Пример #1
  Remove a thread.
  Return zero if a thread was removed.
int Server::removeThread (u_long ID)
  int ret = 1;
  string msg ("remove-thread");
  vector<Multicast<string, void*, int>*>* handlers;

  handlers = getHandlers (msg);

  threadsMutex->lock ();

  if (handlers)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers->size (); i++)
          (*handlers)[i]->updateMulticast (this, msg, &ID);

  for (list<ClientsThread*>::iterator it = threads.begin (); it != threads.end (); it++)
      if ((*it)->id == ID)
          (*it)->stop ();
          ret = 0;
          threads.erase (it);
  threadsMutex->unlock ();
  return ret;

Пример #2
int MessageDispatcher::addHandler(MessageHandler* o){
    std::vector<MessageHandler*>& handlers = getHandlers();
    if( std::find(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), o) == handlers.end()){
        handlers.push_back(o) ;
        return handlers.size()-1 ;
    return -1;
Пример #3
  Create a new thread.
int Server::addThread (bool staticThread)
  int ret;
  string msg ("new-thread");
  ClientsThread* newThread = 0;
  vector<Multicast<string, void*, int>*>* handlers;

  purgeThreadsThreshold = 1;

  if (isRebooting ())
    return -1;

  if (!staticThread)
      bool restored = false;

      for (list<ClientsThread*>::iterator it = threads.begin (); it
             != threads.end (); it++)
          ClientsThread* thread = *it;

          if (thread->isToDestroy ())
              thread->setToDestroy (0);
              restored = true;
      if (restored)
        return 0;

  newThread = new ClientsThread (this);

  handlers = getHandlers (msg);
  if (handlers)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers->size (); i++)
          (*handlers)[i]->updateMulticast (this, msg, newThread);

  newThread->setStatic (staticThread);

  newThread->id = (u_long) (++currentThreadID);

  ret = newThread->run ();

  if (ret)
      log (MYSERVER_LOG_MSG_ERROR, _("Error creating thread"));
      return -1;

  threads.push_back (newThread);
  return 0;
Пример #4
  Get notified when a connection is closed.
int Server::notifyDeleteConnection (ConnectionPtr s)
  string msg ("remove-connection");
  vector<Multicast<string, void*, int>*>* handlers;

  handlers = getHandlers (msg);

  if (handlers)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers->size (); i++)
      (*handlers)[i]->updateMulticast (this, msg, s);

  return 0;
Пример #5
void EventEmitter_regCore(struct EventEmitter* eventEmitter,
                          struct Iface* iface,
                          enum PFChan_Pathfinder ev)
    struct EventEmitter_pvt* ee = Identity_check((struct EventEmitter_pvt*) eventEmitter);
    iface->connectedIf = &ee->trickIf;
    struct ArrayList_Ifaces* l = getHandlers(ee, ev, true);
    if (!l) {
        Assert_true(ev == 0);
    ArrayList_Ifaces_add(l, iface);
Пример #6
static Iface_DEFUN incomingFromPathfinder(struct Message* msg, struct Iface* iface)
    struct Pathfinder* pf = Identity_containerOf(iface, struct Pathfinder, iface);
    struct EventEmitter_pvt* ee = Identity_check((struct EventEmitter_pvt*) pf->ee);
    if (msg->length < 4) {
        Log_debug(ee->log, "DROPPF runt");
        return NULL;
    enum PFChan_Pathfinder ev = Message_pop32(msg, NULL);
    Message_push32(msg, pf->pathfinderId, NULL);
    Message_push32(msg, ev, NULL);
    if (ev <= PFChan_Pathfinder__TOO_LOW || ev >= PFChan_Pathfinder__TOO_HIGH) {
        Log_debug(ee->log, "DROPPF invalid type [%d]", ev);
        return NULL;
    if (!PFChan_Pathfinder_sizeOk(ev, msg->length)) {
        Log_debug(ee->log, "DROPPF incorrect length[%d] for type [%d]", msg->length, ev);
        return NULL;

    if (pf->state == Pathfinder_state_DISCONNECTED) {
        if (ev != PFChan_Pathfinder_CONNECT) {
            Log_debug(ee->log, "DROPPF disconnected and event != CONNECT event:[%d]", ev);
            return NULL;
    } else if (pf->state != Pathfinder_state_CONNECTED) {
        Log_debug(ee->log, "DROPPF error state");
        return NULL;

    if (handleFromPathfinder(ev, msg, ee, pf)) { return NULL; }

    struct ArrayList_Ifaces* handlers = getHandlers(ee, ev, false);
    if (!handlers) { return NULL; }
    for (int i = 0; i < handlers->length; i++) {
        struct Message* messageClone = Message_clone(msg, msg->alloc);
        struct Iface* iface = ArrayList_Ifaces_get(handlers, i);
        // We have to call this manually because we don't have an interface handy which is
        // actually plumbed with this one.
        Iface_CALL(iface->send, messageClone, iface);
    return NULL;
Пример #7
  Reboot the server.
  Returns non zero on errors.
int Server::reboot ()
  int ret;
  string msg ("reboot-server");
  vector<Multicast<string, void*, int>*>* handlers;

  handlers = getHandlers (msg);

  if (handlers)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers->size (); i++)
        (*handlers)[i]->updateMulticast (this, msg, 0);

  serverReady = false;
  /* Reset the toReboot flag.  */
  toReboot = false;

  rebooting = true;

  /* Do nothing if the reboot is disabled.  */
  if (!autoRebootEnabled)
    return 0;

  /* Do a beep if outputting to console.  */
  if (logLocation.find ("console://") != string::npos)
      char beep[] = { static_cast<char>(0x7), '\0' };
      string beepStr (beep);
      logManager->log (this, "MAINLOG", logLocation, beepStr);

  log (MYSERVER_LOG_MSG_INFO, _("Rebooting"));

  if (mustEndServer)
    return 0;

  mustEndServer = true;

  ret = terminate ();
  if (ret)
    return ret;

  mustEndServer = false;

  rebooting = false;

  ret = initialize () || postLoad ();

  if (ret)
      log (MYSERVER_LOG_MSG_INFO, _("The server could not be restarted"));
      return ret;

  serverReady = true;

  log (MYSERVER_LOG_MSG_INFO, _("Restarted"));

  return 0;
Пример #8
  Add a new connection.
  A connection is defined using a connection struct.
ConnectionPtr Server::addConnectionToList (Socket* s,
                                           MYSERVER_SOCKADDRIN* /*asockIn*/,
                                           char *ipAddr, char *localIpAddr,
                                           u_short port, u_short localPort,
                                           int /*id*/)
  int doSSLhandshake = 0;
  int doFastCheck = 0;
  Protocol* protocol;
  int opts = 0;
  ConnectionPtr newConnection;
  vector<Multicast<string, void*, int>*>* handlers;

  connectionsPoolLock.lock ();
      newConnection = connectionsPool.forcedGet ();
      connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();
  catch (...)
      connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();

  if (!newConnection)
    return NULL;
    newConnection->init ();

  newConnection->setPort (port);
  newConnection->setTimeout ( getTicks () );
  newConnection->setLocalPort (localPort);
  newConnection->setIpAddr (ipAddr);
  newConnection->setLocalIpAddr (localIpAddr);
  newConnection->host = vhostManager.getVHost (0, localIpAddr, localPort);
  if (newConnection->host == NULL)
          connectionsPoolLock.lock ();
          connectionsPool.put (newConnection);
          connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();
      catch (...)
          connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();
      return 0;

  protocol = getProtocol (newConnection->host->getProtocolName ());
  if (protocol)
    opts = protocol->getProtocolOptions ();

  if (opts & Protocol::SSL)
    doSSLhandshake = 1;

  if (opts & Protocol::FAST_CHECK)
    doFastCheck = 1;

  string msg ("new-connection");
  handlers = getHandlers (msg);
  if (handlers)
      for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers->size (); i++)
        if ((*handlers)[i]->updateMulticast (this, msg, newConnection) == 1)
            connectionsPoolLock.lock ();
                connectionsPool.put (newConnection);
                connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();
            catch (...)
                connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();

            return 0;

  /* Do the SSL handshake if required.  */
  if (doSSLhandshake)
      int ret = 0;
      SslSocket *sslSocket = new SslSocket (s);

      sslSocket->setSSLContext (newConnection->host->getSSLContext (),
                                newConnection->host->getSSLPriorityCache ());

      ret = sslSocket->sslAccept ();
      if (ret < 0)
          connectionsPoolLock.lock ();
              connectionsPool.put (newConnection);
              connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();
          catch (...)
              connectionsPoolLock.unlock ();

          delete sslSocket;
          return 0;
      newConnection->socket = sslSocket;
    newConnection->socket = s;

  if (doFastCheck)
      newConnection->setScheduled (1);
      newConnection->setForceControl (1);
      newConnection->socket->setNonBlocking (1);
      connectionsScheduler.addNewReadyConnection (newConnection);
    connectionsScheduler.addNewWaitingConnection (newConnection);

    If defined maxConnections and the number of active connections
    is bigger than it say to the protocol that will parse the connection
    to remove it from the active connections list.
  if (maxConnections
      && connectionsScheduler.getNumAliveConnections () > maxConnections)
    newConnection->setToRemove (Connection::REMOVE_OVERLOAD);

  connectionsScheduler.registerConnectionID (newConnection);

  return newConnection;
Пример #9
void MessageDispatcher::process(sofa::helper::logging::Message& m){
    std::vector<MessageHandler*>& handlers = getHandlers();
    for( size_t i=0 ; i<handlers.size() ; i++ )
        handlers[i]->process(m) ;
Пример #10
void MessageDispatcher::clearHandlers(){
    std::vector<MessageHandler*>& handlers = getHandlers();
    handlers.clear() ;
Пример #11
int MessageDispatcher::rmHandler(MessageHandler* o){
    std::vector<MessageHandler*>& handlers = getHandlers();
    handlers.erase(remove(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(), o), handlers.end());
    return handlers.size()-1 ;