Пример #1
void GUIFontManager::ReloadTTFFonts(void)
  if (!m_vecFonts.size())
    return;   // we haven't even loaded fonts in yet

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vecFonts.size(); i++)
    CGUIFont* font = m_vecFonts[i];
    OrigFontInfo fontInfo = m_vecFontInfo[i];

    float aspect = fontInfo.aspect;
    float newSize = (float)fontInfo.size;
    CStdString& strPath = fontInfo.fontFilePath;
    CStdString& strFilename = fontInfo.fileName;

    RescaleFontSizeAndAspect(&newSize, &aspect, fontInfo.sourceRes, fontInfo.preserveAspect);

    CStdString TTFfontName;
    TTFfontName.Format("%s_%f_%f%s", strFilename, newSize, aspect, fontInfo.border ? "_border" : "");
    CGUIFontTTFBase* pFontFile = GetFontFile(TTFfontName);
    if (!pFontFile)
      pFontFile = new CGUIFontTTF(TTFfontName);
      if (!pFontFile || !pFontFile->Load(strPath, newSize, aspect, 1.0f, fontInfo.border))
        delete pFontFile;
        // font could not be loaded
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Couldn't re-load font file:%s", strPath.c_str());


Пример #2
CGUIFont* GUIFontManager::LoadTTF(const CStdString& strFontName, const CStdString& strFilename, color_t textColor, color_t shadowColor, const int iSize, const int iStyle, bool border, float lineSpacing, float aspect, const RESOLUTION_INFO *sourceRes, bool preserveAspect)
  float originalAspect = aspect;

  //check if font already exists
  CGUIFont* pFont = GetFont(strFontName, false);
  if (pFont)
    return pFont;

  if (!sourceRes) // no source res specified, so assume the skin res
    sourceRes = &m_skinResolution;

  float newSize = (float)iSize;
  RescaleFontSizeAndAspect(&newSize, &aspect, *sourceRes, preserveAspect);

  // First try to load the font from the skin
  CStdString strPath;
  if (!CURL::IsFullPath(strFilename))
    strPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(g_graphicsContext.GetMediaDir(), "fonts");
    strPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(strPath, strFilename);
    strPath = strFilename;

  strPath = CSpecialProtocol::TranslatePathConvertCase(strPath);

  // Check if the file exists, otherwise try loading it from the global media dir
  CStdString file = URIUtils::GetFileName(strFilename);
  if (!CheckFont(strPath,"special://home/media/Fonts",file))

  // check if we already have this font file loaded (font object could differ only by color or style)
  CStdString TTFfontName = StringUtils::Format("%s_%f_%f%s", strFilename.c_str(), newSize, aspect, border ? "_border" : "");

  CGUIFontTTFBase* pFontFile = GetFontFile(TTFfontName);
  if (!pFontFile)
    pFontFile = new CGUIFontTTF(TTFfontName);
    bool bFontLoaded = pFontFile->Load(strPath, newSize, aspect, 1.0f, border);

    if (!bFontLoaded)
      delete pFontFile;

      // font could not be loaded - try Arial.ttf, which we distribute
      if (strFilename != "arial.ttf")
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Couldn't load font name: %s(%s), trying to substitute arial.ttf", strFontName.c_str(), strFilename.c_str());
        return LoadTTF(strFontName, "arial.ttf", textColor, shadowColor, iSize, iStyle, border, lineSpacing, originalAspect);
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Couldn't load font name:%s file:%s", strFontName.c_str(), strPath.c_str());

      return NULL;


  // font file is loaded, create our CGUIFont
  CGUIFont *pNewFont = new CGUIFont(strFontName, iStyle, textColor, shadowColor, lineSpacing, (float)iSize, pFontFile);

  // Store the original TTF font info in case we need to reload it in a different resolution
  OrigFontInfo fontInfo;
  fontInfo.size = iSize;
  fontInfo.aspect = originalAspect;
  fontInfo.fontFilePath = strPath;
  fontInfo.fileName = strFilename;
  fontInfo.sourceRes = *sourceRes;
  fontInfo.preserveAspect = preserveAspect;
  fontInfo.border = border;

  return pNewFont;