Пример #1
	void TeleopPeriodic(void) {
		// increment the number of teleop periodic loops completed

//		if(autoPilot == true)
//		{
			// Auto Align Disable Button
//			if(operatorGamepad->GetButton(Joystick::kTopButton) == 2)
//			{
//				Goal_Align_PID->Disable(); // Stop outputs
//				Goal_Align_PID->Enable(); // Start PIDContoller up again
//				Goal_Align_PID->SetSetpoint(0.0);
//				autoPilot = false;
//			}
//		}
//		else
//		{
			// Calculate jaguar output based on exponent we pass from SmartDashboard
			double leftOutput, rightOutput;
			leftOutput = calculateDriveOutputForTeleop(operatorGamepad->GetRawAxis(2));
			rightOutput = calculateDriveOutputForTeleop(operatorGamepad->GetRawAxis(5));
			m_robotDrive->SetLeftRightMotorOutputs(leftOutput, rightOutput);
			if(operatorGamepad->GetRawButton(1) && !buttonWasDown)
				printf("LEFT ENCODER: %f\n", Front_L->GetPosition());
				printf("RIGHT ENCODER: %f\n", Front_R->GetPosition());
			buttonWasDown = operatorGamepad->GetRawButton(1);
			// Auto Align Button
//			if(operatorGamepad->GetButton(Joystick::kTopButton) == 1)
//			{
//				// Turn Auto Align on if we see a goal and we know the azimuth
//				if(SmartDashboard::GetBoolean(FOUND_KEY) == true)
//				{
//					Goal_Align_PID->SetSetpoint(SmartDashboard::GetNumber(AZIMUTH_KEY));
//					autoPilot = true;
//				}
//			}
//		}
Пример #2
	float RawControl::getArmPos()
		return arm->GetPosition();
Пример #3
  * Read the input, calculate the output accordingly, and write to the output.
  * This should only be called by the Notifier indirectly through CallCalculate
  * and is created during initialization.
void CAN_VPID_Controller::Calculate()
	bool enabled;
	CANJaguar *pidInput;

		if (m_pidInput == 0) return;
		if (m_pidOutput1 == 0) return;
		if (m_pidOutput2 == 0) return;
		enabled = m_enabled;
		pidInput = m_pidInput;

	if (enabled)
		float currentPosition = pidInput->GetPosition();
		float input = (currentPosition-m_prevPosition); 
		float result;
		//printf("Target - %3.5f, Current - %3.5f\n\r", m_setpoint, currentPosition - m_prevPosition);
		PIDOutput *pidOutput1, *pidOutput2;

			Synchronized sync(m_semaphore);
			m_error = m_setpoint - input;
			if (m_continuous)
				if (fabs(m_error) > (m_maximumInput - m_minimumInput) / 2)
					if (m_error > 0)
						m_error = m_error - m_maximumInput + m_minimumInput;
						m_error = m_error + m_maximumInput - m_minimumInput;

			double potentialIGain = (m_totalError + m_error) * m_I;
			if (potentialIGain < m_maximumOutput)
				if (potentialIGain > m_minimumOutput)
					m_totalError += m_error;
					m_totalError = m_minimumOutput / m_I;
				m_totalError = m_maximumOutput / m_I;

			m_result = m_P * m_totalError + m_I * m_error + m_D * (m_error - m_prevError) + m_F * m_setpoint;
			m_prevError = m_error;

			if (m_result > m_maximumOutput) m_result = m_maximumOutput;
			else if (m_result < m_minimumOutput) m_result = m_minimumOutput;

			pidOutput1 = m_pidOutput1;
			pidOutput2 = m_pidOutput2;
			result = .3*m_result+.7*m_previousResult;
			m_previousResult = result;

		pidOutput2->PIDWrite((m_InvertOutputs) ? -result : result);
		m_prevPosition = currentPosition; // Store the current position
