Пример #1
BOOL BlockStorageList::UnInitializeDevices()
    BOOL success = TRUE;

    BlockStorageDevice* block = s_deviceList.FirstNode();
    BlockStorageDevice* curBlock;

    if(s_primaryDevice != NULL)
            success = block->UninitializeDevice() && success; // even if success == FALSE, UninitalizeDevice() will still get called

            curBlock = block;

            block = block->Next();
            // unlink the devices and it will addback
            curBlock ->Unlink();

        s_primaryDevice = NULL;

    return success;
Пример #2
// walk through list of devices and calls Init() function
BOOL BlockStorageList::InitializeDevices()
    UINT32 regionIndex, rangeIndex;
    ByteAddress Address;

    BlockStorageDevice* block = s_deviceList.FirstNode();

    if(block == NULL)
#if defined(PLATFORM_ARM)
        debug_printf( "There are no block storage devices to initialize" );
        return FALSE;

    UINT32 BlockUsage = BlockUsage::CONFIG;

    BOOL success = TRUE;

    if(s_primaryDevice == NULL)
        // initialize all the "Static" block storage
        // that is all the non-removeable block storage.
            success = block->InitializeDevice() && success; // even if success == FALSE, InitalizeDevice() will still get called

            if (block->FindForBlockUsage( BlockUsage, Address, regionIndex, rangeIndex ))
                if (s_primaryDevice == NULL)
                    s_primaryDevice = block;

                    // there must be one and only one primary device
                    return FALSE;

            block = block->Next();

        if (s_primaryDevice == NULL) return FALSE;

        return FALSE;

    return success;

Пример #3
BlockStorageDevice* BlockStorageList::GetNextDevice( BlockStorageDevice& device )
    if(!s_Initialized) return NULL;

    BlockStorageDevice* nextDevice = device.Next();

    if(nextDevice && nextDevice->Next())
        return  nextDevice;

    return NULL;
Пример #4
BOOL BlockStorageList::FindDeviceForPhysicalAddress( BlockStorageDevice** pBSD, UINT32 PhysicalAddress, ByteAddress &BlockAddress)
    *pBSD = NULL;

    if(!s_Initialized) return FALSE;

    BlockStorageDevice* block = s_deviceList.FirstNode();

    // this has to add to make metadataprocessor happy
    if(!block) return FALSE;

        const BlockDeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo = block->GetDeviceInfo();

        for(UINT32 i=0; i < pDeviceInfo->NumRegions; i++)
            const BlockRegionInfo* pRegion = &pDeviceInfo->Regions[i];

            if(pRegion->Start <= PhysicalAddress && PhysicalAddress < (pRegion->Start + pRegion->NumBlocks * pRegion->BytesPerBlock))
                *pBSD = block;

                // get block start address
                BlockAddress = (ByteAddress)((PhysicalAddress - pRegion->Start) / pRegion->BytesPerBlock);
                BlockAddress *= pRegion->BytesPerBlock;
                BlockAddress += pRegion->Start;

                return TRUE;

        block = block->Next();

    return FALSE;
