Пример #1
gcdii(GEN a, GEN b)
  long v, w;
  pari_sp av;
  GEN t;

  switch (absi_cmp(a,b))
    case 0: return absi(a);
    case -1: swap(a,b);
  if (!signe(b)) return absi(a);
  /* here |a|>|b|>0. Try single precision first */
  if (lgefint(a)==3)
    return igcduu((ulong)a[2], (ulong)b[2]);
  if (lgefint(b)==3)
    ulong u = resiu(a,(ulong)b[2]);
    if (!u) return absi(b);
    return igcduu((ulong)b[2], u);
  /* larger than gcd: "avma=av" gerepile (erasing t) is valid */
  av = avma; (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b)+1); /* HACK */
  t = remii(a,b);
  if (!signe(t)) { avma=av; return absi(b); }

  a = b; b = t;
  v = vali(a); a = shifti(a,-v); setabssign(a);
  w = vali(b); b = shifti(b,-w); setabssign(b);
  if (w < v) v = w;
    case  0: avma=av; a=shifti(a,v); return a;
    case -1: swap(a,b);
  if (is_pm1(b)) { avma=av; return int2n(v); }
  /* general case */
  /*This serve two purposes: 1) mpn_gcd destroy its input and need an extra
   * limb 2) this allows us to use icopy instead of gerepile later.  NOTE: we
   * must put u before d else the final icopy could fail.
  GEN res= cgeti(lgefint(a)+1);
  GEN ca = icopy_ef(a,lgefint(a)+1);
  GEN cb = icopy_ef(b,lgefint(b)+1);
  long l = mpn_gcd(LIMBS(res), LIMBS(ca), NLIMBS(ca), LIMBS(cb), NLIMBS(cb));
  res[1] = evalsigne(1)|evallgefint(l+2);
  return shifti(res,v);
Пример #2
static GEN
nf_chk_factors(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN P, GEN M_L, GEN famod, GEN pk)
  GEN nf = T->nf, bound = T->bound;
  GEN nfT = gel(nf,1);
  long i, r;
  GEN pol = P, list, piv, y;
  GEN C2ltpol, C = T->L->topowden, Tpk = T->L->Tpk;
  GEN lc = absi(leading_term(pol)), lt = is_pm1(lc)? NULL: lc;
  GEN Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
  GEN C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);

  piv = special_pivot(M_L);
  if (!piv) return NULL;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("special_pivot output:\n%Z\n",piv);

  r  = lg(piv)-1;
  list = cgetg(r+1, t_COL);
  C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
  for (i = 1;;)
    pari_sp av = avma;
      fprintferr("nf_LLL_cmbf: checking factor %ld (avma - bot = %lu)\n",
                 i, avma - bot);
    y = chk_factors_get(lt, famod, gel(piv,i), Tpk, pk);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) fprintferr("... mod p^k (avma - bot = %lu)\n", avma-bot);
    if (! (y = nf_pol_lift(y, bound, T)) ) return NULL;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) fprintferr("... lifted (avma - bot = %lu)\n", avma-bot);

    y = gerepilecopy(av, y);
    /* y is the candidate factor */
    pol = RgXQX_divrem(C2ltpol, y, nfT, ONLY_DIVIDES);
    if (!pol) return NULL;

    y = Q_primpart(y);
    gel(list,i) = QXQX_normalize(y, nfT);
    if (++i >= r) break;

    if (C2lt) pol = Q_primpart(pol);
    if (lt) lt = absi(leading_term(pol));
    Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
    C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
    C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
  y = Q_primpart(pol);
  gel(list,i) = QXQX_normalize(y, nfT); return list;
Пример #3
int effect(ImageData *img,ImageData *outimg,int som)
	int x,y;
	int i;
	int val;
	int xx,yy;
	int rrx,ggx,bbx;
	int rry,ggy,bby;
	int rr,gg,bb;
	Pixel col;
	int sadr;
	int x1,y1,x2,y2;
	int area,sum;


	for(yy=0;yy<area;yy++) {
		for(xx=0;xx<area;xx++) {
	for(y=y1;y<=y2;y++) {
		for(x=x1;x<=x2;x++) {
			for(yy=0;yy<area;yy++) {
				for(xx=0;xx<area;xx++) {
					val = getPixel(img,x+xx-1,y+yy-1,&col);	得

					rrx+= (int)col.r*fil_x[sadr];
					ggx+= (int)col.g*fil_x[sadr];
					bbx+= (int)col.b*fil_x[sadr];
					rry+= (int)col.r*fil_y[sadr];
					ggy+= (int)col.g*fil_y[sadr];
					bby+= (int)col.b*fil_y[sadr];
			col.r = rr;
			col.g = gg;
			col.b = bb;
	return TRUE;
Пример #4
static void
subfields_poldata(GEN T, poldata *PD)
  GEN  nf,L,dis;

  T = shallowcopy(get_nfpol(T, &nf));
  PD->pol = T; setvarn(T, 0);
  if (nf)
    PD->den = Q_denom(gel(nf,7));
    PD->roo = gel(nf,6);
    PD->dis = mulii(absi(gel(nf,3)), sqri(gel(nf,4)));
    PD->den = initgaloisborne(T,NULL,ZX_get_prec(T), &L,NULL,&dis);
    PD->roo = L;
    PD->dis = absi(dis);
Пример #5
bool UCamRad::removeRadialErrorPixels(UPixel ps[],
                                      UPixel pd[],
                                      unsigned int height,
                                      unsigned int width,
                                      float pixSize)
{ //
  int result = true;
  UXYoffset oxy; // offset x and y
  UXYoffset * oxyh; // line with ofset values
  int decimalFactor = roundi(resultDecimalFactor * pixSize);
  int w, h, i;
  int rhx, rhy;
  double dhx, dhy;
  int ix, iy; // pixel offset in Intensity resolution
  int r1, r2, c1, c2;
  int i1, i2; // intensity (decimal part) from pix 1 and 2
  UPixel * pss; // source pixel pointer intensity (Y)
  UPixel * pdd; // destination pixel pointer Intensity
  UPixel p1, p2, p3, p4, pt, pb, pr; // pixel values
  UPixel gray(128,128,128);
  bool outside, outsideByOne;
  // head point in actual resolution
  dhx = par.getHx();
  dhy = par.getHy();
  rhx = int(dhx);
  rhy = int(dhx);
  // correct all lines
  for (h = 0; h < int(height); h++)
  { // get destination
    pdd = &pd[h * width];
    // get line in offset table
    i = absi(int(pixSize * (double(h)- dhy)));
    // get pointer to first line of offsets
    oxyh = radialOffset[i];
    for (w = 0; w < int(width); w++)
    { // get index to offset value on this line
      i = absi(int(pixSize * (double(w) - dhx)));
      // get offset for this pixel
      oxy = oxyh[i];
      // corrext for right quadrant - matrix is for lower-right
      if (w < rhx)
        oxy.dx = -oxy.dx;
      if (h < rhy)
        oxy.dy = -oxy.dy;
      // if not exact right find 4 pixels to interpolate
      if ((oxy.dx != 0) or (oxy.dy != 0))
      { // get top left pixel offset
        ix = oxy.dx / decimalFactor;
        if (oxy.dx < 0) ix--;
        iy = oxy.dy / decimalFactor;
        if (oxy.dy < 0) iy--;
        // limit to edge of image (reuse border pixels)
        r1 = h + iy;
        r2 = r1 + 1;
        c1 = w + ix;
        c2 = c1 + 1;
        outside = (r1 < 0) or (r2 >= int(height)) or
                  (c1 < 0) or (c2 >= int(width));
        if (outside)
          // may be outside by just one pixel
          outsideByOne = (((r2 == 0) or (r2 == int(height))) and
                                (c2 > 0) and (c2 < int(width))) or
                         (((c2 == 0) or (c2 == int(width))) and
                                (r2 > 0) and (r2 < int(height)));
          outsideByOne = false;
        if (outside and not outsideByOne)
            // both outside - use gray
            *pdd = gray;
        { // not (completely) outside
          // get pixels
          i = r1 * width + c1;
          pss = &ps[i];
          p1 = pss[0];
          p2 = pss[1];
          p3 = pss[width];
          p4 = pss[width + 1];
          if (outsideByOne)
          { // just outside by one, so adjust index to inside
            if (r2 == 0)
            { // top row missing
              p1 = p3;
              p2 = p4;
            if (r2 == int(height))
            { // bottom row missing
              p3 = p1;
              p4 = p2;
            if (c2 == 0)
            { // left column missing
              p1 = p2;
              p3 = p4;
            if (c2 == int(width))
            { // right column missing
              p2 = p1;
              p4 = p3;
          outside = false;
        if (not outside)
        { // get index to top-left of pixels in question
          // get 4 pixels in question
          // get left and right share
          i2 = oxy.dx - ix * decimalFactor; // part of pixel in position (ix, iy)
          i1 = decimalFactor - i2;          // part of (ix+1, iy+1)
          // average for top set of pixels
          pt.y = (unsigned char)((int(p1.y) * i1  + int(p2.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pt.u = (unsigned char)((int(p1.u) * i1  + int(p2.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pt.v = (unsigned char)((int(p1.v) * i1  + int(p2.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // average for bottom set of pixels
          pb.y = (unsigned char)((int(p3.y) * i1  + int(p4.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pb.u = (unsigned char)((int(p3.u) * i1  + int(p4.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pb.v = (unsigned char)((int(p3.v) * i1  + int(p4.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // get shares of top and bottom
          i2 = oxy.dy - iy * decimalFactor; // part of pixel in position (ix, iy)
          i1 = decimalFactor - i2; // part of (ix, iy+1)
          // find result pixel intensity
          pr.y = (unsigned char)((int(pt.y) * i1  + int(pb.y) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pr.u = (unsigned char)((int(pt.u) * i1  + int(pb.u) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          pr.v = (unsigned char)((int(pt.v) * i1  + int(pb.v) * i2)/decimalFactor);
          // implement
          *pdd = pr;
      { // no change, so set destination to source
        pss = &ps[h * width];
        *pdd = pss[w];
  return result;
Пример #6
bezout(GEN a, GEN b, GEN *pu, GEN *pv)
  GEN t,u,u1,v,v1,d,d1,q,r;
  GEN *pt;
  pari_sp av, av1;
  long s, sa, sb;
  ulong g;
  ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1;                /* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */
  int lhmres;                        /* Lehmer stage return value */

  s = abscmpii(a,b);
  if (s < 0)
    t=b; b=a; a=t;
    pt=pu; pu=pv; pv=pt;
  /* now |a| >= |b| */

  sa = signe(a); sb = signe(b);
  if (!sb)
    if (pv) *pv = gen_0;
    case  0: if (pu) *pu = gen_0; return gen_0;
    case  1: if (pu) *pu = gen_1; return icopy(a);
    case -1: if (pu) *pu = gen_m1; return(negi(a));
  if (s == 0)                        /* |a| == |b| != 0 */
    if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
    if (sb > 0)
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_1; return icopy(b); }
    { if (pv) *pv = gen_m1; return(negi(b)); }
  /* now |a| > |b| > 0 */

  if (lgefint(a) == 3)                /* single-word affair */
    g = xxgcduu(uel(a,2), uel(b,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    sa = s > 0 ? sa : -sa;
    sb = s > 0 ? -sb : sb;
    if (pu)
      if (xu == 0) *pu = gen_0; /* can happen when b divides a */
      else if (xu == 1) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xu == 2) *pu = sa < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pu = cgeti(3);
        (*pu)[1] = evalsigne(sa)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pu)[2] = xu;
    if (pv)
      if (xv == 1) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      else if (xv == 2) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m2 : gen_2;
        *pv = cgeti(3);
        (*pv)[1] = evalsigne(sb)|evallgefint(3);
        (*pv)[2] = xv;
    if      (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);

  /* general case */
  av = avma;
  (void)new_chunk(lgefint(b) + (lgefint(a)<<1)); /* room for u,v,gcd */
  /* if a is significantly larger than b, calling lgcdii() is not the best
   * way to start -- reduce a mod b first
  if (lgefint(a) > lgefint(b))
    d = absi(b), q = dvmdii(absi(a), d, &d1);
    if (!signe(d1))                /* a == qb */
      avma = av;
      if (pu) *pu = gen_0;
      if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? gen_m1 : gen_1;
      return (icopy(d));
      u = gen_0;
      u1 = v = gen_1;
      v1 = negi(q);
    /* if this results in lgefint(d) == 3, will fall past main loop */
    d = absi(a); d1 = absi(b);
    u = v1 = gen_1; u1 = v = gen_0;
  av1 = avma;

  /* main loop is almost identical to that of invmod() */
  while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1))
    lhmres = lgcdii((ulong *)d, (ulong *)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, ULONG_MAX);
    if (lhmres != 0)                /* check progress */
    {                                /* apply matrix */
      if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1))
        if (xv1 == 1)
          r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u,u1); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v,v1); v=v1; v1=a;
          r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r;
          a = subii(u, mului(xv1,u1)); u=u1; u1=a;
          a = subii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=a;
        r  = subii(muliu(d,xu),  muliu(d1,xv));
        d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r;
        a  = subii(muliu(u,xu),  muliu(u1,xv));
        u1 = subii(muliu(u,xu1), muliu(u1,xv1)); u = a;
        a  = subii(muliu(v,xu),  muliu(v1,xv));
        v1 = subii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = a;
        if (lhmres&1) { togglesign(d);  togglesign(u);  togglesign(v); }
        else          { togglesign(d1); togglesign(u1); togglesign(v1); }
    if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1))
      q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r);
      a = subii(u,mulii(q,u1));
      u=u1; u1=a;
      a = subii(v,mulii(q,v1));
      v=v1; v1=a;
      d=d1; d1=r;
    if (gc_needed(av,1))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"bezout");
      gerepileall(av1,6, &d,&d1,&u,&u1,&v,&v1);
  } /* end while */

  /* Postprocessing - final sprint */
  if (signe(d1))
    /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3, and
     * gcd(d,d1) is nonzero and fits into one word
    g = xxgcduu(uel(d,2), uel(d1,2), 0, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    u = subii(muliu(u,xu), muliu(u1, xv));
    v = subii(muliu(v,xu), muliu(v1, xv));
    if (s < 0) { sa = -sa; sb = -sb; }
    avma = av;
    if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
    if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
    if (g == 1) return gen_1;
    else if (g == 2) return gen_2;
    else return utoipos(g);
  /* get here when the final sprint was skipped (d1 was zero already).
   * Now the matrix is final, and d contains the gcd.
  avma = av;
  if (pu) *pu = sa < 0 ? negi(u) : icopy(u);
  if (pv) *pv = sb < 0 ? negi(v) : icopy(v);
  return icopy(d);
Пример #7
int effect(ImageData *img,ImageData *outimg,int th,int nn)
	int val;
	int x,y;
	int xx,yy;
	int hh;
	int tot,count;
	int dr,dg,db;
	int endn;
	int c1,c2;
	int rr,gg,bb;
	Pixel col,ncol;
	Pixel ans;
	int bufR[400],bufG[400],bufB[400];
	int ovx;
	int n2;
	int adr;
	int x1,y1,x2,y2;


	for(y=y1;y<=y2;y++) {
		for(yy=(-nn);yy<=nn;yy++) {
			for(xx=(-nn);xx<nn;xx++) {
				val = getPixel(img,x+xx,y+yy,&ncol);	
		for(x=x1;x<=x2;x++) {
			for(yy=(-nn);yy<=nn;yy++) {
				val = getPixel(img,x+xx,y+yy,&ncol);	
			val = getPixel(img,x,y,&col);	
			for(yy=0;yy<n2;yy++) {
				for(xx=0;xx<n2;xx++) {
					dr=absi((int)(col.r) - bufR[adr]);
					dg=absi((int)(col.g) - bufG[adr]);
					db=absi((int)(col.b) - bufB[adr]);
					if(dr<th && dg<th && db<th) {
						rr+= bufR[adr];
						gg+= bufG[adr];
						bb+= bufB[adr];
			if(count) {
				ans.r = hh;
				ans.g = hh;
				ans.b = hh;
			else {
	return TRUE;
Пример #8
/* Naive recombination of modular factors: combine up to maxK modular
 * factors, degree <= klim and divisible by hint
 * target = polynomial we want to factor
 * famod = array of modular factors.  Product should be congruent to
 * target/lc(target) modulo p^a
 * For true factors: S1,S2 <= p^b, with b <= a and p^(b-a) < 2^31 */
static GEN
nfcmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long a, long maxK, long klim)
  GEN pol = T->pol, nf = T->nf, famod = T->fact, dn = T->dn;
  GEN bound = T->bound;
  GEN nfpol = gel(nf,1);
  long K = 1, cnt = 1, i,j,k, curdeg, lfamod = lg(famod)-1, dnf = degpol(nfpol);
  GEN res = cgetg(3, t_VEC);
  pari_sp av0 = avma;
  GEN pk = gpowgs(p,a), pks2 = shifti(pk,-1);

  GEN ind      = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degpol   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN degsofar = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_VECSMALL);
  GEN listmod  = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN fa       = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_COL);
  GEN lc = absi(leading_term(pol)), lt = is_pm1(lc)? NULL: lc;
  GEN C2ltpol, C = T->L->topowden, Tpk = T->L->Tpk;
  GEN Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
  GEN C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
  const double Bhigh = get_Bhigh(lfamod, dnf);
  trace_data _T1, _T2, *T1, *T2;
  pari_timer ti;


  if (maxK < 0) maxK = lfamod-1;

  C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
    GEN q = ceil_safe(sqrtr(T->BS_2));
    GEN t1,t2, ltdn, lt2dn;
    GEN trace1   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);
    GEN trace2   = cgetg(lfamod+1, t_MAT);

    ltdn = mul_content(lt, dn);
    lt2dn= mul_content(ltdn, lt);

    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      pari_sp av = avma;
      GEN P = gel(famod,i);
      long d = degpol(P);

      degpol[i] = d; P += 2;
      t1 = gel(P,d-1);/* = - S_1 */
      t2 = gsqr(t1);
      if (d > 1) t2 = gsub(t2, gmul2n(gel(P,d-2), 1));
      /* t2 = S_2 Newton sum */
      t2 = typ(t2)!=t_INT? FpX_rem(t2, Tpk, pk): modii(t2, pk);
      if (lt)
        if (typ(t2)!=t_INT) {
          t1 = FpX_red(gmul(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = FpX_red(gmul(lt2dn,t2), pk);
        } else {
          t1 = remii(mulii(ltdn, t1), pk);
          t2 = remii(mulii(lt2dn,t2), pk);
      gel(trace1,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t1, NULL, T->L) );
      gel(trace2,i) = gclone( nf_bestlift(t2, NULL, T->L) ); avma = av;
    T1 = init_trace(&_T1, trace1, T->L, q);
    T2 = init_trace(&_T2, trace2, T->L, q);
    for (i=1; i <= lfamod; i++) { 
  degsofar[0] = 0; /* sentinel */

  /* ind runs through strictly increasing sequences of length K,
   * 1 <= ind[i] <= lfamod */
  if (K > maxK || 2*K > lfamod) goto END;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL > 3)
    fprintferr("\n### K = %d, %Z combinations\n", K,binomial(utoipos(lfamod), K));
  setlg(ind, K+1); ind[1] = 1;
  i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];
  { /* try all combinations of K factors */
    for (j = i; j < K; j++)
      degsofar[j] = curdeg;
      ind[j+1] = ind[j]+1; curdeg += degpol[ind[j+1]];
    if (curdeg <= klim && curdeg % T->hint == 0) /* trial divide */
      GEN t, y, q, list;
      pari_sp av;

      av = avma;
      /* d - 1 test */
      if (T1)
        t = get_trace(ind, T1);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr(".");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* d - 2 test */
      if (T2)
        t = get_trace(ind, T2);
        if (rtodbl(QuickNormL2(t,DEFAULTPREC)) > Bhigh)
          if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("|");
          avma = av; goto NEXT;
      avma = av;
      y = lt; /* full computation */
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++)
        GEN q = gel(famod, ind[i]);
        if (y) q = gmul(y, q);
        y = FqX_centermod(q, Tpk, pk, pks2);
      y = nf_pol_lift(y, bound, T);
      if (!y)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("@");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;
      /* try out the new combination: y is the candidate factor */
      q = RgXQX_divrem(C2ltpol, y, nfpol, ONLY_DIVIDES);
      if (!q)
        if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) fprintferr("*");
        avma = av; goto NEXT;

      /* found a factor */
      list = cgetg(K+1, t_VEC);
      gel(listmod,cnt) = list;
      for (i=1; i<=K; i++) list[i] = famod[ind[i]];

      y = Q_primpart(y);
      gel(fa,cnt++) = QXQX_normalize(y, nfpol);
      /* fix up pol */
      pol = q;
      for (i=j=k=1; i <= lfamod; i++)
      { /* remove used factors */
        if (j <= K && i == ind[j]) j++;
          famod[k] = famod[i];
          update_trace(T1, k, i);
          update_trace(T2, k, i);
          degpol[k] = degpol[i]; k++;
      lfamod -= K;
      if (lfamod < 2*K) goto END;
      i = 1; curdeg = degpol[ind[1]];

      if (C2lt) pol = Q_primpart(pol);
      if (lt) lt = absi(leading_term(pol));
      Clt  = mul_content(C, lt);
      C2lt = mul_content(C,Clt);
      C2ltpol = C2lt? gmul(C2lt,pol): pol;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL > 2)
        fprintferr("\n"); msgTIMER(&ti, "to find factor %Z",y);
        fprintferr("remaining modular factor(s): %ld\n", lfamod);

    for (i = K+1;;)
      if (--i == 0) { K++; goto nextK; }
      if (++ind[i] <= lfamod - K + i)
        curdeg = degsofar[i-1] + degpol[ind[i]];
        if (curdeg <= klim) break;
  if (degpol(pol) > 0)
  { /* leftover factor */
    if (signe(leading_term(pol)) < 0) pol = gneg_i(pol);

    if (C2lt && lfamod < 2*K) pol = QXQX_normalize(Q_primpart(pol), nfpol);
    setlg(famod, lfamod+1);
    gel(listmod,cnt) = shallowcopy(famod);
    gel(fa,cnt++) = pol;
  if (DEBUGLEVEL>6) fprintferr("\n");
  if (cnt == 2) { 
    avma = av0; 
    gel(res,1) = mkvec(T->pol);
    gel(res,2) = mkvec(T->fact);
    setlg(listmod, cnt); setlg(fa, cnt);
    gel(res,1) = fa;
    gel(res,2) = listmod;
    res = gerepilecopy(av0, res);
  return res;
Пример #9
static long
nf_pick_prime(long ct, GEN nf, GEN polbase, long fl,
              GEN *lt, GEN *Fa, GEN *pr, GEN *Tp)
  GEN nfpol = gel(nf,1), dk, bad;
  long maxf, n = degpol(nfpol), dpol = degpol(polbase), nbf = 0;
  byteptr pt = diffptr;
  ulong pp = 0;

  *lt  = leading_term(polbase); /* t_INT */
  if (gcmp1(*lt)) *lt = NULL;
  dk = absi(gel(nf,3));
  bad = mulii(dk,gel(nf,4)); if (*lt) bad = mulii(bad, *lt);

  /* FIXME: slow factorization of large polynomials over large Fq */
  maxf = 1;
  if (ct > 1) {
    if (dpol > 100) /* tough */
      if (n >= 20) maxf = 4;
      if (n >= 15) maxf = 4;
  for (ct = 5;;)
    GEN aT, apr, ap, modpr, red;
    long anbf;
    pari_timer ti_pr;

    GEN list, r = NULL, fa = NULL;
    pari_sp av2 = avma;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>3) TIMERstart(&ti_pr);
    for (;;)
      if (! umodiu(bad,pp)) continue;
      ap = utoipos(pp);
      list = (GEN)FpX_factor(nfpol, ap)[1];
      if (maxf == 1)
      { /* deg.1 factors are best */
        r = gel(list,1);
        if (degpol(r) == 1) break;
      { /* otherwise, pick factor of largish degree */
        long i, dr;
        for (i = lg(list)-1; i > 0; i--)
          r = gel(list,i); dr = degpol(r);
          if (dr <= maxf) break;
        if (i > 0) break;
      avma = av2;
    apr = primedec_apply_kummer(nf,r,1,ap);

    modpr = zk_to_ff_init(nf,&apr,&aT,&ap);
    red = modprX(polbase, nf, modpr);
    if (!aT)
    { /* degree 1 */
      red = ZX_to_Flx(red, pp);
      if (!Flx_is_squarefree(red, pp)) { avma = av2; continue; }
      anbf = fl? Flx_nbroots(red, pp): Flx_nbfact(red, pp);
      GEN q;
      if (!FqX_is_squarefree(red,aT,ap)) { avma = av2; continue; }
      q = gpowgs(ap, degpol(aT));
      anbf = fl? FqX_split_deg1(&fa, red, q, aT, ap)
               : FqX_split_by_degree(&fa, red, q, aT, ap);
    if (fl == 2 && anbf < dpol) return anbf;
    if (anbf <= 1)
      if (!fl) return anbf; /* irreducible */
      if (!anbf) return 0; /* no root */

    if (!nbf || anbf < nbf
             || (anbf == nbf && cmpii(gel(apr,4), gel(*pr,4)) > 0))
      nbf = anbf;
      *pr = apr;
      *Tp = aT;
      *Fa = fa;
    else avma = av2;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>3)
      fprintferr("%3ld %s at prime\n  %Z\nTime: %ld\n",
                 anbf, fl?"roots": "factors", apr, TIMER(&ti_pr));
    if (--ct <= 0) return nbf;
Пример #10
static GEN
nf_LLL_cmbf(nfcmbf_t *T, GEN p, long k, long rec)
  nflift_t *L = T->L;
  GEN pk = L->pk, PRK = L->prk, PRKinv = L->iprk, GSmin = L->GSmin;
  GEN Tpk = L->Tpk;

  GEN famod = T->fact, nf = T->nf, ZC = T->ZC, Br = T->Br;
  GEN Pbase = T->polbase, P = T->pol, dn = T->dn;
  GEN nfT = gel(nf,1);
  GEN Btra;
  long dnf = degpol(nfT), dP = degpol(P);

  double BitPerFactor = 0.5; /* nb bits / modular factor */
  long i, C, tmax, n0;
  GEN lP, Bnorm, Tra, T2, TT, CM_L, m, list, ZERO;
  double Bhigh;
  pari_sp av, av2, lim;
  long ti_LLL = 0, ti_CF = 0;
  pari_timer ti2, TI;

  lP = absi(leading_term(P));
  if (is_pm1(lP)) lP = NULL;

  n0 = lg(famod) - 1;
 /* Lattice: (S PRK), small vector (vS vP). To find k bound for the image,
  * write S = S1 q + S0, P = P1 q + P0
  * |S1 vS + P1 vP|^2 <= Bhigh for all (vS,vP) assoc. to true factors */
  Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2, dnf)));
  Bhigh = get_Bhigh(n0, dnf);
  C = (long)ceil(sqrt(Bhigh/n0)) + 1; /* C^2 n0 ~ Bhigh */
  Bnorm = dbltor( n0 * C * C + Bhigh );
  ZERO = zeromat(n0, dnf);

  av = avma; lim = stack_lim(av, 1);
  TT = cgetg(n0+1, t_VEC);
  Tra  = cgetg(n0+1, t_MAT);
  for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
  CM_L = gscalsmat(C, n0);
  /* tmax = current number of traces used (and computed so far) */
  for(tmax = 0;; tmax++)
    long a, b, bmin, bgood, delta, tnew = tmax + 1, r = lg(CM_L)-1;
    GEN oldCM_L, M_L, q, S1, P1, VV;
    int first = 1;

    /* bound for f . S_k(genuine factor) = ZC * bound for T_2(S_tnew) */
    Btra = mulrr(ZC, mulsr(dP*dP, normlp(Br, 2*tnew, dnf)));
    bmin = logint(ceil_safe(sqrtr(Btra)), gen_2, NULL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("\nLLL_cmbf: %ld potential factors (tmax = %ld, bmin = %ld)\n",
                 r, tmax, bmin);

    /* compute Newton sums (possibly relifting first) */
    if (gcmp(GSmin, Btra) < 0)
      nflift_t L1;
      GEN polred;

      bestlift_init(k<<1, nf, T->pr, Btra, &L1);
      polred = ZqX_normalize(Pbase, lP, &L1);
      k      = L1.k;
      pk     = L1.pk;
      PRK    = L1.prk;
      PRKinv = L1.iprk;
      GSmin  = L1.GSmin;
      Tpk    = L1.Tpk;
      famod = hensel_lift_fact(polred, famod, Tpk, p, pk, k);
      for (i=1; i<=n0; i++) TT[i] = 0;
    for (i=1; i<=n0; i++)
      GEN h, lPpow = lP? gpowgs(lP, tnew): NULL;
      GEN z = polsym_gen(gel(famod,i), gel(TT,i), tnew, Tpk, pk);
      gel(TT,i) = z;
      h = gel(z,tnew+1);
      /* make Newton sums integral */
      lPpow = mul_content(lPpow, dn);
      if (lPpow) h = FpX_red(gmul(h,lPpow), pk);
      gel(Tra,i) = nf_bestlift(h, NULL, L); /* S_tnew(famod) */

    /* compute truncation parameter */
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { TIMERstart(&ti2); TIMERstart(&TI); }
    oldCM_L = CM_L;
    av2 = avma;
    b = delta = 0; /* -Wall */
    M_L = Q_div_to_int(CM_L, utoipos(C));
    VV = get_V(Tra, M_L, PRK, PRKinv, pk, &a);
    if (first)
    { /* initialize lattice, using few p-adic digits for traces */
      bgood = (long)(a - max(32, BitPerFactor * r));
      b = max(bmin, bgood);
      delta = a - b;
    { /* add more p-adic digits and continue reduction */
      if (a < b) b = a;
      b = max(b-delta, bmin);
      if (b - delta/2 < bmin) b = bmin; /* near there. Go all the way */

    /* restart with truncated entries */
    q = int2n(b);
    P1 = gdivround(PRK, q);
    S1 = gdivround(Tra, q);
    T2 = gsub(gmul(S1, M_L), gmul(P1, VV));
    m = vconcat( CM_L, T2 );
    if (first)
      first = 0;
      m = shallowconcat( m, vconcat(ZERO, P1) );
      /*     [ C M_L   0  ]
       * m = [            ]   square matrix
       *     [  T2'   PRK ]   T2' = Tra * M_L  truncated
    CM_L = LLL_check_progress(Bnorm, n0, m, b == bmin, /*dbg:*/ &ti_LLL);
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
      fprintferr("LLL_cmbf: (a,b) =%4ld,%4ld; r =%3ld -->%3ld, time = %ld\n",
                 a,b, lg(m)-1, CM_L? lg(CM_L)-1: 1, TIMER(&TI));
    if (!CM_L) { list = mkcol(QXQX_normalize(P,nfT)); break; }
    if (b > bmin)
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
      goto AGAIN;
    if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) msgTIMER(&ti2, "for this trace");

    i = lg(CM_L) - 1;
    if (i == r && gequal(CM_L, oldCM_L))
      CM_L = oldCM_L;
      avma = av2; continue;

    if (i <= r && i*rec < n0)
      pari_timer ti;
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) TIMERstart(&ti);
      list = nf_chk_factors(T, P, Q_div_to_int(CM_L,utoipos(C)), famod, pk);
      if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) ti_CF += TIMER(&ti);
      if (list) break;
      CM_L = gerepilecopy(av2, CM_L);
    if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1)))
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"nf_LLL_cmbf");
      gerepileall(av, Tpk? 9: 8,
    fprintferr("* Time LLL: %ld\n* Time Check Factor: %ld\n",ti_LLL,ti_CF);
  return list;
Пример #11
invmod(GEN a, GEN b, GEN *res)
  GEN v,v1,d,d1,q,r;
  pari_sp av, av1, lim;
  long s;
  ulong g;
  ulong xu,xu1,xv,xv1;		/* Lehmer stage recurrence matrix */
  int lhmres;			/* Lehmer stage return value */

  if (typ(a) != t_INT || typ(b) != t_INT) pari_err(arither1);
  if (!signe(b)) { *res=absi(a); return 0; }
  av = avma;
  if (lgefint(b) == 3) /* single-word affair */
    ulong d1 = umodiu(a, (ulong)(b[2]));
    if (d1 == 0)
      if (b[2] == 1L)
        { *res = gen_0; return 1; }
        { *res = absi(b); return 0; }
    g = xgcduu((ulong)(b[2]), d1, 1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    fprintferr(" <- %lu,%lu\n", (ulong)(b[2]), (ulong)(d1[2]));
    fprintferr(" -> %lu,%ld,%lu; %lx\n", g,s,xv1,avma);
    avma = av;
    if (g != 1UL) { *res = utoipos(g); return 0; }
    xv = xv1 % (ulong)(b[2]); if (s < 0) xv = ((ulong)(b[2])) - xv;
    *res = utoipos(xv); return 1;

  d = absi(b); d1 = modii(a,d);

  v=gen_0; v1=gen_1;	/* general case */
  fprintferr("INVERT: -------------------------\n");
  av1 = avma; lim = stack_lim(av,1);

  while (lgefint(d) > 3 && signe(d1))
    fprintferr("Calling Lehmer:\n");
    lhmres = lgcdii((ulong*)d, (ulong*)d1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, MAXULONG);
    if (lhmres != 0)		/* check progress */
    {				/* apply matrix */
      fprintferr("Lehmer returned %d [%lu,%lu;%lu,%lu].\n",
	      lhmres, xu, xu1, xv, xv1);
      if ((lhmres == 1) || (lhmres == -1))
	if (xv1 == 1)
	  r = subii(d,d1); d=d1; d1=r;
	  a = subii(v,v1); v=v1; v1=a;
	  r = subii(d, mului(xv1,d1)); d=d1; d1=r;
	  a = subii(v, mului(xv1,v1)); v=v1; v1=a;
	r  = subii(muliu(d,xu),  muliu(d1,xv));
	a  = subii(muliu(v,xu),  muliu(v1,xv));
	d1 = subii(muliu(d,xu1), muliu(d1,xv1)); d = r;
	v1 = subii(muliu(v,xu1), muliu(v1,xv1)); v = a;
        if (lhmres&1)
          if (signe(d1)) { setsigne(d1,-signe(d1)); }
      fprintferr("Lehmer returned 0.\n");
    output(d); output(d1); output(v); output(v1);

    if (lhmres <= 0 && signe(d1))
      q = dvmdii(d,d1,&r);
      fprintferr("Full division:\n");
      printf("  q = "); output(q); sleep (1);
      a = subii(v,mulii(q,v1));
      v=v1; v1=a;
      d=d1; d1=r;
    if (low_stack(lim, stack_lim(av,1)))
      GEN *gptr[4]; gptr[0]=&d; gptr[1]=&d1; gptr[2]=&v; gptr[3]=&v1;
      if(DEBUGMEM>1) pari_warn(warnmem,"invmod");
  } /* end while */

  /* Postprocessing - final sprint */
  if (signe(d1))
    /* Assertions: lgefint(d)==lgefint(d1)==3, and
     * gcd(d,d1) is nonzero and fits into one word
    g = xxgcduu((ulong)d[2], (ulong)d1[2], 1, &xu, &xu1, &xv, &xv1, &s);
    fprintferr(" <- %lu,%lu\n", (ulong)d[2], (ulong)d1[2]);
    fprintferr(" -> %lu,%ld,%lu; %lx\n", g,s,xv1,avma);
    if (g != 1UL) { avma = av; *res = utoipos(g); return 0; }
    /* (From the xgcduu() blurb:)
     * For finishing the multiword modinv, we now have to multiply the
     * returned matrix  (with properly adjusted signs)  onto the values
     * v' and v1' previously obtained from the multiword division steps.
     * Actually, it is sufficient to take the scalar product of [v',v1']
     * with [u1,-v1], and change the sign if s==1.
    v = subii(muliu(v,xu1),muliu(v1,xv1));
    if (s > 0) setsigne(v,-signe(v));
    avma = av; *res = modii(v,b);
    output(*res); fprintfderr("============================Done.\n");
    return 1;
  /* get here when the final sprint was skipped (d1 was zero already) */
  avma = av;
  if (!equalii(d,gen_1)) { *res = icopy(d); return 0; }
  *res = modii(v,b);
  output(*res); fprintferr("============================Done.\n");
  return 1;