void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TimHandle.Instance = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); float dc = pwmout_read(obj); __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&TimHandle); // Update the SystemCoreClock variable SystemCoreClockUpdate(); TimHandle.Init.Period = us - 1; TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)(SystemCoreClock / 1000000) - 1; // 1 µs tick TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0; TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&TimHandle); // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); // Save for future use obj->period = us; __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&TimHandle); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TimHandle.Instance = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); float dc = pwmout_read(obj); __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&TimHandle); TimHandle.Init.Period = us - 1; TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)(SystemCoreClock / 1000000) - 1; // 1 us tick TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0; TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK) { error("Cannot initialize PWM"); } // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); // Save for future use obj->period = us; __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&TimHandle); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { float dc = pwmout_read(obj); obj->period = us; // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TimHandle.Instance = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); float dc = pwmout_read(obj); __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&TimHandle); SystemCoreClockUpdate(); /* To make it simple, we use to possible prescaler values which lead to: * pwm unit = 1us, period/pulse can be from 1us to 65535us * or * pwm unit = 500us, period/pulse can be from 500us to ~32.76sec * Be careful that all the channels of a PWM shares the same prescaler */ if (us > 0xFFFF) { obj->prescaler = 500; } else { obj->prescaler = 1; } TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = ((SystemCoreClock / 1000000) * obj->prescaler) - 1; if (TimHandle.Init.Prescaler > 0xFFFF) error("PWM: out of range prescaler"); TimHandle.Init.Period = (us - 1) / obj->prescaler; if (TimHandle.Init.Period > 0xFFFF) error("PWM: out of range period"); TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0; TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK) { error("Cannot initialize PWM\n"); } // Save for future use obj->period = us; // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&TimHandle); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TIM_TypeDef *tim = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure; float dc = pwmout_read(obj); TIM_Cmd(tim, DISABLE); obj->period = us; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = obj->period - 1; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = (uint16_t)(SystemCoreClock / 1000000) - 1; // 1 µs tick TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM_TimeBaseInit(tim, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); TIM_ARRPreloadConfig(tim, ENABLE); TIM_Cmd(tim, ENABLE); }
// Set the PWM period, keeping the duty cycle the same. void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { float dc = pwmout_read(obj); *obj->MOD = (uint32_t)(pwm_clock * (float)us) - 1; pwmout_write(obj, dc); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TimHandle.Instance = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct; uint32_t PclkFreq; uint32_t APBxCLKDivider; float dc = pwmout_read(obj); __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&TimHandle); // Get clock configuration // Note: PclkFreq contains here the Latency (not used after) HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, &PclkFreq); // Get the PCLK and APBCLK divider related to the timer switch (obj->pwm) { // APB1 clock case PWM_2: case PWM_3: case PWM_4: case PWM_5: case PWM_12: case PWM_13: case PWM_14: PclkFreq = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(); APBxCLKDivider = RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider; break; // APB2 clock case PWM_1: case PWM_8: case PWM_9: case PWM_10: case PWM_11: PclkFreq = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq(); APBxCLKDivider = RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider; break; default: return; } /* To make it simple, we use to possible prescaler values which lead to: * pwm unit = 1us, period/pulse can be from 1us to 65535us * or * pwm unit = 500us, period/pulse can be from 500us to ~32.76sec * Be careful that all the channels of a PWM shares the same prescaler */ if (us > 0xFFFF) { obj->prescaler = 500; } else { obj->prescaler = 1; } // TIMxCLK = PCLKx when the APB prescaler = 1 else TIMxCLK = 2 * PCLKx if (APBxCLKDivider == RCC_HCLK_DIV1) TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)(((PclkFreq) / 1000000) * obj->prescaler) - 1; // 1 us tick else TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)(((PclkFreq * 2) / 1000000) * obj->prescaler) - 1; // 1 us tick if (TimHandle.Init.Prescaler > 0xFFFF) error("PWM: out of range prescaler"); TimHandle.Init.Period = (us - 1) / obj->prescaler; if (TimHandle.Init.Period > 0xFFFF) error("PWM: out of range period"); TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0; TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK) { error("Cannot initialize PWM\n"); } // Save for future use obj->period = us; // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&TimHandle); }
// Set the PWM period, keeping the duty cycle the same. void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { float dc = pwmout_read(obj); *obj->MOD = PWM_CLOCK_MHZ * us; pwmout_write(obj, dc); }
void pwmout_period_us(pwmout_t* obj, int us) { TimHandle.Instance = (TIM_TypeDef *)(obj->pwm); RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct; uint32_t PclkFreq; uint32_t APBxCLKDivider; float dc = pwmout_read(obj); __HAL_TIM_DISABLE(&TimHandle); // Get clock configuration // Note: PclkFreq contains here the Latency (not used after) HAL_RCC_GetClockConfig(&RCC_ClkInitStruct, &PclkFreq); // Get the PCLK and APBCLK divider related to the timer switch (obj->pwm) { // APB1 clock #if defined(TIM2_BASE) case PWM_2: #endif #if defined(TIM3_BASE) case PWM_3: #endif #if defined(TIM4_BASE) case PWM_4: #endif #if defined(TIM5_BASE) case PWM_5: #endif #if defined(TIM12_BASE) case PWM_12: #endif #if defined(TIM13_BASE) case PWM_13: #endif #if defined(TIM14_BASE) case PWM_14: #endif PclkFreq = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK1Freq(); APBxCLKDivider = RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB1CLKDivider; break; // APB2 clock #if defined(TIM1_BASE) case PWM_1: #endif #if defined(TIM8_BASE) case PWM_8: #endif #if defined(TIM9_BASE) case PWM_9: #endif #if defined(TIM10_BASE) case PWM_10: #endif #if defined(TIM11_BASE) case PWM_11: #endif PclkFreq = HAL_RCC_GetPCLK2Freq(); APBxCLKDivider = RCC_ClkInitStruct.APB2CLKDivider; break; default: return; } TimHandle.Init.Period = us - 1; // TIMxCLK = PCLKx when the APB prescaler = 1 else TIMxCLK = 2 * PCLKx if (APBxCLKDivider == RCC_HCLK_DIV1) TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)((PclkFreq) / 1000000) - 1; // 1 us tick else TimHandle.Init.Prescaler = (uint16_t)((PclkFreq * 2) / 1000000) - 1; // 1 us tick TimHandle.Init.ClockDivision = 0; TimHandle.Init.CounterMode = TIM_COUNTERMODE_UP; if (HAL_TIM_PWM_Init(&TimHandle) != HAL_OK) { error("Cannot initialize PWM\n"); } // Set duty cycle again pwmout_write(obj, dc); // Save for future use obj->period = us; __HAL_TIM_ENABLE(&TimHandle); }