Пример #1
 bool BSONObj::okForStorage() const {
     BSONObjIterator i( *this );
     while ( i.more() ){
         BSONElement e = i.next();
         const char * name = e.fieldName();
         if ( strchr( name , '.' ) ||
              strchr( name , '$' ) ){
                 strcmp( name , "$ref" ) == 0 ||
                 strcmp( name , "$id" ) == 0
         if ( e.mayEncapsulate() ){
             switch ( e.type() ){
             case Object:
             case Array:
                 if ( ! e.embeddedObject().okForStorage() )
                     return false;
             case CodeWScope:
                 if ( ! e.codeWScopeObject().okForStorage() )
                     return false;
                 uassert( 12579, "unhandled cases in BSONObj okForStorage" , 0 );
     return true;
Пример #2
    void BSONElementHasher::recursiveHash( Hasher* h ,
                                           const BSONElement& e ,
                                           bool includeFieldName ) {

        int canonicalType = e.canonicalType();
        h->addData( &canonicalType , sizeof( canonicalType ) );

        if ( includeFieldName ){
            h->addData( e.fieldName() , e.fieldNameSize() );

        if ( !e.mayEncapsulate() ){
            //if there are no embedded objects (subobjects or arrays),
            //compute the hash, squashing numeric types to 64-bit ints
            if ( e.isNumber() ){
                long long int i = e.safeNumberLong(); //well-defined for troublesome doubles
                h->addData( &i , sizeof( i ) );
            else {
                h->addData( e.value() , e.valuesize() );
        else {
            //else identify the subobject.
            //hash any preceding stuff (in the case of codeWscope)
            //then each sub-element
            //then finish with the EOO element.
            BSONObj b;
            if ( e.type() == CodeWScope ) {
                h->addData( e.codeWScopeCode() , e.codeWScopeCodeLen() );
                b = e.codeWScopeObject();
            else {
                b = e.embeddedObject();
            BSONObjIterator i(b);
            while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
                BSONElement el = i.next();
                recursiveHash( h , el ,  true );
Пример #3
    void QueryPlan::init( const FieldRangeSetPair* originalFrsp,
                          const BSONObj& startKey,
                          const BSONObj& endKey ) {
        _endKeyInclusive = endKey.isEmpty();
        _startOrEndSpec = !startKey.isEmpty() || !endKey.isEmpty();
        BSONObj idxKey = _idxNo < 0 ? BSONObj() : _d->idx( _idxNo ).keyPattern();

        if ( !_frs.matchPossibleForIndex( idxKey ) ) {
            _utility = Impossible;
            _scanAndOrderRequired = false;
        if ( willScanTable() ) {
            if ( _order.isEmpty() || !strcmp( _order.firstElementFieldName(), "$natural" ) )
                _scanAndOrderRequired = false;

        _index = &_d->idx(_idxNo);

        // If the parsing or index indicates this is a special query, don't continue the processing
        if (!_special.empty() ||
            ( _index->getSpec().getType() &&
             _index->getSpec().getType()->suitability( _frs, _order ) != USELESS ) ) {

            _type  = _index->getSpec().getType();
            if (_special.empty()) _special = _index->getSpec().getType()->getPlugin()->getName();

            massert( 13040 , (string)"no type for special: " + _special , _type );
            // hopefully safe to use original query in these contexts;
            // don't think we can mix special with $or clause separation yet
            _scanAndOrderRequired = _type->scanAndOrderRequired( _originalQuery , _order );

        const IndexSpec &idxSpec = _index->getSpec();
        BSONObjIterator o( _order );
        BSONObjIterator k( idxKey );
        if ( !o.moreWithEOO() )
            _scanAndOrderRequired = false;
        while( o.moreWithEOO() ) {
            BSONElement oe = o.next();
            if ( oe.eoo() ) {
                _scanAndOrderRequired = false;
            if ( !k.moreWithEOO() )
            BSONElement ke;
            while( 1 ) {
                ke = k.next();
                if ( ke.eoo() )
                    goto doneCheckOrder;
                if ( strcmp( oe.fieldName(), ke.fieldName() ) == 0 )
                if ( !_frs.range( ke.fieldName() ).equality() )
                    goto doneCheckOrder;
            int d = elementDirection( oe ) == elementDirection( ke ) ? 1 : -1;
            if ( _direction == 0 )
                _direction = d;
            else if ( _direction != d )
        if ( _scanAndOrderRequired )
            _direction = 0;
        BSONObjIterator i( idxKey );
        int exactIndexedQueryCount = 0;
        int optimalIndexedQueryCount = 0;
        bool awaitingLastOptimalField = true;
        set<string> orderFieldsUnindexed;
        _order.getFieldNames( orderFieldsUnindexed );
        while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();
            if ( e.eoo() )
            const FieldRange& fr = _frs.range( e.fieldName() );
            if ( awaitingLastOptimalField ) {
                if ( !fr.universal() )
                if ( !fr.equality() )
                    awaitingLastOptimalField = false;
            else {
                if ( !fr.universal() )
                    optimalIndexedQueryCount = -1;
            if ( fr.equality() ) {
                BSONElement e = fr.max();
                if ( !e.isNumber() && !e.mayEncapsulate() && e.type() != RegEx )
            orderFieldsUnindexed.erase( e.fieldName() );
        if ( !_scanAndOrderRequired &&
                ( optimalIndexedQueryCount == _frs.numNonUniversalRanges() ) )
            _utility = Optimal;
        _frv.reset( new FieldRangeVector( _frs, idxSpec, _direction ) );

        if ( // If all field range constraints are on indexed fields and ...
             _utility == Optimal &&
             // ... the field ranges exactly represent the query and ...
             _frs.mustBeExactMatchRepresentation() &&
             // ... all indexed ranges are represented in the field range vector ...
             _frv->hasAllIndexedRanges() ) {

            // ... then the field range vector is sufficient to perform query matching against index
            // keys.  No matcher is required.
            _matcherNecessary = false;

        if ( originalFrsp ) {
            _originalFrv.reset( new FieldRangeVector( originalFrsp->frsForIndex( _d, _idxNo ),
                                                      _direction ) );
        else {
            _originalFrv = _frv;
        if ( _startOrEndSpec ) {
            BSONObj newStart, newEnd;
            if ( !startKey.isEmpty() )
                _startKey = startKey;
                _startKey = _frv->startKey();
            if ( !endKey.isEmpty() )
                _endKey = endKey;
                _endKey = _frv->endKey();

        if ( ( _scanAndOrderRequired || _order.isEmpty() ) && 
            _frs.range( idxKey.firstElementFieldName() ).universal() ) { // NOTE SERVER-2140
            _utility = Unhelpful;
        if ( idxSpec.isSparse() && hasPossibleExistsFalsePredicate() ) {
            _utility = Disallowed;

        if ( _parsedQuery && _parsedQuery->getFields() && !_d->isMultikey( _idxNo ) ) {
            // Does not check modifiedKeys()
            _keyFieldsOnly.reset( _parsedQuery->getFields()->checkKey( _index->keyPattern() ) );
Пример #4
    QueryPlan::QueryPlan( const FieldBoundSet &fbs, const BSONObj &order, const IndexDetails *index ) :
    fbs_( fbs ),
    order_( order ),
    index_( index ),
    optimal_( false ),
    scanAndOrderRequired_( true ),
    keyMatch_( false ),
    exactKeyMatch_( false ),
    direction_( 0 ),
    unhelpful_( false ) {
        // full table scan case
        if ( !index_ ) {
            if ( order_.isEmpty() || !strcmp( order_.firstElement().fieldName(), "$natural" ) )
                scanAndOrderRequired_ = false;

        BSONObj idxKey = index->keyPattern();
        BSONObjIterator o( order );
        BSONObjIterator k( idxKey );
        if ( !o.more() )
            scanAndOrderRequired_ = false;
        while( o.more() ) {
            BSONElement oe = o.next();
            if ( oe.eoo() ) {
                scanAndOrderRequired_ = false;
            if ( !k.more() )
            BSONElement ke;
            while( 1 ) {
                ke = k.next();
                if ( ke.eoo() )
                    goto doneCheckOrder;
                if ( strcmp( oe.fieldName(), ke.fieldName() ) == 0 )
                if ( !fbs.bound( ke.fieldName() ).equality() )
                    goto doneCheckOrder;
            int d = oe.number() == ke.number() ? 1 : -1;
            if ( direction_ == 0 )
                direction_ = d;
            else if ( direction_ != d )
        if ( scanAndOrderRequired_ )
            direction_ = 0;
        BSONObjIterator i( idxKey );
        int indexedQueryCount = 0;
        int exactIndexedQueryCount = 0;
        int optimalIndexedQueryCount = 0;
        bool stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount = true;
        set< string > orderFieldsUnindexed;
        order.getFieldNames( orderFieldsUnindexed );
        BSONObjBuilder startKeyBuilder;
        BSONObjBuilder endKeyBuilder;
        while( i.more() ) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();
            if ( e.eoo() )
            const FieldBound &fb = fbs.bound( e.fieldName() );
            int number = (int) e.number(); // returns 0.0 if not numeric
            bool forward = ( ( number >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) * ( direction_ >= 0 ? 1 : -1 ) > 0 );
            startKeyBuilder.appendAs( forward ? fb.lower() : fb.upper(), "" );
            endKeyBuilder.appendAs( forward ? fb.upper() : fb.lower(), "" );
            if ( fb.nontrivial() )
            if ( stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount ) {
                if ( fb.nontrivial() )
                if ( !fb.equality() )
                    stillOptimalIndexedQueryCount = false;
            } else {
                if ( fb.nontrivial() )
                    optimalIndexedQueryCount = -1;
            if ( fb.equality() ) {
                BSONElement e = fb.upper();
                if ( !e.isNumber() && !e.mayEncapsulate() && e.type() != RegEx )
            orderFieldsUnindexed.erase( e.fieldName() );
        if ( !scanAndOrderRequired_ &&
             ( optimalIndexedQueryCount == fbs.nNontrivialBounds() ) )
            optimal_ = true;
        if ( indexedQueryCount == fbs.nNontrivialBounds() &&
            orderFieldsUnindexed.size() == 0 ) {
            keyMatch_ = true;
            if ( exactIndexedQueryCount == fbs.nNontrivialBounds() )
                exactKeyMatch_ = true;
        startKey_ = startKeyBuilder.obj();
        endKey_ = endKeyBuilder.obj();
        if ( !keyMatch_ &&
            ( scanAndOrderRequired_ || order_.isEmpty() ) &&
            !fbs.bound( idxKey.firstElement().fieldName() ).nontrivial() )
            unhelpful_ = true;