAdjustRange(&g_sISL29023Inst); // // Now we must manually clear the flag in the ISL29023 // register. // ISL29023Read(&g_sISL29023Inst, ISL29023_O_CMD_I, g_sISL29023Inst.pui8Data, 1, ISL29023AppCallback, &g_sISL29023Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // ISL29023AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Disable priority masking so all interrupts are enabled. // ROM_IntPriorityMaskSet(0); } } } }
//***************************************************************************** // // Main 'C' Language entry point. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { float fAmbient, fObject; int_fast32_t i32IntegerPart; int_fast32_t i32FractionPart; // // Setup the system clock to run at 40 Mhz from PLL with crystal reference // ROM_SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); // // Initialize the UART. // ConfigureUART(); // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2J\033[1;1HTMP006 Example\n"); // // Setup the color of the RGB LED. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0xFFFF; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0; // // Initialize the RGB Driver and start RGB blink operation. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // This step is not necessary if your part does not support pin muxing. // ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for DRDY from the TMP006 // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); ROM_IntEnable(INT_GPIOE); // // Keep only some parts of the systems running while in sleep mode. // GPIOE is for the TMP006 data ready interrupt. // UART0 is the virtual serial port // TIMER0, TIMER1 and WTIMER5 are used by the RGB driver // I2C3 is the I2C interface to the TMP006 // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the TMP006 // TMP006Init(&g_sTMP006Inst, &g_sI2CInst, TMP006_I2C_ADDRESS, TMP006AppCallback, &g_sTMP006Inst); // // Put the processor to sleep while we wait for the I2C driver to // indicate that the transaction is complete. // while((g_vui8DataFlag == 0) && (g_vui8ErrorFlag == 0)) { ROM_SysCtlSleep(); } // // If an error occurred call the error handler immediately. // if(g_vui8ErrorFlag) { TMP006AppErrorHandler(__FILE__, __LINE__); } // // clear the data flag for next use. // g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Delay for 10 milliseconds for TMP006 reset to complete. // Not explicitly required. Datasheet does not say how long a reset takes. // ROM_SysCtlDelay(ROM_SysCtlClockGet() / (100 * 3)); // // Enable the DRDY pin indication that a conversion is in progress. // TMP006ReadModifyWrite(&g_sTMP006Inst, TMP006_O_CONFIG, ~TMP006_CONFIG_EN_DRDY_PIN_M, TMP006_CONFIG_EN_DRDY_PIN, TMP006AppCallback, &g_sTMP006Inst); // // Wait for the DRDY enable I2C transaction to complete. // while((g_vui8DataFlag == 0) && (g_vui8ErrorFlag == 0)) { ROM_SysCtlSleep(); } // // If an error occurred call the error handler immediately. // if(g_vui8ErrorFlag) { TMP006AppErrorHandler(__FILE__, __LINE__); } // // clear the data flag for next use. // g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Last thing before the loop start blinking to show we got this far and // the tmp006 is setup and ready for auto measure // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); // // Loop Forever // while(1) { // // Put the processor to sleep while we wait for the TMP006 to // signal that data is ready. Also continue to sleep while I2C // transactions get the raw data from the TMP006 // while((g_vui8DataFlag == 0) && (g_vui8ErrorFlag == 0)) { ROM_SysCtlSleep(); } // // If an error occurred call the error handler immediately. // if(g_vui8ErrorFlag) { TMP006AppErrorHandler(__FILE__, __LINE__); } // // Reset the flag // g_vui8DataFlag = 0; // // Get a local copy of the latest data in float format. // TMP006DataTemperatureGetFloat(&g_sTMP006Inst, &fAmbient, &fObject); // // Convert the floating point ambient temperature to an integer part // and fraction part for easy printing. // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t)fAmbient; i32FractionPart = (int32_t)(fAmbient * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } UARTprintf("Ambient %3d.%03d\t", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); // // Convert the floating point ambient temperature to an integer part // and fraction part for easy printing. // i32IntegerPart = (int32_t)fObject; i32FractionPart = (int32_t)(fObject * 1000.0f); i32FractionPart = i32FractionPart - (i32IntegerPart * 1000); if(i32FractionPart < 0) { i32FractionPart *= -1; } UARTprintf("Object %3d.%03d\n", i32IntegerPart, i32FractionPart); } }
//***************************************************************************** // // Main application entry point. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { int_fast32_t i32IPart[17], i32FPart[17]; uint_fast32_t ui32Idx, ui32CompDCMStarted; float pfData[17]; float *pfAccel, *pfGyro, *pfMag, *pfEulers, *pfQuaternion; float *direction; // // Initialize convenience pointers that clean up and clarify the code // meaning. We want all the data in a single contiguous array so that // we can make our pretty printing easier later. // pfAccel = pfData; pfGyro = pfData + 3; pfMag = pfData + 6; pfEulers = pfData + 9; pfQuaternion = pfData + 12; direction = pfData + 16; // // Setup the system clock to run at 40 Mhz from PLL with crystal reference // ROM_SysCtlClockSet( SYSCTL_SYSDIV_5 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN); // // Enable port E used for motion interrupt. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); // // Enable port F used for calibration. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOF); // // Initialize the UART. // ConfigureUART(); /* EEPROM SETTINGS */ SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_EEPROM0); // EEPROM activate EEPROMInit(); // EEPROM start // // Print the welcome message to the terminal. // UARTprintf("\033[2JMPU9150 Raw Example\n"); // // Set the color to a purple approximation. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x8000; // // Initialize RGB driver. // RGBInit(0); RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBIntensitySet(0.5f); RGBEnable(); // Initialize BGLib bglib_output = output; ConfigureBLE(); // // The I2C3 peripheral must be enabled before use. // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOD); // // Configure the pin muxing for I2C3 functions on port D0 and D1. // ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD0_I2C3SCL); ROM_GPIOPinConfigure(GPIO_PD1_I2C3SDA); // // Select the I2C function for these pins. This function will also // configure the GPIO pins pins for I2C operation, setting them to // open-drain operation with weak pull-ups. Consult the data sheet // to see which functions are allocated per pin. // GPIOPinTypeI2CSCL(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); ROM_GPIOPinTypeI2C(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_1); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for INT signal from the // MPU9150 // ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2); ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_2, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); ROM_IntEnable(INT_GPIOE); // // Keep only some parts of the systems running while in sleep mode. // GPIOE is for the MPU9150 interrupt pin. // UART0 is the virtual serial port // TIMER0, TIMER1 and WTIMER5 are used by the RGB driver // I2C3 is the I2C interface to the ISL29023 // ROM_SysCtlPeripheralClockGating(true); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_GPIOE); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_UART0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER0); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_I2C3); ROM_SysCtlPeripheralSleepEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER5); // // Enable interrupts to the processor. // ROM_IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize I2C3 peripheral. // I2CMInit(&g_sI2CInst, I2C3_BASE, INT_I2C3, 0xff, 0xff, ROM_SysCtlClockGet()); // // Initialize the MPU9150 Driver. // MPU9150Init(&g_sMPU9150Inst, &g_sI2CInst, MPU9150_I2C_ADDRESS, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the sampling rate to 1000 Hz / (1+24). // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = 24; MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_SMPLRT_DIV, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 1, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Write application specifice sensor configuration such as filter settings // and sensor range settings. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_CONFIG_DLPF_CFG_94_98; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_GYRO_CONFIG_FS_SEL_250; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[2] = (MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_ACCEL_HPF_5HZ | MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_2G); // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[2] = MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_AFS_SEL_2G; MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_CONFIG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 3, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Configure the data ready interrupt pin output of the MPU9150. // g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[0] = MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_LEVEL | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_INT_RD_CLEAR | MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_LATCH_INT_EN; g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data[1] = MPU9150_INT_ENABLE_DATA_RDY_EN; MPU9150Write(&g_sMPU9150Inst, MPU9150_O_INT_PIN_CFG, g_sMPU9150Inst.pui8Data, 2, MPU9150AppCallback, &g_sMPU9150Inst); // // Wait for transaction to complete // MPU9150AppI2CWait(__FILE__, __LINE__); // // Initialize the DCM system. 40 hz sample rate. // accel weight = .2, gyro weight = .8, mag weight = .2 // CompDCMInit(&g_sCompDCMInst, 1.0f / 40.0f, 0.2f, 0.6f, 0.2f); // // Enable blinking indicates config finished successfully // RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); // // Configure and Enable the GPIO interrupt. Used for calibration // HWREG(GPIO_PORTF_BASE + GPIO_O_LOCK) = GPIO_LOCK_KEY; HWREG(GPIO_PORTF_BASE + GPIO_O_CR) |= 0x01; ROM_GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4); GPIOPadConfigSet(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA, GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU); ROM_IntEnable(INT_GPIOF); ROM_GPIOIntTypeSet(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4, GPIO_FALLING_EDGE); GPIOIntEnable(GPIO_PORTF_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4); g_calibrationState = 0; ui32CompDCMStarted = 0; // Configure the white noise, read the error from EEPROM EEPROMRead((uint32_t *) zeroErrorAccel, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS, 12); EEPROMRead((uint32_t *) linearErrorAccel, EEPROM_LINEAR_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS, 12); EEPROMRead((uint32_t *) zeroErrorGyro, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_GYROSCOPE_ADDRESS, 12); while (1) { // // Go to sleep mode while waiting for data ready. // while (!g_vui8I2CDoneFlag) { //ROM_SysCtlSleep(); } // // Clear the flag // g_vui8I2CDoneFlag = 0; // // Get floating point version of the Accel Data in m/s^2. // MPU9150DataAccelGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfAccel, pfAccel + 1, pfAccel + 2); // // Get floating point version of angular velocities in rad/sec // MPU9150DataGyroGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfGyro, pfGyro + 1, pfGyro + 2); // // Get floating point version of magnetic fields strength in tesla // MPU9150DataMagnetoGetFloat(&g_sMPU9150Inst, pfMag, pfMag + 1, pfMag + 2); if (g_calibrationState == 2) { zeroErrorAccel[0] = (pfAccel[0] + zeroErrorAccel[0] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); zeroErrorAccel[1] = (pfAccel[1] + zeroErrorAccel[1] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); accelAtGravity[2] = (pfAccel[2] + accelAtGravity[2] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); zeroErrorGyro[0] = (pfGyro[0] + zeroErrorGyro[0] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); zeroErrorGyro[1] = (pfGyro[1] + zeroErrorGyro[1] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); zeroErrorGyro[2] = (pfGyro[2] + zeroErrorGyro[2] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); g_calibrationCount++; if (g_calibrationCount > 500) { Calibration(); } continue; } else if (g_calibrationState == 4) { zeroErrorAccel[2] = (pfAccel[2] + zeroErrorAccel[2] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); accelAtGravity[1] = (pfAccel[1] + accelAtGravity[1] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); g_calibrationCount++; if (g_calibrationCount > 500) { Calibration(); } continue; } else if (g_calibrationState == 6) { accelAtGravity[0] = (pfAccel[0] + accelAtGravity[0] * g_calibrationCount) / (g_calibrationCount + 1); g_calibrationCount++; if (g_calibrationCount > 500) { Calibration(); } continue; } // Cancel out white noise // pfAccel[0] = pfAccel[0] - zeroErrorAccel[0]; // pfAccel[1] = pfAccel[1] - zeroErrorAccel[1]; // pfAccel[2] = pfAccel[2] - zeroErrorAccel[2]; // pfGyro[0] = pfGyro[0] - zeroErrorGyro[0]; // pfGyro[1] = pfGyro[1] - zeroErrorGyro[1]; // pfGyro[2] = pfGyro[2] - zeroErrorGyro[2]; // // Straighten out linear noise // pfAccel[0] = pfAccel[0] * (1 + linearErrorAccel[0]); // pfAccel[1] = pfAccel[1] * (1 + linearErrorAccel[1]); // pfAccel[2] = pfAccel[2] * (1 + linearErrorAccel[2]); // // Check if this is our first data ever. // if (ui32CompDCMStarted == 0) { // // Set flag indicating that DCM is started. // Perform the seeding of the DCM with the first data set. // ui32CompDCMStarted = 1; CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfMag[0], pfMag[1], pfMag[2]); CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfAccel[0], pfAccel[1], pfAccel[2]); CompDCMGyroUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfGyro[0], pfGyro[1], pfGyro[2]); CompDCMStart(&g_sCompDCMInst); } else { // // DCM Is already started. Perform the incremental update. // CompDCMMagnetoUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfMag[0], pfMag[1], pfMag[2]); CompDCMAccelUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfAccel[0], pfAccel[1], pfAccel[2]); CompDCMGyroUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst, -pfGyro[0], -pfGyro[1], -pfGyro[2]); CompDCMUpdate(&g_sCompDCMInst); } // // Increment the skip counter. Skip counter is used so we do not // overflow the UART with data. // g_ui32PrintSkipCounter++; if (g_ui32PrintSkipCounter >= PRINT_SKIP_COUNT) { // // Reset skip counter. // g_ui32PrintSkipCounter = 0; // // Get Euler data. (Roll Pitch Yaw) // CompDCMComputeEulers(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfEulers, pfEulers + 1, pfEulers + 2); // // Get Quaternions. // CompDCMComputeQuaternion(&g_sCompDCMInst, pfQuaternion); // // convert mag data to micro-tesla for better human interpretation. // pfMag[0] *= 1e6; pfMag[1] *= 1e6; pfMag[2] *= 1e6; // // Convert Eulers to degrees. 180/PI = 57.29... // Convert Yaw to 0 to 360 to approximate compass headings. // pfEulers[0] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; pfEulers[1] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; pfEulers[2] *= 57.295779513082320876798154814105f; if (pfEulers[2] < 0) { pfEulers[2] += 360.0f; } // Use pfMag to display degrees of the Magnetomer's x-axis // (y-axis of accelerometer and gyroscope) to the east of // magnetic north pole // direction[0] = 0; // if (pfMag[1] == 0) { // if (pfMag[0] > 0) { // direction[0] = 0; // } else { // direction[0] = 180; // } // } else if (pfMag[1] > 0) { // direction[0] = 90 - atan2f(pfMag[0], pfMag[1]) * 180 / 3.14159265359; // } else if (pfMag[1] < 0) { // direction[0] = 270 - atan2f(pfMag[0], pfMag[1]) * 180 / 3.14159265359; // } // // Now drop back to using the data as a single array for the // purpose of decomposing the float into a integer part and a // fraction (decimal) part. // for (ui32Idx = 0; ui32Idx < 17; ui32Idx++) { // // Conver float value to a integer truncating the decimal part. // i32IPart[ui32Idx] = (int32_t) pfData[ui32Idx]; // // Multiply by 1000 to preserve first three decimal values. // Truncates at the 3rd decimal place. // i32FPart[ui32Idx] = (int32_t) (pfData[ui32Idx] * 1000.0f); // // Subtract off the integer part from this newly formed decimal // part. // i32FPart[ui32Idx] = i32FPart[ui32Idx] - (i32IPart[ui32Idx] * 1000); // // make the decimal part a positive number for display. // if (i32FPart[ui32Idx] < 0) { i32FPart[ui32Idx] *= -1; } } if (g_bleUserFlag == 1) { g_bleFlag = 0; ble_cmd_attributes_write(58, 0, 12, (uint8_t*)pfEuler); while (g_bleFlag == 0) { } } else if (g_bleDisconnectFlag == 1) { ConfigureBLE(); } // // Print the acceleration numbers in the table. // // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[0], i32FPart[0]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[1], i32FPart[1]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d\n", i32IPart[2], i32FPart[2]); // // // // // Print the angular velocities in the table. // // // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[3], i32FPart[3]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[4], i32FPart[4]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d\n", i32IPart[5], i32FPart[5]); // // // // // Print the magnetic data in the table. // // // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[6], i32FPart[6]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[7], i32FPart[7]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d\n", i32IPart[8], i32FPart[8]); // // // // // Print the direction in the table. // // // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d\n", i32IPart[16], i32FPart[16]); // // // // Print the Eulers in a table. // // // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[9], i32FPart[9]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d, ", i32IPart[10], i32FPart[10]); // UARTprintf("%3d.%03d\n", i32IPart[11], i32FPart[11]); // // // // // Print the quaternions in a table format. // // // UARTprintf("\033[19;14H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[12], i32FPart[12]); // UARTprintf("\033[19;32H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[13], i32FPart[13]); // UARTprintf("\033[19;50H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[14], i32FPart[14]); // UARTprintf("\033[19;68H%3d.%03d", i32IPart[15], i32FPart[15]); } } }
//***************************************************************************** // // Calibration state machine // //***************************************************************************** void Calibration() { switch (g_calibrationState) { case 0: { g_calibrationState++; // // Reset errors to default // zeroErrorAccel[0] = 0.3530; zeroErrorAccel[1] = 0.1563; zeroErrorAccel[2] = -0.3140; EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *) zeroErrorAccel, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS, 12); zeroErrorGyro[0] = 0.0526; zeroErrorGyro[1] = 0.0156; zeroErrorGyro[2] = 0.0157; EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *) zeroErrorGyro, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_GYROSCOPE_ADDRESS, 12); // // Set the color to RED. // RGBBlinkRateSet(0.0f); g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x0000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x0000; RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); RGBEnable(); break; } case 1: { g_calibrationState++; g_calibrationCount = 0; zeroErrorAccel[0] = 0; zeroErrorAccel[1] = 0; zeroErrorAccel[2] = 0; zeroErrorGyro[0] = 0; zeroErrorGyro[1] = 0; zeroErrorGyro[2] = 0; RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); break; } case 2: { g_calibrationState++; RGBBlinkRateSet(0.0f); // // Set the color to BLUE. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x0000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x0000; RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); // Write the calibration result to EEPROM EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *) zeroErrorAccel, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS, 8); EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *) zeroErrorGyro, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_GYROSCOPE_ADDRESS, 12); break; } case 3: { g_calibrationState++; g_calibrationCount = 0; RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); break; } case 4: { g_calibrationState++; RGBBlinkRateSet(0.0f); // // Set the color to GREEN. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x00000; RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); // Write the calibration result to EEPROM linearErrorAccel[1] = (accelAtGravity[1] - zeroErrorAccel[1]) / 9.81 - 1; linearErrorAccel[2] = (accelAtGravity[2] - zeroErrorAccel[2]) / 9.81 - 1; EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *)zeroErrorAccel+2, EEPROM_ZERO_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS+8, 4); EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *)linearErrorAccel+1, EEPROM_LINEAR_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS+4, 8); break; } case 5: { g_calibrationState++; g_calibrationCount = 0; RGBBlinkRateSet(1.0f); break; } case 6: { // finish calibration g_calibrationState = 0; // // Set the color to tri-colour. // g_pui32Colors[RED] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[BLUE] = 0x8000; g_pui32Colors[GREEN] = 0x8000; RGBColorSet(g_pui32Colors); // Write the calibration result to EEPROM linearErrorAccel[0] = (accelAtGravity[0] - zeroErrorAccel[0]) / 9.81 - 1; EEPROMProgram((uint32_t *)linearErrorAccel, EEPROM_LINEAR_ERROR_ACCELERATION_ADDRESS, 4); break; } default: break; } }
static portTASK_FUNCTION(HighTask,pvParameters) { unsigned char frame[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; int num_datos; double altitud; int16_t ejes[3]; double combustible; float velocidad; int tiempoSim; while(1) { vTaskDelay(configTICK_RATE_HZ); //Cada seg //Obtenemos las variables altitud=getAltitud(); velocidad=getVelocidad(); tiempoSim=getTiempoSim(); if(altitud>0){ //Si la altitud es mayor que cero cambiamos la altitud getEjes(ejes); altitud += sin((ejes[PITCH]*3.14f)/180) *(velocidad*(1000/(60/tiempoSim))); if(altitud>99999){ //99999 es el maximo del panel QT altitud=99999; } //Enviamos la trama con la altitud setAltitud(altitud); num_datos=create_frame(frame, COMANDO_HIGH, &altitud, sizeof(altitud), MAX_FRAME_SIZE); if (num_datos>=0){ send_frame(frame, num_datos); }else{ logError(num_datos); } //Obtenemos el combustible combustible=getCombustible(); if(combustible==0){//Si ya estamos sin combustible hacemos parpadear los led con la altitud color[BLUE]=0xFFFF; if(altitud<=800){ color[RED]=0xFFFF; color[GREEN]=0x0; } RGBColorSet(color); if(altitud<2000){ RGBBlinkRateSet((float)(1000/(altitud+1))); } tiempoSim=getTiempoSim(); //Aumentamos la velocidad a 9,8m/s^2 velocidad+=9.8*(60*tiempoSim)/1000; setVelocidad(velocidad); //Enviamos la nueva velocidad num_datos=create_frame(frame, COMANDO_SPEED, &velocidad, sizeof(velocidad), MAX_FRAME_SIZE); if (num_datos>=0){ send_frame(frame, num_datos); }else{ logError(num_datos); } } }else{ //Si la altitud es menor o igual a 0 //Variables a cero velocidad=0; altitud=0; setVelocidad(velocidad); setAltitud(altitud); //Enviamos comando colision if(combustible!=0) ADCSequenceDisable(ADC0_BASE,0); num_datos=create_frame(frame, COMANDO_COLISION,NULL, 0, MAX_FRAME_SIZE); if (num_datos>=0){ send_frame(frame, num_datos); }else{ logError(num_datos); } //BLOQUEAMOS LA TIVA vTaskDelete(sensorTaskHandle); vTaskDelete( consumoTaskHandle ); vTaskDelete(altitudTaskHandle); vTaskDelete( turbulenciasTaskHandle ); vTaskEndScheduler( ); while(1); } } }