Пример #1
int x1205Enable(void)
	u_char writeBuffer[5];
	writeBuffer[0] = 0;	
	writeBuffer[1] = 0x3f;
	writeBuffer[2] = 0x02;
	TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, writeBuffer, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
	writeBuffer[2] = 0x06;
	TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, writeBuffer, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
	return 1;
Пример #2
// Returns 0 on success, err code on err
uint8_t ds2482SendCmd(uint8_t cmd)
#if 1
    // 50 msec is too much?
    int ret = TwMasterTransact(DS2482I2cAddr, &cmd, 1, 0, 0, 50 );

    if(ret < 0)
        return TwMasterError();

    return 0;
    //return ret == 0 ? 0 : -1;

	uint8_t data;
	uint8_t i2cStat;

	// send command
	i2cStat = i2cMasterSendNI(DS2482I2cAddr, 1, &cmd);
	if(i2cStat == I2C_ERROR_NODEV)
		printf("No I2C Device\r\n");
		return i2cStat;
	// check status
	i2cStat = i2cMasterReceiveNI(DS2482I2cAddr, 1, &data);

//	rprintf("Cmd=0x%x  Status=0x%x\r\n", cmd, data);

        return (i2cStat == I2C_OK);
Пример #3
 * \brief Read RTC registers.
 * \param reg  The first register to read.
 * \param buff Pointer to a buffer that receives the register contents.
 * \param cnt  The number of registers to read.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int PcfRtcReadRegs(uint8_t reg, uint8_t *buff, size_t cnt)
    int rc = -1;

    if (TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, &reg, 1, buff, cnt, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) == cnt) {
        rc = 0;
    return rc;
Пример #4
// Returns 0 on success, err code on err
static uint8_t i2cMasterReceiveNI(uint8_t addr, uint8_t len, uint8_t *buf)
	int ret = TwMasterTransact( addr, 0, 0, buf, len, 50 );
    if(ret < 0)
        return TwMasterError();

    return 0;
Пример #5
 * \brief Store buffer contents in non-volatile EEPROM.
 * The EEPROM of the X122x has a capacity of 512 bytes, while the X1286 is
 * able to store 32 kBytes.
 * \param addr  Storage start location.
 * \param buff  Points to a buffer that contains the bytes to store.
 * \param len   Number of valid bytes in the buffer.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int X12EepromWrite(u_int addr, CONST void *buff, size_t len)
    int rc = 0;
    u_char *wbuf;
    size_t wlen;
    CONST u_char *wp = buff;

     * Loop for each page to be written to.
    while (len)
        /* Do not cross page boundaries. */
        wlen = EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE - (addr & (EEPROM_PAGE_SIZE - 1));
        if (wlen > len)
            wlen = len;

        /* Allocate and set a TWI write buffer. */
        if ((wbuf = malloc(wlen + 2)) == 0)
            rc = -1;
        wbuf[0] = (u_char)(addr >> 8);
        wbuf[1] = (u_char)addr;
        memcpy(wbuf + 2, (void *)wp, wlen);

        /* Enable EEPROM write access and send the write buffer. */
        if ((rc = X12WriteEnable(1)) == 0)
            rc = TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_EEPROM, wbuf, wlen + 2, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);

        /* Release the buffer and check the result. */
        if (rc)
        len -= wlen;
        addr += wlen;
        wp += wlen;

        /* Poll for write cycle finished. */
        if ((rc = X12WaitReady()) != 0)

Пример #6
 * \brief Wait until non-volatile write cycle finished.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
static int X12WaitReady(void)
    u_char poll;
    int cnt = 20;

    /* Poll for write cycle finished. */
    while (--cnt && TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_EEPROM, 0, 0, &poll, 1, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) == -1)
    return(cnt ? 0 : -1);
Пример #7
 * \brief Read contents from non-volatile EEPROM.
 * \param addr  Start location.
 * \param buff  Points to a buffer that receives the contents.
 * \param len   Number of bytes to read.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int X12EepromRead(u_int addr, void *buff, size_t len)
    int rc = -1;
    u_char wbuf[2];

    wbuf[0] = (u_char)(addr >> 8);
    wbuf[1] = (u_char)addr;
    if (TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_EEPROM, wbuf, 2, buff, len, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) == len)
        rc = 0;
Пример #8
 * \brief Read RTC registers.
 * \param reg  The first register to read.
 * \param buff Pointer to a buffer that receives the register contents.
 * \param cnt  The number of registers to read.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int X12RtcReadRegs(u_char reg, u_char *buff, size_t cnt)
    int rc = -1;
    u_char wbuf[2];

    wbuf[0] = 0;
    wbuf[1] = reg;
    if (TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, wbuf, 2, buff, cnt, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) == cnt)
        rc = 0;
Пример #9
int x1205WriteByte(unsigned char addr, unsigned char data ) //, unsigned char cnt)
	int retval = 0;
	u_char writeBuffer[3];
	writeBuffer[0] = 0;	
	writeBuffer[1] = addr;
	writeBuffer[2] = data;
	TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, writeBuffer, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
	return retval;
Пример #10
 * \brief Enable or disable write access.
 * \param on Write access is disabled if this parameter is 0, or
 *           enabled otherwise.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
static int X12WriteEnable(int on)
    int rc;
    u_char buf[3];

    buf[0] = 0;
    buf[1] = 0x3F;
    if (on)
        buf[2] = 0x02;
        if ((rc = TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, buf, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE)) == 0)
            buf[2] = 0x06;
            rc = TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, buf, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
        buf[2] = 0x00;
        rc = TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, buf, 3, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
void i2c_findslaves() {
	byte slaveaddr = TWSLA_MIN; /* Lowest slave address */
	byte data[2];
	byte recvdata[2];
	memset(data, '\0', 2);

	data[0] = I2C_DATA_PING;

	for (; slaveaddr <= TWSLA_MAX; slaveaddr++) {
		TwMasterTransact(slaveaddr, (void *)data, I2C_DATA_LENGTH, 
							  (void *)recvdata, I2C_DATA_LENGTH, 0);

Пример #12
 * \brief Write to RTC registers.
 * \param nv   Must be set to 1 when writing to non-volatile registers.
 *             In this case the routine will poll for write cycle
 *             completion before returning to the caller. Set to zero
 *             if writing to volatile registers.
 * \param buff This buffer must contain all bytes to be transfered to
 *             the RTC chip, including the register address.
 * \param cnt  Number of valid bytes in the buffer.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int X12RtcWrite(int nv, CONST u_char *buff, size_t cnt)
    int rc;

    if ((rc = X12WriteEnable(1)) == 0)
        rc = TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, buff, cnt, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
        if (rc == 0 && nv)
            rc = X12WaitReady();
Пример #13
// Returns 0 on success, err code on err
uint8_t ds2482SendCmdArg(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t arg)
#if 1
    uint8_t data[2];

    // prepare command
    data[0] = cmd;
    data[1] = arg;

//DEBUG_PUTS("ds2482SendCmdArg TwMasterTransact.. ");
    // 50 msec is too much?
    int ret = TwMasterTransact(DS2482I2cAddr, data, 2, 0, 0, 50 );
//DEBUG_PUTS("ds2482SendCmdArg TwMasterTransact out.. ");
    if(ret < 0)
        return TwMasterError();

    return 0;
    //return ret == reply_size ? 0 : -1;
	uint8_t data[2];
	uint8_t i2cStat;

	// prepare command
	data[0] = cmd;
	data[1] = arg;
	// send command
	i2cStat = i2cMasterSendNI(DS2482I2cAddr, 2, data);
	if(i2cStat == I2C_ERROR_NODEV)
		printf("No I2C Device\r\n");
		return i2cStat;
	// check status
	i2cStat = i2cMasterReceiveNI(DS2482I2cAddr, 1, data);

//	rprintf("Cmd=0x%x  Arg=0x%x  Status=0x%x\r\n", cmd, arg, data[0]);

	return (i2cStat == I2C_OK);
Пример #14
int x1205ReadByte(unsigned char addr)
	int retval = 1;
	u_char writeBuffer[2];
	u_char readBuffer[2];
	writeBuffer[0] = 0;
	writeBuffer[1] = addr;  // SC register in x1205 RTC, datasheet page 10
	// TwMasterTransact schrijft eerst en leest daarna. Dit is wat we willen.
	// Schrijf eerst werk register we willen lezen, daarna lees het register
	if( TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, writeBuffer, 2, readBuffer, 2, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE) != 2 )
		retval = -1;
		LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("error x1205readByte()"));
		LogMsg_P(LOG_INFO, PSTR("x1205 says: [%02x][%02x]"), readBuffer[0], readBuffer[1] );
	return retval;
Пример #15
 * \brief Write to RTC registers.
 * \param nv   Must be set to 1 when writing to non-volatile registers.
 *             In this case the routine will poll for write cycle
 *             completion before returning to the caller. Set to zero
 *             if writing to volatile registers.
 * \param buff This buffer must contain all bytes to be transfered to
 *             the RTC chip, including the register address.
 * \param cnt  Number of valid bytes in the buffer.
 * \return 0 on success or -1 in case of an error.
int PcfRtcWrite(int nv, const uint8_t *buff, size_t cnt)
    return TwMasterTransact(I2C_SLA_RTC, buff, cnt, 0, 0, NUT_WAIT_INFINITE);
Пример #16
int readI2C(void* params) {
    struct I2CParams* par = (struct I2CParams*) params;
    int ret = 0;
    TwMasterTransact(par->address, &(par->command), 1, &ret, 1, 500);
    return ret;