int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { // insert code here... char *input = "input.txt"; char *out1 = "outFile1"; char *out2 = "outFile2"; processTextFile(input, out1); //It takes input.txt as input, and output a file named outFile1. // The output file of processTextFile() becomes the input of the following function, // sortLines() which takes outFile1 as input and outputs outFile2. sortLines(out1, out2); //printf("Done processing!\n"); return 0; }
motion_selector::motion_selector(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::motion_selector) { ui->setupUi(this); sliderVal = 1.00; processTextFile(QString::fromStdString(ros::package::getPath("vigir_ocs_motion_selector") + "/src/tree.txt")); setupQuickButtons(QString::fromStdString(ros::package::getPath("vigir_ocs_motion_selector") + "/src/quickButtons.txt")); //ros:: std::cout << "File done processing now populatin the tree." << std::endl; populateTree(); message_pub_ = nh_.advertise<vigir_control_msgs::FlorExecuteMotionRequest>( "/flor/motion_service/motion_command",1,false); //key_event_sub_ = nh_.subscribe<vigir_ocs_msgs::OCSKeyEvent>( "/flor/ocs/key_event", 5, &motion_selector::processNewKeyEvent, this ); timer.start(33, this); }