inline void astar_dispatch2 (VertexListGraph& g, typename graph_traits<VertexListGraph>::vertex_descriptor s, AStarHeuristic h, CostMap cost, DistanceMap distance, WeightMap weight, IndexMap index_map, ColorMap color, const Params& params) { dummy_property_map p_map; typedef typename property_traits<CostMap>::value_type C; astar_search (g, s, h, choose_param(get_param(params, graph_visitor), make_astar_visitor(null_visitor())), choose_param(get_param(params, vertex_predecessor), p_map), cost, distance, weight, index_map, color, choose_param(get_param(params, distance_compare_t()), std::less<C>()), choose_param(get_param(params, distance_combine_t()), closed_plus<C>()), choose_param(get_param(params, distance_inf_t()), std::numeric_limits<C>::max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION ()), choose_param(get_param(params, distance_zero_t()), C())); }
route road_net::get_route (road_net::node_descriptor start_node, road_net::node_descriptor end_node) const { std::vector<road_net::node_descriptor> p (num_vertices(net_)); try { astar_search (net_, start_node, heuristic(start_node), visitor(goal_visitor(end_node)). weight_map(speed_weight_map(net_)). predecessor_map(&p[0]) ); } catch (found_goal const& exc) { return p; } throw no_route_found(); }
// Solve the maze using A-star search. Return true if a solution was found. bool maze::solve() { boost::static_property_map<distance> weight(1); // The predecessor map is a vertex-to-vertex mapping. typedef boost::unordered_map<vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor, vertex_hash> pred_map; pred_map predecessor; boost::associative_property_map<pred_map> pred_pmap(predecessor); // The distance map is a vertex-to-distance mapping. typedef boost::unordered_map<vertex_descriptor, distance, vertex_hash> dist_map; dist_map distance; boost::associative_property_map<dist_map> dist_pmap(distance); vertex_descriptor s = source(); vertex_descriptor g = goal(); euclidean_heuristic heuristic(g); astar_goal_visitor visitor(g); try { astar_search(m_barrier_grid, s, heuristic, boost::weight_map(weight). predecessor_map(pred_pmap). distance_map(dist_pmap). visitor(visitor) ); } catch(found_goal fg) { // Walk backwards from the goal through the predecessor chain adding // vertices to the solution path. for (vertex_descriptor u = g; u != s; u = predecessor[u]) m_solution.insert(u); m_solution.insert(s); m_solution_length = distance[g]; return true; } return false; }
bool TMap::findPath( int from, int to ) { if( mMapGraphNeedsUpdate ) { initGraph(); } //vertex start = from;//mRoomId; //vertex goal = to;//mTargetID; TRoom * pFrom = mpRoomDB->getRoom( from ); TRoom * pTo = mpRoomDB->getRoom( to ); if( !pFrom || !pTo ) { return false; } vertex start = roomidToIndex[from]; vertex goal = roomidToIndex[to]; vector<mygraph_t::vertex_descriptor> p(num_vertices(g)); vector<cost> d(num_vertices(g)); QTime t; t.start(); try { astar_search( g, start, distance_heuristic<mygraph_t, cost, std::vector<location> >(locations, goal), predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]). visitor(astar_goal_visitor<vertex>(goal)) ); } catch( found_goal fg ) { qDebug("TMap::findPath(%i,%i) time elapsed in astar:%imSec", from, to, t.elapsed() ); t.restart(); list<vertex> shortest_path; for(vertex v = goal; ; v = p[v]) { //cout << "assembling path: v="<<v<<endl; qDebug("TMap::findPath(...) assembling path: v=%i", v); int nextRoom = indexToRoomid[v]; if( ! mpRoomDB->getRoom( nextRoom ) ) { qDebug("TMap::findPath(%i,%i) ERROR path assembly: path room not in map!", from, to); return false; } shortest_path.push_front(nextRoom); if(p[v] == v) break; } TRoom * pRD1 = mpRoomDB->getRoom(from); TRoom * pRD2 = mpRoomDB->getRoom(to); if( !pRD1 || !pRD2 ) return false; qDebug("Shortest path from %i to %i:", pRD1->getId(), pRD2->getId()); list<vertex>::iterator spi = shortest_path.begin(); qDebug() << pRD1->getId(); mPathList.clear(); mDirList.clear(); int curRoom = from; for( ++spi; spi != shortest_path.end(); ++spi ) { TRoom * pRcurRoom = mpRoomDB->getRoom( curRoom ); TRoom * pRPath = mpRoomDB->getRoom( *spi ); if( !pRcurRoom || !pRPath ) { // cout << "ERROR: path not possible. curRoom not in map!" << endl; qDebug("TMap::findPath(%i,%i) ERROR path not possible. curRoom not in map!", from, to); mPathList.clear(); mDirList.clear(); return false; } // cout <<" spi:"<<*spi<<" curRoom:"<< curRoom << endl;//" -> "; qDebug(" spi:%i curRoom:%i", *spi, curRoom); mPathList.push_back( *spi ); if( pRcurRoom->getNorth() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("n"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getNortheast() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("ne"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getNorthwest() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("nw"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getSoutheast() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("se"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getSouthwest() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("sw"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getSouth() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("s"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getEast() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("e"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getWest() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("w"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getUp() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("up"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getDown() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("down"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getIn() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("in"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getOut() == pRPath->getId() ) { mDirList.push_back("out"); } else if( pRcurRoom->getOtherMap().size() > 0 ) { QMapIterator<int, QString> it( pRcurRoom->getOtherMap() ); while( it.hasNext() ) {; if( it.key() == pRPath->getId() ) { QString _cmd = it.value(); if( _cmd.size() > 0 ) { if(_cmd.startsWith('0')) { _cmd = _cmd.mid(1); mDirList.push_back( _cmd ); qDebug(" adding special exit: roomID:%i OPEN special exit:%s", pRcurRoom->getId(), qPrintable(_cmd) ); } else if( _cmd.startsWith('1')) { _cmd = _cmd.mid(1); qDebug(" NOT adding roomID:%i LOCKED special exit:%s", pRcurRoom->getId(), qPrintable(_cmd)); } else { qWarning("ERROR adding roomID:%i UNPATCHED special exit found:%s", pRcurRoom->getId(), qPrintable(_cmd)); } } else qWarning("ERROR adding roomID:%i NULL command special exit found.", pRcurRoom->getId()); } } } qDebug(" added to DirList:%s", qPrintable( mDirList.back() ) ); curRoom = *spi; } qDebug("TMap::findPath(%i,%i) time elapsed building path:%imSec", from, to, t.elapsed() ); return true; } return false; }
bool TMap::findPath( int from, int to ) { if( mMapGraphNeedsUpdate ) { initGraph(); } vertex start = from;//mRoomId; vertex goal = to;//mTargetID; if( ! rooms.contains( start ) || ! rooms.contains( goal ) ) { return false; } vector<mygraph_t::vertex_descriptor> p(num_vertices(g)); vector<cost> d(num_vertices(g)); try { astar_search( g, start, distance_heuristic<mygraph_t, cost, std::vector<location> >(locations, goal), predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]). visitor(astar_goal_visitor<vertex>(goal)) ); } catch( found_goal fg ) { list<vertex> shortest_path; for(vertex v = goal; ; v = p[v]) { cout << "assembling path: v="<<v<<endl; if( ! rooms.contains( v ) ) { cout<<"ERROR path assembly: path room not in map!"<<endl; return false; } shortest_path.push_front(v); if(p[v] == v) break; } cout << "Shortest path from " << rooms[start]->id << " to " << rooms[goal]->id << ": "; list<vertex>::iterator spi = shortest_path.begin(); cout << rooms[start]->id; mPathList.clear(); mDirList.clear(); int curRoom = start; for( ++spi; spi != shortest_path.end(); ++spi ) { if( ! rooms.contains( curRoom ) ) { cout << "ERROR: path not possible. curRoom not in map!" << endl; return false; } mPathList.push_back( *spi ); if( rooms[curRoom]->north == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("n"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->northeast == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("ne"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->northwest == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("nw"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->southeast == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("se"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->southwest == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("sw"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->south == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("s"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->east == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("e"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->west == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("w"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->up == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("up"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->down == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("down"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->in == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("in"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->out == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back("out"); } else if( rooms[curRoom]->other.size() > 0 ) { QMapIterator<int, QString> it( rooms[curRoom]->other ); while( it.hasNext() ) {; if( it.key() == rooms[*spi]->id ) { mDirList.push_back( it.value() ); } } } curRoom = *spi; } return true; } return false; }
int CPathProductor::AStarFind(void) { m_arrayPath.clear(); size_t num_edges =m_arrayEdge.size(); if (num_edges <= 0) { return 0; } size_t szCount = m_arrayBarCode.size() + 1; // create graph mygraph_t g(szCount); WeightMap weightmap = get(edge_weight, g); for(std::size_t j = 0; j < num_edges; ++j) { edge_descriptor e; bool inserted; boost::tie(e, inserted) = add_edge(m_arrayEdge[j].first, m_arrayEdge[j].second, g); weightmap[e] = m_arrayWeights[j]; } lane_vertex start = -1; lane_vertex goal = -1; // from will be the first element int nIndexFrom = 0; for (auto it = m_arrayBarCode.cbegin(); it != m_arrayBarCode.cend(); ++it, ++nIndexFrom) { if (*it == m_nFrom) { start = nIndexFrom; break; } } // to will be the last element int nIndexTo = m_arrayBarCode.size(); for (auto it = m_arrayBarCode.crbegin(); it != m_arrayBarCode.crend(); ++it, --nIndexTo) { if (*it == m_nTo) { --nIndexTo; goal = nIndexTo; break; } } if (start < 0 || goal < 0) { cout<< "Can not find Vetex for path." << endl; return 0; } //cout << "Start vertex: " << m_arrayBarCode[start] << endl; //cout << "Goal vertex: " << m_arrayBarCode[goal] << endl; vector<mygraph_t::vertex_descriptor> p(num_vertices(g)); vector<cost> d(num_vertices(g)); try { // call astar named parameter interface astar_search (g, start, distance_heuristic<mygraph_t, cost, vec_location > (m_arrayLocation, goal), predecessor_map(&p[0]).distance_map(&d[0]). visitor(astar_goal_visitor<lane_vertex>(goal))); } catch(found_goal /*fg*/) { // found a path to the goal list<lane_vertex> shortest_path; for(auto v = goal;; v = p[v]) { shortest_path.push_front(v); if(p[v] == v) break; } for(auto spi = shortest_path.begin(); spi != shortest_path.end(); ++spi) { int nBarCode = m_arrayBarCode[*spi]; m_arrayPath.push_back(nBarCode); } int nTotalTravel = (int)d[goal]; cout << endl << "Total travel time: " << nTotalTravel << endl; return nTotalTravel; } return 0; }