Пример #1
PSchedule Schedule :: lateSchedule() const
    vector<Job *> jobs = *_activeList.jobList();
    sort(jobs.begin(), jobs.end(), [this](Job *job1, Job *job2){return end(job1) < end(job2);});
    ActiveList activeList(&jobs);
    PSchedule schedule = Schedule :: scheduleLate(&activeList, _resources);
    return schedule;
Пример #2
void parametersGe(int ii){
  int jj=0, kk=0;//, active[6], activemax=0;
  time_t curtime;
  char zz[100]="\0";
  double xx=0.;
  long int pp=0;

  while (jj != 99){

    printf ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    printf ("  Software parameter   |  Value    | Hardware parameter  |  Value \n");
    printf ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    printf ("1 - on/off toggle      | %3i       | 11 - RTD chan       | %i \n",lnptr->ge[ii].onoff,lnptr->ge[ii].chanRTD);
    printf ("2 - name               | %3s       | 12 - OFLO chan      | %i \n",lnptr->ge[ii].name,lnptr->ge[ii].chanOFLO);
    printf ("3 - fill interval      | %0.lf       | 13 - Ibar chan      | %i \n",lnptr->ge[ii].interval,lnptr->ge[ii].chanIbar + 1);
    printf ("4 - max fill interval  | %6.0lf    | 14 - next fill      | %0.lf \n",lnptr->ge[ii].max,lnptr->ge[ii].next-time(NULL));
    printf ("5 - min fill interval  | %6.0lf    | 15 -  \n",lnptr->ge[ii].min);
    printf ("6 - detector RTD limit | %6.0lf    | 16 -  \n",lnptr->ge[ii].limit);
    printf ("7 - overflow RTD limit | %6.0lf    | 17 - change TANK parameters  \n",lnptr->ge[ii].olimit);
    printf ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
    printf (" Type 99 to exit        | Type -1 to change to different detector (1-20) \n");
    printf ("----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");

    scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)   
    jj = atoi(zz);
    if (jj == 99) return;

    if (abs(jj) < 15){
      switch (jj){
      case -1:
	printf ("Detector (1-20)? \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	kk = atoi(zz);
	if (kk > 0 && kk < 21) ii = kk;

      case 1:
	kk = activeList();
	if (kk < 6) {
	  if (lnptr->ge[ii].onoff == 0) lnptr->ge[ii].onoff = 1;
	  else lnptr->ge[ii].onoff = 0;
	else if (kk >= 6 && lnptr->ge[ii].onoff == 1) lnptr->ge[ii].onoff = 0;
	else {
	  printf("Can't!!! You must turn off another detector before turning this on!\n");


      case 2:
	printf("New name ?  \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	kk = strlen(zz);
	if (kk > 4) kk=4;

      case 3:
	printf("Filling interval in seconds ? (28800 = 8 hrs., < 0.99 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	xx = atof(zz);
	if (xx >= 1) lnptr->ge[ii].interval = xx;
      case 4:
	printf("Maximum fill time before error ? (typ. 420 s, < 0.99 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	xx = atof(zz);
	if (xx >= 1) lnptr->ge[ii].max = xx;
      case 5:
	printf("Minimum fill time before error ? (typ. 150 s, < 0.99 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	xx = atof(zz);
	if (xx >= 1) lnptr->ge[ii].min = xx;
      case 6:
	printf("Maximum RTD reading before error ? (typ. 6 K above detector baseline) \n");
	printf("Current RTD/LIM  = %.0lf /%.0lf and OFLO/OLIM = %.0lf/%.0lf \n",lnptr->ge[ii].rtd,lnptr->ge[ii].limit,lnptr->ge[ii].oflo,lnptr->ge[ii].olimit);
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	xx = atof(zz);
	if (xx >= 1) lnptr->ge[ii].limit = xx;

      case 7:
	printf("Maximum overflow RTD reading before error ? (typ. 6 K above detector baseline) \n");
	printf("Current RTD/LIM  = %.0lf /%.0lf and OFLO/OLIM = %.0lf/%.0lf \n",lnptr->ge[ii].rtd,lnptr->ge[ii].limit,lnptr->ge[ii].oflo,lnptr->ge[ii].olimit);
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	xx = atof(zz);
	if (xx >= 1) lnptr->ge[ii].olimit = xx;

      case 11:
	printf("LabJack channel for detector RTD readings ? (range 0-13, <0 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	kk = atoi(zz);
	if (kk >= 0 && kk < 15) lnptr->ge[ii].chanRTD = kk;

      case 12:
	printf("LabJack channel for detector OFLO readings ? (range 0-13, <0 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	kk = atoi(zz);
	if (kk >= 0 && kk < 15) lnptr->ge[ii].chanOFLO = kk;

      case 13:
	printf("IBootBar channel for detector RTD readings ? (range 1-8, <0 do nothing) \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	kk = atoi(zz);
	kk = kk - 1;
	if (kk >= 0 && kk < 8) lnptr->ge[ii].chanIbar = kk;

      case 14:
	printf("Next fill occurs in ~%.0lf seconds ? (< 0.99 do nothing) \n",lnptr->ge[ii].next-(double)curtime);
	printf("x hr in Y s: 1=3600, 2=7200, 3=10800, 4=14400, 5=18000, 6=21600, 7=25200, 8=28800  \n");
	scanf ("%s", zz);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
	pp = atol(zz);
	if (pp >= 1) {
	  //	  lnptr->ge[ii].next = xx;
	  lnptr->ge[ii].next = curtime + pp;

      case 17:

      case 99:



Пример #3
int main(int argc, char **argv){

  int ii=0, ans=0, nn=0;
  int det=0;
  char yn[100]="\0";
  int mapLNfill;
//  shmSetup();
  mapLNfill = mmapSetup();
  if (mapLNfill == -1) return 0;

  Shared memory creation and attachment
//  shmKey = ftok("/Users/c4g/src/LNfill/include/lnfill.conf",'b');       // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
//  shmKey = ftok("/Users/c4g/src/LNfill/include/lnfill.conf",'b');  // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use include this
  shmKey = ftok("include/lnfill.conf",'b');  // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use include this
  //  shmKey = ftok("SHM_PATH",'b');                                   // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
  //  shmKey = ftok("/Users/gross/Desktop/LNfill/LNdata",'b');         // key unique identifier for shared memory, other programs use 'LN' tag
  shmid = shmget(shmKey, sizeof (struct lnfill), 0666); // gets the ID of shared memory, size, permissions, create if necessary by changing to  0666 | IPC_CREAT)
  lnptr = shmat (shmid, (void *)0, 0);                              // now link to area so it can be used; struct lnfill pointer char *lnptr
  if (lnptr == (struct lnfill *)(-1)){                              // check for errors

  //  printf ("%li = %li\n",shmKey, shmid);

  //  printf ("shm size = %li\n",sizeof (struct lnfill) );
  //  printf ("pid = %li\n", lnptr->pid);

  while (ans != 100){
    scanf ("%i", &ans);          // read in ans (pointer is indicated)     
    switch (ans){
    case 0:                   // end program but not lnfill
      if (munmap(lnptr, sizeof (struct lnfill*)) == -1) {
	perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
      //shmdt(lnptr);           // detach from shared memory segment
      return 0;

    case 1:                      // display temps and limits
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7 || lnptr->command == 18) break;  // don't force an update
      lnptr->command = 1;        // command (3) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (1)

    case 2:                    // Change limit and timing parameters
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7 || lnptr->command == 18) break;  // don't force an update
      printf (" Which detector do you want to change? 1-20, outside this range to do nothing \n");
      if ((det > 0) && (det < 21)){

	printf("Filling interval ? (usually 28800 s (8 hrs.)) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.interval);
	printf("Filling time max ? (usually 420 s) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.max);
	printf("Filling time min ? (usually 150 s) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.min);
	printf("RTD temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or 6 K above coldest value) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);
	printf("Outlet temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or few degrees below value) \n");
	scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);

	lnptr->ge[det].interval = zz.interval;
	lnptr->ge[det].max = zz.max;
	lnptr->ge[det].min = zz.min;
	lnptr->ge[det].limit = zz.limit;
	lnptr->ge[det].olimit = zz.olimit;
	lnptr->ge[det].next = time(NULL) + lnptr->ge[det].interval;

	printf("Detector next fill time has been set to %.0lf s from now \n",lnptr->ge[det].interval);


    case 3:                   // Add or remove detector from system
      activemax = activeList();
      printf (" Which detector do you want to change? 1-20, outside this range to do nothing \n");
      if ((det > 0) && (det < 21)){
	if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 0) {
	  printf("RTD is which U6 channel? (0-13) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.chanRTD);
	  printf("Overflo is which U6 channel? (0-13) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.chanOFLO);
	  printf("Filling interval ? (usually 28800 s (8 hrs.)) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.interval);
	  //	  scanf ("%i",&zz.interval);
	  printf("Filling time max ? (usually 420 s) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.max);
	  printf("Filling time min ? (usually 150 s) \n");
	  scanf ("%i",&zz.min);
	  printf("RTD temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or 6 K above coldest value) \n");
	  scanf ("%lf",&zz.limit);
	  printf("Outlet temperature limit ? (usually ~90 or few degrees below detector value) \n");
	  scanf ("%lf",&zz.olimit);
	  printf(" %i %i %lf %lf \n", zz.chanRTD, zz.chanOFLO, zz.limit,zz.olimit);
	  zz.onoff = 1;
	  lnptr->ge[det] = zz;
	  lnptr->ge[det].next = time(NULL) + lnptr->ge[det].interval;
	  printf("Detector next fill time has been set to %.0lf s from now \n",lnptr->ge[det].interval);

	else {
	  lnptr->ge[det].onoff = 0;       // turn channel off
	  lnptr->ge[det].chanOFLO = -1;   // set U6 channels to -1
	  lnptr->ge[det].chanRTD = -1;    // set U6 channels to -1
      //      lnptr->command = 3;        // command (3) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something not needed...user can force a fill

      // do I force an RTD read here or wait up to a minute for the natural read?
    case 4:                   // display temps and limits

    case 5:                   // Save setup into lnfill.conf
      printf ("Saving current setup into lnfill.conf (hope you made a copy of the old one) ....\n");

    case 7:                   // force fill 1 detector
      if (lnptr->command == 8) {
	printf("Already started a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      if (lnptr->command == 7) {
	printf("Already filling a detector .... should have done a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      printf ("Which detector do you wish to fill ....  <0 do nothing\n");
      printf ("Det Name  iBar  \n");
      printf ("--- ----  ----  \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      if (nn < 0) break;
      lnptr->com1 = nn-1;
      lnptr->command = 8;                         // command (8) stored in SHM to start a fill
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);                   // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (8)
      // put in detector and value questions

    case 8:                   // force fill all detectors
      printf ("force fill ALL detectors here....\n");
      if (lnptr->command == 8 || lnptr->command == 7) {
	printf("Already started a fill ALL ..... returning to menu \n");
      lnptr->com1 = -1;          // fill all flag
      lnptr->command = 8;        // command (8) stored in SHM so lnfill can do something
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (8)

    case 9:                   // do initial cool down of a detector
      printf ("Begin the initial cool down of detectors with next fill 1 hour....\n");
      printf ("Which detector do you wish to fill .... <0 do nothing \n");
      printf ("Det  Name  iBar  \n");
      printf ("---  ----  ----  \n");
      printf (" 0   ALL    --   \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      if (nn < 0 || nn > 6) break;
      //      if (nn == 0) lnptr->com1 = -1;
      //      else 
	lnptr->com1 = nn-1;
      lnptr->command = 18;      
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);   // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (3)
      // put in detector and value questions

    case 10:                   // Close all valves
      printf ("Closing valves and opening manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 11:                   // Close tanl valve
      printf ("Closing tank ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 12:                   // Open tank valve
      printf ("Opening tank ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 13:                   // Close manifold
      printf ("Closing manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 14:                   // Open manifold
      printf ("Opening manifold ....\n");
      lnptr->command = ans;  
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 15:                   // Close a detector valve
      printf ("Which detector valve do you wish to close ? (1-20 from 1st column) \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      lnptr->command = 20 + nn;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 16:                   // Open a detector valve
      printf ("Which detector valve do you wish to open ? (1-20 from 1st column) \n");
      for (ii=1; ii < 21; ii++){
	if (lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar >=0) printf ("%2i   %3s   %2i  \n",ii, lnptr->ge[ii-1].name, lnptr->ge[ii-1].chanIbar);
      lnptr->command = 40 + nn;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 17:                    // Get valve status directly from ibootbar 
      printf ("ibootBar outlet status  \n");
      lnptr->command = 17;
      kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);  // send an alarm to let lnfill know it needs to do command (10)

    case 18:                   // do initial cool down of a detector

      printf (" Do you really want to reset all alarms?  y/n \n");
      if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//      if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	for (ii=0; ii < 20; ii++){
	  if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 1) strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OK");
	  else strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OFF");
      } else printf ("No alarms were reset");
      if (strcmp(zzz,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(zzz,"y") == 0) { 
	for (ii=0; ii < 20; ii++){
	  if (lnptr->ge[det].onoff == 1) strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OK");
	  else strcpy(lnptr->ge[ii].status,"OFF");

    case 19:
      if (lnptr->com2 == 0) {
	printf (" Do you really want to toggle the LN HV Emergency Shutdown ON?  y/n \n");
	if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//	if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	//	scanf("%1s",&zzz);
	  printf (" Turning emergency shutdown ON \n If shutdown occurs you must run bash script to clear events and shutdown!\n");
	  lnptr->com2 = 1;
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is ON \n");
	else {
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is staying OFF \n");
      else {
	printf (" Do you really want to toggle the LN Emergency Shutdown OFF?  y/n \n");
	if (strcmp(yn,"Y") == 0 || strcmp(yn,"y") == 0) { 
	//	char yn = getchar();
	  //	if (yn == 'Y' || yn == 'y'){
	  //	scanf("%1s",&zzz);
	  printf (" Turning emergency shutdown OFF \n You better know that the Ge detectors are COLD! \n And remember to turn it back on when done !\n");
	  lnptr->com2 = 0;
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is OFF \n");
	else {
	  printf (" Emergency shutdown is staying ON \n");
    case 61:                    // Get valve status directly from ibootbar 
      printf ("Input email addresses  \n");
      if (lnptr->command == 61) kill(lnptr->pid,SIGALRM);

    case 100:                 // End ALL lnfill programs

    default:                  // Do nothing and go back to the list of options
      ans = 0;

   Wrap up the program ending the lnfill-u6, detaching and getting rid of the shared memory segment

   Release the shared memory and close the U3

  if (munmap(lnptr, sizeof (struct lnfill*)) == -1) {
    perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
/* Decide here whether to close(fd) and exit() or not. Depends... */
  shmdt(lnptr);                      // detach from shared memory segment
  shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);     // remove the shared memory segment hopefully forever
  return 0;