Пример #1
static int ftpc_sendfile(struct ftpc_session_s *session, const char *path,
                         FILE *stream, uint8_t how, uint8_t xfrmode)
  long offset = session->offset;
  FAR char *rname;
  FAR char *str;
  int len;
  int ret;

  session->offset = 0;

  /* Were we asked to store a file uniquely?  Does the host support the STOU
   * command?

  if (how == FTPC_PUT_UNIQUE && !FTPC_HAS_STOU(session))
      /* We cannot store a file uniquely */

      return ERROR;


  /* Initialize for the transfer */

  ret = ftpc_xfrinit(session);
  if (ret != OK)
      return ERROR;

  ftpc_xfrmode(session, xfrmode);

  /* The REST command sets the start position in the file.  Some servers
   * allow REST immediately before STOR for binary files.

  if (offset > 0)
      ret = ftpc_cmd(session, "REST %ld", offset);
      session->size = offset;

  /* Send the file using STOR, STOU, or APPE:
   * - STOR request asks the server to receive the contents of a file from
   *   the data connection already established by the client.
   * - APPE is just like STOR except that, if the file already exists, the
   *   server appends the client's data to the file.
   * - STOU is just like STOR except that it asks the server to create a
   *   file under a new pathname selected by the server. If the server
   *   accepts STOU, it provides the pathname in a human-readable format in
   *   the text of its response.

  switch (how)
        ret = ftpc_cmd(session, "STOU %s", path);

        /* Check for "502 Command not implemented" */

        if (session->code == 502)
            /* The host does not support the STOU command */

            return ERROR;

        /* Get the remote filename from the response */

        str = strstr(session->reply, " for ");
        if (str)
            str += 5;
            len = strlen(str);
            if (len)
                if (*str == '\'')
                    rname = strndup(str+1, len-3);
                    rname = strndup(str, len-1);
                    nvdbg("Unique filename is: %s\n",  rname);

      ret = ftpc_cmd(session, "APPE %s", path);

      ret = ftpc_cmd(session, "STOR %s", path);

  /* If the server is willing to create a new file under that name, or
   * replace an existing file under that name, it responds with a mark
   * using code 150:
   * - "150 File status okay; about to open data connection"
   * It then attempts to read the contents of the file from the data
   * connection, and closes the data connection. Finally it accepts the STOR
   * with:
   * - "226 Closing data connection" if the entire file was successfully
   *    received and stored
   * Or rejects the STOR with:
   * - "425 Can't open data connection" if no TCP connection was established
   * - "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted" if the TCP connection was
   *    established but then broken by the client or by network failure
   * - "451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing",
   *   "452 - Requested action not taken", or "552 Requested file action
   *   aborted" if the server had trouble saving the file to disk.
   * The server may reject the STOR request with:
   * - "450 Requested file action not taken", "452 - Requested action not
   *   taken" or "553 Requested action not taken" without first responding
   *   with a mark. 

  /* In active mode, we need to accept a connection on the data socket
   * (in passive mode, we have already connected the data channel to
   * the FTP server).

  if (!FTPC_IS_PASSIVE(session))
      ret = ftpc_sockaccept(&session->data);
      if (ret != OK)
          ndbg("Data connection not accepted\n");
          return ERROR;

  /* Then perform the data transfer */

  if (xfrmode == FTPC_XFRMODE_ASCII)
      ret = ftpc_sendtext(session, stream, session->data.outstream);
      ret = ftpc_sendbinary(session, stream, session->data.outstream);


  if (ret == 0)

  return OK;
Пример #2
int ftpc_xfrabort(FAR struct ftpc_session_s *session, FAR FILE *stream)
  FAR struct pollfd fds;
  int ret;

  /* Make sure that we are still connected */

  if (!ftpc_connected(session))
      return ERROR;

  /* Check if there is data waiting to be read from the cmd channel */

  fds.fd     = session->cmd.sd;
  fds.events = POLLIN;
  ret        = poll(&fds, 1, 0);
  if (ret > 0)
    /* Read data from command channel */

    nvdbg("Flush cmd channel data\n");
    while (stream && fread(session->buffer, 1, CONFIG_FTP_BUFSIZE, stream) > 0);
    return OK;


  /* Send the Telnet interrupt sequence to abort the transfer:

  nvdbg("Telnet ABORt sequence\n");
  ftpc_sockprintf(&session->cmd, "%c%c", TELNET_IAC, TELNET_IP); /* Interrupt process */
  ftpc_sockprintf(&session->cmd, "%c%c", TELNET_IAC, TELNET_DM); /* Telnet synch signal */
  ftpc_sockprintf(&session->cmd, "ABOR\r\n");                    /* Abort */

  /* Read remaining bytes from connection */

  while (stream && fread(session->buffer, 1, CONFIG_FTP_BUFSIZE, stream) > 0);

  /* Get the ABORt reply */


  /* Expected replys are: "226 Closing data connection" or
   * "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted"

  if (session->code != 226 && session->code != 426)
      nvdbg("Expected 226 or 426 reply\n");
      /* Get the next reply */


     /* Expected replys are:  or "225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress"
      * "226 Closing data connection"

     if (session->code != 226 && session->code != 225)
         nvdbg("Expected 225 or 226 reply\n");

  return ERROR;
int ftpc_getfile(SESSION handle, FAR const char *rname, FAR const char *lname,
                 uint8_t how, uint8_t xfrmode)
  FAR struct ftpc_session_s *session = (FAR struct ftpc_session_s *)handle;
  struct stat statbuf;
  FILE *loutstream;
  FAR char *abslpath;
  off_t offset;
  int ret;

  /* Don't call this with a NULL remote file name */


  /* If the local name is not specified, then it is assumed to the same as
   * the remote file name.

  if (!lname)
      lname = rname;

  /* Get the full path to the local file */

  abslpath = ftpc_abslpath(session, lname);
  if (!abslpath)
      ndbg("ftpc_abslpath(%s) failed: %d\n", errno);
      goto errout;

  /* Get information about the local file */

  ret = stat(abslpath, &statbuf);
  if (ret == 0)
      /* It already exists.  Is it a directory? */

      if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))
          ndbg("'%s' is a directory\n", abslpath);
          goto errout_with_abspath;

  /* Is it write-able? */

#ifdef S_IWRITE
  if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IWRITE))
      ndbg("'%s' permission denied\n", abslpath);
      goto errout_with_abspath;

  /* Are we resuming the transfers?  Is so then the starting offset is the
   * size of the existing, partial file.

  if (how == FTPC_GET_RESUME)
      offset = statbuf.st_size;
      offset = 0;

  /* Setup to receive the file */

  ret = ftpc_recvinit(session, rname, xfrmode, offset);
  if (ret != OK)
      ndbg("ftpc_recvinit failed\n");
      goto errout_with_abspath;

  loutstream = fopen(abslpath, (offset > 0 || (how == FTPC_GET_APPEND)) ? "a" : "w");
  if (!loutstream)
      ndbg("fopen failed: %d\n", errno);
      goto errout_with_abspath;

  /* If the offset is non-zero, then seek to that offset in the file */

  if (offset > 0)
      ret = fseek(loutstream, offset, SEEK_SET);
      if (ret != OK)
          ndbg("fseek failed: %d\n", errno);
          goto errout_with_outstream;

  /* And receive the new file data */

  if (xfrmode == FTPC_XFRMODE_ASCII)
      ret = ftpc_recvtext(session, session->data.instream, loutstream);
      ret = ftpc_recvbinary(session, session->data.instream, loutstream);


  if (ret == 0)

  /* Check for success */

  if (ret == OK && !FTPC_INTERRUPTED(session))
      return OK;

  /* Various error exits */

  session->offset = 0;
  return ERROR;