int32 MCF::verifyAll(const char* tempPath) { if (!tempPath) { printf("Temp path is null.\n"); return 3; } if (!m_sHeader->isValid()) { printf("Mcf header is invalid.\n"); return 1; } uint32 count = 0; for (size_t x=0; x<m_pFileList.size(); x++) { if (!m_pFileList[x]->isSaved()) continue; count++; } if (count == 0) { printf("No files in the mcf are saved.\n"); return 2; } UTIL::FS::FileHandle fh(getFile(), UTIL::FS::FILE_READ); uint32 badCount = 0; bool placeholder = false; for (size_t x=0; x<m_pFileList.size(); x++) { if (!m_pFileList[x]->isSaved()) continue; try { m_pFileList[x]->verifyMcf(fh, placeholder); } catch (gcException &e) { printf("%s", gcString("{0}: Failed to verify Mcf with file: {1}\n", m_pFileList[x]->getName(), e).c_str()); badCount++; continue; } if (!m_pFileList[x]->isComplete()) { printf("%s", gcString("{0}: Failed mcf verify\n", m_pFileList[x]->getName()).c_str()); badCount++; continue; } gcString t("{0}{1}{2}", tempPath?tempPath:".", DIRS_STR, m_pFileList[x]->getFullPath()); UTIL::FS::Path path(t, "", true); UTIL::FS::recMakeFolder(path); UTIL::MISC::Buffer buff(10*1024); try { UTIL::FS::FileHandle file(path, UTIL::FS::FILE_WRITE);[x]->getOffSet()); #ifdef WIN32 size_t size = 0; #endif if (m_pFileList[x]->isCompressed()) { uint64 done = m_pFileList[x]->getCSize(); UTIL::MISC::BZ2Worker bz(UTIL::MISC::BZ2_DECOMPRESS);, [&bz, &file](const unsigned char* buff, uint32 size) -> bool { UTIL::FS::FileHandle* pFile = &file; bz.write((const char*)buff, size, [pFile](const unsigned char* tbuff, uint32 tsize) -> bool { pFile->write((const char*)tbuff, tsize); return false; }); return false; }); bz.end([&file](const unsigned char* tbuff, uint32 tsize) -> bool { file.write((const char*)tbuff, tsize); return false; }); } else { uint64 done = m_pFileList[x]->getSize();, [&file](const unsigned char* buff, uint32 size) -> bool { file.write((const char*)buff, size); return false; }); } } catch (gcException &e) { printf("%s", gcString("{0}: Failed to save file: {1}\n", m_pFileList[x]->getName(), e).c_str()); badCount++; UTIL::FS::delFile(path); continue; } m_pFileList[x]->setDir(tempPath); m_pFileList[x]->verifyFile(); m_pFileList[x]->setDir(""); if (!m_pFileList[x]->isComplete()) { printf("%s", gcString("{0}: Failed file verify\n", m_pFileList[x]->getName()).c_str()); badCount++; } UTIL::FS::delFile(path); } UTIL::FS::delEmptyFolders(tempPath); return (int32)badCount*-1; }
void Input::TryLoad() { QString headerText, codefileText; if(fileDialog == NULL) { fileDialog = new FileDialog(parentWindow, QFileDialog::AcceptOpen, QFileDialog::ExistingFile); } QString headerPath = fileDialog->ShowGetHeader(); if(headerPath.isNull() || headerPath.isEmpty()) { emit results(InResultUserCancelled); return; } QString codefilePath = fileDialog->ShowGetCodefile(); if(codefilePath.isNull() || codefilePath.isEmpty()) { emit results(InResultUserCancelled); return; } if(!getFile(headerPath, headerText)) { return; //results() already emitted by getFile } if(!getFile(codefilePath, codefileText)) { return; } QStringList notFound; QStringList notParsed; AllSettings::ParseHeaderToSettings(headerText, notFound, notParsed); AllSettings::ParseCodefileToSettings(codefileText, notFound, notParsed); if(notFound.count() > 0 || notParsed.count() > 0) { QString report; if(notFound.count() > 0) { report += "The following settings were not found in the selected configuration files: \n\n"; for(int i = 0; i < notFound.count(); i++) { report += QString(" - ") + notFound[i] + QString("\n"); } if(notParsed.count() > 0) { report += "\n"; } } if(notParsed.count() > 0) { report += "The following settings were located in the selected configuration files but could not be parsed: \n\n"; for(int i = 0; i < notParsed.count(); i++) { report += QString(" - ") + notParsed[i] + QString("\n"); } } messageBox->setText("Some settings could not be loaded."); messageBox->setInformativeText("Press \"Show Details\" to view which values were not loaded properly."); messageBox->setDetailedText(report); messageBox->setIcon(QMessageBox::Warning); messageBox->setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok); messageBox->exec(); } emit results(InResultSuccess); }
int main (void) { FILE * pFile; int l, x, y, l1; unsigned char * p, *buf, *buf1, header[512]; char name[F_NAMEL] = {0}; system("del /q "F_TMP_N); system("del /q "F_PAK_N); system("dir /b > "F_TMP_N); l = getFile(&p, F_TMP_N); if (l) { for (buf = p, memset(name,0,F_NAMEL), x = getName(&buf, name, &l), y = 0; x; memset(name,0,F_NAMEL),x = getName(&buf, name, &l)) { if (y == 0) { l1 = getFile(&buf1, name); if (l1) { pFile = fopen (F_PAK_N,"wb+"); if (pFile!=NULL) { *(unsigned int *)header = F_MAGIC; memcpy((unsigned char *)(header+F_MAGL+F_NUML),name,F_NAMEL); *(unsigned int *)(header+F_MAGL+F_NUML+F_NAMEL) = BYTES4ALIGN(l1); fwrite (header, 1, F_MAGL+F_NUML+F_NAMEL+F_LENL, pFile); fwrite (buf1, 1, l1, pFile); l1 = (BYTES4ALIGN(l1) - l1); if (l1) { memset(header,0xFF,l1); fwrite (header, 1, l1, pFile); } fclose(pFile); y++; } free(buf1); } } else { l1 = getFile(&buf1, name); if (l1) { pFile = fopen (F_PAK_N,"ab+"); if (pFile!=NULL) { memcpy(header,name,F_NAMEL); *(unsigned int *)(header+F_NAMEL) = BYTES4ALIGN(l1); fwrite (header, 1, F_NAMEL+F_LENL, pFile); fwrite (buf1, 1, l1, pFile); l1 = (BYTES4ALIGN(l1) - l1); if (l1) { memset(header,0xFF,l1); fwrite (header, 1, l1, pFile); } fclose(pFile); y++; } free(buf1); } } } pFile = fopen (F_PAK_N,"rb+"); if (pFile!=NULL) { fseek (pFile, F_MAGL, SEEK_SET); fwrite ((unsigned char *)&y, 1, F_NUML, pFile); fclose(pFile); } free(p); } system("del /q "F_TMP_N); /* pack the package.bin into image */ pFile = fopen (F_IMG_N,"ab+"); if (pFile!=NULL) { fseek (pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); l = ftell (pFile); l1 = getFile(&p, F_PAK_N); if (l1) { l = (BYTES512ALIGN(l) - l); if (l) { memset(header,0xFF,l); fwrite (header, 1, l, pFile); } fwrite (p, 1, l1, pFile); free(p); system("del /q "F_PAK_N); } fclose(pFile); } return 0; }
Image Project::Item::loadAsImageFile() const { return isValid() ? ImageCache::getFromFile (getFile()) : Image::null; }
void Project::Item::setFile (const File& file) { setFile (RelativePath (project.getRelativePathForFile (file), RelativePath::projectFolder)); jassert (getFile() == file); }
int l_File_isDirectory(lua_State* L) { File& file = getFile(L, 1); lua_pushboolean(L,<Directory>() && file.isValid()); return 1; }
int rcDataObjGet (rcComm_t *conn, dataObjInp_t *dataObjInp, char *locFilePath) { int status; portalOprOut_t *portalOprOut = NULL; bytesBuf_t dataObjOutBBuf; #ifndef windows_platform struct stat statbuf; #else struct irodsntstat statbuf; #endif if (strcmp (locFilePath, STDOUT_FILE_NAME) == 0) { /* no parallel I/O if pipe to stdout */ dataObjInp->numThreads = NO_THREADING; } #ifndef windows_platform else if (stat (locFilePath, &statbuf) >= 0) #else else if(iRODSNt_stat(locFilePath, &statbuf) >= 0) #endif { /* local file exists */ if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, FORCE_FLAG_KW) == NULL) { return (OVERWRITE_WITHOUT_FORCE_FLAG); } } status = _rcDataObjGet (conn, dataObjInp, &portalOprOut, &dataObjOutBBuf); if (status < 0) { if (portalOprOut != NULL) free (portalOprOut); return (status); } if (status == 0 || dataObjOutBBuf.len > 0) { /* data included */ /**** Removed by Raja as this can cause problems when the data sizes are different - say when post processing is done....Dec 2 2010 if (dataObjInp->dataSize > 0 && dataObjInp->dataSize != dataObjOutBBuf.len) { rodsLog (LOG_NOTICE, "putFile: totalWritten %lld dataSize %lld mismatch", dataObjOutBBuf.len, dataObjInp->dataSize); return (SYS_COPY_LEN_ERR); } ****/ status = getIncludeFile (conn, &dataObjOutBBuf, locFilePath); free (dataObjOutBBuf.buf); #ifdef RBUDP_TRANSFER } else if (getUdpPortFromPortList (&portalOprOut->portList) != 0) { int veryVerbose; /* rbudp transfer */ /* some sanity check */ if (portalOprOut->numThreads != 1) { rcOprComplete (conn, SYS_INVALID_PORTAL_OPR); free (portalOprOut); return (SYS_INVALID_PORTAL_OPR); } conn->transStat.numThreads = portalOprOut->numThreads; if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, VERY_VERBOSE_KW) != NULL) { printf ("From server: NumThreads=%d, addr:%s, port:%d, cookie=%d\n", portalOprOut->numThreads, portalOprOut->portList.hostAddr, portalOprOut->portList.portNum, portalOprOut->portList.cookie); veryVerbose = 2; } else { veryVerbose = 0; } status = getFileToPortalRbudp (portalOprOut, locFilePath, 0, dataObjInp->dataSize, veryVerbose, 0); /* just send a complete msg */ if (status < 0) { rcOprComplete (conn, status); } else { status = rcOprComplete (conn, portalOprOut->l1descInx); } #endif /* RBUDP_TRANSFER */ } else { if (portalOprOut->numThreads <= 0) { status = getFile (conn, portalOprOut->l1descInx, locFilePath, dataObjInp->objPath, dataObjInp->dataSize); } else { if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, VERY_VERBOSE_KW) != NULL) { printf ("From server: NumThreads=%d, addr:%s, port:%d, cookie=%d\n", portalOprOut->numThreads, portalOprOut->portList.hostAddr, portalOprOut->portList.portNum, portalOprOut->portList.cookie); } /* some sanity check */ if (portalOprOut->numThreads >= 20 * DEF_NUM_TRAN_THR) { rcOprComplete (conn, SYS_INVALID_PORTAL_OPR); free (portalOprOut); return (SYS_INVALID_PORTAL_OPR); } conn->transStat.numThreads = portalOprOut->numThreads; status = getFileFromPortal (conn, portalOprOut, locFilePath, dataObjInp->objPath, dataObjInp->dataSize); } /* just send a complete msg */ if (status < 0) { rcOprComplete (conn, status); } else { status = rcOprComplete (conn, portalOprOut->l1descInx); } } if (status >= 0 && conn-> > 0) { /* file restart */ clearLfRestartFile (&conn->fileRestart); } if (getValByKey (&dataObjInp->condInput, VERIFY_CHKSUM_KW) != NULL) { if (portalOprOut == NULL || strlen (portalOprOut->chksum) == 0) { rodsLog (LOG_ERROR, "rcDataObjGet: VERIFY_CHKSUM_KW set but no chksum from server"); } else { char chksumStr[NAME_LEN]; status = chksumLocFile (locFilePath, chksumStr); if (status < 0) { rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "rcDataObjGet: chksumLocFile error for %s, status = %d", locFilePath, status); if (portalOprOut != NULL) free (portalOprOut); return (status); } if (strcmp (portalOprOut->chksum, chksumStr) != 0) { status = USER_CHKSUM_MISMATCH; rodsLogError (LOG_ERROR, status, "rcDataObjGet: chksum mismatch error for %s, status = %d", locFilePath, status); if (portalOprOut != NULL) free (portalOprOut); return (status); } } } if (portalOprOut != NULL) { free (portalOprOut); } return (status); }
UString FilePath::getStem(const UString &p) { UString file = getFile(p); return UString(file.begin(), file.findLast('.')); }
_Tt_string _Tt_db_object::move (const _Tt_string &new_file) { _Tt_string new_objid; if (!new_file.len()) { dbResults = TT_DB_ERR_ILLEGAL_FILE; return new_objid; } if (isObjectInDatabase()) { dbObjectFile = getFile(); _Tt_string new_local_file; _Tt_string new_hostname; _Tt_string new_partition; _Tt_string new_file_network_path; dbResults = _tt_db_network_path(new_file, new_local_file, new_hostname, new_partition, new_file_network_path); // If we're not moving to the exact same file if (dbObjectFile != new_file_network_path) { new_objid = makeEquivalentObjectID(new_hostname, new_partition); if ((dbResults == TT_DB_OK) && new_objid.len()) { // If the objids are still the same, we only need to change the // object's file in the database... if (dbObjectID == new_objid) { dbResults = dbObjectDatabase->setObjectFile(dbObjectID, new_file_network_path); if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { dbResults = TT_DB_WRN_SAME_OBJECT_ID; } } // Different objids and therefore different partitions or hosts else { _Tt_db_object_ptr new_object = new _Tt_db_object; dbResults = new_object->setObjectID(new_objid); // The new object should not exist, yet... if (dbResults == TT_DB_ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { new_object->dbObjectHostname = new_hostname; new_object->dbObjectFile = new_file_network_path; // Refresh the current object's info dbResults = internalRefresh(); if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { (void)new_object->setAccess(dbObjectAccess); (void)new_object->setProperties(dbObjectProperties); (void)new_object->setType(dbObjectType); dbResults = new_object->write(); } } // If the new object already exists, then there is something // weird going on... else if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { dbResults = TT_DB_ERR_CORRUPT_DB; } if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { // Remove current object from the DB and specify the new objid // as the forward pointer. dbResults = remove(new_objid); if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { setTtDBObjectDefaults(); dbResults = setObjectID(new_objid); } } } } else { if (dbResults == TT_DB_OK) { dbResults = TT_DB_ERR_ILLEGAL_OBJECT; } } } else { dbResults = TT_DB_ERR_SAME_OBJECT; } } else { dbResults = TT_DB_ERR_NO_SUCH_OBJECT; } dbResults = processDBResults(); return new_objid; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc<2) { std::cout << "Not enough parameters" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string cmd=argv[1]; std::string backupfolder=getBackupfolderPath(); if(backupfolder.empty()) { std::cout << "Backupfolder not set" << std::endl; return 1; } #ifndef _WIN32 if(seteuid(0)!=0) { std::cout << "Cannot become root user" << std::endl; return 1; } #endif if(cmd=="create") { if(argc<4) { std::cout << "Not enough parameters for create" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string clientname=handleFilename(argv[2]); std::string name=handleFilename(argv[3]); std::string subvolume_folder=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+clientname+os_file_sepn()+name; return create_subvolume(subvolume_folder)?0:1; } else if(cmd=="snapshot") { if(argc<5) { std::cout << "Not enough parameters for snapshot" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string clientname=handleFilename(argv[2]); std::string src_name=handleFilename(argv[3]); std::string dst_name=handleFilename(argv[4]); std::string subvolume_src_folder=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+clientname+os_file_sepn()+src_name; std::string subvolume_dst_folder=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+clientname+os_file_sepn()+dst_name; return create_snapshot(subvolume_src_folder, subvolume_dst_folder)?0:1; } else if(cmd=="remove") { if(argc<4) { std::cout << "Not enough parameters for remove" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string clientname=handleFilename(argv[2]); std::string name=handleFilename(argv[3]); std::string subvolume_folder=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+clientname+os_file_sepn()+name; return remove_subvolume(subvolume_folder)?0:1; } else if(cmd=="test") { std::string clientdir=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+"testA54hj5luZtlorr494"; if(os_create_dir(clientdir)) { if(!create_subvolume(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"A") ) { std::cout << "Creating test subvolume failed" << std::endl; os_remove_dir(clientdir); return 1; } bool suc=true; if(!create_snapshot(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"A", clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"B") ) { std::cout << "Creating test snapshot failed" << std::endl; suc=false; } if(suc) { writestring("test", clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"A"+os_file_sepn()+"test"); if(!os_create_hardlink(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"B"+os_file_sepn()+"test", clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"A"+os_file_sepn()+"test", true, NULL)) { std::cout << "Cross subvolume reflink failed" << std::endl; suc=false; } if(getFile(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"B"+os_file_sepn()+"test")!="test") { std::cout << "Cannot read reflinked file" << std::endl; suc=false; } } if(!remove_subvolume(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"A") ) { std::cout << "Removing subvolume A failed" << std::endl; suc=false; } if(!remove_subvolume(clientdir+os_file_sepn()+"B") ) { std::cout << "Removing subvolume B failed" << std::endl; suc=false; } if(!os_remove_dir(clientdir)) { std::cout << "Removing test clientdir failed" << std::endl; return 1; } if(!suc) { return 1; } } else { std::cout << "Creating test clientdir \"" << clientdir << "\" failed" << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; } else if(cmd=="issubvolume") { if(argc<4) { std::cout << "Not enough parameters for issubvolume" << std::endl; return 1; } std::string clientname=handleFilename(argv[2]); std::string name=handleFilename(argv[3]); std::string subvolume_folder=backupfolder+os_file_sepn()+clientname+os_file_sepn()+name; return is_subvolume(subvolume_folder)?0:1; } else { std::cout << "Command not found" << std::endl; return 1; }
//Starts the server and listens for connections void Server::start(){ //check if directory exists //If it doesn't , try to create the directory char temp[1024]; //Get address info purposes struct sockaddr_storage otherAddr, otherAddr2; //Connectors address information socklen_t otherAddrLen, otherAddrLen2; int rv; int i; //Socket purposes int newfd; int newfd2; //port numbers unsigned short dataPort; //Handling child processes struct sigaction sa; //Char buffers char buffer[DATA_SIZE]; //String vector vector<string> tokens; //extra string(s) string errMsg = INVCOM; //Copy the string into character array //since chdir() takes char * as argument strncpy( temp, rootDir.c_str() , sizeof(temp) ); temp[ sizeof(temp) - 1 ] = 0; //Check if directory is valid //If no directory create one if( !validDir(temp) ){ if( mkdir(temp, 0777) != 0 ){ perror("mkdir"); exit(1); } } //change directory //call chdir() if(chdir(temp) != 0){ //If chdir fails perror("chdir"); exit(1); } if ( !getPWD() ){ cout << "Unable to get cwd" << endl; exit(1); } //We have now changed the program's pwd to root directory //Now create a socket and bind to the control port and start listening //for connections cs = controlSock = createSocket( controlPort); if(verbose) cout << "Control socket created" << endl; ds = dataSock = createSocket("0"); if(verbose) cout << "Data socket created" << endl; dataPort = getPort(dataSock); //Now we have successfully created the socket //and bound it to the control port //Start listening for connections //Entering the listening loop if ( listen (controlSock , BACKLOG) != 0 ) { perror("listen"); close(controlSock); exit(1); } if( listen(dataSock , BACKLOG) != 0 ){ perror("listen"); close(dataSock); exit(1); } //handle dead processes sa.sa_handler = sigchldHandler; //read all dead processes sigemptyset( &sa.sa_mask ); sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; if( sigaction( SIGCHLD, &sa , NULL ) == -1 ){ perror("sigaction"); exit(1); } //Handle user interrupts signal(SIGINT, userIntHandler); cout << "Waiting for connections ... " << endl; while(1){ otherAddrLen = sizeof ( otherAddr) ; newfd = accept ( controlSock , (struct sockaddr *) &otherAddr , &otherAddrLen ); cout << "Connection from " << getIPFromAddr(&otherAddr) << ":" << getPortFromAddr(&otherAddr) << endl; commsock = newfd; send(newfd, (unsigned short *)&dataPort, 2, 0); otherAddrLen2 = sizeof otherAddr2; newfd2 = accept(dataSock, (struct sockaddr *) &otherAddr2, &otherAddrLen2 ); datacommsock = newfd2; cout << "Connection to data socket from client port " << getPortFromAddr(&otherAddr2) << endl; if( fork() == 0 ){ //The code in this block is executed by the child process close(controlSock); //Child doesn't require the control socket close(dataSock); if(verbose){ cout << "Closing listener sockets" << endl; cout << "Child process created for communication with client" << endl; } if (dup2( newfd , 0 ) != 0 ){ perror("dup2"); exit(1); } do{ if(fgets( buffer, DATA_SIZE, stdin ) == NULL){ close(newfd); exit(1); } //Remove carriage return and new line characters for(rv = 0; rv < DATA_SIZE ; rv++){ if(buffer[rv] == '\r'){ buffer[rv] = 0; break; } if(buffer[rv] == '\n'){ buffer[rv] = 0; break; } } //Read buffer and find what command it is //Call the corresponding method string s(buffer); //convert the character array into string if(verbose){ cout << "Received command " + s << endl; } istringstream iss(s); //copy the tokens into the string vector copy( istream_iterator<string>(iss), istream_iterator<string>() , back_inserter<vector<string> >(tokens) ); //Copied the tokens into tokens rv = tokens.size(); if(rv > 0){ //If there is atleast one word if(tokens[0].compare("ls") == 0){ //The client requested a file listing ls(s, newfd2); } else if(tokens[0].compare("quit") == 0){ //The client closed the connection break; } else if(tokens[0].compare("cd") == 0){ //The client requested a directory change if(rv == 2){ cd(tokens[1], newfd2); } else{ sendMessage( errMsg.c_str() , errMsg.length() , ERROR, NF, dataSock ); } } else if( tokens[0].compare("pwd") == 0 ){ //Client requested a pwd PWD(newfd2); } else if(tokens[0].compare("get") == 0){ string temp=""; for(i=1; i < rv;i++){ temp = temp + tokens[i] + " "; } temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length()-1 ); getFile(temp, newfd2); } else if(tokens[0].compare("put") == 0){ string temp=""; for(i=1; i < rv;i++){ temp = temp + tokens[i] + " "; } temp = temp.substr(0, temp.length()-1 ); putFile(temp, newfd2); } else{ sendMessage( errMsg.c_str() , errMsg.length() , ERROR, NF, newfd2 ); } } tokens.clear(); //clear the tokens }while (1); //The client closed the connection //So, close the socket and quit the child process close(newfd); close(newfd2); cout << "Connection closed" << endl; exit(1); } close(newfd); } close(controlSock); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int go = 1; char *param; char *command; int port = PORT; int sSock, lSock; pthread_t sThread; char input[USERIO]; char rBuffer[BUFSIZE]; unsigned short int lport; char *hostname = "localhost"; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; struct addrinfo hints, *result; assert(pthread_mutex_init(&m, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_init(&in_process_condition, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_init(&all_complete_condition, NULL) == 0); if (argc == 4) { port = strToInt(argv[3]); if (port == -1) { printf("Server Error: Invalid port number. Switching back to default (%d).\n", PORT); port = PORT; } } if (argc >= 3) hostname = argv[2]; if (argc >= 2) { path = argv[1]; sSock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_family = AF_INET; getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &result); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin_addr = ((struct sockaddr_in *) (result->ai_addr))->sin_addr; assert(connect(sSock, (struct sockaddr*) &server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) != -1); recv(sSock, rBuffer, BUFSIZE, 0); printf("%s\n", rBuffer); bzero(rBuffer, BUFSIZE); listDirectory(sSock, path); lport = getListeningPort(sSock); assert(pthread_create(&sThread, NULL, serverThread, &lport) == 0); while (go) { if (fgets(input, USERIO, stdin) != NULL) { if (isEmpty(input)) { printf("Error: Command must have at least one character.\n"); } else if (input[strlen(input) - 1] != '\n') { printf("Error: Line too long.\n"); } else { input[strlen(input) - 1] = '\0'; command = trim(strtok(input, " \t\v\f\r")); if (strcmp(command, "DIR") == 0) { if (strtok(NULL, " \t\v\f\r") != '\0') { printf("Error: Invalid command. Usage: DIR\n"); } else { getFileList(sSock); } } else if (strcmp(command, "GET") == 0) { param = trim(strtok(NULL, " \t\v\f\r")); if (param == '\0' || strtok(NULL, " \t\v\f\r") != '\0') { printf("Error: Invalid command. Usage: GET <filename>\n"); } else { getFile(sSock, path, param); } /* Command: QUIT - Close connection */ } else if (strcmp(command, "QUIT") == 0) { if (strtok(NULL, " \t\v\f\r") != '\0') { printf("Error: Invalid command. Usage: QUIT\n"); } else { send(sSock, "QUT", CMD, 0); recv(sSock, rBuffer, CMD, 0); if (strcmp(rBuffer, "TRM") == 0) go = 0; } } else { printf( "Error: Invalid command. Supported: DIR, GET and QUIT.\n"); } } } } freeaddrinfo(result); done = 1; assert(pthread_mutex_lock(&m) == 0); assert(pthread_cond_wait(&all_complete_condition, &m) == 0); assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(&m) == 0); pthread_mutex_destroy(&m); pthread_cond_destroy(&in_process_condition); pthread_cond_destroy(&all_complete_condition); } else { printf( "Error: Wrong number of arguments. Usage: file_client <dir> [hostname] [port].\n"); } return 0; }
String SourceFileTreeViewItem::getDisplayName() const { return getFile().getFileName(); }
/* Insert a new tuple into the table described by pTable @param Table *pTable: describe the table @param Record *rec: record to insert */ bool BufferManager::insertRec(const Table *pTable, Record* rec){ FileInf *file; file = getFile(pTable); // TODO: Update FileInf UUID insert_uuid = pTable->recordNum + 1; // Pre-condition: catalog has already update the record number //insert(file, insert_uuid, rec); /* Insert a record */ if ( file->Block_Num == 0 ){ file->Block_Num = 1; file->firstBlock = file->lastBlock = getBlock(file, 1); Bufferlist[file->firstBlock].next = -1; Bufferlist[file->firstBlock].lock(); } else { int BlockOffset = static_cast<int>(ceil((float)insert_uuid / file->recordPerBlock)); if ( BlockOffset > file->Block_Num ){ // In case of block overflow file->Block_Num++; int block = getBlock(file, BlockOffset); Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].next = block; // add a block to the table Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].unlock(); Bufferlist[block].next = -1; Bufferlist[block].lock(); file->lastBlock = block; } } long recordOffset = insert_uuid - file->recordPerBlock * (file->Block_Num - 1); // Insert in the last block long byteOffset = file->recordLen * (recordOffset - 1); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pTable->attributes.size(); i++){ switch ( pTable-> ){ case Int: { memcpy(&Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].token[byteOffset], rec->, sizeof(int)); byteOffset += sizeof(int); delete static_cast<int *>(rec->; break; } case Float: { memcpy(&Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].token[byteOffset], rec->, sizeof(float)); byteOffset += sizeof(float); delete static_cast<float *>(rec->; break; } case String: { memcpy(&Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].token[byteOffset], static_cast<string *>(rec->>c_str(), strlen((char *)rec-> + 1); byteOffset += strlen(static_cast<string *>(rec->>c_str()); delete static_cast<string *>(rec->; break; } case Uuid: { memcpy(&Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].token[byteOffset], rec->, sizeof(UUID)); byteOffset += sizeof(UUID); delete static_cast<UUID *>(rec->; break; } } } rec->data.clear(); file->recordNum++; Bufferlist[file->lastBlock].is_Dirty = true; delete rec; return true; }
int l_File_getFullExtension(lua_State* L) { File& file = getFile(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, file.getFullExtension().c_str()); return 1; }
dibSHP::dibSHP(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; QPushButton *filebut = new QPushButton(tr("File...")); fileedit = new QLineEdit(); QHBoxLayout *lofile = new QHBoxLayout; lofile->addWidget(filebut); lofile->addWidget(fileedit); lofile->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize);//ni caso mainLayout->addLayout(lofile); QLabel *formatlabel = new QLabel(tr("File type:")); formattype = new QLabel(tr("Unknoun")); QHBoxLayout *loformat = new QHBoxLayout; loformat->addWidget(formatlabel); loformat->addWidget(formattype); loformat->addStretch(); mainLayout->addLayout(loformat); QGroupBox *laybox = new QGroupBox(tr("Layer")); radiolay1 = new QRadioButton(tr("Current")); QRadioButton *radiolay2 = new QRadioButton(tr("From data:")); layerdata = new QComboBox(); radiolay1->setChecked(true); QHBoxLayout *laylayout = new QHBoxLayout; laylayout->addWidget(radiolay1); laylayout->addWidget(radiolay2); laylayout->addWidget(layerdata); laylayout->addStretch(0); laybox->setLayout(laylayout); mainLayout->addWidget(laybox); QGroupBox *colbox = new QGroupBox(tr("Color")); radiocol1 = new QRadioButton(tr("Current")); QRadioButton *radiocol2 = new QRadioButton(tr("From data:")); colordata = new QComboBox(); radiocol1->setChecked(true); QHBoxLayout *collayout = new QHBoxLayout; collayout->addWidget(radiocol1); collayout->addWidget(radiocol2); collayout->addWidget(colordata); collayout->addStretch(1); colbox->setLayout(collayout); mainLayout->addWidget(colbox); QGroupBox *ltypebox = new QGroupBox(tr("Line type")); radioltype1 = new QRadioButton(tr("Current")); QRadioButton *radioltype2 = new QRadioButton(tr("From data:")); ltypedata = new QComboBox(); radioltype1->setChecked(true); QHBoxLayout *ltypelayout = new QHBoxLayout; ltypelayout->addWidget(radioltype1); ltypelayout->addWidget(radioltype2); ltypelayout->addWidget(ltypedata); ltypelayout->addStretch(1); ltypebox->setLayout(ltypelayout); mainLayout->addWidget(ltypebox); QGroupBox *lwidthbox = new QGroupBox(tr("Width")); radiolwidth1 = new QRadioButton(tr("Current")); QRadioButton *radiolwidth2 = new QRadioButton(tr("From data:")); lwidthdata = new QComboBox(); radiolwidth1->setChecked(true); QHBoxLayout *lwidthlayout = new QHBoxLayout; lwidthlayout->addWidget(radiolwidth1); lwidthlayout->addWidget(radiolwidth2); lwidthlayout->addWidget(lwidthdata); lwidthlayout->addStretch(1); lwidthbox->setLayout(lwidthlayout); mainLayout->addWidget(lwidthbox); pointbox = new QGroupBox(tr("Point")); radiopoint1 = new QRadioButton(tr("as Point")); QRadioButton *radiopoint2 = new QRadioButton(tr("as Label:")); pointdata = new QComboBox(); radiopoint1->setChecked(true); QHBoxLayout *pointlayout = new QHBoxLayout; pointlayout->addWidget(radiopoint1); pointlayout->addWidget(radiopoint2); pointlayout->addWidget(pointdata); pointlayout->addStretch(1); pointbox->setLayout(pointlayout); mainLayout->addWidget(pointbox); QHBoxLayout *loaccept = new QHBoxLayout; QPushButton *acceptbut = new QPushButton(tr("Accept")); QPushButton *cancelbut = new QPushButton(tr("Cancel")); loaccept->addStretch(); loaccept->addWidget(acceptbut); loaccept->addWidget(cancelbut); loaccept->addStretch(); mainLayout->addLayout(loaccept); setLayout(mainLayout); readSettings(); updateFile(); connect(cancelbut, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject())); connect(acceptbut, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(checkAccept())); connect(filebut, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getFile())); connect(fileedit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(updateFile())); }
int l_File_isRegularFile(lua_State* L) { File& file = getFile(L, 1); lua_pushboolean(L,<RegularFile>() && file.isValid()); return 1; }
const String Timer::getFile(const String &name) { return getFile(theInstance().currentTest, name); }
uint32_t PackReader::getFileLength(const std::string & path){ const File & file = getFile(path); return file.length; }
void RecentlyOpenedFilesList::removeNonExistentFiles() { for (int i = getNumFiles(); --i >= 0;) if (! getFile(i).exists()) files.remove (i); }
char *FilelistGetFileName(gp_file_t *pFile, int index) { return getFile(pFile, index); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *name; int sock = -1; char fin[512], fout[512]; char cmd[512], reply[512]; int params = -1; say ("\n%s (%s): started\n", TITLE, VERSION); if( argc == 1){ say ("No service name passed, using default: %s\n", NAME); sock = initializeClient(NAME); } else{ name = argv[1]; say ("Connecting to: %s\n", name); sock = initializeClient(name); } usage(); int i = 0; while(i<2){ say(">>"); cmd[0] = '\n'; fin[0] = '\n'; fout[0] = '\n'; params = -1; fgets(cmd, 511, stdin); // This is for quick testing with a couple of commands // if(i==0) // strcpy(cmd, "get asd asdsf\n"); // else if(i==1) // strcpy(cmd, "put a.txt ss.txt\n"); // i++; if (strncmp(cmd, "get", 3) == 0){ params = sscanf(cmd,"get %s %s", fin, fout); if(params !=2 ){ sprintf(reply, "FAIL: invalid command (%s)\n", cmd); warn(reply); usage(); continue; } if( strcmp(fin, fout) == 0){ warn("Since both applications write to the same folder (local case) the names should be different.\n"); continue; } getFile(sock, s_ad, s_hid, fin, fout); } else if (strncmp(cmd, "put", 3) == 0){ params = sscanf(cmd,"put %s %s", fin, fout); if(params !=2 ){ sprintf(reply, "FAIL: invalid command (%s)\n", cmd); warn(reply); usage(); continue; } if(strcmp(fin, fout) == 0){ warn("Since both applications write to the same folder (local case) the names should be different.\n"); continue; } if(!file_exists(fin)){ warn("Source file: %s doesn't exist\n", fin); continue; } putFile(sock, my_ad, my_hid, fin, fout); } else{ sprintf(reply, "FAIL: invalid command (%s)\n", cmd); warn(reply); usage(); } } return 1; }
bool Project::Item::isImageFile() const { return isFile() && ImageFileFormat::findImageFormatForFileExtension (getFile()) != nullptr; }
bool Project::Item::isImageFile() const { return isFile() && getFile().hasFileExtension ("png;jpg;jpeg;gif;drawable"); }
ReturnStatus FileMetaDAO::getDir2(const std::string &path, std::list<EDEntry> *pEntryList) { assert(pEntryList); Channel* pDataChannel = ChannelManager::getInstance()->Mapping(m_BucketId); NameSpace *DataNS = pDataChannel->m_DataNS; int rt = 0; int error = 0; std::string entryName; std::string npath; Args st; rt = DataNS->OpenDir(path.c_str(), &st); if (false == st.valid) { error = errno; ERROR_LOG("path %s, opendir() error, %s.", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); if (ENOTDIR == error) { return ReturnStatus(MU_FAILED, NOT_DIRECTORY); } else if (ENOENT == error) { return checkPrefix(path); } } FileMeta meta; ReturnStatus rs; Dirent dirent; while(DataNS->ReadDirNext(&st, &dirent)){ entryName = dirent.filetype; npath = path + PATH_SEPARATOR_STRING + entryName; // omit "." and ".." // omit user info file in user root dir if (entryName == DENTRY_CURRENT_DIR || entryName == DENTRY_PARENT_DIR || entryName == USER_INFO_FILE_NAME) { continue; } EDEntry ent; ent.m_Name = entryName; if (MU_DIRECTORY == dirent.filetype) { ent.m_Type = MU_DIRECTORY; rs = statDir(npath, &meta); if (!rs.success()) { ERROR_LOG("path %s, statDir() error", npath.c_str()); return rs; } ent.m_Mode = meta.m_Attr.m_Mode; ent.m_CTime = meta.m_Attr.m_CTime; ent.m_MTime = meta.m_Attr.m_MTime; ent.m_Size = meta.m_Attr.m_Size; } else { // clear data of last entry meta.m_BlockList.clear(); rs = getFile(npath, &meta); if (!rs.success()) { ERROR_LOG("path %s, getFile() error", npath.c_str()); return rs; } ent.m_Mode = meta.m_Attr.m_Mode; ent.m_CTime = meta.m_Attr.m_CTime; ent.m_MTime = meta.m_Attr.m_MTime; ent.m_Size = meta.m_Attr.m_Size; ent.m_Version = meta.m_Attr.m_Version; ent.m_Type = meta.m_Attr.m_Type; ent.m_BlockList = meta.m_BlockList; } pEntryList->push_back(ent); } return ReturnStatus(MU_SUCCESS); }
int l_File_getParentPath(lua_State* L) { File& file = getFile(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, file.getParentPath().c_str()); return 1; }
Component* createEditor() override { ScopedPointer<JucerDocument> jucerDoc (JucerDocument::createForCppFile (getProject(), getFile())); if (jucerDoc != nullptr) return new JucerDocumentEditor (jucerDoc.release()); return SourceCodeDocument::createEditor(); }
int l_File_getShortStem(lua_State* L) { File& file = getFile(L, 1); lua_pushstring(L, file.getShortStem().c_str()); return 1; }
std::string TestAssertionFailureException::toString() const { std::ostringstream os; os << getMessage() << " @" << getFile() << ":" << getLine(); return os.str(); }
QString StackFrameItem::getFileName() { return getFullName().isEmpty() ? getFile() : getFullName(); }