void QVFbMouseHandler::readMouseData()
    int n;
    do {
        n = QT_READ(mouseFD, mouseBuf+mouseIdx, mouseBufSize-mouseIdx);
        if (n > 0)
            mouseIdx += n;
    } while (n > 0);

    int idx = 0;
    static const int packetsize = sizeof(QPoint) + 2*sizeof(int);
    while (mouseIdx-idx >= packetsize) {
        uchar *mb = mouseBuf+idx;
        QPoint mousePos = *reinterpret_cast<QPoint *>(mb);
        mb += sizeof(QPoint);
        int bstate = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(mb);
        mb += sizeof(int);
        int wheel = *reinterpret_cast<int *>(mb);
//        limitToScreen(mousePos);
        mouseChanged(mousePos, bstate, wheel);
        idx += packetsize;

    int surplus = mouseIdx - idx;
    for (int i = 0; i < surplus; i++)
        mouseBuf[i] = mouseBuf[idx+i];
    mouseIdx = surplus;
Пример #2
    : m_active(false)
    , m_angle(0)
    m_texture[0] = m_texture[1] = 0;
    m_picture[0] = m_picture[1] = 0;
    if ( effects->compositingType() == XRenderCompositing)
        m_angleBase = 1.57079632679489661923; // Pi/2
    if ( effects->isOpenGLCompositing() || effects->compositingType() == QPainterCompositing)
        m_angleBase = 90.0;
    m_mousePolling = false;

    m_action = new QAction(this);
    m_action->setText(i18n("Track mouse"));
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(m_action, QList<QKeySequence>());
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(m_action, QList<QKeySequence>());
    effects->registerGlobalShortcut(QKeySequence(), m_action);

    connect(m_action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(toggle()));

    connect(effects, SIGNAL(mouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)),
Пример #3
void CMainGameWindow::mouseWheel(const Point &mousePos, bool wheelUp) {
	if (!isMouseControlEnabled())

	_gameManager->_inputTranslator.mouseWheel(wheelUp, mousePos);
void KindleFiveWay::setKeypadMode(bool keypadMode)
    _keypadMode = false ; //keypadMode;

    if (_keypadMode)
        mouseChanged(QPoint(0,1200), 0, 0);
        mouseChanged(pos(), 0, 0);
Пример #5
/*! \internal

  This function is called whenever there is activity on the mouse device.
  By default, it reads up to 10 mouse move packets and calls mouseChanged()
  for each of them.
void QQnxMouseHandler::socketActivated()
    // _mouse_packet is a QNX structure. devi-hid is nice enough to translate
    // the raw byte data from mouse devices into generic format for us.
    _mouse_packet packet;

    int iteration = 0;

    // read mouse events in batches of 10. Since we're getting quite a lot
    // of mouse events, it's better to do them in batches than to return to the
    // event loop every time.
    do {
        int bytesRead = QT_READ(mouseFD, &packet, sizeof(packet));
        if (bytesRead == -1) {
            // EAGAIN means that there are no more mouse events to read
            if (errno != EAGAIN)
                qErrnoWarning(errno, "QQnxMouseHandler: Unable to read from socket");

        // bytes read should always be equal to the size of a packet.
        Q_ASSERT(bytesRead == sizeof(packet));

        // translate the coordinates from the QNX data structure to Qt coordinates
        // note the swapped y axis
        QPoint pos = mousePos;
        pos += QPoint(packet.dx, -packet.dy);

        // QNX only tells us relative mouse movements, not absolute ones, so limit the
        // cursor position manually to the screen

        // translate the QNX mouse button bitmask to Qt buttons
        int buttons = Qt::NoButton;

        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_LEFT)
            buttons |= Qt::LeftButton;
        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_MIDDLE)
            buttons |= Qt::MidButton;
        if (packet.hdr.buttons & _POINTER_BUTTON_RIGHT)
            buttons |= Qt::RightButton;

        // call mouseChanged() - this does all the magic to actually move the on-screen
        // mouse cursor.
        mouseChanged(pos, buttons, 0);
    } while (++iteration < 11);
Пример #6
    KActionCollection* actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this);
    KAction* a = static_cast< KAction* >(actionCollection->addAction("ClearMouseMarks"));
    a->setText(i18n("Clear All Mouse Marks"));
    a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F11));
    connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(clear()));
    a = static_cast< KAction* >(actionCollection->addAction("ClearLastMouseMark"));
    a->setText(i18n("Clear Last Mouse Mark"));
    a->setGlobalShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F12));
    connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(clearLast()));
    connect(effects, SIGNAL(mouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)),
            this, SLOT(slotMouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)));
    arrow_start = NULL_POINT;
    effects->startMousePolling(); // We require it to detect activation as well
Пример #7
    : m_startupInfo(new KStartupInfo(KStartupInfo::CleanOnCantDetect, this))
    , m_selection(new KSelectionOwner("_KDE_STARTUP_FEEDBACK", -1, this))
    , m_active(false)
    , m_frame(0)
    , m_progress(0)
    , m_texture(0)
    , m_type(BouncingFeedback)
    , m_blinkingShader(0)
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        m_bouncingTextures[i] = 0;
    connect(m_startupInfo, SIGNAL(gotNewStartup(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)), SLOT(gotNewStartup(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)));
    connect(m_startupInfo, SIGNAL(gotRemoveStartup(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)), SLOT(gotRemoveStartup(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)));
    connect(m_startupInfo, SIGNAL(gotStartupChange(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)), SLOT(gotStartupChange(KStartupInfoId,KStartupInfoData)));
    connect(effects, SIGNAL(mouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)),
            this, SLOT(slotMouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)));
Пример #8
    KActionCollection* actionCollection = new KActionCollection(this);
    QAction* a = actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("ClearMouseMarks"));
    a->setText(i18n("Clear All Mouse Marks"));
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F11);
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F11);
    connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(clear()));
    a = actionCollection->addAction(QStringLiteral("ClearLastMouseMark"));
    a->setText(i18n("Clear Last Mouse Mark"));
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setDefaultShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F12);
    KGlobalAccel::self()->setShortcut(a, QList<QKeySequence>() << Qt::SHIFT + Qt::META + Qt::Key_F12);
    connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(clearLast()));

    connect(effects, SIGNAL(mouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)),
            this, SLOT(slotMouseChanged(QPoint,QPoint,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::MouseButtons,Qt::KeyboardModifiers,Qt::KeyboardModifiers)));
    connect(effects, SIGNAL(screenLockingChanged(bool)), SLOT(screenLockingChanged(bool)));
    arrow_start = NULL_POINT;
    effects->startMousePolling(); // We require it to detect activation as well
Пример #9
void IniReader::setMouse(const bool &s){settings.insert("mouse",s);emit mouseChanged();}
Пример #10
void IniReader::finished()
    emit readConfigChanged();
    emit writeConfigChanged();
    emit romPathChanged();
    emit hashPathChanged();
    emit samplePathChanged();
    emit artPathChanged();
    emit ctrlrPathChanged();
    emit iniPathChanged();
    emit fontPathChanged();
    emit cheatPathChanged();
    emit crosshairPathChanged();
    emit cfgDirChanged();
    emit nvramDirChanged();
    emit inputDirChanged();
    emit stateDirChanged();
    emit snapshotDirChanged();
    emit diffDirChanged();
    emit commentDirChanged();
    emit stateChanged();
    emit autoSaveChanged();
    emit playbackChanged();
    emit recordChanged();
    emit mngWriteChanged();
    emit aviWriteChanged();
    emit wavWriteChanged();
    emit snapNameChanged();
    emit snapSizeChanged();
    emit snapViewChanged();
    emit snapBilinearChanged();
    emit stateNameChanged();
    emit burninChanged();
    emit autoFrameSkipChanged();
    emit frameSkipChanged();
    emit secondsToRunChanged();
    emit throttleChanged();
    emit sleepChanged();
    emit speedChanged();
    emit refreshSpeedChanged();
    emit rotateChanged();
    emit rorChanged();
    emit rolChanged();
    emit autoRorChanged();
    emit autoRolChanged();
    emit flipXChanged();
    emit flipYChanged();
    emit artworkCropChanged();
    emit useBackdropsChanged();
    emit useOverlaysChanged();
    emit useBezelsChanged();
    emit useCPanelsChanged();
    emit useMarqueesChanged();
    emit brightnessChanged();
    emit contrastChanged();
    emit gammaChanged();
    emit effectChanged();
    emit beamChanged();
    emit flickerChanged();
    emit sampleRateChanged();
    emit samplesChanged();
    emit volumeChanged();
    emit coinLockoutChanged();
    emit ctrlrChanged();
    emit mouseChanged();
    emit joystickChanged();
    emit lightgunChanged();
    emit multiKeyboardChanged();
    emit multiMouseChanged();
    emit steadyKeyChanged();
    emit uiActiveChanged();
    emit offScreenReloadChanged();
    emit joystickMapChanged();
    emit joystickDeadzoneChanged();
    emit joystickSaturationChanged();
    emit naturalChanged();
    emit joystickContradictoryChanged();
    emit coinImpulseChanged();
    emit paddleDeviceChanged();
    emit adstickDeviceChanged();
    emit pedalDeviceChanged();
    emit dialDeviceChanged();
    emit trackballDeviceChanged();
    emit lightgunDeviceChanged();
    emit positionalDeviceChanged();
    emit mouseDeviceChanged();
    emit verboseChanged();
    emit logChanged();
    emit osLogChanged();
    emit debugChanged();
    emit updateInPauseChanged();
    emit debugScriptChanged();
    emit sdlVideoFPSChanged();
    emit commLocalHostChanged();
    emit commLocalPortChanged();
    emit commRemoteHostChanged();
    emit commRemotePortChanged();
    emit antiAliasChanged();
    emit drcChanged();
    emit drcUseCChanged();
    emit drcLogUMLChanged();
    emit drcLogNativeChanged();
    emit biosChanged();
    emit cheatChanged();
    emit skipGameInfoChanged();
    emit uiFontChanged();
    emit ramSizeChanged();
    emit confirmQuitChanged();
    emit uiMouseChanged();
    emit autoBootCommandChanged();
    emit autoBootDelayChanged();
    emit autoBootScriptChanged();
    emit httpChanged();
    emit httpPortChanged();
    emit httpPathChanged();
    emit consoleChanged();
    emit multiThreadingChanged();
    emit numProcessorsChanged();
    emit videoChanged();
    emit numScreensChanged();
    emit windowChanged();
    emit maximizeChanged();
    emit keepAspectChanged();
    emit unevenStretchChanged();
    emit waitVSyncChanged();
    emit syncRefreshChanged();
    emit screenChanged();
    emit aspectChanged();
    emit resolutionChanged();
    emit viewChanged();
    emit switchResChanged();
    emit filterChanged();
    emit prescaleChanged();
    emit glForcePow2TextureChanged();
    emit glNoTextureRectChanged();
    emit glVboChanged();
    emit glPboChanged();
    emit glGlslChanged();
    emit glGlslFilterChanged();
    emit soundChanged();
    emit audioLatencyChanged();
    emit centerHChanged();
    emit centerVChanged();
    emit scaleModeChanged();
    emit useAllHeadsChanged();
    emit keymapChanged();
    emit keymapFileChanged();
    emit sixAxisChanged();
    emit videoDriverChanged();
    emit renderDriverChanged();
    emit audioDriverChanged();
    emit glLibChanged();
void KindleFiveWay::activity(int)

    input_event_t in;

    read(_fd, &in, sizeof(input_event_t));

    if (_debug)
        qDebug("FiveWay: type %d, code %d, value %d", in.type, in.code, in.value);

    if (in.type == 1)
        QPoint p = pos();

        case KDX_KEY_5WPRESS:
        case K3_KEY_5WPRESS:
            // button press
            if (_keypadMode)
                QWSServer::sendKeyEvent('\n', Qt::Key_Return, Qt::NoModifier, in.value != 0, in.value == 2);
                if (in.value)
                    _button = !_button;
        case KDX_KEY_LARROW:
            // left
            if (_keypadMode)
                QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(0, Qt::Key_Left, Qt::NoModifier, in.value != 0, in.value == 2);
            else if (in.value == 0)
                _left = 0;
            else if (in.value == 1)
                _left = 1;
                p.setX(p.x() - 5);
                if (_left < 6)

                p.setX(p.x() - 5 * _left);
        case KDX_KEY_RARROW:
            // right
            if (_keypadMode)
                QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(0, Qt::Key_Right, Qt::NoModifier, in.value != 0, in.value == 2);
            else if (in.value == 0)
                _right = 0;
            else if (in.value == 1)
                _right = 1;
                p.setX(p.x() + 5);
                if (_right < 6)

                p.setX(p.x() + 5 * _right);
        case KDX_KEY_UPARROW:
        case K3_KEY_UPARROW:
            // up
            if (_keypadMode)
                QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(0, Qt::Key_Up, Qt::NoModifier, in.value != 0, in.value == 2);
            else if (in.value == 0)
                _up = 0;
            else if (in.value == 1)
                _up = 1;
                p.setY(p.y() - 5);
                if (_up < 6)

                p.setY(p.y() - 5 * _up);
        case KDX_KEY_DNARROW:
        case K3_KEY_DNARROW:
            // down
            if (_keypadMode)
                QWSServer::sendKeyEvent(0, Qt::Key_Down, Qt::NoModifier, in.value != 0, in.value == 2);
            else if (in.value == 0)
                _down = 0;
            else if (in.value == 1)
                _down = 1;
                p.setY(p.y() + 5);
                if (_down < 6)

                p.setY(p.y() + 5 * _down);


        if (!_keypadMode)
            mouseChanged(p, _button ? Qt::LeftButton : 0, 0);
