Пример #1
int main(void)
    // turn on the serial port for debugging or for other USART reasons.
	xSerialPort = xSerialPortInitMinimal( USART0, 115200, 1, 1); //  serial port: WantedBaud, TxQueueLength, RxQueueLength (8n1)

	avrSerialxPrint_P(&xSerialPort, PSTR("\r\n\n\nHello World!\r\n")); // Ok, so we're alive...

		,  (const signed portCHAR *)"RedLED" // Main Arduino Mega 2560, Freetronics EtherMega (Red) LED Blink
		,  256				// Tested 9 free @ 208
		,  NULL
		,  3
		,  NULL ); // */

		,  (const signed portCHAR *)"GreenLED" // Main Arduino Uno 328p (Green) LED Blink
		,  256				// Tested 9 free @ 208
		,  NULL
		,  3
		,  NULL ); // */

	avrSerialxPrintf_P(&xSerialPort, PSTR("Free Heap Size: %u\r\n"), xPortGetFreeHeapSize() ); // needs heap_1 or heap_2 for this function to succeed.


	avrSerialxPrint_P(&xSerialPort, PSTR("\r\n\n\nGoodbye... no space for idle task!\r\n")); // Doh, so we're dead...

Пример #2
int main(void)

    // turn on the serial port for setting or querying the time .
	xSerialPort = xSerialPortInitMinimal( USART0, 115200, portSERIAL_BUFFER_TX, portSERIAL_BUFFER_RX); //  serial port: WantedBaud, TxQueueLength, RxQueueLength (8n1)

    // Memory shortages mean that we have to minimise the number of
    // threads, hence there are no longer multiple threads using a resource.
    // Still, semaphores are useful to stop a thread proceeding, where it should be stopped because it is using a resource.
    if( xADCSemaphore == NULL ) 					// Check to see if the ADC semaphore has not been created.
    	xADCSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();	// binary semaphore for ADC - Don't sample temperature when hands are moving (voltage droop).
		if( ( xADCSemaphore ) != NULL )
			xSemaphoreGive( ( xADCSemaphore ) );	// make the ADC available

	// initialise I2C master interface, need to do this once only.
	// If there are two I2C processes, then do it during the system initiation.
	I2C_Master_Initialise((ARDUINO<<I2C_ADR_BITS) | (pdTRUE<<I2C_GEN_BIT));

	avrSerialxPrint_P(&xSerialPort, PSTR("\r\nHello World!\r\n")); // Ok, so we're alive...

		,  (const portCHAR *)"WriteLCD"
		,  192
		,  NULL
		,  2
		,  NULL ); // */

		,  (const portCHAR *)"WriteRTCRetrograde"
		,  120
		,  NULL
		,  1
		,  &xTaskWriteRTCRetrograde ); // */

		,  (const portCHAR *)"SerialMonitor"
		,  256
		,  NULL
		,  3
		,  NULL ); // */

	avrSerialPrintf_P(PSTR("\r\nFree Heap Size: %u\r\n"), xPortGetFreeHeapSize() ); // needs heap_1, heap_2 or heap_4 for this function to succeed.


	avrSerialPrint_P(PSTR("\r\n\nGoodbye... no space for idle task!\r\n")); // Doh, so we're dead...

#if defined (portHD44780_LCD)
	lcd_Locate (0, 1);
	lcd_Print_P(PSTR("DEAD BEEF!"));
