Пример #1
widget_node_t make_edit_number(const dictionary_t&     parameters,
                               const widget_node_t&    parent,
                               const factory_token_t&  token,
                               const widget_factory_t& factory)
    bool is_container(factory.is_container(static_name_t("edit_number")));
    const layout_attributes_t& layout_attributes(

    size_enum_t   size(parameters.count(key_size) ?
                       implementation::enumerate_size(get_value(parameters, key_size).cast<name_t>()) :

    edit_number_t* widget(NULL);
    create_widget(parameters, size, widget);
    assemblage_cleanup_ptr(token.client_holder_m.assemblage_m, widget);

    // Call display_insertion to embed the new widget within the view heirarchy
    platform_display_type display_token(insert(get_main_display(), parent.display_token_m, *widget));

    // As per SF.net bug 1428833, we want to attach the poly_placeable_t
    // to Eve before we attach the controller and view to the model

    eve_t::iterator eve_token;
    eve_token = attach_placeable<poly_placeable_t>(parent.eve_token_m, *widget, parameters, token, is_container, layout_attributes);

    attach_edit_num_view_and_controller(*widget, parameters, token);

    keyboard_t::iterator keyboard_token = keyboard_t::get().insert(parent.keyboard_token_m, poly_key_handler_t(boost::ref(*widget)));

    // Return the widget_node_t that comprises the tokens created for this widget by the various components

    return widget_node_t(size, eve_token, display_token, keyboard_token);
widget_node_t make_button(const dictionary_t&     parameters, 
                          const widget_node_t&    parent, 
                          const factory_token_t&  token,
                          const widget_factory_t& factory)
    size_enum_t   size(parameters.count(key_size) ?
                       implementation::enumerate_size(get_value(parameters, key_size).cast<name_t>()) :

    button_t* widget = implementation::create_button_widget(parameters, token, size);
    // Call display_insertion to embed the new widget within the view heirarchy
    platform_display_type display_token(insert(get_main_display(), parent.display_token_m, *widget));

    // set up key handler code. We do this all the time because we want the button to be updated
    // when modifier keys are pressed during execution of the dialog.

    keyboard_t::iterator keyboard_token(keyboard_t::get().insert(parent.keyboard_token_m, poly_key_handler_t(boost::ref(*widget))));
    // As per SF.net bug 1428833, we want to attach the poly_placeable_t
    // to Eve before we attach the controller and view to the model

    eve_t::iterator eve_token;
    eve_token = attach_placeable<poly_placeable_t>(parent.eve_token_m, *widget, parameters, 
        token, factory.is_container("button"_name),

    // Return the widget_node_t that comprises the tokens created for this widget by the various components
    return widget_node_t(size, eve_token, display_token, keyboard_token);