StatusWith<UpdateZoneKeyRangeRequest> UpdateZoneKeyRangeRequest::_parseFromCommand(
    const BSONObj& cmdObj, bool forMongos) {
    string rawNS;
    auto parseNamespaceStatus = bsonExtractStringField(
        cmdObj, (forMongos ? kMongosUpdateZoneKeyRange : kConfigsvrUpdateZoneKeyRange), &rawNS);

    if (!parseNamespaceStatus.isOK()) {
        return parseNamespaceStatus;

    NamespaceString ns(rawNS);

    if (!ns.isValid()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace,
                str::stream() << rawNS << " is not a valid namespace"};

    auto parseRangeStatus = ChunkRange::fromBSON(cmdObj);
    if (!parseRangeStatus.isOK()) {
        return parseRangeStatus.getStatus();

    BSONElement zoneElem;

    auto parseZoneNameStatus = bsonExtractField(cmdObj, kZoneName, &zoneElem);

    if (!parseZoneNameStatus.isOK()) {
        return parseZoneNameStatus;

    bool isRemove = false;
    string zoneName;
    if (zoneElem.type() == String) {
        zoneName = zoneElem.str();
    } else if (zoneElem.isNull()) {
        isRemove = true;
    } else {
        return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                str::stream() << "\"" << kZoneName << "\" had the wrong type. Expected "
                              << typeName(String)
                              << " or "
                              << typeName(jstNULL)
                              << ", found "
                              << typeName(zoneElem.type())};

    if (isRemove) {
        return UpdateZoneKeyRangeRequest(std::move(ns), std::move(parseRangeStatus.getValue()));

    return UpdateZoneKeyRangeRequest(
        std::move(ns), std::move(parseRangeStatus.getValue()), std::move(zoneName));
void ExpressionKeysPrivate::getS2Keys(const BSONObj& obj,
                                      const BSONObj& keyPattern,
                                      const S2IndexingParams& params,
                                      BSONObjSet* keys) {
    BSONObjSet keysToAdd;

    // Does one of our documents have a geo field?
    bool haveGeoField = false;

    // We output keys in the same order as the fields we index.
    BSONObjIterator i(keyPattern);
    while (i.more()) {
        BSONElement e =;

        // First, we get the keys that this field adds.  Either they're added literally from
        // the value of the field, or they're transformed if the field is geo.
        BSONElementSet fieldElements;
        // false means Don't expand the last array, duh.
        obj.getFieldsDotted(e.fieldName(), fieldElements, false);

        BSONObjSet keysForThisField;
        if (IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE == e.valuestr()) {
            if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) {
                // For >= V2,
                // geo: null,
                // geo: undefined
                // geo: []
                // should all behave like there is no geo field.  So we look for these cases and
                // throw out the field elements if we find them.
                if (1 == fieldElements.size()) {
                    BSONElement elt = *fieldElements.begin();
                    // Get the :null and :undefined cases.
                    if (elt.isNull() || Undefined == elt.type()) {
                    } else if (elt.isABSONObj()) {
                        // And this is the :[] case.
                        BSONObj obj = elt.Obj();
                        if (0 == obj.nFields()) {

                // >= V2 2dsphere indices require that at least one geo field to be present in a
                // document in order to index it.
                if (fieldElements.size() > 0) {
                    haveGeoField = true;

            getS2GeoKeys(obj, fieldElements, params, &keysForThisField);
        } else {
            getS2LiteralKeys(fieldElements, params.collator, &keysForThisField);

        // We expect there to be the missing field element present in the keys if data is
        // missing.  So, this should be non-empty.

        // We take the Cartesian product of all of the keys.  This requires that we have
        // some keys to take the Cartesian product with.  If keysToAdd.empty(), we
        // initialize it.
        if (keysToAdd.empty()) {
            keysToAdd = keysForThisField;

        BSONObjSet updatedKeysToAdd;
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keysToAdd.begin(); it != keysToAdd.end(); ++it) {
            for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator newIt = keysForThisField.begin();
                 newIt != keysForThisField.end();
                 ++newIt) {
                BSONObjBuilder b;
        keysToAdd = updatedKeysToAdd;

    // Make sure that if we're >= V2 there's at least one geo field present in the doc.
    if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) {
        if (!haveGeoField) {

    if (keysToAdd.size() > params.maxKeysPerInsert) {
        warning() << "Insert of geo object generated a high number of keys."
                  << " num keys: " << keysToAdd.size() << " obj inserted: " << obj;

    *keys = keysToAdd;
Пример #3
// static
bool QueryPlannerTestLib::solutionMatches(const BSONObj& testSoln,
        const QuerySolutionNode* trueSoln) {
    // leaf nodes
    if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["cscan"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj csObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement dir = csObj["dir"];
        if (dir.eoo() || !dir.isNumber()) {
            return false;
        if (dir.numberInt() != csn->direction) {
            return false;

        BSONElement filter = csObj["filter"];
        if (filter.eoo()) {
            return true;
        } else if (filter.isNull()) {
            return NULL == csn->filter;
        } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = csObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        return filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln);
    } else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["ixscan"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj ixscanObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement pattern = ixscanObj["pattern"];
        if (pattern.eoo() || !pattern.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        if (pattern.Obj() != ixn->indexKeyPattern) {
            return false;

        BSONElement bounds = ixscanObj["bounds"];
        if (!bounds.eoo()) {
            if (!bounds.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!boundsMatch(bounds.Obj(), ixn->bounds)) {
                return false;

        BSONElement dir = ixscanObj["dir"];
        if (!dir.eoo() && NumberInt == dir.type()) {
            if (dir.numberInt() != ixn->direction) {
                return false;

        BSONElement filter = ixscanObj["filter"];
        if (filter.eoo()) {
            return true;
        } else if (filter.isNull()) {
            return NULL == ixn->filter;
        } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = ixscanObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        return filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln);
    } else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["geoNear2d"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj geoObj = el.Obj();
        return geoObj == node->indexKeyPattern;
    } else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["geoNear2dsphere"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj geoObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement pattern = geoObj["pattern"];
        if (pattern.eoo() || !pattern.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        if (pattern.Obj() != node->indexKeyPattern) {
            return false;

        BSONElement bounds = geoObj["bounds"];
        if (!bounds.eoo()) {
            if (!bounds.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!boundsMatch(bounds.Obj(), node->baseBounds)) {
                return false;

        return true;
    } else if (STAGE_TEXT == trueSoln->getType()) {
        // {text: {search: "somestr", language: "something", filter: {blah: 1}}}
        const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["text"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj textObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement searchElt = textObj["search"];
        if (!searchElt.eoo()) {
            if (searchElt.String() != node->ftsQuery->getQuery()) {
                return false;

        BSONElement languageElt = textObj["language"];
        if (!languageElt.eoo()) {
            if (languageElt.String() != node->ftsQuery->getLanguage()) {
                return false;

        BSONElement caseSensitiveElt = textObj["caseSensitive"];
        if (!caseSensitiveElt.eoo()) {
            if (caseSensitiveElt.trueValue() != node->ftsQuery->getCaseSensitive()) {
                return false;

        BSONElement diacriticSensitiveElt = textObj["diacriticSensitive"];
        if (!diacriticSensitiveElt.eoo()) {
            if (diacriticSensitiveElt.trueValue() != node->ftsQuery->getDiacriticSensitive()) {
                return false;

        BSONElement indexPrefix = textObj["prefix"];
        if (!indexPrefix.eoo()) {
            if (!indexPrefix.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;

            if (0 != indexPrefix.Obj().woCompare(node->indexPrefix)) {
                return false;

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = textObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        BSONElement filter = textObj["filter"];
        if (!filter.eoo()) {
            if (filter.isNull()) {
                if (NULL != node->filter) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln)) {
                return false;

        return true;

    // internal nodes
    if (STAGE_FETCH == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(trueSoln);

        BSONElement el = testSoln["fetch"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj fetchObj = el.Obj();

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = fetchObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        BSONElement filter = fetchObj["filter"];
        if (!filter.eoo()) {
            if (filter.isNull()) {
                if (NULL != fn->filter) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln)) {
                return false;

        BSONElement child = fetchObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), fn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_OR == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const OrNode* orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["or"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj orObj = el.Obj();
        return childrenMatch(orObj, orn);
    } else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["andHash"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj andHashObj = el.Obj();

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = andHashObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        BSONElement filter = andHashObj["filter"];
        if (!filter.eoo()) {
            if (filter.isNull()) {
                if (NULL != ahn->filter) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln)) {
                return false;

        return childrenMatch(andHashObj, ahn);
    } else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["andSorted"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj andSortedObj = el.Obj();

        BSONObj collation;
        if (BSONElement collationElt = andSortedObj["collation"]) {
            if (!collationElt.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            collation = collationElt.Obj();

        BSONElement filter = andSortedObj["filter"];
        if (!filter.eoo()) {
            if (filter.isNull()) {
                if (NULL != asn->filter) {
                    return false;
            } else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            } else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), collation, trueSoln)) {
                return false;

        return childrenMatch(andSortedObj, asn);
    } else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(trueSoln);

        BSONElement el = testSoln["proj"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj projObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement projType = projObj["type"];
        if (!projType.eoo()) {
            string projTypeStr = projType.str();
            if (!((pn->projType == ProjectionNode::DEFAULT && projTypeStr == "default") ||
                    (pn->projType == ProjectionNode::SIMPLE_DOC && projTypeStr == "simple") ||
                    (pn->projType == ProjectionNode::COVERED_ONE_INDEX &&
                     projTypeStr == "coveredIndex"))) {
                return false;

        BSONElement spec = projObj["spec"];
        if (spec.eoo() || !spec.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement child = projObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return (spec.Obj() == pn->projection) && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), pn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_SORT == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["sort"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement patternEl = sortObj["pattern"];
        if (patternEl.eoo() || !patternEl.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement limitEl = sortObj["limit"];
        if (!limitEl.isNumber()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        size_t expectedLimit = limitEl.numberInt();
        return (patternEl.Obj() == sn->pattern) && (expectedLimit == sn->limit) &&
               solutionMatches(child.Obj(), sn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_SORT_KEY_GENERATOR == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const SortKeyGeneratorNode* keyGenNode = static_cast<const SortKeyGeneratorNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["sortKeyGen"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj keyGenObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement child = keyGenObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), keyGenNode->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["mergeSort"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj mergeSortObj = el.Obj();
        return childrenMatch(mergeSortObj, msn);
    } else if (STAGE_SKIP == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["skip"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement skipEl = sortObj["n"];
        if (!skipEl.isNumber()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return (skipEl.numberInt() == sn->skip) && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), sn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_LIMIT == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(trueSoln);
        BSONElement el = testSoln["limit"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement limitEl = sortObj["n"];
        if (!limitEl.isNumber()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return (limitEl.numberInt() == ln->limit) && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), ln->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_KEEP_MUTATIONS == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const KeepMutationsNode* kn = static_cast<const KeepMutationsNode*>(trueSoln);

        BSONElement el = testSoln["keep"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj keepObj = el.Obj();

        // Doesn't have any parameters really.
        BSONElement child = keepObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), kn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_SHARDING_FILTER == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const ShardingFilterNode* fn = static_cast<const ShardingFilterNode*>(trueSoln);

        BSONElement el = testSoln["sharding_filter"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj keepObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement child = keepObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), fn->children[0]);
    } else if (STAGE_ENSURE_SORTED == trueSoln->getType()) {
        const EnsureSortedNode* esn = static_cast<const EnsureSortedNode*>(trueSoln);

        BSONElement el = testSoln["ensureSorted"];
        if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONObj esObj = el.Obj();

        BSONElement patternEl = esObj["pattern"];
        if (patternEl.eoo() || !patternEl.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;
        BSONElement child = esObj["node"];
        if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) {
            return false;

        return (patternEl.Obj() == esn->pattern) && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), esn->children[0]);

    return false;
Пример #4
void ExpressionKeysPrivate::getS2Keys(const BSONObj& obj,
                                      const BSONObj& keyPattern,
                                      const S2IndexingParams& params,
                                      BSONObjSet* keys,
                                      MultikeyPaths* multikeyPaths) {
    BSONObjSet keysToAdd = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();

    // Does one of our documents have a geo field?
    bool haveGeoField = false;

    if (multikeyPaths) {

    size_t posInIdx = 0;

    // We output keys in the same order as the fields we index.
    for (const auto keyElem : keyPattern) {
        // First, we get the keys that this field adds.  Either they're added literally from
        // the value of the field, or they're transformed if the field is geo.
        BSONElementSet fieldElements;
        const bool expandArrayOnTrailingField = false;
        std::set<size_t>* arrayComponents = multikeyPaths ? &(*multikeyPaths)[posInIdx] : nullptr;
            obj, keyElem.fieldName(), fieldElements, expandArrayOnTrailingField, arrayComponents);

        // Trailing array values aren't being expanded, so we still need to determine whether the
        // last component of the indexed path 'keyElem.fieldName()' causes the index to be multikey.
        // We say that it does if
        //   (a) the last component of the indexed path ever refers to an array value (regardless of
        //       the number of array elements)
        //   (b) the last component of the indexed path ever refers to GeoJSON data that requires
        //       multiple cells for its covering.
        bool lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey;
        BSONObjSet keysForThisField = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
        if (IndexNames::GEO_2DSPHERE == keyElem.valuestr()) {
            if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) {
                // For >= V2,
                // geo: null,
                // geo: undefined
                // geo: []
                // should all behave like there is no geo field.  So we look for these cases and
                // throw out the field elements if we find them.
                if (1 == fieldElements.size()) {
                    BSONElement elt = *fieldElements.begin();
                    // Get the :null and :undefined cases.
                    if (elt.isNull() || Undefined == elt.type()) {
                    } else if (elt.isABSONObj()) {
                        // And this is the :[] case.
                        BSONObj obj = elt.Obj();
                        if (0 == obj.nFields()) {

                // >= V2 2dsphere indices require that at least one geo field to be present in a
                // document in order to index it.
                if (fieldElements.size() > 0) {
                    haveGeoField = true;

            lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey =
                getS2GeoKeys(obj, fieldElements, params, &keysForThisField);
        } else {
            lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey =
                getS2LiteralKeys(fieldElements, params.collator, &keysForThisField);

        // We expect there to be the missing field element present in the keys if data is
        // missing.  So, this should be non-empty.

        if (multikeyPaths && lastPathComponentCausesIndexToBeMultikey) {
            const size_t pathLengthOfThisField = FieldRef{keyElem.fieldNameStringData()}.numParts();
            invariant(pathLengthOfThisField > 0);
            (*multikeyPaths)[posInIdx].insert(pathLengthOfThisField - 1);

        // We take the Cartesian product of all of the keys.  This requires that we have
        // some keys to take the Cartesian product with.  If keysToAdd.empty(), we
        // initialize it.
        if (keysToAdd.empty()) {
            keysToAdd = keysForThisField;

        BSONObjSet updatedKeysToAdd = SimpleBSONObjComparator::kInstance.makeBSONObjSet();
        for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator it = keysToAdd.begin(); it != keysToAdd.end(); ++it) {
            for (BSONObjSet::const_iterator newIt = keysForThisField.begin();
                 newIt != keysForThisField.end();
                 ++newIt) {
                BSONObjBuilder b;
        keysToAdd = updatedKeysToAdd;

    // Make sure that if we're >= V2 there's at least one geo field present in the doc.
    if (params.indexVersion >= S2_INDEX_VERSION_2) {
        if (!haveGeoField) {

    if (keysToAdd.size() > params.maxKeysPerInsert) {
        warning() << "Insert of geo object generated a high number of keys."
                  << " num keys: " << keysToAdd.size() << " obj inserted: " << redact(obj);

    *keys = keysToAdd;
Пример #5
    // static
    bool QueryPlannerTestLib::solutionMatches(const BSONObj& testSoln,
                                              const QuerySolutionNode* trueSoln) {
        // leaf nodes
        if (STAGE_COLLSCAN == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const CollectionScanNode* csn = static_cast<const CollectionScanNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["cscan"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj csObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement dir = csObj["dir"];
            if (dir.eoo() || !dir.isNumber()) { return false; }
            if (dir.numberInt() != csn->direction) { return false; }

            BSONElement filter = csObj["filter"];
            if (filter.eoo()) {
                return true;
            else if (filter.isNull()) {
                return NULL == csn->filter;
            else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            return filterMatches(filter.Obj(), trueSoln);
        else if (STAGE_IXSCAN == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const IndexScanNode* ixn = static_cast<const IndexScanNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["ixscan"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj ixscanObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement pattern = ixscanObj["pattern"];
            if (pattern.eoo() || !pattern.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            if (pattern.Obj() != ixn->indexKeyPattern) { return false; }

            BSONElement bounds = ixscanObj["bounds"];
            if (!bounds.eoo()) {
                if (!bounds.isABSONObj()) {
                    return false;
                else if (!boundsMatch(bounds.Obj(), ixn->bounds)) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement dir = ixscanObj["dir"];
            if (!dir.eoo() && NumberInt == dir.type()) {
                if (dir.numberInt() != ixn->direction) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement filter = ixscanObj["filter"];
            if (filter.eoo()) {
                return true;
            else if (filter.isNull()) {
                return NULL == ixn->filter;
            else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                return false;
            return filterMatches(filter.Obj(), trueSoln);
        else if (STAGE_GEO_2D == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const Geo2DNode* node = static_cast<const Geo2DNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["geo2d"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj geoObj = el.Obj();
            return geoObj == node->indexKeyPattern;
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2D == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["geoNear2d"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj geoObj = el.Obj();
            return geoObj == node->indexKeyPattern;
        else if (STAGE_GEO_NEAR_2DSPHERE == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const GeoNear2DSphereNode* node = static_cast<const GeoNear2DSphereNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["geoNear2dsphere"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj geoObj = el.Obj();
            return geoObj == node->indexKeyPattern;
        else if (STAGE_TEXT == trueSoln->getType()) {
            // {text: {search: "somestr", language: "something", filter: {blah: 1}}}
            const TextNode* node = static_cast<const TextNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["text"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj textObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement searchElt = textObj["search"];
            if (!searchElt.eoo()) {
                if (searchElt.String() != node->query) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement languageElt = textObj["language"];
            if (!languageElt.eoo()) {
                if (languageElt.String() != node->language) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement indexPrefix = textObj["prefix"];
            if (!indexPrefix.eoo()) {
                if (!indexPrefix.isABSONObj()) {
                    return false;

                if (0 != indexPrefix.Obj().woCompare(node->indexPrefix)) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement filter = textObj["filter"];
            if (!filter.eoo()) {
                if (filter.isNull()) {
                    if (NULL != node->filter) { return false; }
                else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                    return false;
                else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), trueSoln)) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        // internal nodes
        if (STAGE_FETCH == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const FetchNode* fn = static_cast<const FetchNode*>(trueSoln);

            BSONElement el = testSoln["fetch"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj fetchObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement filter = fetchObj["filter"];
            if (!filter.eoo()) {
                if (filter.isNull()) {
                    if (NULL != fn->filter) { return false; }
                else if (!filter.isABSONObj()) {
                    return false;
                else if (!filterMatches(filter.Obj(), trueSoln)) {
                    return false;

            BSONElement child = fetchObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), fn->children[0]);
        else if (STAGE_OR == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const OrNode * orn = static_cast<const OrNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["or"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj orObj = el.Obj();
            return childrenMatch(orObj, orn);
        else if (STAGE_AND_HASH == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const AndHashNode* ahn = static_cast<const AndHashNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["andHash"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj andHashObj = el.Obj();
            // XXX: andHashObj can have filter
            return childrenMatch(andHashObj, ahn);
        else if (STAGE_AND_SORTED == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const AndSortedNode* asn = static_cast<const AndSortedNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["andSorted"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj andSortedObj = el.Obj();
            // XXX: anSortedObj can have filter too
            return childrenMatch(andSortedObj, asn);
        else if (STAGE_PROJECTION == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const ProjectionNode* pn = static_cast<const ProjectionNode*>(trueSoln);

            BSONElement el = testSoln["proj"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj projObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement spec = projObj["spec"];
            if (spec.eoo() || !spec.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONElement child = projObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            return (spec.Obj() == pn->projection)
                   && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), pn->children[0]);
        else if (STAGE_SORT == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const SortNode* sn = static_cast<const SortNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["sort"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement patternEl = sortObj["pattern"];
            if (patternEl.eoo() || !patternEl.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONElement limitEl = sortObj["limit"];
            if (!limitEl.isNumber()) { return false; }
            BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            return (patternEl.Obj() == sn->pattern)
                   && (limitEl.numberInt() == sn->limit)
                   && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), sn->children[0]);
        else if (STAGE_SORT_MERGE == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const MergeSortNode* msn = static_cast<const MergeSortNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["mergeSort"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj mergeSortObj = el.Obj();
            return childrenMatch(mergeSortObj, msn);
        else if (STAGE_SKIP == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const SkipNode* sn = static_cast<const SkipNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["skip"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement skipEl = sortObj["n"];
            if (!skipEl.isNumber()) { return false; }
            BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            return (skipEl.numberInt() == sn->skip)
                   && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), sn->children[0]);
        else if (STAGE_LIMIT == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const LimitNode* ln = static_cast<const LimitNode*>(trueSoln);
            BSONElement el = testSoln["limit"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj sortObj = el.Obj();

            BSONElement limitEl = sortObj["n"];
            if (!limitEl.isNumber()) { return false; }
            BSONElement child = sortObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            return (limitEl.numberInt() == ln->limit)
                   && solutionMatches(child.Obj(), ln->children[0]);
        else if (STAGE_KEEP_MUTATIONS == trueSoln->getType()) {
            const KeepMutationsNode* kn = static_cast<const KeepMutationsNode*>(trueSoln);

            BSONElement el = testSoln["keep"];
            if (el.eoo() || !el.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
            BSONObj keepObj = el.Obj();

            // Doesn't have any parameters really.
            BSONElement child = keepObj["node"];
            if (child.eoo() || !child.isABSONObj()) { return false; }

            return solutionMatches(child.Obj(), kn->children[0]);

        return false;
Пример #6
        void Dictionary::open(const BSONObj &info,
                              const mongo::Descriptor &descriptor, const bool may_create,
                              const bool hot_index) {
            int readPageSize = 65536;
            int pageSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
            BSONObj key_pattern = info["key"].Obj();
            BSONElement e;
            e = info["readPageSize"];
            if (e.ok() && !e.isNull()) {
                readPageSize = BytesQuantity<int>(e);
                uassert(16743, "readPageSize must be a number > 0.", readPageSize > 0);
                TOKULOG(1) << "db " << _dname << ", using read page size " << readPageSize << endl;
            e = info["pageSize"];
            if (e.ok() && !e.isNull()) {
                pageSize = BytesQuantity<int>(e);
                uassert(16445, "pageSize must be a number > 0.", pageSize > 0);
                TOKULOG(1) << "db " << _dname << ", using page size " << pageSize << endl;
            e = info["compression"];
            if (e.ok() && !e.isNull()) {
                std::string str = e.String();
                if (str == "lzma") {
                    compression = TOKU_LZMA_METHOD;
                } else if (str == "quicklz") {
                    compression = TOKU_QUICKLZ_METHOD;
                } else if (str == "zlib") {
                    compression = TOKU_ZLIB_WITHOUT_CHECKSUM_METHOD;
                } else if (str == "none") {
                    compression = TOKU_NO_COMPRESSION;
                } else {
                    uassert(16442, "compression must be one of: lzma, quicklz, zlib, none.", false);
                TOKULOG(1) << "db " << _dname << ", using compression method \"" << str << "\"" << endl;

            int r = _db->set_readpagesize(_db, readPageSize);
            if (r != 0) {

            r = _db->set_pagesize(_db, pageSize);
            if (r != 0) {

            r = _db->set_compression_method(_db, compression);
            if (r != 0) {

            // If this is a non-creating open for a read-only (or non-existent)
            // transaction, we can use an alternate stack since there's nothing
            // to roll back and no locktree locks to hold.
            const bool needAltTxn = !may_create && (!cc().hasTxn() || cc().txn().readOnly());
            scoped_ptr<Client::AlternateTransactionStack> altStack(!needAltTxn ? NULL :
                                                                   new Client::AlternateTransactionStack());
            scoped_ptr<Client::Transaction> altTxn(!needAltTxn ? NULL :
                                                   new Client::Transaction(0));

            const int db_flags = may_create ? DB_CREATE : 0;
            r = _db->open(_db, cc().txn().db_txn(), _dname.c_str(), NULL,
                          DB_BTREE, db_flags, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH);
            if (r == ENOENT && !may_create) {
                throw NeedsCreate();
            if (r != 0) {
            if (may_create) {
                set_db_descriptor(_db, descriptor, hot_index);
            verify_or_upgrade_db_descriptor(_db, descriptor, hot_index);

            if (altTxn.get() != NULL) {