void SafePluginMap::loadFromList(const char * pluginsList) { const char *pluginDir = pluginsList; for (;*pluginDir;) { StringBuffer thisPlugin; while (*pluginDir && *pluginDir != ENVSEPCHAR) thisPlugin.append(*pluginDir++); if(*pluginDir) pluginDir++; if(!thisPlugin.length()) continue; Owned<IFile> file = createIFile(thisPlugin.str()); if (file->isDirectory() == foundYes) loadFromDirectory(thisPlugin); else { StringBuffer tail; splitFilename(thisPlugin, NULL, NULL, &tail, &tail); addPlugin(thisPlugin, tail.str()); } } }
virtual bool finalizeOptions(IProperties *globals) { if (!EclCmdCommon::finalizeOptions(globals)) { usage(); return false; } StringBuffer err; if (optFileName.isEmpty()) err.append("\n ... Missing package file name\n\n"); else if (optTarget.isEmpty()) err.append("\n ... Specify a cluster name\n\n"); if (err.length()) { fprintf(stdout, "%s", err.str()); usage(); return false; } if (optProcess.isEmpty()) optProcess.set("*"); if (optPackageMapId.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer name; splitFilename(optFileName.get(), NULL, NULL, &name, &name); optPackageMapId.set(name.str()); } optPackageMapId.toLowerCase(); return true; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void StringUtil::splitFullFilename( const Ogre::String& qualifiedName, Ogre::String& outBasename, Ogre::String& outExtention, Ogre::String& outPath ) { Ogre::String fullName; splitFilename( qualifiedName, fullName, outPath ); splitBaseFilename( fullName, outBasename, outExtention ); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { InitModuleObjects(); addAbortHandler(ControlHandler); try { StringBuffer codeDirectory; splitFilename(argv[0], &codeDirectory, &codeDirectory, NULL, NULL); if (!codeDirectory.length()) codeDirectory.append("."); execSvr.setown(new CEclAgentExecutionServer()); execSvr->start(codeDirectory); } catch (...) { printf("Unexpected error running agentexec server\r\n"); } if (execSvr) { execSvr->stop(); } releaseAtoms(); ExitModuleObjects(); return 0; }
void CppCompiler::addLibrary(const char * libName) { if (verbose) PrintLog("addLibrary %s", libName); const char* lname = libName; const char * quote; StringBuffer path, tail; // NOTE - because of the (hacky) code below that sets lname to point within tail.str(), this must NOT be moved inside the if block if (targetCompiler == GccCppCompiler) { // It seems gcc compiler doesn't like things like -lmydir/libx.so splitFilename(libName, &path, &path, &tail, &tail); if(path.length()) { addLibraryPath(path); lname = tail.str(); // HACK - make it work with plugins. This should be handled at caller end! if (strncmp(lname, "lib", 3) == 0) lname += 3; } quote = NULL; //quoting lib names with gcc causes link error (lib not found) } else { quote = "\""; } linkerLibraries.append(" ").append(USE_LIB_FLAG[targetCompiler]).append(quote).append(lname).append(USE_LIB_TAIL[targetCompiler]).append(quote); }
void CodeBlocksProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) { for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) { const FileNode *node = *i; if (!node->children.empty()) { writeFileListToProject(*node, projectFile, indentation + 1, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/'); } else { std::string name, ext; splitFilename(node->name, name, ext); if (ext == "rc") { projectFile << "\t\t<Unit filename=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n" "\t\t\t<Option compilerVar=\"WINDRES\" />\n" "\t\t</Unit>\n"; } else if (ext == "asm") { projectFile << "\t\t<Unit filename=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n" "\t\t\t<Option compiler=\"gcc\" use=\"1\" buildCommand=\"$(" << LIBS_DEFINE << ")bin/nasm.exe -f win32 -g $file -o $object\" />" "\t\t</Unit>\n"; } else { projectFile << "\t\t<Unit filename=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\" />\n"; } } } }
ESDLcompiler::ESDLcompiler(const char * sourceFile, bool generatefile, const char *outDir, bool outputIncludes_, bool isIncludedEsdl, const char* includePath_) { outputIncludes = outputIncludes_; modules = NULL; enums = NULL; apis=NULL; servs=NULL; msgs=NULL; includes=NULL; methods=NULL; versions = NULL; esxdlo = -1; StringBuffer ext; StringBuffer prot; splitFilename(sourceFile, &prot, &srcDir, &name, &ext); if (includePath_ && *includePath_) includeDirs.appendList(includePath_, ENVSEPSTR); filename = strdup(sourceFile); yyin = fopen(sourceFile, "rt"); if (!yyin) { if (isIncludedEsdl) { StringBuffer locatedFilePath; bool located = locateIncludedFile(locatedFilePath, prot.str(), srcDir.str(), name.str(), ext.str()); if( located) yyin = fopen(locatedFilePath.str(), "rt"); if (!yyin) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Could not load included ESDL grammar %s\n", filename); exit(1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal Error: Could not load ESDL grammar %s\n", sourceFile); exit(1); } } packagename = es_gettail(sourceFile); if (generatefile) { if (!outDir || !*outDir) outDir = srcDir.str(); char* targetBase = getTargetBase(outDir, sourceFile); esxdlo = es_createFile(targetBase,"xml"); free(targetBase); } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int res=0; if (argc < 3) { printf ("frunssh <nodelistfile> \"command\" [options] \n" " options: -i:<identity-file> \n" " -u:<user> \n" " -n:<number_of_threads>\n" " -t:<connect-timeout-secs>\n" " -a:<connect-attempts>\n" " -d:<working_directory>\n" " -s -- strict, must match known_hosts\n" " -b -- background\n" " -pw:<password> -- INSECURE: requires pssh (NB identity file preferred)\n" " -pe:<password> -- INSECURE: as -pw except encrypted password\n" " -pl -- use plink (on windows)\n" " -v -- verbose, lists commands run\n" " -d -- dry run (for testing, enables verbose)\n" ); return 255; } InitModuleObjects(); #ifndef __64BIT__ // Restrict stack sizes on 32-bit systems Thread::setDefaultStackSize(0x10000); // NB under windows requires linker setting (/stack:) #endif try { StringBuffer logname; splitFilename(argv[0], NULL, NULL, &logname, NULL); Owned<IComponentLogFileCreator> lf = createComponentLogFileCreator("frunssh"); lf->setCreateAliasFile(false); lf->setMsgFields(MSGFIELD_prefix); lf->beginLogging(); Owned<IFRunSSH> runssh = createFRunSSH(); runssh->init(argc,argv); runssh->exec(); } catch(IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,"frunssh"); e->Release(); res=255; } releaseAtoms(); return res; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int res=0; if (argc < 3) { printf ("frunssh <nodelistfile> \"command\" [options] \n" " options: -i:<identity-file> \n" " -u:<user> \n" " -n:<number_of_threads>\n" " -t:<connect-timeout-secs>\n" " -a:<connect-attempts>\n" " -d:<working_directory>\n" " -s -- strict, must match known_hosts\n" " -b -- background\n" " -pw:<password> -- INSECURE: requires pssh (NB identity file preferred)\n" " -pe:<password> -- INSECURE: as -pw except encrypted password\n" " -pl -- use plink (on windows)\n" " -v -- verbose, lists commands run\n" " -d -- dry run (for testing, enables verbose)\n" ); return 255; } InitModuleObjects(); try { StringBuffer logname; splitFilename(argv[0], NULL, NULL, &logname, NULL); StringBuffer logdir; if (getConfigurationDirectory(NULL,"log","frunssh",logname.str(),logdir)) { recursiveCreateDirectory(logdir.str()); StringBuffer tmp(logname); addPathSepChar(logname.clear().append(logdir)).append(tmp); } addFileTimestamp(logname, true); logname.append(".log"); appendLogFile(logname.str(),0,false); queryStderrLogMsgHandler()->setMessageFields(MSGFIELD_prefix); Owned<IFRunSSH> runssh = createFRunSSH(); runssh->init(argc,argv); runssh->exec(); } catch(IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,"frunssh"); e->Release(); res=255; } releaseAtoms(); return res; }
void localStorageInit( const std::string& fullpath) { if (fullpath.empty()) return; if( ! _initialized ) { std::string strDBFilename = fullpath; splitFilename(strDBFilename); if (JniHelper::callStaticBooleanMethod(className, "init", strDBFilename, "data")) { _initialized = 1; } } }
void SafePluginMap::loadFromDirectory(const char * pluginDirectory) { const char * mask = "*" SharedObjectExtension; Owned<IFile> pluginDir = createIFile(pluginDirectory); Owned<IDirectoryIterator> pluginFiles = pluginDir->directoryFiles(mask,false,false); ForEach(*pluginFiles) { const char *thisPlugin = pluginFiles->query().queryFilename(); StringBuffer tail; splitFilename(thisPlugin, NULL, NULL, &tail, &tail); addPlugin(thisPlugin, tail.str()); } }
void CMakeProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) { for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) { const FileNode *node = *i; if (!node->children.empty()) { writeFileListToProject(*node, projectFile, indentation + 1, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/'); } else { std::string name, ext; splitFilename(node->name, name, ext); projectFile << "\t" << filePrefix + node->name << "\n"; } } }
bool processArgvFilename(IFileArray & filenames, const char * filename) { if (filename[0] == '@') return processArgvFilenamesFromFile(filenames, filename+1); if (containsFileWildcard(filename)) { StringBuffer dirPath, dirWildcard; splitFilename(filename, &dirPath, &dirPath, &dirWildcard, &dirWildcard); Owned<IDirectoryIterator> iter = createDirectoryIterator(dirPath.str(), dirWildcard.str()); ForEach(*iter) { IFile & cur = iter->query(); if (cur.isFile() == foundYes) filenames.append(OLINK(cur)); } } else {
int EclCMDShell::callExternal(ArgvIterator &iter) { const char *argv[100]; StringBuffer cmdstr("ecl-"); cmdstr.append(cmd.str()); int i=0; argv[i++]=cmdstr.str(); if (optHelp) argv[i++]="help"; for (; !iter.done(); iter.next()) argv[i++]=iter.query(); argv[i]=NULL; //TODO - add common routine or use existing in jlib // First try in same dir as the ecl executable StringBuffer local; splitFilename(queryCurrentProcessPath(), &local, &local, NULL, NULL); local.append(cmdstr); errno = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 if (_spawnvp(_P_WAIT, local.str(), const_cast<char **>(argv))==-1) return 0; // If not found, try the path if (errno!=ENOENT || _spawnvp(_P_WAIT, cmdstr.str(), const_cast<char **>(argv))==-1) #else if (execvp(local.str(), const_cast<char **>(argv))!=-1) return 0; // If not found, try the path if (errno!=ENOENT || execvp(cmdstr.str(), const_cast<char **>(argv))==-1) #endif { switch(errno) { case ENOENT: fprintf(stderr, "ecl '%s' command not found\n", cmd.str()); return 1; default: fprintf(stderr, "ecl '%s' command error %d\n", cmd.str(), errno); return 1; } } return 0; }
void localStorageInit( const char *fullpath) { if (fullpath == NULL || strlen(fullpath) == 0) return; if( ! _initialized ) { JniMethodInfo t; if (JniHelper::getStaticMethodInfo(t, "org/cocos2dx/lib/Cocos2dxLocalStorage", "init", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z")) { std::string strDBFilename = fullpath; splitFilename(strDBFilename); jstring jdbName = t.env->NewStringUTF(strDBFilename.c_str()); jstring jtableName = t.env->NewStringUTF("data"); jboolean ret = t.env->CallStaticBooleanMethod(t.classID, t.methodID, jdbName, jtableName); t.env->DeleteLocalRef(jdbName); t.env->DeleteLocalRef(jtableName); t.env->DeleteLocalRef(t.classID); if (ret) { _initialized = 1; } } } }
void MSBuildProvider::computeFileList(const FileNode &dir, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) { for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) { const FileNode *node = *i; if (!node->children.empty()) { // Update filter std::string _currentFilter = _filters.back(); _filters.back().append((_filters.back() == "" ? "" : "\\") + node->name); computeFileList(*node, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/'); // Reset filter _filters.push_back(_currentFilter); } else { // Filter files by extension std::string name, ext; splitFilename(node->name, name, ext); FileEntry entry; entry.name = name; entry.path = convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name); entry.filter = _filters.back(); entry.prefix = objPrefix; if (ext == "cpp" || ext == "c") _compileFiles.push_back(entry); else if (ext == "h") _includeFiles.push_back(entry); else if (ext == "rc") _resourceFiles.push_back(entry); else if (ext == "asm") _asmFiles.push_back(entry); else _otherFiles.push_back(entry); } } }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { InitModuleObjects(); int ret = 0; bool dryRun = false; bool offline = false; StringAttr daliServer, envPath; enum CmdType { cmd_none, cmd_swap, cmd_auto, cmd_history, cmd_email, cmd_swapped, cmd_reset, cmd_resetspares, cmd_addspares, cmd_removespares, cmd_resethistory }; CmdType cmd = cmd_none; ArgvIterator iter(argc, argv); try { bool stop=false; StringArray params; for (; !ret&&!iter.done(); iter.next()) { const char *arg = iter.query(); if ('-' == *arg) { bool value; if (iter.matchFlag(value, "-dryrun")) dryRun = value; else if (iter.matchFlag(value, "-offline")) offline = value; else { PROGLOG("Unknown option"); ret = 2; usage(); break; } } else { switch (cmd) { case cmd_none: if (strieq("swap", arg)) cmd = cmd_swap; else if (strieq("auto", arg)) cmd = cmd_auto; else if (strieq("history", arg)) cmd = cmd_history; else if (strieq("email", arg)) cmd = cmd_email; else if (strieq("swapped", arg)) cmd = cmd_swapped; else if (strieq("reset", arg)) cmd = cmd_reset; else if (strieq("resetspares", arg)) cmd = cmd_resetspares; else if (strieq("addspares", arg)) cmd = cmd_addspares; else if (strieq("removespares", arg)) cmd = cmd_removespares; else if (strieq("resethistory", arg)) cmd = cmd_resethistory; else { PROGLOG("Unknown command"); usage(); ret = 2; } break; default: params.append(iter.query()); break; } } } unsigned requiredParams=UINT_MAX; switch (cmd) { case cmd_swap: requiredParams = 4; break; case cmd_addspares: case cmd_removespares: requiredParams = 3; break; case cmd_auto: case cmd_history: case cmd_email: case cmd_swapped: case cmd_reset: case cmd_resetspares: case cmd_resethistory: requiredParams = 2; break; } if (params.ordinality() < requiredParams) { usage(); ret = 2; } else { StringAttr daliServer = params.item(0); StringAttr clusterName = params.item(1); DaliClient dclient(daliServer); StringBuffer logname; splitFilename(argv[0], NULL, NULL, &logname, NULL); addFileTimestamp(logname, true); logname.append(".log"); StringBuffer lf; openLogFile(lf, logname.str(),0,false,true); queryStderrLogMsgHandler()->setMessageFields(MSGFIELD_prefix); Owned<IRemoteConnection> conn = querySDS().connect("/Environment", myProcessSession(), RTM_LOCK_READ, SDS_LOCK_TIMEOUT); IPropertyTree *environment = conn->queryRoot(); StringBuffer xpath("Software/ThorCluster[@name=\""); xpath.append(clusterName).append("\"]"); IPropertyTree *cluster = environment->queryPropTree(xpath.str()); if (!cluster) { PROGLOG("Unknown cluster: %s", clusterName.get()); ret = 3; } if (!ret) { Owned<IPropertyTree> options = createPTreeFromIPT(cluster); conn.clear(); if (options&&options->getPropBool("@enableSysLog",true)) UseSysLogForOperatorMessages(); switch (cmd) { case cmd_auto: { if (!autoSwapNode(clusterName, dryRun)) ret = 3; break; } case cmd_swap: { const char *oldip=params.item(2); const char *newip=params.item(3); if (!swapNode(clusterName, oldip, newip)) ret = 3; break; } case cmd_history: case cmd_swapped: case cmd_email: { unsigned days = params.isItem(2) ? atoi(params.item(2)) : 0; // for history or swapped switch (cmd) { case cmd_history: swapNodeHistory(clusterName, days, NULL); break; case cmd_swapped: swappedList(clusterName, days, NULL); break; case cmd_email: { bool sendSwapped = false; bool sendHistory = false; if (params.isItem(2)) { if (strieq("swapped", params.item(2))) sendSwapped = true; else if (strieq("history", params.item(2))) sendHistory = true; } emailSwap(clusterName, NULL, true, sendSwapped, sendHistory); break; } } break; } case cmd_reset: case cmd_resetspares: { StringBuffer response; if (!resetClusterGroup(clusterName, "ThorCluster", cmd==cmd_resetspares, response)) { WARNLOG("%s", response.str()); ret = 3; } break; } case cmd_addspares: case cmd_removespares: { SocketEndpointArray allEps; unsigned p=2; do { const char *ipOrRange = params.item(p); SocketEndpointArray epa; epa.fromText(ipOrRange, 0); ForEachItemIn(e, epa) allEps.append(epa.item(e)); p++; } while (p<params.ordinality()); StringBuffer response; bool res; if (cmd == cmd_addspares) res = addClusterSpares(clusterName, "ThorCluster", allEps, response); else res = removeClusterSpares(clusterName, "ThorCluster", allEps, response); if (!res) { WARNLOG("%s", response.str()); ret = 3; } break; } case cmd_resethistory: { Owned<IRemoteConnection> conn = querySDS().connect("/SwapNode", myProcessSession(), RTM_LOCK_WRITE, SDS_LOCK_TIMEOUT); if (conn) { StringBuffer groupName; getClusterGroupName(*options, groupName); VStringBuffer xpath("Thor[@group=\"%s\"]", groupName.str()); if (conn->queryRoot()->removeProp(xpath.str())) PROGLOG("SwapNode info for cluster %s removed", clusterName.get()); else PROGLOG("SwapNode info for cluster %s not found", clusterName.get()); } break; } } } } UseSysLogForOperatorMessages(false); } catch (IException *e) { EXCLOG(e,"SWAPNODE"); e->Release(); ret = -1; } ExitModuleObjects(); return ret; }
bool QueryHelper::doit(FILE * fp) { Owned<IClientWUCreateRequest> creq = wuclient->createWUCreateRequest(); Owned<IClientWUCreateResponse> cresp = wuclient->WUCreate(creq); const IMultiException* excep = &cresp->getExceptions(); if(excep != NULL && excep->ordinality() > 0) { StringBuffer msg; excep->errorMessage(msg); printf("%s\n", msg.str()); return false; } IConstECLWorkunit* wu = &cresp->getWorkunit(); if(!wu) { printf("can't create workunit\n"); return false; } Owned<IClientWUUpdateRequest> ureq = wuclient->createWUUpdateRequest(); ureq->setWuid(wu->getWuid()); // Make a workUnit StringBuffer jobname; if(globals->hasProp("jobname")) jobname.append(globals->queryProp("jobname")); StringBuffer ecl; if (globals->getProp("ecl", ecl)) { if (ecl.length() && ecl.charAt(0)=='@') { StringBuffer filename(ecl.str()+1); ecl.clear().loadFile(filename); if (jobname.length() == 0) splitFilename(filename, NULL, NULL, &jobname, NULL); } ureq->setQueryText(ecl.str()); } else if (globals->hasProp("main")) ureq->setQueryMainDefinition(globals->queryProp("main")); else if (globals->hasProp("attr")) ureq->setQueryText(globals->queryProp("attr")); if (globals->getPropInt("compileOnly", 0)!=0) ureq->setAction(WUActionCompile); if (jobname.length()) ureq->setJobname(jobname); IArrayOf<IEspDebugValue> dvals; IArrayOf<IEspApplicationValue> avals; StringBuffer xmlParams; Owned<IPropertyIterator> it = globals->getIterator(); bool xmlSeen = false; ForEach(*it) { const char * key = it->getPropKey(); if (key && strlen(key)>1) { if(key[0] == '-') { if (key[1] == 'f') { Owned<IEspDebugValue> dval = createDebugValue(); dval->setName(&key[2]); dval->setValue(globals->queryProp(key)); dvals.append(*dval.getLink()); } //All other options are ignored. } else if(key[0] == '_') { Owned<IEspApplicationValue> aval = createApplicationValue(); aval->setApplication("eclplus"); aval->setName(&key[1]); aval->setValue(globals->queryProp(key)); avals.append(*aval.getLink()); } else if(key[0] == '/') { if (xmlSeen) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); // The / form is expected to be used for scalars, so xmlEncode is appropriate. // To pass sets or datasets, use the xml= version xmlParams.appendf("<%s>", &key[1]); encodeXML(globals->queryProp(key), xmlParams); xmlParams.appendf("</%s>", &key[1]); } else if(stricmp(key, "stored")==0) { if (xmlSeen) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); const char *xml = globals->queryProp(key); try { Owned<IPropertyTree> checkValid = createPTreeFromXMLString(xml); } catch (IException *E) { StringBuffer msg; E->errorMessage(msg); E->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid xml: %s", msg.str()); } xmlParams.append(xml); } else if(stricmp(key, "query")==0) { if (xmlSeen || xmlParams.length()) throw MakeStringException(0, "query option must not be used with stored or /, and cannot appear more than once"); xmlSeen = true; StringBuffer xml; if (!globals->getProp(key, xml)) throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid value for query= parameter"); if (xml.length() && xml.charAt(0)=='@') { StringBuffer filename(xml.str()+1); xml.clear().loadFile(filename); } try { Owned<IPropertyTree> checkValid = createPTreeFromXMLString(xml); } catch (IException *E) { StringBuffer msg; E->errorMessage(msg); E->Release(); throw MakeStringException(0, "Invalid xml: %s", msg.str()); } xmlParams.append(xml); } } } if(dvals.length() > 0) ureq->setDebugValues(dvals); if(avals.length() > 0) ureq->setApplicationValues(avals); if (xmlParams.length()) { if (!xmlSeen) { xmlParams.insert(0, "<Query>"); xmlParams.append("</Query>"); } ureq->setXmlParams(xmlParams); } Owned<IClientWUUpdateResponse> uresp = wuclient->WUUpdate(ureq); const IMultiException* uexcep = &uresp->getExceptions(); if(uexcep != NULL && uexcep->ordinality() > 0) { StringBuffer msg; uexcep->errorMessage(msg); printf("%s\n", msg.str()); return false; } // Execute it return doSubmitWorkUnit(fp, wu->getWuid(), globals->queryProp("cluster")); }
EclCMDShell(int argc, const char *argv[], EclCommandFactory _factory, const char *_version, bool _runExternals=false) : args(argc, argv), factory(_factory), version(_version), optHelp(false), runExternals(_runExternals) { splitFilename(argv[0], NULL, NULL, &name, NULL); }
void VisualStudioProvider::writeFileListToProject(const FileNode &dir, std::ofstream &projectFile, const int indentation, const StringList &duplicate, const std::string &objPrefix, const std::string &filePrefix) { const std::string indentString = getIndent(indentation + 2); if (indentation) projectFile << getIndent(indentation + 1) << "<Filter\tName=\"" << dir.name << "\">\n"; for (FileNode::NodeList::const_iterator i = dir.children.begin(); i != dir.children.end(); ++i) { const FileNode *node = *i; if (!node->children.empty()) { writeFileListToProject(*node, projectFile, indentation + 1, duplicate, objPrefix + node->name + '_', filePrefix + node->name + '/'); } else { if (producesObjectFile(node->name)) { std::string name, ext; splitFilename(node->name, name, ext); name += ".o"; std::transform(name.begin(), name.end(), name.begin(), tolower); const bool isDuplicate = (std::find(duplicate.begin(), duplicate.end(), name) != duplicate.end()); if (ext == "asm") { std::string objFileName = "$(IntDir)\\"; if (isDuplicate) objFileName += objPrefix; objFileName += "$(InputName).obj"; const std::string toolLine = indentString + "\t\t<Tool Name=\"VCCustomBuildTool\" CommandLine=\"nasm.exe -f win32 -g -o "" + objFileName + "" "$(InputPath)"
\" Outputs=\"" + objFileName + "\" />\n"; // NASM is not supported for x64, thus we do not need to add additional entries here :-). projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "</File>\n"; } else { if (isDuplicate) { const std::string toolLine = indentString + "\t\t<Tool Name=\"VCCLCompilerTool\" ObjectFile=\"$(IntDir)\\" + objPrefix + "$(InputName).obj\" XMLDocumentationFileName=\"$(IntDir)\\" + objPrefix + "$(InputName).xdc\" />\n"; projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\">\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|Win32\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Debug|x64\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Analysis|x64\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "\t<FileConfiguration Name=\"Release|x64\">\n" << toolLine << indentString << "\t</FileConfiguration>\n" << indentString << "</File>\n"; } else { projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\" />\n"; } } } else { projectFile << indentString << "<File RelativePath=\"" << convertPathToWin(filePrefix + node->name) << "\" />\n"; } } } if (indentation) projectFile << getIndent(indentation + 1) << "</Filter>\n"; }
std::vector<ImportDescriptor*> FitsImporter::getImportDescriptors(const std::string& fname) { std::string filename = fname; std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& errors = mErrors[fname]; std::vector<std::vector<std::string> >& warnings = mWarnings[fname]; errors.clear(); warnings.clear(); int status=0; std::vector<ImportDescriptor*> descriptors; FitsFileResource pFile(filename); if (!pFile.isValid()) { errors.resize(1); errors[0].push_back(pFile.getStatus()); RETURN_DESCRIPTORS; } int hduCnt = 0; int specificHdu = 0; int hdu = 1; if (!splitFilename(filename, hduCnt, specificHdu, hdu, pFile, errors, warnings)) { RETURN_DESCRIPTORS; } errors.resize(hduCnt+1); warnings.resize(hduCnt+1); for(; hdu <= hduCnt; ++hdu) { std::string datasetName = filename + "[" + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu) + "]"; int hduType; CHECK_FITS(fits_movabs_hdu(pFile, hdu, &hduType, &status), hdu, false, continue); ImportDescriptorResource pImportDescriptor(static_cast<ImportDescriptor*>(NULL)); FactoryResource<DynamicObject> pMetadata; VERIFYRV(pMetadata.get() != NULL, descriptors); { // scope std::vector<std::string> comments; char pCard[81]; char pValue[81]; char pComment[81]; int nkeys = 0; CHECK_FITS(fits_get_hdrspace(pFile, &nkeys, NULL, &status), hdu, true, ;); for(int keyidx = 1; keyidx <= nkeys; ++keyidx) { CHECK_FITS(fits_read_keyn(pFile, keyidx, pCard, pValue, pComment, &status), hdu, true, continue); std::string name = StringUtilities::stripWhitespace(std::string(pCard)); std::string val = StringUtilities::stripWhitespace(std::string(pValue)); std::string comment = StringUtilities::stripWhitespace(std::string(pComment)); if (!val.empty()) { pMetadata->setAttributeByPath("FITS/" + name, val); } else if (!comment.empty()) { comments.push_back(comment); } } if (!comments.empty()) { // ideally, this would add a multi-line string but Opticks doesn't display this properly // pMetadata->setAttributeByPath("FITS/COMMENT", StringUtilities::join(comments, "\n")); for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < comments.size(); ++idx) { pMetadata->setAttributeByPath("FITS/COMMENT/" + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(idx), comments[idx]); } } } switch(hduType) { case IMAGE_HDU: { pImportDescriptor = ImportDescriptorResource(datasetName, TypeConverter::toString<RasterElement>()); VERIFYRV(pImportDescriptor.get() != NULL, descriptors); EncodingType fileEncoding; InterleaveFormatType interleave(BSQ); unsigned int rows=0; unsigned int cols=0; unsigned int bands=1; int bitpix; int naxis; long axes[3]; CHECK_FITS(fits_get_img_param(pFile, 3, &bitpix, &naxis, axes, &status), hdu, false, continue); switch(bitpix) { case BYTE_IMG: fileEncoding = INT1UBYTE; break; case SHORT_IMG: fileEncoding = INT2SBYTES; break; case LONG_IMG: fileEncoding = INT4SBYTES; break; case FLOAT_IMG: fileEncoding = FLT4BYTES; break; case DOUBLE_IMG: fileEncoding = FLT8BYTES; break; default: warnings[hdu].push_back("Unsupported BITPIX value " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(bitpix) + "."); continue; } EncodingType dataEncoding = checkForOverflow(fileEncoding, pMetadata.get(), hdu, errors, warnings); if (naxis == 1) { // 1-D data is a signature pImportDescriptor = ImportDescriptorResource(datasetName, TypeConverter::toString<Signature>()); pMetadata->setAttributeByPath(METADATA_SIG_ENCODING, dataEncoding); pMetadata->setAttributeByPath(METADATA_SIG_LENGTH, axes[0]); RasterUtilities::generateAndSetFileDescriptor(pImportDescriptor->getDataDescriptor(), filename, StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu), BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER); // add units SignatureDataDescriptor* pSigDd = dynamic_cast<SignatureDataDescriptor*>(pImportDescriptor->getDataDescriptor()); if (pSigDd != NULL) { FactoryResource<Units> pUnits; pUnits->setUnitName("Custom"); pUnits->setUnitType(CUSTOM_UNIT); pSigDd->setUnits("Reflectance", pUnits.get()); } break; // leave switch() } else if (naxis == 2) { cols = axes[0]; rows = axes[1]; } else if (naxis == 3) { cols = axes[0]; rows = axes[1]; bands = axes[2]; } else { errors[hdu].push_back(StringUtilities::toDisplayString(naxis) + " axis data not supported."); } RasterDataDescriptor* pDataDesc = RasterUtilities::generateRasterDataDescriptor( datasetName, NULL, rows, cols, bands, interleave, dataEncoding, IN_MEMORY); pImportDescriptor->setDataDescriptor(pDataDesc); if (specificHdu == 0 && hdu == 1 && naxis == 2 && (axes[0] <= 5 || axes[1] <= 5)) { // use 5 as this is a good top end for the number of astronomical band pass filters // in general usage. this is not in a spec anywhere and is derived from various sample // FITS files for different astronomical instruments. // // There's a good chance this is really a spectrum. (0th HDU) // We'll create an import descriptor for the spectrum version of this // And disable the raster descriptor by default pImportDescriptor->setImported(false); ImportDescriptorResource pSigDesc(datasetName, TypeConverter::toString<SignatureLibrary>()); DynamicObject* pSigMetadata = pSigDesc->getDataDescriptor()->getMetadata(); pSigMetadata->merge(pMetadata.get()); std::vector<double> centerWavelengths; unsigned int cnt = (axes[0] <= 5) ? axes[1] : axes[0]; double startVal = StringUtilities::fromDisplayString<double>( dv_cast<std::string>(pMetadata->getAttributeByPath("FITS/MINWAVE"), "0.0")); double endVal = StringUtilities::fromDisplayString<double>( dv_cast<std::string>(pMetadata->getAttributeByPath("FITS/MAXWAVE"), "0.0")); double incr = (endVal == 0.0) ? 1.0 : ((endVal - startVal) / static_cast<double>(cnt)); centerWavelengths.reserve(cnt); for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < cnt; idx++) { centerWavelengths.push_back(startVal + (idx * incr)); } pSigMetadata->setAttributeByPath(CENTER_WAVELENGTHS_METADATA_PATH, centerWavelengths); // Units std::string unitsName = dv_cast<std::string>(pMetadata->getAttributeByPath("FITS/BUNIT"), std::string()); if (!unitsName.empty()) { FactoryResource<Units> units; units->setUnitName(unitsName); units->setUnitType(RADIANCE); SignatureDataDescriptor* pSigDd = dynamic_cast<SignatureDataDescriptor*>(pSigDesc->getDataDescriptor()); if (pSigDd != NULL) { pSigDd->setUnits("Reflectance", units.get()); } } RasterUtilities::generateAndSetFileDescriptor(pSigDesc->getDataDescriptor(), filename, StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu), BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER); // If units are not available, set custom units into the data descriptor so that the user can // modify them - this must occur after the call to RasterUtilities::generateAndSetFileDescriptor() // so that the file descriptor will still display no defined units if (unitsName.empty()) { FactoryResource<Units> units; units->setUnitName("Custom"); units->setUnitType(CUSTOM_UNIT); SignatureDataDescriptor* pSigDd = dynamic_cast<SignatureDataDescriptor*>(pSigDesc->getDataDescriptor()); if (pSigDd != NULL) { pSigDd->setUnits("Reflectance", units.get()); } } descriptors.push_back(pSigDesc.release()); } RasterFileDescriptor* pFileDescriptor = dynamic_cast<RasterFileDescriptor*>( RasterUtilities::generateAndSetFileDescriptor(pDataDesc, filename, StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu), BIG_ENDIAN_ORDER)); if (pFileDescriptor != NULL) { unsigned int bitsPerElement = RasterUtilities::bytesInEncoding(fileEncoding) * 8; pFileDescriptor->setBitsPerElement(bitsPerElement); } break; // leave switch() } case ASCII_TBL: case BINARY_TBL: warnings[hdu].push_back("Tables not supported. [HDU " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu) + "]"); continue; default: warnings[hdu].push_back("HDU " + StringUtilities::toDisplayString(hdu) + " is an unknown type."); continue; } pImportDescriptor->getDataDescriptor()->setMetadata(pMetadata.release()); pImportDescriptor->setImported(errors[hdu].empty()); descriptors.push_back(pImportDescriptor.release()); }