bool AddressManager::handleUrl(const QUrl& lookupUrl, LookupTrigger trigger) { if (lookupUrl.scheme() == HIFI_URL_SCHEME) { qCDebug(networking) << "Trying to go to URL" << lookupUrl.toString(); DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->flagTimeForConnectionStep(LimitedNodeList::ConnectionStep::LookupAddress); // there are 4 possible lookup strings // 1. global place name (name of domain or place) - example: sanfrancisco // 2. user name (prepended with @) - example: @philip // 3. location string (posX,posY,posZ/eulerX,eulerY,eulerZ) // 4. domain network address (IP or dns resolvable hostname) // use our regex'ed helpers to figure out what we're supposed to do with this if (!handleUsername(lookupUrl.authority())) { // we're assuming this is either a network address or global place name // check if it is a network address first bool hostChanged; if (handleNetworkAddress( + (lookupUrl.port() == -1 ? "" : ":" + QString::number(lookupUrl.port())), trigger, hostChanged)) { // If the host changed then we have already saved to history if (hostChanged) { trigger = Internal; } // if we were not passed a path, use the index path auto path = lookupUrl.path(); if (path.isEmpty()) { path = INDEX_PATH; } // we may have a path that defines a relative viewpoint - if so we should jump to that now handlePath(path, trigger); } else if (handleDomainID({ // no place name - this is probably a domain ID // try to look up the domain ID on the metaverse API attemptDomainIDLookup(, lookupUrl.path(), trigger); } else { // wasn't an address - lookup the place name // we may have a path that defines a relative viewpoint - pass that through the lookup so we can go to it after attemptPlaceNameLookup(, lookupUrl.path(), trigger); } } return true; } else if (lookupUrl.toString().startsWith('/')) { qCDebug(networking) << "Going to relative path" << lookupUrl.path(); // if this is a relative path then handle it as a relative viewpoint handlePath(lookupUrl.path(), trigger, true); emit lookupResultsFinished(); return true; } return false; }
void ControlSlider::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * /* event */) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); /* draw background */ QBrush brush(backgroundGradient()); painter.setBrush(brush); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawPath(backgroundPath()); /* draw handle */ brush = handleGradient(); painter.setBrush(brush); painter.setPen(Qt::NoPen); painter.drawPath(handlePath()); }
void AddressManager::goToAddressFromObject(const QVariantMap& dataObject, const QNetworkReply& reply) { const QString DATA_OBJECT_PLACE_KEY = "place"; const QString DATA_OBJECT_USER_LOCATION_KEY = "location"; QVariantMap locationMap; if (dataObject.contains(DATA_OBJECT_PLACE_KEY)) { locationMap = dataObject[DATA_OBJECT_PLACE_KEY].toMap(); } else if (dataObject.contains(DATA_OBJECT_DOMAIN_KEY)) { locationMap = dataObject; } else { locationMap = dataObject[DATA_OBJECT_USER_LOCATION_KEY].toMap(); } if (!locationMap.isEmpty()) { const QString LOCATION_API_ROOT_KEY = "root"; const QString LOCATION_API_DOMAIN_KEY = "domain"; const QString LOCATION_API_ONLINE_KEY = "online"; if (!locationMap.contains(LOCATION_API_ONLINE_KEY) || locationMap[LOCATION_API_ONLINE_KEY].toBool()) { QVariantMap rootMap = locationMap[LOCATION_API_ROOT_KEY].toMap(); if (rootMap.isEmpty()) { rootMap = locationMap; } QVariantMap domainObject = rootMap[LOCATION_API_DOMAIN_KEY].toMap(); if (!domainObject.isEmpty()) { const QString DOMAIN_NETWORK_ADDRESS_KEY = "network_address"; const QString DOMAIN_NETWORK_PORT_KEY = "network_port"; const QString DOMAIN_ICE_SERVER_ADDRESS_KEY = "ice_server_address"; DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->flagTimeForConnectionStep(LimitedNodeList::ConnectionStep::HandleAddress); const QString DOMAIN_ID_KEY = "id"; QString domainIDString = domainObject[DOMAIN_ID_KEY].toString(); QUuid domainID(domainIDString); if (domainObject.contains(DOMAIN_NETWORK_ADDRESS_KEY)) { QString domainHostname = domainObject[DOMAIN_NETWORK_ADDRESS_KEY].toString(); quint16 domainPort = domainObject.contains(DOMAIN_NETWORK_PORT_KEY) ? domainObject[DOMAIN_NETWORK_PORT_KEY].toUInt() : DEFAULT_DOMAIN_SERVER_PORT; qCDebug(networking) << "Possible domain change required to connect to" << domainHostname << "on" << domainPort; emit possibleDomainChangeRequired(domainHostname, domainPort); } else { QString iceServerAddress = domainObject[DOMAIN_ICE_SERVER_ADDRESS_KEY].toString(); qCDebug(networking) << "Possible domain change required to connect to domain with ID" << domainID << "via ice-server at" << iceServerAddress; emit possibleDomainChangeRequiredViaICEForID(iceServerAddress, domainID); } LookupTrigger trigger = (LookupTrigger); // set our current root place id to the ID that came back const QString PLACE_ID_KEY = "id"; _rootPlaceID = rootMap[PLACE_ID_KEY].toUuid(); // set our current root place name to the name that came back const QString PLACE_NAME_KEY = "name"; QString placeName = rootMap[PLACE_NAME_KEY].toString(); if (!placeName.isEmpty()) { setHost(placeName, trigger); } else { setHost(domainIDString, trigger); } // check if we had a path to override the path returned QString overridePath =; if (!overridePath.isEmpty()) { handlePath(overridePath, trigger); } else { // take the path that came back const QString PLACE_PATH_KEY = "path"; QString returnedPath = locationMap[PLACE_PATH_KEY].toString(); bool shouldFaceViewpoint = locationMap.contains(LOCATION_API_ONLINE_KEY); if (!returnedPath.isEmpty()) { if (shouldFaceViewpoint) { // try to parse this returned path as a viewpoint, that's the only thing it could be for now if (!handleViewpoint(returnedPath, shouldFaceViewpoint)) { qCDebug(networking) << "Received a location path that was could not be handled as a viewpoint -" << returnedPath; } } else { handlePath(returnedPath, trigger); } } else { // we're going to hit the index path, set that as the _newHostLookupPath _newHostLookupPath = INDEX_PATH; // we didn't override the path or get one back - ask the DS for the viewpoint of its index path // which we will jump to if it exists emit pathChangeRequired(INDEX_PATH); } } } else { qCDebug(networking) << "Received an address manager API response with no domain key. Cannot parse."; qCDebug(networking) << locationMap; } } else { // we've been told that this result exists but is offline, emit our signal so the application can handle emit lookupResultIsOffline(); } } else { qCDebug(networking) << "Received an address manager API response with no location key or place key. Cannot parse."; qCDebug(networking) << locationMap; } }
void StereoNode::reconfig(stereoConfig &config, uint32_t level) { force_streaming_ = config.force_streaming; handlePath(config.config_path); const FlashMode flash_active_mode = config.flash_polarity ? FLASH_FREERUN_ACTIVE_HI : FLASH_FREERUN_ACTIVE_LO; if (trigger_mode_ != config.trigger) { stopCamera(); TriggerMode l_trigger, r_trigger; FlashMode l_flash = FLASH_OFF; FlashMode r_flash = FLASH_OFF; switch (config.trigger) { case stereo_TGR_SOFTWARE: case stereo_TGR_HARDWARE_RISING: l_trigger = r_trigger = TRIGGER_LO_HI; break; case stereo_TGR_HARDWARE_FALLING: l_trigger = r_trigger = TRIGGER_HI_LO; break; case stereo_TGR_L_MASTER_R_RISING: l_trigger = TRIGGER_OFF; r_trigger = TRIGGER_LO_HI; l_flash = flash_active_mode; break; case stereo_TGR_L_MASTER_R_FALLING: l_trigger = TRIGGER_OFF; r_trigger = TRIGGER_HI_LO; l_flash = flash_active_mode; break; case stereo_TGR_R_MASTER_L_RISING: l_trigger = TRIGGER_LO_HI; r_trigger = TRIGGER_OFF; r_flash = flash_active_mode; break; case stereo_TGR_R_MASTER_L_FALLING: l_trigger = TRIGGER_HI_LO; r_trigger = TRIGGER_OFF; r_flash = flash_active_mode; break; case stereo_TGR_AUTO: default: config.trigger = stereo_TGR_AUTO; l_trigger = r_trigger = TRIGGER_OFF; break; } if (!(l_cam_.setTriggerMode(l_trigger) && r_cam_.setTriggerMode(r_trigger))) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to configure triggers"); l_cam_.setTriggerMode(TRIGGER_OFF); r_cam_.setTriggerMode(TRIGGER_OFF); config.trigger = stereo_TGR_AUTO; l_cam_.setFlash(FLASH_OFF); r_cam_.setFlash(FLASH_OFF); } else { l_cam_.setFlash(l_flash, config.flash_delay, config.flash_duration); r_cam_.setFlash(r_flash, config.flash_delay, config.flash_duration); } } // Latch Auto Parameters if (auto_gain_ && !config.auto_gain) { config.gain = l_cam_.getHardwareGain(); } auto_gain_ = config.auto_gain; if (auto_exposure_ && !config.auto_exposure) { config.exposure_time = l_cam_.getExposure(); } auto_exposure_ = config.auto_exposure; // Pixel Clock if (l_cam_.getPixelClock() != config.l_pixel_clock) { l_cam_.setPixelClock(&config.l_pixel_clock); } if (r_cam_.getPixelClock() != config.r_pixel_clock) { r_cam_.setPixelClock(&config.r_pixel_clock); } reconfigCam(config, level, l_cam_); reconfigCam(config, level, r_cam_); trigger_mode_ = config.trigger; if (trigger_mode_ == stereo_TGR_SOFTWARE) { timer_force_trigger_.setPeriod(ros::Duration(1 / config.frame_rate)); } if (zoom_ != config.zoom) { zoom_ = config.zoom; loadIntrinsics(l_cam_, l_msg_camera_info_); loadIntrinsics(r_cam_, r_msg_camera_info_); } l_msg_camera_info_.header.frame_id = config.l_frame_id; r_msg_camera_info_.header.frame_id = config.r_frame_id; configured_ = true; }