virtual void visit(AstCell* nodep) { if (nodep->modp()->user1()) { // Marked with inline request UINFO(5," Inline CELL "<<nodep<<endl); UINFO(5," To MOD "<<m_modp<<endl); ++m_statCells; // Before cloning simplify pin assignments // Better off before, as if module has multiple instantiations // we'll save work, and we can't call pinReconnectSimple in // this loop as it clone()s itself. for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) { if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(pinp, nodep, m_modp, false); } // Clone original module if (debug()>=9) { nodep->dumpTree(cout,"inlcell:"); } //if (debug()>=9) { nodep->modp()->dumpTree(cout,"oldmod:"); } AstNodeModule* newmodp = nodep->modp()->cloneTree(false); if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"newmod:"); } // Clear var markings and find cell cross references AstNode::user2ClearTree(); AstNode::user4ClearTree(); { InlineCollectVisitor(nodep->modp()); } // {} to destroy visitor immediately // Create data for dotted variable resolution AstCellInline* inlinep = new AstCellInline(nodep->fileline(), nodep->name(), nodep->modp()->origName()); m_modp->addInlinesp(inlinep); // Must be parsed before any AstCells // Create assignments to the pins for (AstPin* pinp = nodep->pinsp(); pinp; pinp=pinp->nextp()->castPin()) { if (!pinp->exprp()) continue; UINFO(6," Pin change from "<<pinp->modVarp()<<endl); // Make new signal; even though we'll optimize the interconnect, we // need an alias to trace correctly. If tracing is disabled, we'll // delete it in later optimizations. AstVar* pinOldVarp = pinp->modVarp(); AstVar* pinNewVarp = pinOldVarp->clonep(); if (!pinNewVarp) pinOldVarp->v3fatalSrc("Cloning failed"); AstNode* connectRefp = pinp->exprp(); if (!connectRefp->castConst() && !connectRefp->castVarRef()) { pinp->v3fatalSrc("Unknown interconnect type; pinReconnectSimple should have cleared up"); } if (pinNewVarp->isOutOnly() && connectRefp->castConst()) { pinp->v3error("Output port is connected to a constant pin, electrical short"); } // Propagate any attributes across the interconnect pinNewVarp->propagateAttrFrom(pinOldVarp); if (connectRefp->castVarRef()) { connectRefp->castVarRef()->varp()->propagateAttrFrom(pinOldVarp); } // One to one interconnect won't make a temporary variable. // This prevents creating a lot of extra wires for clock signals. // It will become a tracing alias. UINFO(6,"One-to-one "<<connectRefp<<endl); UINFO(6," -to "<<pinNewVarp<<endl); pinNewVarp->user2p(connectRefp); // Public output inside the cell must go via an assign rather than alias // Else the public logic will set the alias, losing the value to be propagated up // (InOnly isn't a problem as the AssignAlias will create the assignment for us) pinNewVarp->user3(pinNewVarp->isSigUserRWPublic() && pinNewVarp->isOutOnly()); } // Cleanup var names, etc, to not conflict { InlineRelinkVisitor(newmodp, m_modp, nodep); } // Move statements to top module if (debug()>=9) { newmodp->dumpTree(cout,"fixmod:"); } AstNode* stmtsp = newmodp->stmtsp(); if (stmtsp) stmtsp->unlinkFrBackWithNext(); if (stmtsp) m_modp->addStmtp(stmtsp); // Remove the cell newmodp->deleteTree(); VL_DANGLING(newmodp); // Clear any leftover ports, etc nodep->unlinkFrBack(); pushDeletep(nodep); VL_DANGLING(nodep); if (debug()>=9) { m_modp->dumpTree(cout,"donemod:"); } } }
static AstAssignW* pinReconnectSimple(AstPin* pinp, AstCell* cellp, AstNodeModule*, bool forTristate, bool alwaysCvt) { // If a pin connection is "simple" leave it as-is // Else create a intermediate wire to perform the interconnect // Return the new assignment, if one was made // Note this module calles cloneTree() via new AstVar AstVar* pinVarp = pinp->modVarp(); AstVarRef* connectRefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef(); AstBasicDType* pinBasicp = pinVarp->dtypep()->basicp(); // Maybe NULL AstBasicDType* connBasicp = NULL; AstAssignW* assignp = NULL; if (connectRefp) connBasicp = connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->basicp(); // if (!alwaysCvt && connectRefp && connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->sameTree(pinVarp->dtypep()) && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()) { // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types // Done. Same data type } else if (!alwaysCvt && connectRefp && connectRefp->varp()->isIfaceRef()) { // Done. Interface } else if (!alwaysCvt && connBasicp && pinBasicp && connBasicp->width() == pinBasicp->width() && connBasicp->lsb() == pinBasicp->lsb() && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc() // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types && connBasicp->width() == pinVarp->width() && 1) { // Done. One to one interconnect won't need a temporary variable. } else if (!alwaysCvt && !forTristate && pinp->exprp()->castConst()) { // Done. Constant. } else { // Make a new temp wire //if (1||debug()>=9) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"-in_pin:"); } AstNode* pinexprp = pinp->exprp()->unlinkFrBack(); string newvarname = ((string)(pinVarp->isOutput() ? "__Vcellout" : "__Vcellinp") +(forTristate?"t":"") // Prevent name conflict if both tri & non-tri add signals +"__"+cellp->name()+"__"+pinp->name()); AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (pinVarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, pinVarp); // Important to add statement next to cell, in case there is a generate with same named cell cellp->addNextHere(newvarp); if (pinVarp->isInout()) { pinVarp->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Inout connections to pins must be direct one-to-one connection (without any expression)"); } else if (pinVarp->isOutput()) { // See also V3Inst AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, false); UINFO(5,"pinRecon width "<<pinVarp->width()<<" >? "<<rhsp->width()<<" >? "<<pinexprp->width()<<endl); rhsp = extendOrSel (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, pinVarp); pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (newvarp->fileline(), newvarp, true)); AstNode* rhsSelp = extendOrSel (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, pinexprp); assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), pinexprp, rhsSelp); } else { // V3 width should have range/extended to make the widths correct assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, true), pinexprp); pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, false)); } if (assignp) cellp->addNextHere(assignp); //if (debug()) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"- out:"); } //if (debug()) { assignp->dumpTree(cout,"- aout:"); } } return assignp; }
void V3Inst::pinReconnectSimple(AstPin* pinp, AstCell* cellp, AstNodeModule* modp) { // If a pin connection is "simple" leave it as-is // Else create a intermediate wire to perform the interconnect // Note this module calles cloneTree() via new AstVar AstVar* pinVarp = pinp->modVarp(); AstVarRef* connectRefp = pinp->exprp()->castVarRef(); AstBasicDType* pinBasicp = pinVarp->dtypep()->basicp(); // Maybe NULL AstBasicDType* connBasicp = NULL; if (connectRefp) connBasicp = connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->basicp(); // if (connectRefp && connectRefp->varp()->dtypep()->sameTree(pinVarp->dtypep()) && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc()) { // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types // Done. Same data type } else if (connBasicp && pinBasicp && connBasicp->width() == pinBasicp->width() && connBasicp->lsb() == pinBasicp->lsb() && !connectRefp->varp()->isSc() // Need the signal as a 'shell' to convert types && pinp->width() == pinVarp->width() && 1) { // Done. One to one interconnect won't need a temporary variable. } else if (pinp->exprp()->castConst()) { // Done. Constant. } else { // Make a new temp wire //if (1||debug()>=9) { pinp->dumpTree(cout,"in_pin:"); } AstAssignW* assignp = NULL; AstNode* pinexprp = pinp->exprp()->unlinkFrBack(); string newvarname = "__Vcellinp__"+cellp->name()+"__"+pinp->name(); AstVar* newvarp = new AstVar (pinVarp->fileline(), AstVarType::MODULETEMP, newvarname, pinVarp); modp->addStmtp(newvarp); if (pinVarp->isInout()) { pinVarp->v3fatalSrc("Unsupported: Inout connections to pins must be direct one-to-one connection (without any expression)"); } else if (pinVarp->isOutput()) { // See also V3Inst AstNode* rhsp = new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, false); if (pinp->width() > rhsp->width()) { if (rhsp->isSigned()) { rhsp = new AstExtendS(pinp->fileline(), rhsp); } else { rhsp = new AstExtend (pinp->fileline(), rhsp); } } else if (pinp->width() < rhsp->width()) { rhsp = new AstSel (pinp->fileline(), rhsp, 0, pinp->width()); } rhsp->widthSignedFrom(pinp); assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), pinexprp, rhsp); pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, true)); } else { // V3 width should have range/extended to make the widths correct if (pinexprp->width() != pinVarp->width()) pinp->v3fatalSrc("Input pin width mismatch"); assignp = new AstAssignW (pinp->fileline(), new AstVarRef(pinp->fileline(), newvarp, true), pinexprp); pinp->exprp(new AstVarRef (pinexprp->fileline(), newvarp, false)); } pinp->widthSignedFrom(pinp->exprp()); if (assignp) modp->addStmtp(assignp); //if (1||debug()) { pinp->dumpTree(cout," out:"); } //if (1||debug()) { assignp->dumpTree(cout," aout:"); } } }