int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc != 2) { std::cout << "Usage:" << std::endl << argv[0] << " {port name}" << std::endl; return -1; } std::string port = argv[1]; auto logger = std::make_shared<util::Logger>(); logger->addLog(std::make_shared<util::LogFile>("ntpc-comm", util::LogSeverity::TRACE, "ntpc-comm.log")); logger->addLog(std::make_shared<util::LogStream>("ntpc-comm", util::LogSeverity::ERROR, std::cerr.rdbuf())); try { comm::SerialComm serial(port); std::vector<uint16_t> rdbuf(20);, rdbuf.end()); } catch(const util::posix_error_exception &e) { logger->logPosixError(e.getErrno(), e.getWhile()); } catch(const std::exception &e) { logger->logException(e); } catch(const char *str) { logger->logException(str); } catch(const std::string &s) { logger->logException(s); } return 0; }
int isMatchedString(const char* string,const char* keyword){ if(string == NULL){ return REGEX_PARAM_ERROR; }else if(keyword == NULL){ return REGEX_PARAM_ERROR; } regex_t reg; int result = 0; int ret = regcomp(®, keyword, REG_EXTENDED); if(!ret){ ret = regexec(®, string, 0, NULL, 0); if(ret == 0){ result = 1; }else if(ret == REG_NOMATCH){ result = REGEX_NOMATCH; }else{ result = REGEX_ERROR; char msgbuf[256]; regerror(ret, ®, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)); addLog(LOG_ERROR,LOG_LAYER_UTIL,REGEX_LOG_POSITION_NAME,"regex error :%s",msgbuf); } }else{ char msgbuf[256]; regerror(ret, ®, msgbuf, sizeof(msgbuf)); addLog(LOG_ERROR,LOG_LAYER_UTIL,REGEX_LOG_POSITION_NAME,"regex error :%s",msgbuf); result = REGEX_ERROR; } regfree(®); return result; }
void trellis::update_transitions() { std::cout << "Transitions to Start:\n"; double updated(-INFINITY); for(size_t st = 0 ; st < state_size ; st++) { updated = ((*dbl_backward_score)[0][st] + (*dbl_forward_score)[0][st])-ending_forward_prob; std::cout << hmm->getStateName(st) << "\t" << exp(updated) << std::endl; } float_2D numerator(state_size, std::vector<float>(state_size,-INFINITY)); float_2D denominator(state_size, std::vector<float>(state_size,-INFINITY)); for (size_t position = 0; position < seq_size-1; position++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < state_size; i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < state_size; j++) { numerator[i][j]= addLog((double)numerator[i][j], (*dbl_baum_welch_score)[position][i][j]); denominator[i][j] = addLog((double)denominator[i][j], ((*dbl_forward_score)[position][i] + (*dbl_backward_score)[position][i])-ending_forward_prob); } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < state_size; i++) { std::cout << hmm->getStateName(i) << "\t"; for (size_t j = 0; j < state_size; j++) { std::cout << exp((numerator[i][j]-denominator[i][j])) << "\t"; } std::cout << std::endl; } }
// Run a Process for some time // The process would like to complete its current CPU burst, // but is currently only allowed what is granted to it. // Parameters: // clock (modified int) time on simulation clock // allowance (input int) time allowed to run with // next (output Device) what device should be used next //next is from { disk, net, console, cpu ) // Post-Condition: // the clock will have advanced until either the allowed time // has been used up, or the current CPU burst is complete // (whichever happens earlier). There will be no idle CPU time. // Also: The history log for this Process will record what is known // at this time void Process::run( int &clock, int allowance, Device *&next) { addLog(clock, 'X'); if(allowance < remainingTime) { clock += allowance; remainingTime -= allowance; next = &cpu; } else { clock += remainingTime; if(currentCycle < bursts) { next = nextRequest[currentCycle++]; remainingTime = usages[currentCycle]; } else { next = NULL; } /* clock += remainingTime; next = nextRequest[currentCycle]; if(next == NULL) { addLog(clock, 'Q'); } currentCycle++; remainingTime = usages[currentCycle];*/ } addLog(clock, '-'); //cout << "\tRUN METHOD COMPLETE" << endl; }
VOID WINAPI ServiceCtrlHandler (DWORD CtrlCode) { addLog("Print Service: ServiceCtrlHandler: Entry","serh.txt"); switch (CtrlCode) { case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP : addLog("Print Service: ServiceCtrlHandler: SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP Request", "serh.txt"); if (g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) break; g_ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; g_ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; g_ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 4; if (SetServiceStatus (g_StatusHandle, &g_ServiceStatus) == FALSE) { addLog("Print Service: ServiceCtrlHandler: SetServiceStatus returned error", "serh.txt"); } SetEvent (g_ServiceStopEvent); break; default: break; } addLog("Print Service: ServiceCtrlHandler: Exit","serh.txt"); }
void MainWindow::newRequest(){ RequestConfig* reqconf = new RequestConfig(this); reqconf->setNetworkAccessManager(netAccessMan); connect(reqconf, SIGNAL(addLog(QString)), consoleLog, SLOT(addLog(QString))); mdiArea->addSubWindow(reqconf); reqconf->show(); }
void AGIPane::mouseDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { std::cerr << "MouseDown " << std::endl; //マウスがクリックされたときの処理? double x = event.GetX(); double y = event.GetY(); if(!isMoved){ if(!isPoly){ //このxとyが点の2次元配列に含まれるならOK //もちろんある程度の誤差は許容しなければならない nowindex = getindex(x,y); if(nowindex != -1 && nowindex < data->aginum){ std::cerr << data-> << std::endl; _pre[0] = ag->getB(nowindex, 0); _pre[1] = ag->getB(nowindex, 1); isMoved = true; data->setSIndex(nowindex); data->selectedcoord = -1; md->setText(nowindex); Refresh(); pcp->Refresh(); addLog(nowindex,_pre[0],_pre[1]); } else if(data->isPCA && nowindex != -1 && nowindex < data->num+data->atr){ int index = nowindex - data->num; data->selectedcoord = index; std::cerr << data-><< std::endl; _pre[0] = ag->getV(index,0); _pre[1] =ag->getV(index,1); isMoved = true; addLog(nowindex,_pre[0],_pre[1]); } //どのノードも近くないときは複数選択 else{ xfrom = x; yfrom = y; rangeselect = true; } } // 投げ縄選択はボタンを押して発動させるようにする //2点以上クリックで選んだのち右クリックして終了 // mouse release後も処理が続くので注意 else if(isPoly){ if(!polystart){ polyvector.clear(); polystart = true; } auto from = pair<int,int>(x,y); polyvector.push_back(from); } } }
/* 下拉控件-加窗类型-回调函数 */ int CVICALLBACK windowTypeCallback(int panel, int control, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2){ int i; GetCtrlVal(panel, PopupPanel_RingWindowType, &i); switch(event){ case EVENT_COMMIT: drawAnalysisResult(panel); char msg[256];msg[0] = '\0'; sprintf(msg, "添加-"); switch(i){ case 0: strcat(msg, "海宁窗"); break; case 1: strcat(msg, "海明窗"); break; case 2: strcat(msg, "布拉克曼窗"); break; case 3: strcat(msg, "指数窗"); break; case 4: strcat(msg, "高斯窗"); break; case 5: strcat(msg, "三角窗"); break; } strcat(msg, "-函数"); addLog(msg, 1, panel); break; } return 0; }
void SVNManager::CommitJob::run() { QString command; FILE *fp; char buffer[256]; command += "svn ci "; foreach(const SVNEntry *entry, SVNManager::getInstance().entryList) { if(entry->isSelected()) { command += "\"" + entry->getRelativePath() + "\" "; } } command += "-m \"" + message + "\""; fp = pipeOpen(command.toAscii(), "r"); if (fp == NULL) return; while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) { addLog(buffer); } pipeClose(fp); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&MainWindow::getInstance(), "commitTerminated", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, true)); }
void loadResults() { ifstream f("save.dat"); if (!f) { addLog("Save file not found"); return; } while (!f.eof()) { char buffer [1024]; f.getline(buffer, 1024); string path(buffer); if (path=="") return; f.getline(buffer, 1024); SaveInformation info; info.result=string(buffer); f.getline(buffer, 1024); info.score=atof(buffer); f.getline(buffer, 1024); info.checkFileTime=atoi(buffer); saving[path]=info; } f.close(); return; }
void logInfo(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_INFO, '*', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logInfo
void logError(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_ERRORS, '!', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logError
//!Calculate the ending cell Viterbi and Forward scores void simpleTrellis::calcEndForwardViterbi() { size_t stateSize=hmm->state_size(); size_t seqSize=seq->getLength(); for(int previousSt=0; previousSt<stateSize; previousSt++) { double transitionValue=getEndingTransition(previousSt); double finalViterbiScore=transitionValue+trell[seqSize-1][previousSt].viti; double finalForwardScore=transitionValue+trell[seqSize-1][previousSt].forw; if (finalViterbiScore>-INFINITY) { if (finalViterbiScore>ending.viti) { ending.viti=finalViterbiScore; ending.ptr=previousSt; } } if (finalForwardScore>-INFINITY) { ending.forw=addLog(ending.forw, finalForwardScore); } } probabilityOfSequence=ending.forw; return; }
void SVNManager::AnalyzeJob::run() { QString command; FILE *fp; char buffer[256]; addLogLine("Analyzing " + path + " ..." ); command += "svn st"; fp = pipeOpen(command.toAscii(), "r"); if (fp == NULL) return; while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) { SVNManager::getInstance().parseLine(buffer); addLog("."); } pipeClose(fp); SVNManager::getInstance().currentPath = path; QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&MainWindow::getInstance(), "analyzeTerminated", Qt::QueuedConnection, Q_ARG(bool, true)); }
void logWarning(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_WARNINGS, '-', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logWarning
bool CLog::init(const std::string& path) { current_date = boost::gregorian::day_clock::local_day(); addLog(this, "CLog::init done"); return(true); }
void FormGame::circleOfPowerDesactive(ITank* killer) { CircleOfPower* circle_of_power = (CircleOfPower*)sender(); circle_of_power->team() == 1 ? ++_green_circles_destroyers:++_red_circles_destroyers; PlayerData pd1 =; PlayerData pd2 =>tank())); if(killer->isEnemy() != circle_of_power->tank()->isEnemy()) { KillsDeaths kills = _results.value(pd1).value(pd2); kills._circle_of_power_destroyed = true; QMap<PlayerData , KillsDeaths> value; value.insert(pd2, kills); _results.insert(pd1, value); } if(_green_circles_destroyers == _game->getTeam1()->getTanks().size()) { showResults(2); } else if (_red_circles_destroyers == _game->getTeam2()->getTanks().size()) { showResults(1); } else { QString pd1_team = pd1._team == 1?"g":"r"; QString pd2_team = pd2._team == 1?"g":"r"; QString log("<span class='%1'>%2</span><span> ha destruido el centro de energía de </span><span class='%3'>%4</span>"); addLog(_text_style_template.arg(log.arg(pd1_team).arg(pd1._nick).arg(pd2_team).arg(pd2._nick))); } }
void logDebug(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); addLog(MOJOSETUP_LOG_DEBUG, '#', fmt, ap); va_end(ap); } // logDebug
void trellis::naive_baum_welch() { if (dbl_forward_score == NULL) { naive_forward(); } if (dbl_backward_score == NULL) { naive_backward(); } dbl_baum_welch_score = new (std::nothrow) double_3D(seq_size, std::vector<std::vector<double> >(state_size, std::vector<double>(state_size, -INFINITY))); if (dbl_baum_welch_score == NULL) { std::cerr << "Can't allocate memory. OUT OF MEMORY\t" << __FUNCTION__ << std::endl; exit(2); } double sum(-INFINITY); for(size_t position = 0; position < seq_size-1; position++) { // Time(t) sum = (-INFINITY); for (size_t previous = 0; previous < state_size ; previous++) { // state(i) for (size_t current = 0; current < state_size; current++) { // state(j) (*dbl_baum_welch_score)[position][previous][current] = (*dbl_forward_score)[position][previous] + getTransition(hmm->getState(previous), current, position) + (*hmm)[current]->get_emission_prob(*seqs, position+1) + (*dbl_backward_score)[position+1][current]; sum = addLog((*dbl_baum_welch_score)[position][previous][current], sum); } } for (size_t previous = 0; previous < state_size ; previous++) { // state(i) for (size_t current = 0; current < state_size; current++) { // state(j) (*dbl_baum_welch_score)[position][previous][current] -= sum; } } } return; }
bool DialogUpdateDb::checkConnection() { addLog("Подключаемся к БД..."); db->close(); db->setUserName(ui->lineEditName->text()); db->setPassword(ui->lineEditPassword->text()); if( db->open() ) { addLog("ok\n"); return true; } else { addLog("неудача.\n"); return false; } }
void pauseDataAcq(void){ receiveFlag = 0; //如果 write to TSQ process 没有完成,则等待完成 while( writeTSQEndFlag != 0) Delay(0.005); addLog("Pause Signal Acq !", 0, panelHdl); isDataAcqRunning = 0; }
void stopDataAcq(void){ receiveFlag = 0; while( writeTSQEndFlag != 0) Delay(0.005); writeFPP = 0; addLog("Stop Signal Acq !", 0, panelHdl); isDataAcqRunning = 0; }
/* 系统辅助函数-Init [Directory Sets] this System needs */ void initDirectorySets(void){ char dirName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; char DataDirPath[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; char LogDirPath[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; GetProjectDir(dirName); sprintf(DataDirPath, "%s\\DataStorage", dirName); sprintf(LogDirPath, "%s\\Logs", dirName); int oldValue; oldValue = SetBreakOnLibraryErrors(0); int isDataDirExisted = MakeDir(DataDirPath); int isLogDirExisted = MakeDir(LogDirPath); SetBreakOnLibraryErrors (oldValue); if(isDataDirExisted == 0) addLog("Successfully create the Directory:\n\"DataStorage\" and \"Logs\"", 0, panelHdl); else if( isDataDirExisted == -9) addLog("\"DataStorage\" and \"Logs\" \nDirectory has already existed!", 0, panelHdl); }
void Attack::_log(int num){ openLog(); addLog((String)attackNames[num]); for(int a=0;a<apScan.results;a++){ if(apScan.isSelected(a)){ Mac _ap; _ap.set(apScan.aps._get(a)); addLog(_ap.toString()); } } addLog("-"); for(int i=0;i<clientScan.results; i++) { if(clientScan.getClientSelected(i)) { addLog(clientScan.getClientMac(i).toString()); } } closeLog(); }
//!Set the Backward score for the given cell //!\param seqPos Sequence position //!\param currState State index //!\param value Forward score void simpleTrellis::setBackward(size_t seqPos, size_t currState,double& value) { if (getBackward(seqPos,currState)==-INFINITY) { trell[seqPos][currState].back=value; } else { trell[seqPos][currState].back=addLog(trell[seqPos][currState].back, value); } return; }
//!Set the Forward score for the given cell //!\param seqPos Sequence position //!\param currState State index //!\param value Forward score void simpleTrellis::setForward(size_t seqPos, size_t currState,double& value) { if (getForward()==-INFINITY) { trell[seqPos][currState].forw=value; } else { trell[seqPos][currState].forw=addLog(trell[seqPos][currState].forw, value); } return; }
int main() { addLog("==========================================================="); addLog("NWChecker started"); string curdir=getCurrentDir(); loadResults(); if (parseConfig()) return 1; checkAll(); SetCurrentDirectory(curdir.c_str()); generateHTML(); saveResults(); if(silentMode) { int i; cin>>i; } return 0; }
/* 系统功能-暂停、开始及结束数据采集 */ void startDataAcq(void){ if(tsqHdl > 0) CmtFlushTSQ(tsqHdl, TSQ_FLUSH_ALL, NULL); receiveFlag = 1; if(isDataAcqRunning != 1){ runSecondThread(beginDataAcqType, NULL); isDataAcqRunning = 1; } addLog("Begin Signal Acq !", 0, panelHdl); }
void testEncoder(int daisychain, int motornumber) { int encoderposition = I2C_GetEncoderPosition(S1, daisychain, motornumber); // if it's not 0 it must have moved sometime earlier, indicating that the encoder is working if (encoderposition != 0) return; I2C_SetMotorSpeed(S1, daisychain, motornumber, 10); Sleep(150); I2C_SetMotorSpeed(S1, daisychain, motornumber, 0); if (encoderposition == I2C_GetEncoderPosition(S1, daisychain, motornumber)) { textToAdd = "FATAL: encoder test failed. aborting."; addLog(); StopAllTasks(); } textToAdd = "success: encoder test passed. continuing."; addLog(); }
int sockinit(void) { int epfd = epoll_create(1); if (epfd == -1) { addLog(LOG_WARNING,LOG_LAYER_TRANSFAR,TRANSFAR_SOCKET_POSITION_NAME,"epoll_create"); return -1; } return epfd; }