Пример #1
int main()
    bool data      = 1;  // 8-bit mode.
    bool lines     = 1;  // 2 display lines.
    bool font      = 1;  // 5x8 font.
    bool display   = 1;  // Display on.
    bool cursor    = 0;  // Cursor off.
    bool blink     = 0;  // Blink (block cursor) off.
    bool counter   = 1;  // Increment DDRAM counter after data write
    bool shift     = 0;  // Do not shift display after data write.
    bool mode      = 0;  // Shift cursor.
    bool direction = 0;  // Right.

    int8_t err;

    // Initialise MCP23017.
    err = mcp23017Init( 0x20 );
    if ( err < 0 )
        printf( "Couldn't init. Try loading i2c-dev module.\n" );
        return -1;

    // Set direction of GPIOs.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IODIRA, 0x00 ); // Output.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IODIRB, 0x00 ); // Output.

    // Writes to latches are the same as writes to GPIOs.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], OLATA, 0x00 ); // Clear pins.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], OLATB, 0x00 ); // Clear pins.

    // Set BANK bit for 8-bit mode.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IOCONA, 0x80 );

    struct hd44780 *hd44780this;

    hd44780this = malloc( sizeof( struct hd44780 ));

    |             GPIOB             |             GPIOA             |
    | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
    |DB7|DB6|DB5|DB4|DB3|DB2|DB1|DB0|RS |R/W| E |---|---|---|---|---|

    // Set up hd44780 data.
    hd44780this->rs    = 0x80; // HD44780 RS pin.
    hd44780this->rw    = 0x40; // HD44780 R/W pin.
    hd44780this->en    = 0x20; // HD44780 E pin.

    hd44780[0] = hd44780this;

    // Initialise display.
    hd44780Init( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0],
                 data, lines, font, display, cursor, blink,
                 counter, shift, mode, direction );

    hd44780WriteString( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], "Initialised" );

    // Set up structure to display current time.
    struct calendar time =
        .mcp23017      = mcp23017[0],  // Initialised MCP23017.
        .hd44780       = hd44780[0],   // Initialised HD44780.
        .delay.tv_sec  = 0,            // 0 full seconds.
        .delay.tv_usec = 500000,       // 0.5 seconds.
        .row = 1,
        .col = 4,
        .length = 16,
        .frames = FRAMES_MAX,
        .format[0] = "%H:%M:%S",
        .format[1] = "%H %M %S"

    // Set up structure to display current date.
    struct calendar date =
        .mcp23017      = mcp23017[0],  // Initialised MCP23017.
        .hd44780       = hd44780[0],   // Initialised HD44780.
        .delay.tv_sec  = 60,           // 1 minute.
        .delay.tv_usec = 0,            // 0 microseconds.
        .row = 0,
        .col = 0,
        .length = 16,
        .frames = 1,
        .format[0] = "%a %d %b %Y"

    // Set ticker tape properties.
    struct ticker ticker =
        .mcp23017      = mcp23017[0],  // Initialised MCP23017.
        .hd44780       = hd44780[0],   // Initialised HD44780.
        .delay.tv_sec  = 0,            // Seconds.      }
        .delay.tv_usec = 100000,       // Microseconds. } Adjust for flicker.
        .text = "This text is really long and used to demonstrate the ticker!",
        .length = strlen( ticker.text ),
        .padding = 6,
        .row = 1,
        .increment = 1

    // Create threads and mutex for animated display functions.
    pthread_mutex_init( &displayBusy, NULL );
    pthread_t threads[2];

        The HD44780 has a slow response so animation times should be as
        large as possible and not mixed with other routines that have high
        animation duty, e.g. ticker and time display with animation.
    pthread_create( &threads[0], NULL, displayCalendar, (void *) &date );
    pthread_create( &threads[1], NULL, displayCalendar, (void *) &time );
//    pthread_create( &threads[1], NULL, displayPacMan, (void *) pacManRow );
//    pthread_create( &threads[1], NULL, displayTicker, (void *) &ticker );

    while (1)

    hd44780Clear( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0] );
    hd44780Home( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0] );

    // Clean up threads.
    pthread_mutex_destroy( &displayBusy );
    pthread_exit( NULL );

Пример #2
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Main (functional test).
//  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main( void )
    struct timeval start, end;
    uint32_t elapsed; // Elapsed time in milliseconds.
    uint8_t i;

    struct display_mode_t
        bool data;      // Data mode (4-bit or 8-bit).
        bool lines;     // Display lines.
        bool font;      // Font.
        bool display;   // Display on/off.
        bool cursor;    // Cursor on/off.
        bool blink;     // Blink (block cursor) on/off.
        bool counter;   // Counter incrementation.
        bool shift;     // Display shift.
        bool mode;      // Cursor mode.
        bool direction; // Cursor direction.
        display_mode =
        .data      = 1,  // 8-bit mode.
        .lines     = 1,  // 2 display lines.
        .font      = 1,  // 5x8 font.
        .display   = 1,  // Display on.
        .cursor    = 0,  // Cursor off.
        .blink     = 0,  // Blink (block cursor) off.
        .counter   = 1,  // Increment DDRAM counter after data write
        .shift     = 0,  // Do not shift display after data write.
        .mode      = 0,  // Shift cursor.
        .direction = 0,  // Right.

    struct hd44780 *hd44780this;

    int8_t err;

    // Initialise MCP23017.
    err = mcp23017Init( 0x20 );
    if ( err < 0 )
        printf( "Couldn't init. Try loading i2c-dev module.\n" );
        return -1;

    // Set direction of GPIOs.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IODIRA, 0x00 ); // Output.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IODIRB, 0x00 ); // Output.

    // Writes to latches are the same as writes to GPIOs.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], OLATA, 0x00 ); // Clear pins.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], OLATB, 0x00 ); // Clear pins.

    // Set BANK bit for 8-bit mode.
    mcp23017WriteByte( mcp23017[0], IOCONA, 0x80 );

    hd44780this = malloc( sizeof( struct hd44780 ));

    // Set up hd44780 data.
        |             GPIOB             |             GPIOA             |
        | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
        |DB7|DB6|DB5|DB4|DB3|DB2|DB1|DB0|RS |R/W| E |---|---|---|---|---|
    hd44780this->rs    = 0x80; // HD44780 RS pin.
    hd44780this->rw    = 0x40; // HD44780 R/W pin.
    hd44780this->en    = 0x20; // HD44780 E pin.

    hd44780[0] = hd44780this;

    // Initialise display.
    hd44780Init( mcp23017[0],
                 display_mode.direction );

//    hd44780WriteString( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], "Initialised" );

    // Custom characters.
    const uint8_t meter_chars[CUSTOM_MAX][CUSTOM_SIZE] =
        {{ 0x1f, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x11, 0x1f },
         { 0x1f, 0x11, 0x15, 0x11, 0x13, 0x15, 0x15, 0x1f },
         { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x1f },
         { 0x1f, 0x04, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
         { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x1f },
         { 0x1f, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 },
         { 0x1f, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f },
         { 0x1f, 0x1d, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f, 0x1f }};

    hd44780LoadCustom( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], meter_chars );


    pthread_mutex_init( &displayBusy, NULL );
    pthread_t threads[1];

    // Calculate number of samples for integration time.
	peak_meter.samples = vis_get_rate() * peak_meter.int_time / 1000;
    if ( peak_meter.samples < 1 ) peak_meter.samples = 1;
    peak_meter.samples = 2; // Minimum samples for fastest response but may miss peaks.
    printf( "Samples for %dms = %d.\n", peak_meter.int_time, peak_meter.samples );

    // Do some loops to test response time.
    gettimeofday( &start, NULL );
    for ( i = 0; i < TEST_LOOPS; i++ )
        get_dBfs( &peak_meter );
        get_dB_indices( &peak_meter );
        get_peak_strings( peak_meter, lcd_meter );

        // Write to LCD.
        hd44780Goto( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], 0, 0 );
        hd44780WriteString( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], lcd_meter[0], 16 );
        hd44780Goto( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], 1, 0 );
        hd44780WriteString( mcp23017[0], hd44780[0], lcd_meter[1], 16 );
        usleep( METER_DELAY );

    gettimeofday( &end, NULL );

    elapsed = (( end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec  ) * 1000 +
               ( end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec ) / 1000 ) / 10;

    if ( elapsed < peak_meter.hold_time )
        peak_meter.hold_count = peak_meter.hold_time / elapsed;
    pthread_create( &threads[0], NULL, update_meter, NULL );

    while ( 1 )

    pthread_mutex_destroy( &displayBusy );
    pthread_exit( NULL );

    return 0;
Пример #3
int main(void)
    HD44780OBJ          hd44780ObjOne;
    HD44780OBJ          hd44780ObjTwo;
    HD44780NUM          hd44780One;
    HD44780NUM          hd44780Two;
    HHD44780            hHd44780One;
    HHD44780            hHd44780Two;
    LCDIFFP             lcdIfFuncPointers;
    LCDIFNUM            lcdIfOne;
    LCDIFNUM            lcdIfTwo;
    HLCDIF              hLcdIfOne;
    HLCDIF              hLcdIfTwo;
//    PBIFC18OBJ          pbIf;
    PBIFOBJ             pbIf;
    LCDIFOBJ            lcdIfOneObj;
    LCDIFOBJ            lcdIfTwoObj;
    unsigned char       readData=0;
    unsigned char       readAddress=0;
    unsigned char       returnValue;
    unsigned char     * pString;
//    unsigned int        timerValue;
                                        /* Init Timer                         */
    T0CON = 0b10001000;
                                        /* Init modules                       */
    TMR0H = 0x00;
    TMR0L = 0x00;
//    timerValue = TMR0L;
    movf    TMR0L, 0, ACCESS
    movlb   0
    movwf   timerValue, BANKED
    timerValue += (TMR0H << 8);
                                        /* Make RW, RS and E lines outputs    */
#if	defined(__18CXX)
                                        /* Clear LATD register (functions as  */
                                        /* data lines on both PICDEM 2 Plus   */
                                        /* boards )                           */
    LATD = 0;
    #if defined (PICDEM2PLUS_GREEN)
                                        /* On GREEN PICDEM 2 Plus these are:  */
                                        /*  RD5 = RW                          */
                                        /*  RD4 = RS                          */
                                        /*  RD6 = E                           */
    TRISDbits.TRISD5 = 0;
    TRISDbits.TRISD4 = 0;
    TRISDbits.TRISD6 = 0;
                                        /* Turn on the LCD display (uses RD7) */
    TRISDbits.TRISD7 = 0;
    LATDbits.LATD7 = 1;

    #elif defined(PICDEM2PLUS_RED)
                                        /* On RED PICDEM 2 Plus these are:    */
                                        /*  RA2 = RW                          */
                                        /*  RA3 = RS                          */
                                        /*  RA1 = E                           */
                                        /* Make PORTA bits digital too and    */
                                        /* clear LATA register                */
    ADCON1 = 0x0F;
    LATA = 0;
    TRISAbits.TRISA2 = 0;
    TRISAbits.TRISA3 = 0;
    TRISAbits.TRISA1 = 0;
                                        /* Fill parallel bus interface struct */
#if defined(PICDEM2PLUS_GREEN)
    pbIf.RW_LAT     = &LATD;
    pbIf.RW_BIT     = (1 << 5);
    pbIf.RS_LAT     = &LATD;
    pbIf.RS_BIT     = (1 << 4);
#elif defined(PICDEM2PLUS_RED)
    pbIf.RW_LAT     = &LATA;
    pbIf.RW_BIT     = (1 << 2);
    pbIf.RS_LAT     = &LATA;
    pbIf.RS_BIT     = (1 << 3);
    pbIf.DATA_LAT   = &LATD;
    pbIf.DATA_PORT  = &PORTD;
    pbIf.DATA_TRIS  = &TRISD;
    pbIf.DATA_MASK  = 0x0F;

                                        /* Fill lcd interface struct          */
//#if	defined(__18CXX)
    #if defined(PICDEM2PLUS_GREEN)
    lcdIfOneObj.E_LAT      = &LATD;
    lcdIfOneObj.E_BIT      = (1 << 6);
    #elif defined(PICDEM2PLUS_RED)
    lcdIfOneObj.E_LAT      = &LATA;
    lcdIfOneObj.E_BIT      = (1 << 1);

    lcdIfOneObj.pbIfObject = &pbIf;
                                        /* Create an LCD interface            */
    lcdIfOne = lcdifCreate(&lcdIfOneObj);
                                        /* Open the interface                 */
    hLcdIfOne = lcdifOpen(lcdIfOne);

                                        /* Fix nibble swap on address reads   */
                                        /* Fill an LCD function pointers      */
                                        /* struct                             */
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pGetBus = lcdifGetPb;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pReturnBus = lcdifReturnPb;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pWriteData = lcdifWriteData;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pReadData = lcdifReadData;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pWriteInstr = lcdifWriteInstruction;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.pReadAddr = lcdifReadAddress;
    lcdIfFuncPointers.p4BitFunctionSet = lcdif4BitFunctionSet;

    TMR0H = 0x00;
    TMR0L = 0x00;
                                        /* Create an HD44780 display object   */
    hd44780One = hd44780Create(hLcdIfOne, &lcdIfFuncPointers, &hd44780ObjOne);
    movf    TMR0L, 0, ACCESS
    movlb   0
    movwf   timerValue, BANKED
    timerValue += (TMR0H << 8);
    TMR0H = 0x00;
    TMR0L = 0x00;
                                        /* Open an HD44780 object             */
    hHd44780One = hd44780Open(hd44780One);
    movf    TMR0L, 0, ACCESS
    movlb   0
    movwf   timerValue, BANKED
    timerValue += (TMR0H << 8);
        returnValue = hd44780InstructionInit(hHd44780One, HD44780U, 
                                             FS_5X8DOTS & FS_2LINE,
                                             DOFC_BLINKINGOFF & DOFC_CURSOROFF & 
                                             EMS_CURSORMOVE & EMS_INCREMENT);
        if (returnValue > 1)
    while (returnValue != 0);    
    TMR0H = 0x00;
    TMR0L = 0x00;
    movf    TMR0L, 0, ACCESS
    movlb   0
    movwf   timerValue, BANKED
    timerValue += (TMR0H << 8);
    TMR0H = 0x00;
    TMR0L = 0x00;
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '1');
    movf    TMR0L, 0, ACCESS
    movlb   0
    movwf   timerValue, BANKED
    timerValue += (TMR0H << 8);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '4');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '2');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '2');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'G');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'S');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'M');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, ' ');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '@');
        returnValue = hd44780SetCursorAddr(hHd44780One, 0x40);
    } while (returnValue == 0);    

    pString = test;
        pString = hd44780WriteRAMString(hHd44780One, pString);
    } while (pString != (unsigned char *) 0);
#if 0    
    hd44780EntryModeSet(hHd44780One, EMS_DISPLAYSHIFT & EMS_INCREMENT);

    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'B');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'e');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'l');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'l');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'o');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, '!');
        returnValue = hd44780EntryModeSet(hHd44780One, EMS_CURSORMOVE & EMS_DECREMENT);
    } while (returnValue != 1);
        returnValue = hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'e');
    } while (returnValue != 1);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'e');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'c');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'i');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'p');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 'S');
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, ':');
    hd44780EntryModeSet(hHd44780One, EMS_CURSORMOVE & EMS_INCREMENT);
#if 0
    //hd44780WriteString(hHd44780One, "This is a test ;o)");
    pString = test;
        pString = hd44780WriteRAMString(hHd44780One, pString);
    } while (pString != (unsigned char *) 0);

    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 0);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 1);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 2);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 3);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 4);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 5);
    hd44780WriteCGRAM(hHd44780One, character1, CGRAMFONT_5X8);
    hd44780SetCursorAddr(hHd44780One, 0x40);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 0);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 0);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 0);
    hd44780WriteChar(hHd44780One, 0);
    TRISBbits.TRISB0 = 0;
    /* Congratulations! If we stop here all tests passed */
        volatile unsigned int x;
        for(x=0; x<0x0FFF; x++)
        LATBbits.LATB0 = !LATBbits.LATB0;