Пример #1
/** This runs in a separate thread */
static int fpathThreadFunc(void *)

	while (!fpathQuit)
		if (pathJobs.empty())
			ASSERT(!waitingForResult, "Waiting for a result (id %u) that doesn't exist.", waitingForResultId);
			wzSemaphoreWait(fpathSemaphore);  // Go to sleep until needed.

		// Copy the first job from the queue.
		packagedPathJob job = std::move(pathJobs.front());


		waitingForResult = false;
		objTrace(waitingForResultId, "These are the droids you are looking for.");
	return 0;
Пример #2
// Run only from path thread
PATHRESULT fpathExecute(PATHJOB job)
	result.droidID = job.droidID;
	memset(&result.sMove, 0, sizeof(result.sMove));
	result.retval = FPR_FAILED;
	result.originalDest = Vector2i(job.destX, job.destY);

	ASR_RETVAL retval = fpathAStarRoute(&result.sMove, &job);

	ASSERT(retval != ASR_OK || result.sMove.asPath, "Ok result but no path in result");
	ASSERT(retval == ASR_FAILED || result.sMove.numPoints > 0, "Ok result but no length of path in result");
	switch (retval)
		if (job.acceptNearest)
			objTrace(job.droidID, "** Nearest route -- accepted **");
			result.retval = FPR_OK;
			objTrace(job.droidID, "** Nearest route -- rejected **");
			result.retval = FPR_FAILED;
		objTrace(job.droidID, "** Failed route **");
		// Is this really a good idea? Was in original code.
		if (job.propulsion == PROPULSION_TYPE_LIFT && (job.droidType != DROID_TRANSPORTER && job.droidType != DROID_SUPERTRANSPORTER))
			objTrace(job.droidID, "Doing fallback for non-transport VTOL");
			fpathSetMove(&result.sMove, job.destX, job.destY);
			result.retval = FPR_OK;
			result.retval = FPR_FAILED;
	case ASR_OK:
		objTrace(job.droidID, "Got route of length %d", result.sMove.numPoints);
		result.retval = FPR_OK;
	return result;
Пример #3
// Run only from path thread
static void fpathExecute(PATHJOB *psJob, PATHRESULT *psResult)
	ASR_RETVAL retval = fpathAStarRoute(&psResult->sMove, psJob);

	ASSERT(retval != ASR_OK || psResult->sMove.asPath, "Ok result but no path in result");
	ASSERT(retval == ASR_FAILED || psResult->sMove.numPoints > 0, "Ok result but no length of path in result");
	switch (retval)
		if (psJob->acceptNearest)
			objTrace(psJob->droidID, "** Nearest route -- accepted **");
			psResult->retval = FPR_OK;
			objTrace(psJob->droidID, "** Nearest route -- rejected **");
			psResult->retval = FPR_FAILED;
		objTrace(psJob->droidID, "** Failed route **");
		// Is this really a good idea? Was in original code.
		if (psJob->propulsion == PROPULSION_TYPE_LIFT && (psJob->droidType != DROID_TRANSPORTER && psJob->droidType != DROID_SUPERTRANSPORTER))
			objTrace(psJob->droidID, "Doing fallback for non-transport VTOL");
			fpathSetMove(&psResult->sMove, psJob->destX, psJob->destY);
			psResult->retval = FPR_OK;
			psResult->retval = FPR_FAILED;
	case ASR_OK:
		objTrace(psJob->droidID, "Got route of length %d", psResult->sMove.numPoints);
		psResult->retval = FPR_OK;
Пример #4
/** This runs in a separate thread */
static int fpathThreadFunc(void *)

	while (!fpathQuit)
		if (pathJobs.empty())
			ASSERT(!waitingForResult, "Waiting for a result (id %u) that doesn't exist.", waitingForResultId);
			wzSemaphoreWait(fpathSemaphore);  // Go to sleep until needed.

		// Copy the first job from the queue. Don't pop yet, since the main thread may want to set .deleted = true.
		PATHJOB job = pathJobs.front();


		// Execute path-finding for this job using our local temporaries
		PATHRESULT result;
		result.droidID = job.droidID;
		memset(&result.sMove, 0, sizeof(result.sMove));
		result.retval = FPR_FAILED;
		result.originalDest = Vector2i(job.destX, job.destY);

		// we need to lock BEFORE we fiddle with the data, or we get ugly data race conditions.
		fpathExecute(&job, &result);

		ASSERT(pathJobs.front().droidID == job.droidID, "Bug");  // The front of pathJobs may have .deleted set to true, but should not otherwise have been modified or deleted.
		if (!pathJobs.front().deleted)

		// Unblock the main thread, if it was waiting for this particular result.
		if (waitingForResult && waitingForResultId == job.droidID)
			waitingForResult = false;
			objTrace(waitingForResultId, "These are the droids you are looking for.");
	return 0;
Пример #5
// Find a route for an DROID to a location in world coordinates
	bool acceptNearest;
	PROPULSION_STATS *psPropStats = getPropulsionStats(psDroid);

	// override for AI to blast our way through stuff
	if (!isHumanPlayer(psDroid->player) && moveType == FMT_MOVE)
		moveType = (psDroid->asWeaps[0].nStat == 0) ? FMT_MOVE : FMT_ATTACK;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psPropStats != NULL, "invalid propulsion stats pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psDroid->type == OBJ_DROID, "We got passed an object that isn't a DROID!");

	// Check whether the start and end points of the route are blocking tiles and find an alternative if they are.
	Position startPos = psDroid->pos;
	Position endPos = Position(tX, tY, 0);
	StructureBounds dstStructure = getStructureBounds(worldTile(endPos.xy)->psObject);
	startPos = findNonblockingPosition(startPos, getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType, psDroid->player, moveType);
	if (!dstStructure.valid())  // If there's a structure over the destination, ignore it, otherwise pathfind from somewhere around the obstruction.
		endPos   = findNonblockingPosition(endPos,   getPropulsionStats(psDroid)->propulsionType, psDroid->player, moveType);
	objTrace(psDroid->id, "Want to go to (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d), going (%d, %d) -> (%d, %d)", map_coord(psDroid->pos.x), map_coord(psDroid->pos.y), map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY), map_coord(startPos.x), map_coord(startPos.y), map_coord(endPos.x), map_coord(endPos.y));
	switch (psDroid->order.type)
	case DORDER_LINEBUILD:                       // build a number of structures in a row (walls + bridges)
		dstStructure = getStructureBounds(psDroid->order.psStats, psDroid->order.pos, psDroid->order.direction);  // Just need to get close enough to build (can be diagonally), do not need to reach the destination tile.
		// fallthrough
	case DORDER_HELPBUILD:                       // help to build a structure
	case DORDER_DEMOLISH:                        // demolish a structure
		acceptNearest = false;
		acceptNearest = true;
	return fpathRoute(&psDroid->sMove, psDroid->id, startPos.x, startPos.y, endPos.x, endPos.y, psPropStats->propulsionType,
	                  psDroid->droidType, moveType, psDroid->player, acceptNearest, dstStructure);
Пример #6
/* Deals damage to an object
 * \param psObj object to deal damage to
 * \param damage amount of damage to deal
 * \param weaponClass the class of the weapon that deals the damage
 * \param weaponSubClass the subclass of the weapon that deals the damage
 * \param angle angle of impact (from the damage dealing projectile in relation to this object)
 * \return < 0 when the dealt damage destroys the object, > 0 when the object survives
int32_t objDamage(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, UDWORD damage, UDWORD originalhp, WEAPON_CLASS weaponClass, WEAPON_SUBCLASS weaponSubClass, HIT_SIDE impactSide)
	int	actualDamage, armour, level = 1;

	// If the previous hit was by an EMP cannon and this one is not:
	// don't reset the weapon class and hit time
	// (Giel: I guess we need this to determine when the EMP-"shock" is over)
	if (psObj->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP || weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
		psObj->timeLastHit = gameTime;
		psObj->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;

	// EMP cannons do no damage, if we are one return now
	if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
		return 0;

	// apply game difficulty setting
	damage = modifyForDifficultyLevel(damage, psObj->player != selectedPlayer);

	armour = psObj->armour[impactSide][weaponClass];

	debug(LOG_ATTACK, "objDamage(%d): body %d armour %d damage: %d", psObj->id, psObj->body, armour, damage);

	if (psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
		// Force sending messages, even if messages were turned off, since a non-synchronised script will execute here. (Aaargh!)
		bool bMultiMessagesBackup = bMultiMessages;
		bMultiMessages = bMultiPlayer;

		clustObjectAttacked((BASE_OBJECT *)psObj);

		bMultiMessages = bMultiMessagesBackup;

	if (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
		DROID *psDroid = (DROID *)psObj;

		// Retrieve highest, applicable, experience level
		level = getDroidEffectiveLevel(psDroid);

	// Reduce damage taken by EXP_REDUCE_DAMAGE % for each experience level
	actualDamage = (damage * (100 - EXP_REDUCE_DAMAGE * level)) / 100;

	// You always do at least a third of the experience modified damage
	actualDamage = MAX(actualDamage - armour, actualDamage / 3);

	// And at least MIN_WEAPON_DAMAGE points
	actualDamage = MAX(actualDamage, MIN_WEAPON_DAMAGE);

	objTrace(psObj->id, "objDamage: Penetrated %d", actualDamage);

	// for some odd reason, we have 0 hitpoints.
	if (!originalhp)
		ASSERT(originalhp, "original hitpoints are 0 ?");
		return -65536;  // it is dead

	// If the shell did sufficient damage to destroy the object, deal with it and return
	if (actualDamage >= psObj->body)
		return -(int64_t)65536 * psObj->body / originalhp;

	// Subtract the dealt damage from the droid's remaining body points
	psObj->body -= actualDamage;

	return (int64_t)65536 * actualDamage / originalhp;
Пример #7
/* Fire a weapon at something */
bool combFire(WEAPON *psWeap, BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget, int weapon_slot)
	UDWORD                  damLevel;
	UDWORD			firePause;
	SDWORD			longRange;
	DROID			*psDroid = NULL;
	int				compIndex;

	ASSERT(psWeap != NULL, "Invalid weapon pointer");

	/* Watermelon:dont shoot if the weapon_slot of a vtol is empty */
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid(((DROID *)psAttacker)))
		if (((DROID *)psAttacker)->sMove.iAttackRuns[weapon_slot] >= getNumAttackRuns(((DROID *)psAttacker), weapon_slot))
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "VTOL slot %d is empty", weapon_slot);
			return false;

	/* Get the stats for the weapon */
	compIndex = psWeap->nStat;
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN( false , compIndex < numWeaponStats, "Invalid range referenced for numWeaponStats, %d > %d", compIndex, numWeaponStats);
	psStats = asWeaponStats + compIndex;

	// check valid weapon/prop combination
	if (!validTarget(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot))
		return false;

	/*see if reload-able weapon and out of ammo*/
	if (psStats->reloadTime && !psWeap->ammo)
		if (gameTime - psWeap->lastFired < weaponReloadTime(psStats, psAttacker->player))
			return false;
		//reset the ammo level
		psWeap->ammo = psStats->numRounds;

	/* See when the weapon last fired to control it's rate of fire */
	firePause = weaponFirePause(psStats, psAttacker->player);

	// increase the pause if heavily damaged
	switch (psAttacker->type)
	case OBJ_DROID:
		psDroid = (DROID *)psAttacker;
		damLevel = PERCENT(psDroid->body, psDroid->originalBody);
		damLevel = PERCENT(((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->body, structureBody((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker));
		damLevel = 100;

	if (damLevel < HEAVY_DAMAGE_LEVEL)
		firePause += firePause;

	if (gameTime - psWeap->lastFired <= firePause)
		/* Too soon to fire again */
		return false;

	// add a random delay to the fire
	// With logical updates, a good graphics gard no longer gives a better ROF.
	// TODO Should still replace this with something saner, such as a ±1% random deviation in reload time.
	int fireChance = gameTime - (psWeap->lastFired + firePause);
	if (gameRand(RANDOM_PAUSE) > fireChance)
		return false;

	if (psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player] != UBYTE_MAX)
		// Can't see it - can't hit it
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Object has no indirect sight of target", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	/* Check we can see the target */
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && !isVtolDroid((DROID *)psAttacker)
	    && (proj_Direct(psStats) || actionInsideMinRange(psDroid, psTarget, psStats)))
		if(!lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, true))
			// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Droid has no direct line of sight to target",
			      psAttacker->id, ((DROID *)psAttacker)->aName, psTarget->id);
			return false;
	else if ((psAttacker->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE) &&
			 (((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->pStructureType->height == 1) &&
		// a bunker can't shoot through walls
		if (!lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, true))
			// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Structure has no direct line of sight to target",
			      psAttacker->id, ((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->pStructureType->pName, psTarget->id);
			return false;
	else if ( proj_Direct(psStats) )
		// VTOL or tall building
		if (!lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, false))
			// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Tall object has no direct line of sight to target",
			      psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
			return false;

	Vector3i deltaPos = psTarget->pos - psAttacker->pos;

	// if the turret doesn't turn, check if the attacker is in alignment with the target
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && !psStats->rotate)
		uint16_t targetDir = iAtan2(removeZ(deltaPos));
		int dirDiff = abs(angleDelta(targetDir - psAttacker->rot.direction));
		if (dirDiff > FIXED_TURRET_DIR)
			return false;

	/* Now see if the target is in range  - also check not too near */
	int dist = iHypot(removeZ(deltaPos));
	longRange = proj_GetLongRange(psStats);

	/* modification by CorvusCorax - calculate shooting angle */
	int min_angle = 0;
	// only calculate for indirect shots
	if (!proj_Direct(psStats) && dist > 0)
		min_angle = arcOfFire(psAttacker,psTarget,weapon_slot,true);

		// prevent extremely steep shots
		min_angle = std::min(min_angle, DEG(PROJ_ULTIMATE_PITCH));

		// adjust maximum range of unit if forced to shoot very steep
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			//do not allow increase of max range though
			if (iSin(2*min_angle) < iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)))  // If PROJ_MAX_PITCH == 45, then always iSin(2*min_angle) <= iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)), and the test is redundant.
				longRange = longRange * iSin(2*min_angle) / iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));

	int baseHitChance = 0;
	if ((dist <= psStats->shortRange)  && (dist >= psStats->minRange))
		// get weapon chance to hit in the short range
		baseHitChance = weaponShortHit(psStats,psAttacker->player);
	else if ((dist <= longRange && dist >= psStats->minRange)
	         || (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID
	             && !proj_Direct(psStats)
	             && actionInsideMinRange(psDroid, psTarget, psStats)))
		// get weapon chance to hit in the long range
		baseHitChance = weaponLongHit(psStats,psAttacker->player);

		// adapt for height adjusted artillery shots
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			baseHitChance = baseHitChance * iCos(min_angle) / iCos(DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));
		/* Out of range */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Out of range", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	// apply experience accuracy modifiers to the base
	//hit chance, not to the final hit chance
	int resultHitChance = baseHitChance;

	// add the attacker's experience
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psAttacker);

		// increase total accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance += EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;

	// subtract the defender's experience
	if (psTarget->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psTarget);

		// decrease weapon accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance -= EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;


	// fire while moving modifiers
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID &&
		((DROID *)psAttacker)->sMove.Status != MOVEINACTIVE)
		switch (psStats->fireOnMove)
		case FOM_NO:
			// Can't fire while moving
			return false;
			resultHitChance = FOM_PARTIAL_ACCURACY_PENALTY * resultHitChance / 100;
		case FOM_YES:
			// can fire while moving

	/* -------!!! From that point we are sure that we are firing !!!------- */

	/* note when the weapon fired */
	psWeap->lastFired = gameTime;

	/* reduce ammo if salvo */
	if (psStats->reloadTime)

	// increment the shots counter

	// predicted X,Y offset per sec
	Vector3i predict = psTarget->pos;

	//Watermelon:Target prediction
	if (isDroid(psTarget))
		DROID *psDroid = castDroid(psTarget);

		int32_t flightTime;
		if (proj_Direct(psStats) || dist <= psStats->minRange)
			flightTime = dist / psStats->flightSpeed;
			int32_t vXY, vZ;  // Unused, we just want the flight time.
			flightTime = projCalcIndirectVelocities(dist, deltaPos.z, psStats->flightSpeed, &vXY, &vZ, min_angle);

		if (psTarget->lastHitWeapon == WSC_EMP)
			int empTime = EMP_DISABLE_TIME - (gameTime - psTarget->timeLastHit);
			CLIP(empTime, 0, EMP_DISABLE_TIME);
			if (empTime >= EMP_DISABLE_TIME * 9/10)
				flightTime = 0;  /* Just hit.  Assume they'll get hit again */
				flightTime = MAX(0, flightTime - empTime);

		predict += Vector3i(iSinCosR(psDroid->sMove.moveDir, psDroid->sMove.speed*flightTime / GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC), 0);

	/* Fire off the bullet to the miss location. The miss is only visible if the player owns the target. (Why? - Per) */
	// What bVisible really does is to make the projectile audible even if it misses you. Since the target is NULL, proj_SendProjectile can't check if it was fired at you.
	bool bVisibleAnyway = psTarget->player == selectedPlayer;

	// see if we were lucky to hit the target
	bool isHit = gameRand(100) <= resultHitChance;
	if (isHit)
		/* Kerrrbaaang !!!!! a hit */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: [%s]->%u: resultHitChance=%d, visibility=%hhu : ", psStats->pName, psTarget->id, resultHitChance, psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player]);
		syncDebug("hit=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);
	else /* Deal with a missed shot */
		const int minOffset = 5;

		int missDist = 2 * (100 - resultHitChance) + minOffset;
		Vector3i miss = Vector3i(iSinCosR(gameRand(DEG(360)), missDist), 0);
		predict += miss;

		psTarget = NULL;  // Missed the target, so don't expect to hit it.

		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: Missed shot by (%4d,%4d)", miss.x, miss.y);
		syncDebug("miss=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);

	// Make sure we don't pass any negative or out of bounds numbers to proj_SendProjectile
	CLIP(predict.x, 0, world_coord(mapWidth - 1));
	CLIP(predict.y, 0, world_coord(mapHeight - 1));

	proj_SendProjectileAngled(psWeap, psAttacker, psAttacker->player, predict, psTarget, bVisibleAnyway, weapon_slot, min_angle);
	return true;
Пример #8
static FPATH_RETVAL fpathRoute(MOVE_CONTROL *psMove, unsigned id, int startX, int startY, int tX, int tY, PROPULSION_TYPE propulsionType,
                               DROID_TYPE droidType, FPATH_MOVETYPE moveType, int owner, bool acceptNearest, StructureBounds const &dstStructure)
	objTrace(id, "called(*,id=%d,sx=%d,sy=%d,ex=%d,ey=%d,prop=%d,type=%d,move=%d,owner=%d)", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, (int)propulsionType, (int)droidType, (int)moveType, owner);

	if (!worldOnMap(startX, startY) || !worldOnMap(tX, tY))
		debug(LOG_ERROR, "Droid trying to find path to/from invalid location (%d %d) -> (%d %d).", startX, startY, tX, tY);
		objTrace(id, "Invalid start/end.");
		syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = FPR_FAILED", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner);
		return FPR_FAILED;

	// don't have to do anything if already there
	if (startX == tX && startY == tY)
		// return failed to stop them moving anywhere
		objTrace(id, "Tried to move nowhere");
		syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = FPR_FAILED", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner);
		return FPR_FAILED;

	// Check if waiting for a result
	while (psMove->Status == MOVEWAITROUTE)
		objTrace(id, "Checking if we have a path yet");

		auto const &I = pathResults.find(id);
		ASSERT(I != pathResults.end(), "Missing path result promise");
		PATHRESULT result = I->second.get();
		ASSERT(result.retval != FPR_OK || result.sMove.asPath, "Ok result but no path in list");

		// Copy over select fields - preserve others
		psMove->destination = result.sMove.destination;
		psMove->numPoints = result.sMove.numPoints;
		bool correctDestination = tX == result.originalDest.x && tY == result.originalDest.y;
		psMove->pathIndex = 0;
		psMove->Status = MOVENAVIGATE;
		psMove->asPath = result.sMove.asPath;
		FPATH_RETVAL retval = result.retval;
		ASSERT(retval != FPR_OK || psMove->asPath, "Ok result but no path after copy");
		ASSERT(retval != FPR_OK || psMove->numPoints > 0, "Ok result but path empty after copy");

		// Remove it from the result list

		objTrace(id, "Got a path to (%d, %d)! Length=%d Retval=%d", psMove->destination.x, psMove->destination.y, psMove->numPoints, (int)retval);
		syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = %d, path[%d] = %08X->(%d, %d)", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner, retval, psMove->numPoints, ~crcSumVector2i(0, psMove->asPath, psMove->numPoints), psMove->destination.x, psMove->destination.y);

		if (!correctDestination)
			goto queuePathfinding;  // Seems we got the result of an old pathfinding job for this droid, so need to pathfind again.

		return retval;

	// We were not waiting for a result, and found no trivial path, so create new job and start waiting
	job.origX = startX;
	job.origY = startY;
	job.droidID = id;
	job.destX = tX;
	job.destY = tY;
	job.dstStructure = dstStructure;
	job.droidType = droidType;
	job.propulsion = propulsionType;
	job.moveType = moveType;
	job.owner = owner;
	job.acceptNearest = acceptNearest;
	job.deleted = false;

	debug(LOG_NEVER, "starting new job for droid %d 0x%x", id, id);
	// Clear any results or jobs waiting already. It is a vital assumption that there is only one
	// job or result for each droid in the system at any time.

	packagedPathJob task([job]() { return fpathExecute(job); });
	pathResults[id] = task.get_future();

	// Add to end of list
	bool isFirstJob = pathJobs.empty();

	if (isFirstJob)
		wzSemaphorePost(fpathSemaphore);  // Wake up processing thread.

	objTrace(id, "Queued up a path-finding request to (%d, %d), at least %d items earlier in queue", tX, tY, isFirstJob);
	syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = FPR_WAIT", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner);
	return FPR_WAIT;	// wait while polling result queue
Пример #9
/* Fire a weapon at something */
bool combFire(WEAPON *psWeap, BASE_OBJECT *psAttacker, BASE_OBJECT *psTarget, int weapon_slot)
	UDWORD			firePause;
	SDWORD			longRange;
	int				compIndex;

	ASSERT(psWeap != NULL, "Invalid weapon pointer");

	/* Watermelon:dont shoot if the weapon_slot of a vtol is empty */
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid(((DROID *)psAttacker)))
		if (psWeap->usedAmmo >= getNumAttackRuns(((DROID *)psAttacker), weapon_slot))
			objTrace(psAttacker->id, "VTOL slot %d is empty", weapon_slot);
			return false;

	/* Get the stats for the weapon */
	compIndex = psWeap->nStat;
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN( false , compIndex < numWeaponStats, "Invalid range referenced for numWeaponStats, %d > %d", compIndex, numWeaponStats);
	psStats = asWeaponStats + compIndex;

	// check valid weapon/prop combination
	if (!validTarget(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot))
		return false;

	unsigned fireTime = gameTime - deltaGameTime + 1;  // Can fire earliest at the start of the tick.

	// See if reloadable weapon.
	if (psStats->reloadTime)
		unsigned reloadTime = psWeap->lastFired + weaponReloadTime(psStats, psAttacker->player);
		if (psWeap->ammo == 0)  // Out of ammo?
			fireTime = std::max(fireTime, reloadTime);  // Have to wait for weapon to reload before firing.
			if (gameTime < fireTime)
				return false;

		if (reloadTime <= fireTime)
			//reset the ammo level
			psWeap->ammo = psStats->numRounds;

	/* See when the weapon last fired to control it's rate of fire */
	firePause = weaponFirePause(psStats, psAttacker->player);
	firePause = std::max(firePause, 1u);  // Don't shoot infinitely many shots at once.
	fireTime = std::max(fireTime, psWeap->lastFired + firePause);

	if (gameTime < fireTime)
		/* Too soon to fire again */
		return false;

	if (psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player] != UBYTE_MAX)
		// Can't see it - can't hit it
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Object has no indirect sight of target", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	/* Check we can hit the target */
	bool tall = (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && isVtolDroid((DROID *)psAttacker))
		    || (psAttacker->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE && ((STRUCTURE *)psAttacker)->pStructureType->height > 1);
	if (proj_Direct(psStats) && !lineOfFire(psAttacker, psTarget, weapon_slot, tall))
		// Can't see the target - can't hit it with direct fire
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): No direct line of sight to target",
		         psAttacker->id, objInfo(psAttacker), psTarget->id);
		return false;

	Vector3i deltaPos = psTarget->pos - psAttacker->pos;

	// if the turret doesn't turn, check if the attacker is in alignment with the target
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID && !psStats->rotate)
		uint16_t targetDir = iAtan2(removeZ(deltaPos));
		int dirDiff = abs(angleDelta(targetDir - psAttacker->rot.direction));
		if (dirDiff > FIXED_TURRET_DIR)
			return false;

	/* Now see if the target is in range  - also check not too near */
	int dist = iHypot(removeZ(deltaPos));
	longRange = proj_GetLongRange(psStats);

	int min_angle = 0;
	// Calculate angle for indirect shots
	if (!proj_Direct(psStats) && dist > 0)
		min_angle = arcOfFire(psAttacker,psTarget,weapon_slot,true);

		// prevent extremely steep shots
		min_angle = std::min(min_angle, DEG(PROJ_ULTIMATE_PITCH));

		// adjust maximum range of unit if forced to shoot very steep
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			//do not allow increase of max range though
			if (iSin(2*min_angle) < iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)))  // If PROJ_MAX_PITCH == 45, then always iSin(2*min_angle) <= iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH)), and the test is redundant.
				longRange = longRange * iSin(2*min_angle) / iSin(2*DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));

	int baseHitChance = 0;
	if (dist <= longRange && dist >= psStats->minRange)
		// get weapon chance to hit in the long range
		baseHitChance = weaponLongHit(psStats,psAttacker->player);

		// adapt for height adjusted artillery shots
		if (min_angle > DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH))
			baseHitChance = baseHitChance * iCos(min_angle) / iCos(DEG(PROJ_MAX_PITCH));
		/* Out of range */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire(%u[%s]->%u): Out of range", psAttacker->id, psStats->pName, psTarget->id);
		return false;

	// apply experience accuracy modifiers to the base
	//hit chance, not to the final hit chance
	int resultHitChance = baseHitChance;

	// add the attacker's experience
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psAttacker);

		// increase total accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance += EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;

	// subtract the defender's experience
	if (psTarget->type == OBJ_DROID)
		SDWORD	level = getDroidEffectiveLevel((DROID *) psTarget);

		// decrease weapon accuracy by EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS % for each experience level
		resultHitChance -= EXP_ACCURACY_BONUS * level * baseHitChance / 100;


	// fire while moving modifiers
	if (psAttacker->type == OBJ_DROID &&
		((DROID *)psAttacker)->sMove.Status != MOVEINACTIVE)
		switch (psStats->fireOnMove)
		case FOM_NO:
			// Can't fire while moving
			return false;
			resultHitChance = FOM_PARTIAL_ACCURACY_PENALTY * resultHitChance / 100;
		case FOM_YES:
			// can fire while moving

	/* -------!!! From that point we are sure that we are firing !!!------- */

	// Add a random delay to the next shot.
	// TODO Add deltaFireTime to the time it takes to fire next. If just adding to psWeap->lastFired, it might put it in the future, causing assertions. And if not sometimes putting it in the future, the fire rate would be lower than advertised.
	//int fireJitter = firePause/100;  // ±1% variation in fire rate.
	//int deltaFireTime = gameRand(fireJitter*2 + 1) - fireJitter;

	/* note when the weapon fired */
	psWeap->lastFired = fireTime;

	/* reduce ammo if salvo */
	if (psStats->reloadTime)

	// increment the shots counter

	// predicted X,Y offset per sec
	Vector3i predict = psTarget->pos;

	//Watermelon:Target prediction
	if (isDroid(psTarget) && castDroid(psTarget)->sMove.bumpTime == 0)
		DROID *psDroid = castDroid(psTarget);

		int32_t flightTime;
		if (proj_Direct(psStats) || dist <= psStats->minRange)
			flightTime = dist * GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC / psStats->flightSpeed;
			int32_t vXY, vZ;  // Unused, we just want the flight time.
			flightTime = projCalcIndirectVelocities(dist, deltaPos.z, psStats->flightSpeed, &vXY, &vZ, min_angle);

		if (psTarget->lastHitWeapon == WSC_EMP)
			int playerEmpTime = getEmpDisableTime(psTarget->player);
			int empTime = playerEmpTime - (gameTime - psTarget->timeLastHit);
			CLIP(empTime, 0, playerEmpTime);
			if (empTime >= playerEmpTime * 9/10)
				flightTime = 0;  /* Just hit.  Assume they'll get hit again */
				flightTime = MAX(0, flightTime - empTime);

		predict += Vector3i(iSinCosR(psDroid->sMove.moveDir, psDroid->sMove.speed*flightTime / GAME_TICKS_PER_SEC), 0);
		if (!isFlying(psDroid))
			predict.z = map_Height(removeZ(predict));  // Predict that the object will be on the ground.

	/* Fire off the bullet to the miss location. The miss is only visible if the player owns the target. (Why? - Per) */
	// What bVisible really does is to make the projectile audible even if it misses you. Since the target is NULL, proj_SendProjectile can't check if it was fired at you.
	bool bVisibleAnyway = psTarget->player == selectedPlayer;

	// see if we were lucky to hit the target
	bool isHit = gameRand(100) <= resultHitChance;
	if (isHit)
		/* Kerrrbaaang !!!!! a hit */
		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: [%s]->%u: resultHitChance=%d, visibility=%d", psStats->pName, psTarget->id, resultHitChance, (int)psTarget->visible[psAttacker->player]);
		syncDebug("hit=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);
	else /* Deal with a missed shot */
		const int minOffset = 5;

		int missDist = 2 * (100 - resultHitChance) + minOffset;
		Vector3i miss = Vector3i(iSinCosR(gameRand(DEG(360)), missDist), 0);
		predict += miss;

		psTarget = NULL;  // Missed the target, so don't expect to hit it.

		objTrace(psAttacker->id, "combFire: Missed shot by (%4d,%4d)", miss.x, miss.y);
		syncDebug("miss=(%d,%d,%d)", predict.x, predict.y, predict.z);

	// Make sure we don't pass any negative or out of bounds numbers to proj_SendProjectile
	CLIP(predict.x, 0, world_coord(mapWidth - 1));
	CLIP(predict.y, 0, world_coord(mapHeight - 1));

	proj_SendProjectileAngled(psWeap, psAttacker, psAttacker->player, predict, psTarget, bVisibleAnyway, weapon_slot, min_angle, fireTime);
	return true;
Пример #10
/* Deals damage to an object
 * \param psObj object to deal damage to
 * \param damage amount of damage to deal
 * \param weaponClass the class of the weapon that deals the damage
 * \param weaponSubClass the subclass of the weapon that deals the damage
 * \return < 0 when the dealt damage destroys the object, > 0 when the object survives
int32_t objDamage(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, unsigned damage, unsigned originalhp, WEAPON_CLASS weaponClass, WEAPON_SUBCLASS weaponSubClass, bool isDamagePerSecond)
	int	actualDamage, armour, level = 1, lastHit = psObj->timeLastHit;

	// If the previous hit was by an EMP cannon and this one is not:
	// don't reset the weapon class and hit time
	// (Giel: I guess we need this to determine when the EMP-"shock" is over)
	if (psObj->lastHitWeapon != WSC_EMP || weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
		psObj->timeLastHit = gameTime;
		psObj->lastHitWeapon = weaponSubClass;

	// EMP cannons do no damage, if we are one return now
	if (weaponSubClass == WSC_EMP)
		return 0;

	// apply game difficulty setting
	damage = modifyForDifficultyLevel(damage, psObj->player != selectedPlayer);

	armour = psObj->armour[weaponClass];

	if (psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
		if (psObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE && ((STRUCTURE *)psObj)->status == SS_BEING_BUILT)
			armour = 0;
		// Force sending messages, even if messages were turned off, since a non-synchronised script will execute here. (Aaargh!)
		bool bMultiMessagesBackup = bMultiMessages;
		bMultiMessages = bMultiPlayer;

		clustObjectAttacked((BASE_OBJECT *)psObj);
		triggerEventAttacked(psObj, g_pProjLastAttacker, lastHit);

		bMultiMessages = bMultiMessagesBackup;
	debug(LOG_ATTACK, "objDamage(%d): body %d armour %d damage: %d", psObj->id, psObj->body, armour, damage);

	if (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
		DROID *psDroid = (DROID *)psObj;

		// Retrieve highest, applicable, experience level
		level = getDroidEffectiveLevel(psDroid);

	// Reduce damage taken by EXP_REDUCE_DAMAGE % for each experience level
	actualDamage = (damage * (100 - EXP_REDUCE_DAMAGE * level)) / 100;

	// You always do at least a third of the experience modified damage
	actualDamage = MAX(actualDamage - armour, actualDamage / 3);

	// And at least MIN_WEAPON_DAMAGE points
	actualDamage = MAX(actualDamage, MIN_WEAPON_DAMAGE);

	if (isDamagePerSecond)
		int deltaDamageRate = actualDamage - psObj->burnDamage;
		if (deltaDamageRate <= 0)
			return 0;  // Did this much damage already, this tick, so don't do more.
		actualDamage = gameTimeAdjustedAverage(deltaDamageRate);
		psObj->burnDamage += deltaDamageRate;

	objTrace(psObj->id, "objDamage: Penetrated %d", actualDamage);
	syncDebug("damage%u dam%u,o%u,wc%d.%d,ar%d,lev%d,aDam%d,isDps%d", psObj->id, damage, originalhp, weaponClass, weaponSubClass, armour, level, actualDamage, isDamagePerSecond);

	// for some odd reason, we have 0 hitpoints.
	if (!originalhp)
		ASSERT(originalhp, "original hitpoints are 0 ?");
		return -65536;  // it is dead

	// If the shell did sufficient damage to destroy the object, deal with it and return
	if (actualDamage >= psObj->body)
		return -(int64_t)65536 * psObj->body / originalhp;

	// Subtract the dealt damage from the droid's remaining body points
	psObj->body -= actualDamage;

	syncDebugObject(psObj, 'D');

	return (int64_t)65536 * actualDamage / originalhp;
Пример #11
/* See if there is a target in range for Sensor objects*/
BOOL aiChooseSensorTarget(BASE_OBJECT *psObj, BASE_OBJECT **ppsTarget)
	int		sensorRange = objSensorRange(psObj);
	unsigned int	radSquared = sensorRange * sensorRange;
	bool		radarDetector = objRadarDetector(psObj);

	if (!objActiveRadar(psObj) && !radarDetector)
		ASSERT(false, "Only to be used for sensor turrets!");
		return false;

	/* See if there is something in range */
	if (radarDetector)
		BASE_OBJECT	*psCurr, *psTemp = NULL;
		int		tarDist = SDWORD_MAX;

		gridStartIterate(psObj->pos.x, psObj->pos.y, PREVIOUS_DEFAULT_GRID_SEARCH_RADIUS);
		psCurr = gridIterate();
		while (psCurr != NULL)
			if ((psCurr->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || psCurr->type == OBJ_DROID) &&
				if (!aiCheckAlliances(psCurr->player,psObj->player)
				    && objActiveRadar(psCurr))
					// See if in twice *their* sensor range
					const int xdiff = psCurr->pos.x - psObj->pos.x;
					const int ydiff = psCurr->pos.y - psObj->pos.y;
					const unsigned int distSq = xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff;
					const int targetSensor = objSensorRange(psCurr) * 2;
					const unsigned int sensorSquared = targetSensor * targetSensor;

					if (distSq < sensorSquared && distSq < tarDist)
						psTemp = psCurr;
						tarDist = distSq;
			psCurr = gridIterate();

		if (psTemp)
			objTrace(psTemp->id, "Targetted by radar detector %d", (int)psObj->id);
			objTrace(psObj->id, "Targetting radar %d", (int)psTemp->id);
			ASSERT(!psTemp->died, "aiChooseSensorTarget gave us a dead target");
			*ppsTarget = psTemp;
			return true;
	else if (psObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
		BASE_OBJECT	*psTarget = NULL;

		if (aiBestNearestTarget((DROID *)psObj, &psTarget, 0, NULL) >= 0)
			/* See if in sensor range */
			const int xdiff = psTarget->pos.x - psObj->pos.x;
			const int ydiff = psTarget->pos.y - psObj->pos.y;
			const unsigned int distSq = xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff;

			// I do believe this will never happen, check for yourself :-)
			debug(LOG_NEVER, "Sensor droid(%d) found possible target(%d)!!!", psObj->id, psTarget->id);

			if (distSq < radSquared)
				*ppsTarget = psTarget;
				return true;
	else	// structure
		BASE_OBJECT	*psCurr, *psTemp = NULL;
		int		tarDist = SDWORD_MAX;

		gridStartIterate(psObj->pos.x, psObj->pos.y, PREVIOUS_DEFAULT_GRID_SEARCH_RADIUS);
		psCurr = gridIterate();
		while (psCurr != NULL)
			// Don't target features or doomed/dead objects
			if (psCurr->type != OBJ_FEATURE && !aiObjectIsProbablyDoomed(psCurr))
				if (!aiCheckAlliances(psCurr->player,psObj->player) && !aiObjIsWall(psCurr))
					// See if in sensor range and visible
					const int xdiff = psCurr->pos.x - psObj->pos.x;
					const int ydiff = psCurr->pos.y - psObj->pos.y;
					const unsigned int distSq = xdiff * xdiff + ydiff * ydiff;

					if (distSq < radSquared && psCurr->visible[psObj->player] && distSq < tarDist)
						psTemp = psCurr;
						tarDist = distSq;
			psCurr = gridIterate();

		if (psTemp)
			ASSERT(!psTemp->died, "aiChooseSensorTarget gave us a dead target");
			*ppsTarget = psTemp;
			return true;

	return false;
Пример #12
// Find the best nearest target for a droid.
// If extraRange is higher than zero, then this is the range it accepts for movement to target.
// Returns integer representing target priority, -1 if failed
int aiBestNearestTarget(DROID *psDroid, BASE_OBJECT **ppsObj, int weapon_slot, int extraRange)
	SDWORD				bestMod = 0, newMod, failure = -1;
	BASE_OBJECT                     *psTarget = NULL, *bestTarget = NULL, *tempTarget;
	bool				electronic = false;
	STRUCTURE			*targetStructure;
	WEAPON_EFFECT			weaponEffect;

	//don't bother looking if empty vtol droid
	if (vtolEmpty(psDroid))
		return failure;

	/* Return if have no weapons */
	// The ai orders a non-combat droid to patrol = crash without it...
	if ((psDroid->asWeaps[0].nStat == 0 || psDroid->numWeaps == 0) && psDroid->droidType != DROID_SENSOR)
		return failure;
	// Check if we have a CB target to begin with
	if (!proj_Direct(asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat))
		WEAPON_STATS *psWStats = psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat + asWeaponStats;

		bestTarget = aiSearchSensorTargets((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot, psWStats, &tmpOrigin);
		bestMod = targetAttackWeight(bestTarget, (BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot);

	weaponEffect = (asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat)->weaponEffect;

	electronic = electronicDroid(psDroid);

	// Range was previously 9*TILE_UNITS. Increasing this doesn't seem to help much, though. Not sure why.
	int droidRange = std::min(aiDroidRange(psDroid, weapon_slot) + extraRange, objSensorRange(psDroid) + 6 * TILE_UNITS);

	static GridList gridList;  // static to avoid allocations.
	gridList = gridStartIterate(psDroid->pos.x, psDroid->pos.y, droidRange);
	for (GridIterator gi = gridList.begin(); gi != gridList.end(); ++gi)
		BASE_OBJECT *friendlyObj = NULL;
		BASE_OBJECT *targetInQuestion = *gi;

		/* This is a friendly unit, check if we can reuse its target */
		if (aiCheckAlliances(targetInQuestion->player, psDroid->player))
			friendlyObj = targetInQuestion;
			targetInQuestion = NULL;

			/* Can we see what it is doing? */
			if (friendlyObj->visible[psDroid->player] == UBYTE_MAX)
				if (friendlyObj->type == OBJ_DROID)
					DROID	*friendlyDroid = (DROID *)friendlyObj;

					/* See if friendly droid has a target */
					tempTarget = friendlyDroid->psActionTarget[0];
					if (tempTarget && !tempTarget->died)
						//make sure a weapon droid is targeting it
						if (friendlyDroid->numWeaps > 0)
							// make sure this target wasn't assigned explicitly to this droid
							if (friendlyDroid->order.type != DORDER_ATTACK)
								targetInQuestion = tempTarget;  //consider this target
				else if (friendlyObj->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
					tempTarget = ((STRUCTURE *)friendlyObj)->psTarget[0];
					if (tempTarget && !tempTarget->died)
						targetInQuestion = tempTarget;

		if (targetInQuestion != NULL
		    && targetInQuestion != psDroid  // in case friendly unit had me as target
		    && (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_DROID || targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE || targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_FEATURE)
		    && targetInQuestion->visible[psDroid->player] == UBYTE_MAX
		    && !aiCheckAlliances(targetInQuestion->player, psDroid->player)
		    && validTarget(psDroid, targetInQuestion, weapon_slot)
		    && objPosDiffSq(psDroid, targetInQuestion) < droidRange * droidRange)
			if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_DROID)
				// in multiPlayer - don't attack Transporters with EW
				if (bMultiPlayer)
					// if not electronic then valid target
					if (!electronic
					    || (electronic
					        && !isTransporter((DROID *)targetInQuestion)))
						//only a valid target if NOT a transporter
						psTarget = targetInQuestion;
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
			else if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_STRUCTURE)
				STRUCTURE *psStruct = (STRUCTURE *)targetInQuestion;

				if (electronic)
					/* don't want to target structures with resistance of zero if using electronic warfare */
					if (validStructResistance((STRUCTURE *)targetInQuestion))
						psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				else if (psStruct->asWeaps[0].nStat > 0)
					// structure with weapons - go for this
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				else if ((psStruct->pStructureType->type != REF_WALL && psStruct->pStructureType->type != REF_WALLCORNER)
				         || driveModeActive() || (bMultiPlayer && !isHumanPlayer(psDroid->player)))
					psTarget = targetInQuestion;
			else if (targetInQuestion->type == OBJ_FEATURE
			         && psDroid->lastFrustratedTime > 0
			         && gameTime - psDroid->lastFrustratedTime < FRUSTRATED_TIME
			         && ((FEATURE *)targetInQuestion)->psStats->damageable
			         && psDroid->player != scavengerPlayer())  // hack to avoid scavs blowing up their nice feature walls
				psTarget = targetInQuestion;
				objTrace(psDroid->id, "considering shooting at %s in frustration", objInfo(targetInQuestion));

			/* Check if our weapon is most effective against this object */
			if (psTarget != NULL && psTarget == targetInQuestion)		//was assigned?
				newMod = targetAttackWeight(psTarget, (BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, weapon_slot);

				/* Remember this one if it's our best target so far */
				if (newMod >= 0 && (newMod > bestMod || bestTarget == NULL))
					bestMod = newMod;
					tmpOrigin = ORIGIN_ALLY;
					bestTarget = psTarget;

	if (bestTarget)
		ASSERT(!bestTarget->died, "AI gave us a target that is already dead.");
		targetStructure = visGetBlockingWall((BASE_OBJECT *)psDroid, bestTarget);

		/* See if target is blocked by a wall; only affects direct weapons */
		if (proj_Direct(asWeaponStats + psDroid->asWeaps[weapon_slot].nStat)
		    && targetStructure)
			//are we any good against walls?
			if (asStructStrengthModifier[weaponEffect][targetStructure->pStructureType->strength] >= 100)		//can attack atleast with default strength
				bestTarget = (BASE_OBJECT *)targetStructure;			//attack wall

		*ppsObj = bestTarget;
		return bestMod;

	return failure;
Пример #13
// Find a route for an DROID to a location in world coordinates
	bool acceptNearest;
	PROPULSION_STATS *psPropStats = getPropulsionStats(psDroid);

	// override for AI to blast our way through stuff
	if (!isHumanPlayer(psDroid->player) && moveType == FMT_MOVE)
		moveType = (psDroid->asWeaps[0].nStat == 0) ? FMT_MOVE : FMT_ATTACK;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psPropStats != NULL, "invalid propulsion stats pointer");
	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(FPR_FAILED, psDroid->type == OBJ_DROID, "We got passed an object that isn't a DROID!");

	// check whether the end point of the route
	// is a blocking tile and find an alternative if it is
	if (psDroid->sMove.Status != MOVEWAITROUTE && fpathDroidBlockingTile(psDroid, map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY), moveType))
		// find the nearest non blocking tile to the DROID
		int minDist = SDWORD_MAX;
		int nearestDir = NUM_DIR;
		int dir;

		objTrace(psDroid->id, "BLOCKED(%d,%d) - trying workaround", map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY));
		for (dir = 0; dir < NUM_DIR; dir++)
			int x = map_coord(tX) + aDirOffset[dir].x;
			int y = map_coord(tY) + aDirOffset[dir].y;

			if (tileOnMap(x, y) && !fpathDroidBlockingTile(psDroid, x, y, moveType))
				// pick the adjacent tile closest to our starting point
				int tileDist = fpathDistToTile(x, y, psDroid->pos.x, psDroid->pos.y);

				if (tileDist < minDist)
					minDist = tileDist;
					nearestDir = dir;

			if (dir == NUM_BASIC - 1 && nearestDir != NUM_DIR)
				break;	// found a solution without checking at greater distance

		if (nearestDir == NUM_DIR)
			// surrounded by blocking tiles, give up
			objTrace(psDroid->id, "route to (%d, %d) failed - target blocked", map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY));
			return FPR_FAILED;
			tX = world_coord(map_coord(tX) + aDirOffset[nearestDir].x) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
			tY = world_coord(map_coord(tY) + aDirOffset[nearestDir].y) + TILE_UNITS / 2;
			objTrace(psDroid->id, "Workaround found at (%d, %d)", map_coord(tX), map_coord(tY));
	switch (psDroid->order)
	case DORDER_HELPBUILD:                       // help to build a structure
	case DORDER_LINEBUILD:                       // 6 - build a number of structures in a row (walls + bridges)
	case DORDER_DEMOLISH:                        // demolish a structure
		acceptNearest = false;
		acceptNearest = true;
	return fpathRoute(&psDroid->sMove, psDroid->id, psDroid->pos.x, psDroid->pos.y, tX, tY, psPropStats->propulsionType, 
	                  psDroid->droidType, moveType, psDroid->player, acceptNearest);
Пример #14
static FPATH_RETVAL fpathRoute(MOVE_CONTROL *psMove, int id, int startX, int startY, int tX, int tY, PROPULSION_TYPE propulsionType, 
                               DROID_TYPE droidType, FPATH_MOVETYPE moveType, int owner, bool acceptNearest)
	objTrace(id, "called(*,id=%d,sx=%d,sy=%d,ex=%d,ey=%d,prop=%d,type=%d,move=%d,owner=%d)", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, (int)propulsionType, (int)droidType, (int)moveType, owner);

	// don't have to do anything if already there
	if (startX == tX && startY == tY)
		// return failed to stop them moving anywhere
		objTrace(id, "Tried to move nowhere");
		syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = FPR_FAILED", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner);
		return FPR_FAILED;

	// Check if waiting for a result
	while (psMove->Status == MOVEWAITROUTE)
		objTrace(id, "Checking if we have a path yet");

		// psNext should be _declared_ here, after the mutex lock! Used to be a race condition, thanks to -Wdeclaration-after-statement style pseudocompiler compatibility.
		for (std::list<PATHRESULT>::iterator psResult = pathResults.begin(); psResult != pathResults.end(); ++psResult)
			if (psResult->droidID != id)
				continue;  // Wrong result, try next one.

			ASSERT(psResult->retval != FPR_OK || psResult->sMove.asPath, "Ok result but no path in list");

			// Copy over select fields - preserve others
			psMove->destination = psResult->sMove.destination;
			psMove->numPoints = psResult->sMove.numPoints;
			psMove->Position = 0;
			psMove->Status = MOVENAVIGATE;
			psMove->asPath = psResult->sMove.asPath;
			FPATH_RETVAL retval = psResult->retval;
			ASSERT(retval != FPR_OK || psMove->asPath, "Ok result but no path after copy");
			ASSERT(retval != FPR_OK || psMove->numPoints > 0, "Ok result but path empty after copy");

			// Remove it from the result list


			objTrace(id, "Got a path to (%d, %d)! Length=%d Retval=%d", psMove->destination.x, psMove->destination.y, psMove->numPoints, (int)retval);
			syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = %d, path[%d] = %08X->(%d, %d)", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner, retval, psMove->numPoints, ~crcSumVector2i(0, psMove->asPath, psMove->numPoints), psMove->destination.x, psMove->destination.y);

			return retval;

		objTrace(id, "No path yet. Waiting.");
		waitingForResult = true;
		waitingForResultId = id;
		wzSemaphoreWait(waitingForResultSemaphore);  // keep waiting

	// We were not waiting for a result, and found no trivial path, so create new job and start waiting
	job.origX = startX;
	job.origY = startY;
	job.droidID = id;
	job.destX = tX;
	job.destY = tY;
	job.droidType = droidType;
	job.propulsion = propulsionType;
	job.moveType = moveType;
	job.owner = owner;
	job.acceptNearest = acceptNearest;
	job.deleted = false;

	// Clear any results or jobs waiting already. It is a vital assumption that there is only one
	// job or result for each droid in the system at any time.


	// Add to end of list
	bool isFirstJob = pathJobs.empty();
	if (isFirstJob)
		wzSemaphorePost(fpathSemaphore);  // Wake up processing thread.


	objTrace(id, "Queued up a path-finding request to (%d, %d), at least %d items earlier in queue", tX, tY, isFirstJob);
	syncDebug("fpathRoute(..., %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d) = FPR_WAIT", id, startX, startY, tX, tY, propulsionType, droidType, moveType, owner);
	return FPR_WAIT;	// wait while polling result queue