Пример #1
static char *
icon_cirros (guestfs_h *g, struct inspect_fs *fs, size_t *size_r)
  char *ret = NOT_FOUND;
  char *type = NULL;
  char *local = NULL;
  char *pngfile = NULL;
  struct command *cmd;
  int r;

  r = guestfs_exists (g, CIRROS_LOGO);
  if (r == -1) {
    ret = NULL; /* a real error */
    goto out;
  if (r == 0) goto out;

  /* Check the file type and geometry. */
  type = guestfs_file (g, CIRROS_LOGO);
  if (!type) goto out;

  if (!STRPREFIX (type, "ASCII text")) goto out;

  local = guestfs___download_to_tmp (g, fs, CIRROS_LOGO, "icon", 1024);
  if (!local) goto out;

  /* Use pbmtext to render it. */
  pngfile = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/cirros.png", g->tmpdir);

  cmd = guestfs___new_command (g);
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_unquoted (cmd, PBMTEXT " < ");
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_quoted   (cmd, local);
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_unquoted (cmd, " | " PNMTOPNG " > ");
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_quoted   (cmd, pngfile);
  r = guestfs___cmd_run (cmd);
  guestfs___cmd_close (cmd);
  if (r == -1)
    goto out;
  if (!WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0)
    goto out;

  /* Read it into memory. */
  if (read_whole_file (g, pngfile, &ret, size_r) == -1) {
    ret = NULL;
    goto out;

  free (pngfile);
  free (local);
  free (type);

  return ret;
Пример #2
 * @brief redirect_to_splashpage
 * @param connection
 * @param client
 * @param host
 * @param url
 * @return
static int redirect_to_splashpage(struct MHD_Connection *connection, t_client *client, const char *host, const char *url)
	char *originurl = NULL;
	char *query = "";

	get_query(connection, &query);

	safe_asprintf(&originurl, "http://%s%s%s%s", host, url, strlen(query) ? "?" : "" , query);

	return encode_and_redirect_to_splashpage(connection, originurl);
Пример #3
http_callback_status(httpd *webserver, request *r)
	char * status = NULL;
	char * prestatus = NULL;
	status = get_status_text();
	safe_asprintf(&prestatus, "<pre>\n%s\n</pre>", status);
	http_nodogsplash_serve_info(r, "Nodogsplash Status",prestatus);
Пример #4
void http_callback_logout(httpd *webserver, request *r)
	t_client *client;
	s_config *config = config_get_config();

	client = client_list_find_by_ip(r->clientAddr);

	/* Send logout to auth server if client is logged in */
	if (client != NULL) {
		t_authresponse authresponse;
		char *ip = strdup(client->ip);
		char *mac = strdup(client->mac);
		char *token = strdup(client->token);
		unsigned long long incoming = client->counters.incoming;
		unsigned long long outgoing = client->counters.outgoing;

		debug(LOG_INFO, "Got manual logout from client ip %s, mac %s, token %s",
			client->ip, client->mac, client->token);

		fw_deny(client->ip, client->mac, client->fw_connection_state);

		/* Unlock client list here since auth_server_request may take a while */

		/* Advertise the logout if we have an auth server */
		if (config->auth_servers != NULL) {
			auth_server_request(&authresponse, REQUEST_TYPE_LOGOUT, ip,
								mac, token, incoming, outgoing);

	} else {
		/* Do nothing if the client is not in the client list (i.e. not logged in) */
		debug(LOG_INFO, "Got manual logout from client %s, but client not in list", r->clientAddr);

	if (config->auth_servers != NULL) {
		/* Re-direct them to auth server */
		char *urlFragment = NULL;
		t_auth_serv	*auth_server = get_auth_server();

		safe_asprintf(&urlFragment, "%smessage=%s",
		http_send_redirect_to_auth(r, urlFragment, "Redirect to logout message");
Пример #5
/** @brief Sends a redirect to the web browser 
 * @param r The request
 * @param url The url to redirect to
 * @param text The text to include in the redirect header and the manual redirect link title.  NULL is acceptable */
http_send_redirect(request * r, const char *url, const char *text)
    char *message = NULL;
    char *header = NULL;
    char *response = NULL;
    /* Re-direct them to auth server */
    debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Redirecting client browser to %s", url);
    safe_asprintf(&header, "Location: %s", url);
	// liudf 20160104; change 302 to 307
    safe_asprintf(&response, "307 %s\r\n", text ? text : "Redirecting");
    httpdSetResponse(r, response);
    httpdAddHeader(r, header);
    safe_asprintf(&message, "Please <a href='%s'>click here</a>.", url);
    send_http_page(r, text ? text : "Redirection to message", message);
Пример #6
static int collect_query_string(void *cls, enum MHD_ValueKind kind, const char *key, const char * value)
	/* what happens when '?=foo' supplied? */
	struct collect_query *collect_query = cls;
	if (key && !value) {
		collect_query->elements[collect_query->i] = safe_strdup(key);
	} else if(key && value) {
		safe_asprintf(&(collect_query->elements[collect_query->i]), "%s=%s", key, value);
	return MHD_YES;
Пример #7
http_nodogsplash_redirect(request *r, const char url[])
	char *header;

	httpdSetResponse(r, "302 Found");
	safe_asprintf(&header, "Location: %s",url);
	httpdAddHeader(r, header);

	httpdPrintf(r, "<html><head></head><body><a href='%s'>Click here to continue to<br>%s</a></body></html>",url,url);

Пример #8
http_nodogsplash_redirect(request *r, const char url[]) 
	char *header;
	debug(LOG_DEBUG,"Redirect client %s to %s",r->clientAddr,url);
	httpdSetResponse(r, "302 Found\n");
	safe_asprintf(&header, "Location: http://%s",url);
	httpdAddHeader(r, header);

	httpdPrintf(r, "<html><head></head><body><a href='%s'>Click here to continue to<br>%s</a></body></html>",url,url);

Пример #9
static int
read_osinfo_db_directory (guestfs_h *g, const char *directory)
  DIR *dir;
  int r;

  dir = opendir (directory);
  if (!dir) {
    debug (g, "osinfo: %s: %s", directory, strerror (errno));
    return 0; /* This is not an error: RHBZ#948324. */

  for (;;) {
    struct dirent *d;

    errno = 0;
    d = readdir (dir);
    if (!d) break;

    if (STRSUFFIX (d->d_name, ".xml")) {
      CLEANUP_FREE char *pathname = NULL;

      pathname = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/%s", directory, d->d_name);
      r = read_osinfo_db_xml (g, pathname);
      if (r == -1)
        goto error;

  /* Check for failure in readdir. */
  if (errno != 0) {
    perrorf (g, "readdir: %s", directory);
    goto error;

  /* Close the directory handle. */
  r = closedir (dir);
  dir = NULL;
  if (r == -1) {
    perrorf (g, "closedir: %s", directory);
    goto error;

  return 1;

  if (dir)
    closedir (dir);

  return -1;
Пример #10
 * Return the location of firmware needed to boot the appliance.  This
 * is aarch64 only currently, since that's the only architecture where
 * UEFI is mandatory (and that only for RHEL).
 * C<*code> is initialized with the path to the read-only UEFI code
 * file.  C<*vars> is initialized with the path to a copy of the UEFI
 * vars file (which is cleaned up automatically on exit).
 * If C<*code> == C<*vars> == C<NULL> then no UEFI firmware is
 * available.
 * C<*code> and C<*vars> should be freed by the caller.
 * If the function returns C<-1> then there was a real error which
 * should cause appliance building to fail (no UEFI firmware is not an
 * error).
 * See also F<v2v/utils.ml>:find_uefi_firmware
guestfs_int_get_uefi (guestfs_h *g, char **code, char **vars, int *flags)
#ifdef __aarch64__
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; guestfs_int_uefi_aarch64_firmware[i].code != NULL; ++i) {
    const char *codefile = guestfs_int_uefi_aarch64_firmware[i].code;
    const char *code_debug_file =
    const char *varsfile = guestfs_int_uefi_aarch64_firmware[i].vars;

    if (access (codefile, R_OK) == 0 && access (varsfile, R_OK) == 0) {
      CLEANUP_CMD_CLOSE struct command *copycmd = guestfs_int_new_command (g);
      char *varst;
      int r;

      /* Make a copy of NVRAM variables file.  You can't just map it
       * into the address space read-only as that triggers a different
       * path inside UEFI.
      varst = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/vars.fd.%d", g->tmpdir, ++g->unique);
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, "cp");
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, varsfile);
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, varst);
      r = guestfs_int_cmd_run (copycmd);
      if (r == -1 || !WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0) {
        free (varst);
        return -1;

      /* If debugging is enabled and we can find the code file with
       * debugging enabled, use that instead.
      if (g->verbose && access (code_debug_file, R_OK) == 0)
	codefile = code_debug_file;

      /* Caller frees. */
      *code = safe_strdup (g, codefile);
      *vars = varst;
      *flags = guestfs_int_uefi_aarch64_firmware[i].flags;
      return 0;

  /* Not found. */
  *code = *vars = NULL;
  *flags = 0;
  return 0;
/* Windows Registry HKLM\SYSTEM\MountedDevices uses a blob of data
 * to store partitions.  This blob is described here:
 * http://www.goodells.net/multiboot/partsigs.shtml
 * The following function maps this blob to a libguestfs partition
 * name, if possible.
static char *
map_registry_disk_blob (guestfs_h *g, const void *blob)
  CLEANUP_FREE_PARTITION_LIST struct guestfs_partition_list *partitions = NULL;
  size_t i, j, len;
  uint64_t part_offset;

  /* First 4 bytes are the disk ID.  Search all devices to find the
   * disk with this disk ID.
  devices = guestfs_list_devices (g);
  if (devices == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (i = 0; devices[i] != NULL; ++i) {
    /* Read the disk ID. */
    CLEANUP_FREE char *diskid =
      guestfs_pread_device (g, devices[i], 4, 0x01b8, &len);
    if (diskid == NULL)
    if (len < 4)
    if (memcmp (diskid, blob, 4) == 0) /* found it */
      goto found_disk;
  return NULL;

  /* Next 8 bytes are the offset of the partition in bytes(!) given as
   * a 64 bit little endian number.  Luckily it's easy to get the
   * partition byte offset from guestfs_part_list.
  memcpy (&part_offset, (char *) blob + 4, sizeof (part_offset));
  part_offset = le64toh (part_offset);

  partitions = guestfs_part_list (g, devices[i]);
  if (partitions == NULL)
    return NULL;

  for (j = 0; j < partitions->len; ++j) {
    if (partitions->val[j].part_start == part_offset) /* found it */
      goto found_partition;
  return NULL;

  /* Construct the full device name. */
  return safe_asprintf (g, "%s%d", devices[i], partitions->val[j].part_num);
Пример #12
static int
run_qemu_img_info (guestfs_h *g, const char *filename,
                   cmd_stdout_callback fn, void *data)
  char *abs_filename = NULL;
  char *safe_filename = NULL;
  struct command *cmd;
  int r;

  if (guestfs___lazy_make_tmpdir (g) == -1)
    return -1;

  safe_filename = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/format.%d", g->tmpdir, ++g->unique);

  /* 'filename' must be an absolute path so we can link to it. */
  abs_filename = realpath (filename, NULL);
  if (abs_filename == NULL) {
    perrorf (g, "realpath");
    goto error;

  if (symlink (abs_filename, safe_filename) == -1) {
    perrorf (g, "symlink");
    goto error;

  cmd = guestfs___new_command (g);
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "qemu-img");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "info");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, safe_filename);
  guestfs___cmd_set_stdout_callback (cmd, fn, data, 0);
  r = guestfs___cmd_run (cmd);
  guestfs___cmd_close (cmd);
  if (r == -1)
    goto error;
  if (!WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0) {
    error (g, _("qemu-img: %s: child process failed"), filename);
    goto error;

  free (safe_filename);
  free (abs_filename);
  return 0;

  free (safe_filename);
  free (abs_filename);

  return -1;
Пример #13
/* The g->tmpdir (per-handle temporary directory) is not created when
 * the handle is created.  Instead we create it lazily before the
 * first time it is used, or during launch.
guestfs_int_lazy_make_tmpdir (guestfs_h *g)
  if (!g->tmpdir) {
    CLEANUP_FREE char *tmpdir = guestfs_get_tmpdir (g);
    g->tmpdir = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/libguestfsXXXXXX", tmpdir);
    if (mkdtemp (g->tmpdir) == NULL) {
      perrorf (g, _("%s: cannot create temporary directory"), g->tmpdir);
      free (g->tmpdir);
      g->tmpdir = NULL;
      return -1;
  return 0;
Пример #14
static char *
icon_cirros (guestfs_h *g, struct inspect_fs *fs, size_t *size_r)
  char *ret;
  CLEANUP_FREE char *type = NULL;
  CLEANUP_FREE char *local = NULL;
  CLEANUP_FREE char *pngfile = NULL;
  CLEANUP_CMD_CLOSE struct command *cmd = guestfs___new_command (g);
  int r;

  r = guestfs_is_file_opts (g, CIRROS_LOGO,
                            GUESTFS_IS_FILE_OPTS_FOLLOWSYMLINKS, 1, -1);
  if (r == -1)
    return NULL; /* a real error */
  if (r == 0)
    return NOT_FOUND;

  /* Check the file type and geometry. */
  type = guestfs_file (g, CIRROS_LOGO);
  if (!type)
    return NOT_FOUND;

  if (!STRPREFIX (type, "ASCII text"))
    return NOT_FOUND;

  local = guestfs___download_to_tmp (g, fs, CIRROS_LOGO, "icon", 1024);
  if (!local)
    return NOT_FOUND;

  /* Use pbmtext to render it. */
  pngfile = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/cirros.png", g->tmpdir);

  guestfs___cmd_add_string_unquoted (cmd, PBMTEXT " < ");
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_quoted   (cmd, local);
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_unquoted (cmd, " | " PNMTOPNG " > ");
  guestfs___cmd_add_string_quoted   (cmd, pngfile);
  r = guestfs___cmd_run (cmd);
  if (r == -1)
    return NOT_FOUND;
  if (!WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0)
    return NOT_FOUND;

  /* Read it into memory. */
  if (read_whole_file (g, pngfile, &ret, size_r) == -1)
    return NULL;

  return ret;
Пример #15
/* Malloc's */
char * format_time(unsigned long int secs)
	unsigned int days, hours, minutes, seconds;
	char * str;

	days = secs / (24 * 60 * 60);
	secs -= days * (24 * 60 * 60);
	hours = secs / (60 * 60);
	secs -= hours * (60 * 60);
	minutes = secs / 60;
	secs -= minutes * 60;
	seconds = secs;

	safe_asprintf(&str,"%ud %uh %um %us", days, hours, minutes, seconds);
	return str;
Пример #16
static char *
create_cow_overlay_direct (guestfs_h *g, void *datav, struct drive *drv)
  char *overlay = NULL;
  CLEANUP_FREE char *backing_drive = NULL;
  CLEANUP_CMD_CLOSE struct command *cmd = guestfs___new_command (g);
  int r;

  backing_drive = guestfs___drive_source_qemu_param (g, &drv->src);
  if (!backing_drive)
    goto error;

  if (guestfs___lazy_make_tmpdir (g) == -1)
    goto error;

  overlay = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/overlay%d", g->tmpdir, ++g->unique);

  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "qemu-img");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "create");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "-f");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "qcow2");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "-b");
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, backing_drive);
  if (drv->src.format) {
    guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, "-o");
    guestfs___cmd_add_arg_format (cmd, "backing_fmt=%s", drv->src.format);
  guestfs___cmd_add_arg (cmd, overlay);
  r = guestfs___cmd_run (cmd);
  if (r == -1)
    goto error;
  if (!WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0) {
    guestfs___external_command_failed (g, r, "qemu-img create", backing_drive);
    goto error;

  /* Caller sets g->overlay in the handle to this, and then manages
   * the memory.
  return overlay;

  free (overlay);

  return NULL;
Пример #17
 * Create the supermin appliance directory under cachedir, if it does
 * not exist.
 * Sanity-check that the permissions on the cachedir are safe, in case
 * it has been pre-created maliciously or tampered with.
 * Returns the directory name which the caller must free.
char *
guestfs_int_lazy_make_supermin_appliance_dir (guestfs_h *g)
  CLEANUP_FREE char *tmpdir = guestfs_get_cachedir (g);
  char *ret = NULL;
  struct stat statbuf;
  uid_t uid = geteuid ();

  ret = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/.guestfs-%ju", tmpdir, (uintmax_t) uid);

  ignore_value (mkdir (ret, 0755));
  ignore_value (chmod (ret, 0755)); /* RHBZ#921292 */

  /* See if the cache directory exists and passes some simple checks
   * to make sure it has not been tampered with.
  if (lstat (ret, &statbuf) == -1) {
    perrorf (g, _("stat: %s"), ret);
    free (ret);
    return NULL;
  if (statbuf.st_uid != uid) {
    error (g, _("security: cached appliance %s is not owned by UID %ju"),
           ret, (uintmax_t) uid);
    free (ret);
    return NULL;
  if (!S_ISDIR (statbuf.st_mode)) {
    error (g, _("security: cached appliance %s is not a directory (mode %o)"),
           ret, statbuf.st_mode);
    free (ret);
    return NULL;
  if ((statbuf.st_mode & 0022) != 0) {
    error (g, _("security: cached appliance %s is writable by group or other (mode %o)"),
           ret, statbuf.st_mode);
    free (ret);
    return NULL;

  /* "Touch" the directory. */
  ignore_value (utimes (ret, NULL));

  return ret;
Пример #18
 * @brief redirect_to_splashpage
 * @param connection
 * @param client
 * @param host
 * @param url
 * @return
static int redirect_to_splashpage(struct MHD_Connection *connection, t_client *client, const char *host, const char *url)
	char *originurl = NULL;
	char *query = NULL;
	int ret = 0;

	get_query(connection, &query);
	if (!query) {
		/* no mem */
		return send_error(connection, 503);

	safe_asprintf(&originurl, "http://%s%s%s%s", host, url, strlen(query) ? "?" : "" , query);
	ret = encode_and_redirect_to_splashpage(connection, originurl);
	return ret;
Пример #19
static int
check_windows_arch (guestfs_h *g, struct inspect_fs *fs)
  CLEANUP_FREE char *cmd_exe =
    safe_asprintf (g, "%s/system32/cmd.exe", fs->windows_systemroot);

  /* Should exist because of previous check above in get_windows_systemroot. */
  CLEANUP_FREE char *cmd_exe_path = guestfs_case_sensitive_path (g, cmd_exe);
  if (!cmd_exe_path)
    return -1;

  char *arch = guestfs_file_architecture (g, cmd_exe_path);
  if (!arch)
    return -1;

  fs->arch = arch;        /* freed by guestfs_int_free_inspect_info */

  return 0;
Пример #20
char *
print_latency(mtime_t latency)
#define ONE_MSEC  (1000ULL)
#define ONE_SEC   (1000 * ONE_MSEC)
#define ONE_MIN   (  60 * ONE_SEC)
#define ONE_HOUR  (  60 * ONE_MIN)
#define ONE_DAY   (  24 * ONE_HOUR)
#define ONE_YEAR  ( 365 * ONE_DAY)

   if (latency > ONE_YEAR) {
      uint64 year =  latency / ONE_YEAR;
      uint64 day  = (latency % ONE_YEAR) / ONE_DAY;
      return safe_asprintf("%llu year%s %llu day%s",
                           year, year > 1 ? "s" : "",
                           day,  day  > 1 ? "s" : "");
   } else if (latency > ONE_DAY) {
      uint64 day  =  latency / ONE_DAY;
      uint64 hour = (latency % ONE_DAY) / ONE_HOUR;
      return safe_asprintf("%llu day%s %llu hour%s",
                           day,  day  > 1 ? "s" : "",
                           hour, hour > 1 ? "s" : "");
   } else if (latency > ONE_HOUR) {
      uint64 hour = latency / ONE_HOUR;
      return safe_asprintf("%llu hour%s %llu min",
                           hour, hour > 1 ? "s" : "",
                           (latency % ONE_HOUR) / ONE_MIN);
   } else if (latency > ONE_MIN) {
      return safe_asprintf("%llu min %.1f sec",
                            latency / ONE_MIN,
                           (latency % ONE_MIN) / (ONE_SEC * 1.0));
   } else if (latency > ONE_SEC) {
      return safe_asprintf("%.1f sec", latency / (ONE_SEC * 1.0));
   } else if (latency > ONE_MSEC) {
      return safe_asprintf("%.1f msec", latency / (ONE_MSEC * 1.0));
   } else {
      return safe_asprintf("%llu usec", latency);
#undef ONE_MSEC
#undef ONE_SEC
#undef ONE_MIN
#undef ONE_HOUR
#undef ONE_DAY
#undef ONE_WEEK
Пример #21
/** @internal
 * @brief Insert $ID$ with the gateway's id in a string.
 * This function can replace the input string with a new one. It assumes
 * the input string is dynamically allocted and can be free()ed safely.
 * This function must be called with the CONFIG_LOCK held.
static void
iptables_insert_gateway_id(char **input)
    char *token;
    const s_config *config;
    char *buffer;

    if (strstr(*input, "$ID$") == NULL)

    while ((token = strstr(*input, "$ID$")) != NULL)
        /* This string may look odd but it's standard POSIX and ISO C */
        memcpy(token, "%1$s", 4);

    config = config_get_config();
    safe_asprintf(&buffer, *input, config->gw_interface);

    *input = buffer;
Пример #22
// add by lijg, 2013-05-30,  Find keyword @mention in firewall rule table = @table and chain = @chain
// return : 0 - not found, 1 - found it .
int iptables_fw_find_mention(
		const char * table,
		const char * chain,
		const char * mention
		) {
	FILE *p = NULL;
	char *command = NULL;
	char line[MAX_BUF];
	char *victim = safe_strdup(mention);
	int found = 0;

    // 1.1 @victim="WiFiDog_br-lan_Trusted"

	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "Attempting to find all mention of %s from %s.%s", victim, table, chain);

	safe_asprintf(&command, "iptables -t %s -L %s -n --line-numbers -v", table, chain);

    //1.2 执行命令 iptables -t mangle -L PREROUTING -n --line-numbers -v, 逐行输出链中规则
	if ((p = popen(command, "r"))) {
		/* Skip first 2 lines */
		while (!feof(p) && fgetc(p) != '\n');
		while (!feof(p) && fgetc(p) != '\n');
		/* Loop over entries */
		while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), p)) {  // 匹配链中每条规则
			/* Look for victim */
			if (strstr(line, victim)) {  // 根据客户端IP地址进行匹配
				found = 1;


	return (found);
Пример #23
/** @brief Convenience function to redirect the web browser to the auth server
 * @param r The request
 * @param urlFragment The end of the auth server URL to redirect to (the part after path)
 * @param text The text to include in the redirect header ant the mnual redirect title */
http_send_redirect_to_auth(request * r, const char *urlFragment, const char *text)
    char *protocol = NULL;
    int port = 80;
    t_auth_serv *auth_server = get_auth_server();

    if (auth_server->authserv_use_ssl) {
        protocol = "https";
        port = auth_server->authserv_ssl_port;
    } else {
        protocol = "http";
        port = auth_server->authserv_http_port;

    char *url = NULL;
    safe_asprintf(&url, "%s://%s:%d%s%s",
                  protocol, auth_server->authserv_hostname, port, auth_server->authserv_path, urlFragment);
    http_send_redirect(r, url, text);
Пример #24
http_callback_status(httpd * webserver, request * r)
    const s_config *config = config_get_config();
    char *status = NULL;
    char *buf;

    if (config->httpdusername &&
        (strcmp(config->httpdusername, r->request.authUser) ||
         strcmp(config->httpdpassword, r->request.authPassword))) {
        debug(LOG_INFO, "Status page requested, forcing authentication");
        httpdForceAuthenticate(r, config->httpdrealm);

    status = get_status_text();
    safe_asprintf(&buf, "<pre>%s</pre>", status);
    send_http_page(r, "WiFiDog Status", buf);
Пример #25
//>>> liudf added 20160104
static char *
_get_full_url(const char *redir_url)
	char *protocol = NULL;
    int port = 80;
    t_auth_serv *auth_server = get_auth_server();

    if (auth_server->authserv_use_ssl) {
        protocol = "https";
        port = auth_server->authserv_ssl_port;
    } else {
        protocol = "http";
        port = auth_server->authserv_http_port;

    char *url = NULL;
    safe_asprintf(&url, "%s://%s:%d%s%s",
                  protocol, auth_server->authserv_hostname, port, auth_server->authserv_path, redir_url);
	return url;
Пример #26
 * @brief encode originurl and redirect the client to the splash page
 * @param connection
 * @param client
 * @param originurl
 * @return
static int encode_and_redirect_to_splashpage(struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *originurl)
	char *splashpageurl = NULL;
	char encoded[2048];
	int ret;
	s_config *config = config_get_config();

	memset(encoded, 0, sizeof(encoded));
	if (uh_urlencode(encoded, 2048, originurl, strlen(originurl)) == -1) {
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "could not encode url");

	safe_asprintf(&splashpageurl, "http://%s:%u%s?redir=%s", config->gw_address , config->gw_port, "/splash.html", encoded);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "originurl: %s", originurl);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG, "splashpageurl: %s", splashpageurl);

	ret = send_redirect_temp(connection, splashpageurl);
	return ret;
Пример #27
int send_redirect_temp(struct MHD_Connection *connection, const char *url)
	struct MHD_Response *response;
	int ret;
	char *redirect;

	const char *redirect_body = "<html><head></head><body><a href='%s'>Click here to continue to<br>%s</a></body></html>";
	safe_asprintf(&redirect, redirect_body, url, url);

	response = MHD_create_response_from_buffer(strlen(redirect), redirect, MHD_RESPMEM_MUST_FREE);
	if (!response)
		return send_error(connection, 503);

	//	MHD_set_response_options(response, MHD_RF_HTTP_VERSION_1_0_ONLY, MHD_RO_END);
	MHD_add_response_header(response, "Location", url);
	MHD_add_response_header(response, "Connection", "close");
	ret = MHD_queue_response(connection, MHD_HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, response);

	return ret;
Пример #28
/** Respond to attempted access from a preauthenticated client.
 *  Add the client to the client list and serves the splash page.
http_nodogsplash_first_contact(request *r)
	debug(LOG_DEBUG,"[%s]first contact",r->clientAddr);
	t_client *client;
	t_auth_target *authtarget;
	s_config *config;
	char *redir, *origurl; 

	/* only allow GET requests */
	if (r->request.method != HTTP_GET) {
	config = config_get_config();

	client = http_nodogsplash_add_client(r);
	/* http_nodogsplash_add_client() should log and return null on error */
	if(!client) return;

	/* We just assume protocol http; after all we caught the client by
	   redirecting port 80 tcp packets

	/* Create redirect URL for this contact as appropriate */
	redir = http_nodogsplash_make_redir(origurl);
	debug(LOG_DEBUG,"[%s] redirected to:%s",r->clientAddr,redir);

	/* Create authtarget with all needed info */
	authtarget = http_nodogsplash_make_authtarget(client->token,redir);



Пример #29
guestfs_int_get_uefi (guestfs_h *g, char **code, char **vars)
  size_t i;

  for (i = 0; uefi_firmware[i] != NULL; i += 2) {
    const char *codefile = uefi_firmware[i];
    const char *varsfile = uefi_firmware[i+1];

    if (access (codefile, R_OK) == 0 && access (varsfile, R_OK) == 0) {
      CLEANUP_CMD_CLOSE struct command *copycmd = guestfs_int_new_command (g);
      char *varst;
      int r;

      /* Make a copy of NVRAM variables file.  You can't just map it
       * into the address space read-only as that triggers a different
       * path inside UEFI.
      varst = safe_asprintf (g, "%s/vars.fd.%d", g->tmpdir, ++g->unique);
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, "cp");
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, varsfile);
      guestfs_int_cmd_add_arg (copycmd, varst);
      r = guestfs_int_cmd_run (copycmd);
      if (r == -1 || !WIFEXITED (r) || WEXITSTATUS (r) != 0) {
        free (varst);
        return -1;

      /* Caller frees. */
      *code = safe_strdup (g, codefile);
      *vars = varst;
      return 0;

  /* Not found. */
  *code = *vars = NULL;
  return 0;
Пример #30
void http_send_redirect_to_noauth(char *host, request *r, char *text) //add by liuhj
	char *protocol = NULL;
	int port = 80;
	t_auth_serv	*auth_server = get_auth_server();
	if (auth_server == NULL) {
		protocol = "http";
		if (auth_server->authserv_use_ssl) {
			protocol = "https";
			port = auth_server->authserv_ssl_port;
		} else {
			protocol = "http";
			port = auth_server->authserv_http_port;
	char *url = NULL;
	safe_asprintf(&url, "%s://%s", protocol, host);
	http_send_redirect(r, url, text);