PlayerStatus::PlayerStatus(QGraphicsItem* parentItem) : LabelButton("", parentItem) { BotNeumannApp* app = BotNeumannApp::getInstance(); connect(app->getPlayerManager(), SIGNAL(playerChanged(Player*)), this, SLOT(playerChanged(Player*))); playerChanged( app->getCurrentPlayer() ); }
void DixitGame::update(const DixitGame &dixitGame) { if (dixitGame.status() != status()) setStatus(dixitGame.status()); if (dixitGame.description() != description()) setDescription(dixitGame.description()); if (dixitGame.table() != table()) setTable(dixitGame.table()); if (dixitGame.constPlayerList().size() != constPlayerList().size()) { p = dixitGame.constPlayerList(); emit playerListChanged(); } else { bool changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < constPlayerList().size(); i++) if (dixitGame.constPlayerList().at(i) != constPlayerList().at(i)) { p[i] = dixitGame.constPlayerList().at(i); emit playerChanged(&p[i]); changed = true; } if (changed) emit playerListChanged(); } }
void GameMenuScene::setupButtons(LinearLayout* rightLayout) { // A label that shows the nickname of the current player. Press it to change player playerStatus = new PlayerStatus(this); playerStatus->setPaddings(0.2); rightLayout->addItem(playerStatus, 1.0 / 6.0); connect(playerStatus, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(playerControlPressed())); PlayerManager* playerManager = BotNeumannApp::getInstance()->getPlayerManager(); connect(playerManager, SIGNAL(playerChanged(Player*)), this, SLOT(playerChanged(Player*))); // Create the buttons for each game mode and configuration const QString buttonBackground("gm_button_background"); trainingButton = new SvgButton(buttonBackground, this, tr("Training")); missionsButton = new SvgButton(buttonBackground, this, tr("Missions")); collaborationButton = new SvgButton(buttonBackground, this, tr("Collaboration")); createButton = new SvgButton(buttonBackground, this, tr("Create")); // Add the menu buttons to the layout rightLayout->addItem( trainingButton, 1.0 / 6.0 ); rightLayout->addItem( missionsButton, 1.0 / 6.0 ); rightLayout->addItem( collaborationButton, 1.0 / 6.0 ); rightLayout->addItem( createButton, 1.0 / 6.0 ); // React to each button change connect(trainingButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(trainingButtonPressed())); connect(missionsButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(missionsButtonPressed())); connect(collaborationButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(collaborationButtonPressed())); connect(createButton, SIGNAL(pressed()), this, SLOT(createButtonPressed())); // Disable if there is not an active player playerChanged( BotNeumannApp::getInstance()->getCurrentPlayer() ); // Create the info, rewards and config buttons setupConfigButtons(rightLayout); }
Player* PlayerManager::setCurrentPlayer(Player* player) { if ( currentPlayer && currentPlayer != player ) currentPlayer->deleteLater(); currentPlayer = player; saveLastPlayer(); emit playerChanged(currentPlayer); return currentPlayer; }
Dialog::Private::Private(Dialog *parent) : q(parent) { ui.setupUi(q); recommender.setName("npb-similar-player"); recommender.setTimeout(10); bool learn = recommender.getAllRows().isEmpty(); QFile file(":/baseball.csv"); | QFile::Text); QTextStream stream(&file); QStringList fields = QStringList() << "チーム" << "打率" << "試合数" << "打席" << "打数" << "安打" << "本塁打" << "打点" << "盗塁" << "四球" << "死球" << "三振" << "犠打" << "併殺打" << "長打率" << "出塁率" << "OPS" << "RC27" << "XR27"; while (!stream.atEnd()) { QStringList list = stream.readLine().split(","); QString id = list.takeFirst(); if (learn) { QVariantMap data; data.insert(,; for(int i = 1; i < fields.length(); i++) { data.insert(,; } recommender.updateRow(id, data); } ui.player->addItem(id); } file.close(); connect(ui.buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, q, &QDialog::close); connect(ui.player, &QComboBox::currentTextChanged, [this](const QString &id) { playerChanged(id); }); playerChanged(ui.player->currentText()); }
bool GLView::record( const QString& fileName ) { if (!m_player) return false; QString fn(fileName); fn.replace('/','\\'); quicktime_recorder *recorder = quicktime_recorder::create(fn.toLatin1(), m_player->get_width(), m_player->get_height(), m_player->get_fps()); if (!recorder) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", "Creation of QuickTime recorder failed!"); return false; } parentWidget()->setEnabled(false); QProgressDialog progress("Recording...", "Abort", 0, m_player->get_duration(), this); progress.setWindowModality(Qt::WindowModal); makeCurrent(); int nextTime = 0; while (nextTime >= 0) { progress.setValue(nextTime); m_player->set_time(nextTime); m_player->update(); updateAll(); glFinish(); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, m_fbo); glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_dst.get_id(), 0); glReadBuffer(GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT); glReadPixels(0,0, m_dst.get_width(), m_dst.get_height(), GL_BGRA_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, recorder->get_buffer()); glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); recorder->append_frame(); nextTime = m_player->get_next_time(nextTime); if (progress.wasCanceled()) break; } recorder->finish(); delete recorder; parentWidget()->setEnabled(true); playerChanged(); return true; }
bool PlayerManager::reloadLastPlayer() { // Get the last player id from the settings QSettings settings; const QVariant& playerId = settings.value(sk("Players/LastPlayer")); if ( playerId.isNull() ) return false; Q_ASSERT(currentPlayer == nullptr); // Create a Player object and load it from settings using the ID currentPlayer = new Player(playerId.toByteArray()); currentPlayer->load(); // Done emit playerChanged(currentPlayer); return true; }
void DixitGame::ready(DixitGame::UniqueId uid) { Player *pp = findPlayer(uid); if (pp == nullptr) return; if (pp->getReady()) return; pp->setReady(); emit playerChanged(pp); message(QString("玩家%1准备就绪。").arg(pp->getId())); if (notYetReady() > 0) setMessage(QString("还有%1位玩家没有准备。").arg(notYetReady())); else { setMessage(); emit gameBegin(); } }
bool PlayerManager::renamePlayer(const QByteArray& playerId, const QString& newNickname) { if ( currentPlayer && currentPlayer->getId() == playerId ) { currentPlayer->setNickname(newNickname); currentPlayer->save(); emit playerChanged(currentPlayer); } else { Player* player = findPlayerById(playerId); if ( player ) { player->setNickname(newNickname); player->save(); } } return true; }
KHPlayersStatus::KHPlayersStatus(KHMatch *m, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QVBox(parent, name), m_onTurn(true) { setCaption(i18n("Status")); m_white = m->white()->face(); m_black = m->black()->face(); setIcon(m_white); m_whiteBox = new KHPlayerInfoBox(m->white(), this, m->clock()->displayLight()); m_whiteBox->setPaletteBackgroundColor( Qt::gray); m_whiteBox->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::black); m_blackBox = new KHPlayerInfoBox(m->black(), this, m->clock()->displayBlack()); m_blackBox->setPaletteBackgroundColor( Qt::black ); m_blackBox->setPaletteForegroundColor( Qt::gray ); connect(m->clock(), SIGNAL(playerChanged()), this, SLOT(updateIcon())); }
bool GLView::open(const QString& fileName) { #ifdef HAVE_QUICKTIME if (m_player) { m_image = QImage(); delete m_player; m_player = 0; } #endif m_image = QImage(fileName); #ifdef HAVE_QUICKTIME if (m_image.isNull() && m_haveQuickTime) { std::string pathStd = fileName.toStdString(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN for (std::string::iterator p = pathStd.begin(); p != pathStd.end(); ++p) if (*p == '/') *p = '\\'; #endif m_player = quicktime_player::open(pathStd.c_str()); if (m_player) { m_image = QImage((uchar*)m_player->get_buffer(), m_player->get_width(), m_player->get_height(), QImage::Format_RGB32); m_player->set_time(0); m_player->update(); } } else #endif { m_image = m_image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32); } if (!m_image.isNull()) { int w = m_image.width(); int h = m_image.height(); float *noise = new float[w * h]; { srand(1); float *p = noise; for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { *p++ = 0.5f + 2.0f * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX - 0.5); } } p = noise; for (int j = 0; j < h; ++j) { *p = (3*p[0] + p[1]) / 4; ++p; for (int i = 1; i < w-1; ++i) { *p = (p[-1] + 2*p[0] + p[1]) / 4; ++p; } *p = (p[-1] + 3*p[0]) / 4; ++p; } p = noise; for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { *p = (3*p[0] + p[w]) / 4; ++p; } for (int j = 1; j < h-1; ++j) { for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { *p = (p[-w] + 2*p[0] + p[w]) / 4; ++p; } } for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) { *p = (p[-w] + 3*p[0]) / 4; ++p; } } makeCurrent(); m_noise = texture_2d(GL_LUMINANCE16F_ARB, w, h, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_FLOAT, noise); assert(glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR); delete[] noise; } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, "Error", QString( "QuickTime can't load '%1'. To get further information "\ "please try load the file with the QuickTime player.").arg(fileName)); } playerChanged(); setOrigin(QPoint(0,0)); setZoom(1.0); updateAll(); this->fileName = fileName; return !m_image.isNull(); }
void GameHandler::changeCurrentPlayer(const bool undo) { this->deselectTiles(); this->players[this->getNextPlayerId()]->startTurn(); this->players[this->currentPlayer]->finishTurn(); if (!undo && this->lastMoveId != (int)this->turnsHistory[currentTurnId].size() - 1) this->dropHistoryTail(); if (!undo) { this->historyHandler.finishTurn(); //for (int i = 0; i < PLAYERS_QTY; ++i) //this->players[i]->play(this->players[this->currentPlayer]->getPlayerInfo().player, //this->turnsHistory[this->currentTurnId]); if ((int)this->turnsHistory.size() <= this->currentTurnId + 1) this->turnsHistory.push_back(vector<Move>()); if ((int)this->movesLeft.size() <= this->currentTurnId + 1) this->movesLeft.push_back(make_pair(2, 1)); this->movesLeft[this->currentTurnId] = make_pair(this->game.getMovesLeft(), this->game.getPassessLeft()); this->currentTurnId++; this->lastMoveId = -1; } else { // qDebug("player change for undo"); bool tmp = true; if (this->currentTurnId > 0) { if (this->turnsHistory[this->currentTurnId].empty()) { // this->turnsHistory.pop_back(); tmp = false; } this->movesLeft.pop_back(); this->currentTurnId--; //TODO stopped here //if (tmp) //this->sendUndoTurn(this->players[this->currentPlayer]->getPlayerInfo().player, //this->currentTurnId + 1); this->lastMoveId = this->turnsHistory[this->currentTurnId].size() - 1; } else { this->currentTurnId = 0; this->lastMoveId = -1; } } this->currentPlayer = this->getNextPlayerId(); this->game.setCurrentPlayer(engine::getOppositePlayer(this->game.getCurrentPlayer()), this->movesLeft[this->currentTurnId].first, this->movesLeft[this->currentTurnId].second); qDebug("Next player! %s", qPrintable(this->players[this->currentPlayer]->getPlayerInfo().name)); if (this->hintAI != NULL) this->hintAI->gameChanged(this->game); //hashes if (!undo) { //new configuration QString h = QString::fromStdString(this->game.getHash()); if (this->hashes.contains(h)) { //state repetition - draw this->game.setCurrentPlayer(NONE); emit gameFinished(); return; } this->hashes.insert(h); this->hashesHistory.push_back(h); } else { this->hashes.remove(hashesHistory.back()); this->hashesHistory.pop_back(); } emit playerChanged(); }