void ExportNative::runScript() { QString tempDir = getTempDirectory(); QString logDir = tempDir + "logs"; QString configDir = tempDir + "config"; QString commandline; // remove existing progress.log if present if (QFile::exists(logDir + "/progress.log")) QFile::remove(logDir + "/progress.log"); // remove cancel flag file if present if (QFile::exists(logDir + "/mythburncancel.lck")) QFile::remove(logDir + "/mythburncancel.lck"); createConfigFile(configDir + "/mydata.xml"); commandline = "mytharchivehelper -n " + configDir + "/mydata.xml"; // job file commandline += " > " + logDir + "/progress.log 2>&1 &"; // Logs int state = system(qPrintable(commandline)); if (state != 0) { ShowOkPopup(QObject::tr("It was not possible to create the DVD. " "An error occured when running the scripts") ); } else { showLogViewer(); } }
void ExportNative::runScript() { QString tempDir = getTempDirectory(); QString logDir = tempDir + "logs"; QString configDir = tempDir + "config"; QString commandline; // remove existing progress.log if present if (QFile::exists(logDir + "/progress.log")) QFile::remove(logDir + "/progress.log"); // remove cancel flag file if present if (QFile::exists(logDir + "/mythburncancel.lck")) QFile::remove(logDir + "/mythburncancel.lck"); createConfigFile(configDir + "/mydata.xml"); commandline = "mytharchivehelper --nativearchive --outfile " + configDir + "/mydata.xml"; // job file commandline += logPropagateArgs; if (!logPropagateQuiet()) commandline += " --quiet"; commandline += " > " + logDir + "/progress.log 2>&1 &"; // Logs uint flags = kMSRunBackground | kMSDontBlockInputDevs | kMSDontDisableDrawing; uint retval = myth_system(commandline, flags); if (retval != GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING && retval != GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { ShowOkPopup(QObject::tr("It was not possible to create the DVD. " "An error occured when running the scripts") ); return; } showLogViewer(); }
bool ConfigXML::createXML() { CnMn = moduleConf->getCompanyName() + "_" + moduleConf->getModuleName(); bool res1 = createDeclFile(); bool res2 = createConfigFile(); return res1 && res2; }
/** * Generates a configuration file to be used in testing. * @param MCGPU_path The path to MCGPU's root directory. * @param fileName The name of the configuration file to generate. * @param primaryAtomIndexString The entry for the Primary Atom Index line of * the config file. */ void createT3pDimConfigFile(std::string MCGPU, std::string fileName, std::string primaryAtomIndexString) { ConfigFileData settings = ConfigFileData( 26.15, 26.15, 26.15, 298.15, .12, 100000, 256, "resources/bossFiles/oplsaa.par", "test/unittests/MultipleSolvents/t3pdimTests/t3pdim.z", "test/unittests/MultipleSolvents/t3pdimTests", 11.0, 12.0, 12345); createConfigFile(MCGPU, fileName, primaryAtomIndexString, settings); }
void Dialog::okClicked() { long pidNumber; if ((0 < (pidNumber = verifyPidFile())) && !verifyFields()) { createConfigFile(); sendSignal((pid_t) pidNumber); } }
void ImportFile::OKPressed() { QString configFile = getTempDirectory() + "config/importjob.xml"; createConfigFile(configFile); QString commandline; QString tempDir = gCoreContext->GetSetting("MythArchiveTempDir", ""); if (tempDir == "") return; if (!tempDir.endsWith("/")) tempDir += "/"; QString logDir = tempDir + "logs"; // remove any existing logs myth_system("rm -f " + logDir + "/*.log"); commandline = "mytharchivehelper -v none,jobqueue --logpath " + logDir + " --importfile " "--infile \"" + configFile + "\""; uint flags = kMSRunBackground | kMSDontBlockInputDevs | kMSDontDisableDrawing; uint retval = myth_system(commandline, flags); if (retval != GENERIC_EXIT_RUNNING && retval != GENERIC_EXIT_OK) { ShowOkPopup(tr("It was not possible to import the file. " " An error occured when running 'mytharchivehelper'") ); return; } showLogViewer(); Close(); }
/** * Generates a configuration file to be used in testing. * @param MCGPU_path The path to MCGPU's root directory. * @param fileName The name of the configuration file to generate. * @param primaryAtomIndexString The entry for the Primary Atom Index line of the config file. */ void createIndoleConfigFile(std::string MCGPU, std::string fileName, std::string primaryAtomIndexString) { ConfigFileData settings = ConfigFileData(35.36, 35.36, 35.36, 298.15, .12, 40000, 267, "resources/bossFiles/oplsaa.par", "test/unittests/Integration/IndoleTest/indole.z", "test/unittests/Integration/IndoleTest", 12.0, 12.0, 12345); createConfigFile(MCGPU, fileName, primaryAtomIndexString, settings); }
// procédure pour "activer" le device, en l'occurence : mettre les paramètres de base qui nous intéressent nous : static void ZytActivateDevice(int fd) { int fdConf,val; char param[100],res[10]; //paramètres par défaut : (également utilisés pour créer le fichier de configuration par la suite, s'il n'existe pas) zytConf.dimDalleX = 1024; zytConf.dimDalleY = 768; zytConf.seuil = 10; zytConf.epaisseur = 1; zytConf.attenteMultiClic = 300; // par défaut on ne garde que le premier appui d'une série : la "souris" ne bougera pas entre un appui et un relachement zytConf.mode=NO_DRAG_DROP; zytConf.frameRateAveraging=3; zytConf.nbClignToPress=5; // le nombre d'appuis successifs pour comprendre un appui après un clignotement zytConf.debug=NO_DEBUG; // récupération des paramètres choisis, et création du fichier si besoin : fdConf = open(ZYT_CONF_FILE,O_RDWR); if(fdConf==-1){ D_INFO("ZYT, le fichier %s de configuration de la dalle zytronic n'existe pas, creation en cours...\n",ZYT_CONF_FILE); createConfigFile(&fdConf); D_INFO("ZYT, ...creation de %s finie.\n",ZYT_CONF_FILE); }else{ D_INFO("ZYT, le fichier %s de configuration de la dalle zytronic existe.\n",ZYT_CONF_FILE); } // puis, on charge les valeurs de configuration, en gardant les valeurs par défaut pour les paramètres non précisés : lseek(fdConf,0,SEEK_SET); // on retourne au début du fichier (au cas où on vient de le créé) while(nextConf(fdConf,param,res)!=ZYT_END_OF_CONF_FILE){ val = atoi(res); D_INFO("parametre : %s = %d\n",param,val); //debug if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_DIM_DALLE_X)==0){ zytConf.dimDalleX=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_DIM_DALLE_Y)==0){ zytConf.dimDalleY=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_SEUIL)==0){ zytConf.seuil=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_EPAISSEUR)==0){ zytConf.epaisseur=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_ATTENTE_MULTI_CLIC)==0){ zytConf.attenteMultiClic=val*1000; //on passe les millisecondes en microsecondes }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_MODE)==0){ zytConf.mode=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_FRAME_AVERAGING)==0){ zytConf.frameRateAveraging=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_NB_CLIGN_TO_PRESS)==0){ zytConf.nbClignToPress=val; }else if(strcmp(param,ZYT_CONF_DEBUG)==0){ zytConf.debug=val; }else { D_INFO("ZYT, parametre non reconnu : %s\n",param); D_INFO("ZYT, veuillez verifier le fichier de configuration %s!\n",ZYT_CONF_FILE); } } close(fdConf); // envoi des paramètres du controleur pour utilisation normale : //packet[0]=ZYT_INIT_FW_RESET; // permet de "mieux" initialiser le controleur, utile? (long : ~5sec) //ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); // attention, commande inutilisable telle qu'elle, car elle coupe la liaison // et donc empêche les commandes suivantes... // (ici en l'occurence tout le paramètrage qui suit...) !!! packet[0]=ZYT_RESTORE_FACTORY_DEFAULT_SETTINGS; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_SET_FRAME_AVERAGING + zytConf.frameRateAveraging; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_DISABLE_CONTINUOUS_RAW_SENSOR_DATA; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_SET_TOUCH_THRESHOLD + zytConf.seuil; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_SET_GLASS_THICKNESS + zytConf.epaisseur; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_ENABLE_CONTROLLER; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_FORCE_EQUALISATION; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); packet[0]=ZYT_XY_TOUCH_MESSAGE_MODE; ZytSendPacket(fd,packet,1); }
bool DTSettings::load() { delete mSettings; createConfigFile(); return true; }
int Awstats::prepareAwstatsEnv( const HttpVHost * pVHost ) { uid_t uid = HttpGlobals::s_uid; gid_t gid = HttpGlobals::s_gid; struct stat st; char achBuf[1024]; if ( pVHost->getRootContext().getSetUidMode() == UID_DOCROOT ) { uid = pVHost->getUid(); gid = pVHost->getGid(); } // create working directory if need if ( nio_stat( m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), &st ) == -1 ) { if ( mkdir( m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), 0755 ) == -1 ) { LOG_ERR(( "Can not create awstats working directory[%s]: %s", m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), strerror( errno ) )); return -1; } } chown( m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), uid, gid ); if ( m_iMode == AWS_STATIC ) { safe_snprintf( achBuf, 1024, "%s/html", m_sWorkingDir.c_str() ); if ( nio_stat( achBuf, &st ) == -1 ) { if ( mkdir( achBuf, 0755 ) == -1 ) { LOG_ERR(( "Can not create awstats working directory[%s]: %s", achBuf, strerror( errno ) )); return -1; } } chown( achBuf, uid, gid ); } // create data directory if need safe_snprintf( achBuf, 1024, "%s/data", m_sWorkingDir.c_str() ); mkdir( achBuf, 0755 ); chown( achBuf, uid, gid ); // create conf directory if need safe_snprintf( achBuf, 1024, "%s/conf", m_sWorkingDir.c_str() ); mkdir( achBuf, 0755 ); chown( achBuf, uid, gid ); // copy awstats.model.conf to conf/ directory if does not exist safe_snprintf( achBuf, 1024, "%s/conf/awstats.model.conf", m_sWorkingDir.c_str() ); if ( nio_stat( achBuf, &st ) == -1 ) { char achTmp[1024]; const char * pChroot = ""; if (HttpGlobals::s_psChroot) pChroot = HttpGlobals::s_psChroot->c_str(); safe_snprintf( achTmp, 1024, "%s%s/add-ons/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf", pChroot, HttpGlobals::s_pServerRoot); if ( copyFile( achTmp, achBuf ) ) { return -1; } chown( achBuf, uid, gid ); } if ( createConfigFile( achBuf, pVHost ) == -1 ) return -1; chown( achBuf, uid, gid ); return 0; }
int Awstats::prepareAwstatsEnv(const HttpVHost *pVHost) { ServerProcessConfig &procConfig = ServerProcessConfig::getInstance(); uid_t uid = procConfig.getUid(); gid_t gid = procConfig.getGid(); struct stat st; char achBuf[1024]; if (pVHost->getRootContext().getSetUidMode() == UID_DOCROOT) { uid = pVHost->getUid(); gid = pVHost->getGid(); } // create working directory if need if (ls_fio_stat(m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), &st) == -1) { if (mkdir(m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), 0755) == -1) { LS_ERROR("Can not create awstats working directory[%s]: %s", m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), strerror(errno)); return LS_FAIL; } } chown(m_sWorkingDir.c_str(), uid, gid); if (m_iMode == AWS_STATIC) { ls_snprintf(achBuf, 1024, "%s/html", m_sWorkingDir.c_str()); if (ls_fio_stat(achBuf, &st) == -1) { if (mkdir(achBuf, 0755) == -1) { LS_ERROR("Can not create awstats working directory[%s]: %s", achBuf, strerror(errno)); return LS_FAIL; } } chown(achBuf, uid, gid); } // create data directory if need ls_snprintf(achBuf, 1024, "%s/data", m_sWorkingDir.c_str()); mkdir(achBuf, 0755); chown(achBuf, uid, gid); // create conf directory if need ls_snprintf(achBuf, 1024, "%s/conf", m_sWorkingDir.c_str()); mkdir(achBuf, 0755); chown(achBuf, uid, gid); // copy awstats.model.conf to conf/ directory if does not exist ls_snprintf(achBuf, 1024, "%s/conf/awstats.model.conf", m_sWorkingDir.c_str()); if (ls_fio_stat(achBuf, &st) == -1) { char achTmp[1024]; const char *pChroot = ""; if (procConfig.getChroot() != NULL) pChroot = procConfig.getChroot()->c_str(); ls_snprintf(achTmp, 1024, "%s%s/add-ons/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/awstats.model.conf", pChroot, MainServerConfig::getInstance().getServerRoot()); if (copyFile(achTmp, achBuf)) return LS_FAIL; chown(achBuf, uid, gid); } if (createConfigFile(achBuf, pVHost) == -1) return LS_FAIL; chown(achBuf, uid, gid); return 0; }