//Main--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //Variables from MyModel.h--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* create a spherical object */ SPHERE obj1 = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, /* center of the circle */ 1.0, /* radius of the circle */ 0.75 }; /* diffuse reflection coefficient */ /* create a polygon object */ POLY4 obj2 = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* v0 */ 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, /* v1 */ 2.0, 0.0, 2.0, /* v2 */ 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, /* v3 */ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, /* normal of the polygon */ 0.8 }; /* diffuse reflection coefficient */ unsigned char img[ROWS][COLS]; float xmin = 0.0175; float ymin = -0.0175; float xmax = -0.0175; float ymax = 0.0175; float focal = 0.05; /* focal length simulating 50 mm lens */ /* definition of the camera parameters */ float VRP[3] = { 1.0, 2.0, 3.5 }; float VPN[3] = { 0.0, -1.0, -2.5 }; float VUP[3] = { 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; /* definition of light source */ float LRP[3] = { -10.0, 10.0, 2.0 }; /* light position */ float Ip = 200.0; /* intensity of the point light source */ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int i, j; int c; Xform3d TIN1, RT1; Xform3d Mcw; Point3d Pvpn, Pvup, Pvrp; Pvpn = assign_values(VPN); Pvup = assign_values(VUP); Pvrp = assign_values(VRP); translationInverse(VRP, TIN1); rotationTranspose(&Pvpn, &Pvup, RT1); multXforms(TIN1, RT1, Mcw); // initiate buffer for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { img[i][j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < COLS; j++) { Ray V; V.a = (Point3dPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point3d)); V.b = (Point3dPtr)malloc(sizeof(Point3d)); rayConstruction(i, j, focal, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, Mcw, &Pvrp, &V);// construct Ray V c = rayTracing(V, obj1, obj2, LRP, Ip); img[i][j] = c; free(V.a); free(V.b); } } // function output the final image to binary, then change to tiff or other format by using third party tools, such as Photoshop etc. FILE * fp; fp = fopen("Ray.raw", "wb"); fwrite(img, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(img), fp); fclose(fp); return 0; }
static unsigned int ray_color(const point3 e, double t, const point3 d, idx_stack *stk, const rectangular_node rectangulars, const sphere_node spheres, const light_node lights, color object_color, int bounces_left) { rectangular_node hit_rec = NULL, light_hit_rec = NULL; sphere_node hit_sphere = NULL, light_hit_sphere = NULL; double diffuse, specular; point3 l, _l, r, rr; object_fill fill; color reflection_part; color refraction_part; /* might be a reflection ray, so check how many times we've bounced */ if (bounces_left == 0) { SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return 0; } /* check for intersection with a sphere or a rectangular */ intersection ip= ray_hit_object(e, d, t, MAX_DISTANCE, rectangulars, &hit_rec, spheres, &hit_sphere); if (!hit_rec && !hit_sphere) return 0; /* pick the fill of the object that was hit */ fill = hit_rec ? hit_rec->element.rectangular_fill : hit_sphere->element.sphere_fill; void *hit_obj = hit_rec ? (void *) hit_rec : (void *) hit_sphere; /* assume it is a shadow */ SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (light_node light = lights; light; light = light->next) { /* calculate the intersection vector pointing at the light */ subtract_vector(ip.point, light->element.position, l); multiply_vector(l, -1, _l); normalize(_l); /* check for intersection with an object. use ignore_me * because we don't care about this normal */ ray_hit_object(ip.point, _l, MIN_DISTANCE, length(l), rectangulars, &light_hit_rec, spheres, &light_hit_sphere); /* the light was not block by itself(lit object) */ if (light_hit_rec || light_hit_sphere) continue; compute_specular_diffuse(&diffuse, &specular, d, l, ip.normal, fill.phong_power); localColor(object_color, light->element.light_color, diffuse, specular, &fill); } reflection(r, d, ip.normal); double idx = idx_stack_top(stk).idx, idx_pass = fill.index_of_refraction; if (idx_stack_top(stk).obj == hit_obj) { idx_stack_pop(stk); idx_pass = idx_stack_top(stk).idx; } else { idx_stack_element e = { .obj = hit_obj, .idx = fill.index_of_refraction }; idx_stack_push(stk, e); } refraction(rr, d, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass); double R = (fill.T > 0.1) ? fresnel(d, rr, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass) : 1.0; /* totalColor = localColor + mix((1-fill.Kd) * fill.R * reflection, T * refraction, R) */ if (fill.R > 0) { /* if we hit something, add the color */ int old_top = stk->top; if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, r, stk, rectangulars, spheres, lights, reflection_part, bounces_left - 1)) { multiply_vector(reflection_part, R * (1.0 - fill.Kd) * fill.R, reflection_part); add_vector(object_color, reflection_part, object_color); } stk->top = old_top; } /* calculate refraction ray */ if ((length(rr) > 0.0) && (fill.T > 0.0) && (fill.index_of_refraction > 0.0)) { normalize(rr); if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, rr, stk,rectangulars, spheres, lights, refraction_part, bounces_left - 1)) { multiply_vector(refraction_part, (1 - R) * fill.T, refraction_part); add_vector(object_color, refraction_part, object_color); } } protect_color_overflow(object_color); return 1; } /* @param background_color this is not ambient light */ void raytracing(void* args) { arg *data = (arg*) args; point3 u, v, w, d; color object_color = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; const viewpoint *view = (*data).View; color back = { 0.0 , 0.1 , 0.1 }; uint8_t *pixels = data->pixels; int start_j,end_j; /* Separate to count the pixels */ if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[0])) { start_j = 0; end_j = 128; } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[1])) { start_j = 128; end_j = 256; } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[2])) { start_j = 256; end_j = 384; } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[3])) { start_j = 384; end_j = 512; } /* calculate u, v, w */ calculateBasisVectors(u, v, w, view); idx_stack stk; int factor = sqrt(SAMPLES); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(64) \ private(stk), private(d), \ private(object_color) for (int j = start_j ; j < end_j; j++) { for (int i = 0 ; i < (*data).row; i++) { double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; /* MSAA */ for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLES; s++) { idx_stack_init(&stk); rayConstruction(d, u, v, w, i * factor + s / factor, j * factor + s % factor, view, (*data).row * factor, (*data).col * factor); if (ray_color(view->vrp, 0.0, d, &stk,(*data).rectangulars, (*data).spheres, (*data).lights, object_color, MAX_REFLECTION_BOUNCES)) { r += object_color[0]; g += object_color[1]; b += object_color[2]; } else { r += back[0]; g += back[1]; b += back[2]; } pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 0] = r * 255 / SAMPLES; pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 1] = g * 255 / SAMPLES; pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 2] = b * 255 / SAMPLES; } } } }
static unsigned int ray_color(const point3 e, double t, const point3 d, idx_stack *stk, const rectangular_node rectangulars, const sphere_node spheres, const light_node lights, color object_color, int bounces_left) { rectangular_node hit_rec = NULL, light_hit_rec = NULL; sphere_node hit_sphere = NULL, light_hit_sphere = NULL; double diffuse, specular; point3 l, _l, r, rr; object_fill fill; color reflection_part; color refraction_part; /* might be a reflection ray, so check how many times we've bounced */ if (bounces_left == 0) { SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); return 0; } /* check for intersection with a sphere or a rectangular */ intersection ip= ray_hit_object(e, d, t, MAX_DISTANCE, rectangulars, &hit_rec, spheres, &hit_sphere); if (!hit_rec && !hit_sphere) return 0; /* pick the fill of the object that was hit */ fill = hit_rec ? hit_rec->element.rectangular_fill : hit_sphere->element.sphere_fill; void *hit_obj = hit_rec ? (void *) hit_rec : (void *) hit_sphere; /* assume it is a shadow */ SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); for (light_node light = lights; light; light = light->next) { /* calculate the intersection vector pointing at the light */ subtract_vector(ip.point, light->element.position, l); multiply_vector(l, -1, _l); normalize(_l); /* check for intersection with an object. use ignore_me * because we don't care about this normal */ ray_hit_object(ip.point, _l, MIN_DISTANCE, length(l), rectangulars, &light_hit_rec, spheres, &light_hit_sphere); /* the light was not block by itself(lit object) */ if (light_hit_rec || light_hit_sphere) continue; compute_specular_diffuse(&diffuse, &specular, d, l, ip.normal, fill.phong_power); localColor(object_color, light->element.light_color, diffuse, specular, &fill); } reflection(r, d, ip.normal); double idx = idx_stack_top(stk).idx, idx_pass = fill.index_of_refraction; if (idx_stack_top(stk).obj == hit_obj) { idx_stack_pop(stk); idx_pass = idx_stack_top(stk).idx; } else { idx_stack_element e = { .obj = hit_obj, .idx = fill.index_of_refraction }; idx_stack_push(stk, e); } refraction(rr, d, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass); double R = (fill.T > 0.1) ? fresnel(d, rr, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass) : 1.0; /* totalColor = localColor + mix((1-fill.Kd) * fill.R * reflection, T * refraction, R) */ if (fill.R > 0) { /* if we hit something, add the color */ int old_top = stk->top; if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, r, stk, rectangulars, spheres, lights, reflection_part, bounces_left - 1)) { multiply_vector(reflection_part, R * (1.0 - fill.Kd) * fill.R, reflection_part); add_vector(object_color, reflection_part, object_color); } stk->top = old_top; } /* calculate refraction ray */ if ((length(rr) > 0.0) && (fill.T > 0.0) && (fill.index_of_refraction > 0.0)) { normalize(rr); if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, rr, stk,rectangulars, spheres, lights, refraction_part, bounces_left - 1)) { multiply_vector(refraction_part, (1 - R) * fill.T, refraction_part); add_vector(object_color, refraction_part, object_color); } } protect_color_overflow(object_color); return 1; } static void *parallel (void* range1) { Thread_range *range = (Thread_range *)range1; point3 d; idx_stack stk; color object_color = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }; for (int j = range->height1; j < range->height2; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < range->ptr->width; i++) { double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; /* MSAA */ for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLES; s++) { idx_stack_init(&stk); rayConstruction(d, range->ptr->u, range->ptr->v, range->ptr->w, i * range->ptr->factor + s / range->ptr->factor, j * range->ptr->factor + s % range->ptr->factor, range->ptr->view, range->ptr->width * range->ptr->factor, range->ptr->height * range->ptr->factor); if (ray_color(range->ptr->view->vrp, 0.0, d, &(stk), range->ptr->rectangulars, range->ptr->spheres, range->ptr->lights, object_color, MAX_REFLECTION_BOUNCES)) { r += object_color[0]; g += object_color[1]; b += object_color[2]; } else { r += range->ptr->background_color[0]; g += range->ptr->background_color[1]; b += range->ptr->background_color[2]; } range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 0] = r * 255 / SAMPLES; range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 1] = g * 255 / SAMPLES; range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 2] = b * 255 / SAMPLES; } } } return NULL; }