CBlockBase *CWeaponCombatCannon::FindTraceBlock( void )
	CSDKPlayer *pPlayer = ToSDKPlayer( GetOwner() );
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	if ( m_grabController.GetAttached() )
		pEntity = m_grabController.GetAttached();
		Vector vecSrc, vecEnd, vecDir;
		vecSrc	= pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition();
		pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vecDir );

		// Calculate max distance as twice the radius of the block 
		float max_distance = pPlayer->CollisionProp()->BoundingRadius()
			+ lf_freeze_distance_combat.GetFloat();

		vecEnd = vecSrc + vecDir * max_distance;
		UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecEnd, MASK_SHOT, GetOwner(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &m_tr );

		pEntity = m_tr.m_pEnt;

	if ( !pEntity || !pEntity->IsBlock() )
		return NULL;

	CBlockBase *pBlock = dynamic_cast < CBlockBase * > ( pEntity );

	if( !pBlock )
		DevMsg( "Not a block\n" );
		return NULL;

	return pBlock;
Пример #2
// Purpose: Implement impact function
void CWeaponSDKMelee::Hit( trace_t &traceHit, Activity nHitActivity )
	CSDKPlayer *pPlayer = ToSDKPlayer( GetOwner() );
	//Do view kick
//	AddViewKick();

	CBaseEntity	*pHitEntity = traceHit.m_pEnt;

	//Apply damage to a hit target
	if ( pHitEntity != NULL )
		Vector hitDirection;
		pPlayer->EyeVectors( &hitDirection, NULL, NULL );
		VectorNormalize( hitDirection );

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
		CTakeDamageInfo info( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), GetDamageForActivity( nHitActivity ), DMG_CLUB );

		if( pPlayer && pHitEntity->IsNPC() )
			// If bonking an NPC, adjust damage.

		CalculateMeleeDamageForce( &info, hitDirection, traceHit.endpos );

		pHitEntity->DispatchTraceAttack( info, hitDirection, &traceHit ); 

		// Now hit all triggers along the ray that... 
		TraceAttackToTriggers( info, traceHit.startpos, traceHit.endpos, hitDirection );
		WeaponSound( MELEE_HIT );

	// Apply an impact effect
	ImpactEffect( traceHit );
Пример #3
// Purpose : Starts the swing of the weapon and determines the animation
// Input   : bIsSecondary - is this a secondary attack?
void CWeaponSDKMelee::Swing( int bIsSecondary )
	trace_t traceHit;

	// Try a ray
	CSDKPlayer *pOwner = ToSDKPlayer( GetOwner() );
	if ( !pOwner )

	Vector swingStart = pOwner->Weapon_ShootPosition( );
	Vector forward;

	pOwner->EyeVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector swingEnd = swingStart + forward * GetRange();
	UTIL_TraceLine( swingStart, swingEnd, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceHit );
	Activity nHitActivity = ACT_VM_HITCENTER;

#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
	// Like bullets, melee traces have to trace against triggers.
	CTakeDamageInfo triggerInfo( GetOwner(), GetOwner(), GetDamageForActivity( nHitActivity ), DMG_CLUB );
	TraceAttackToTriggers( triggerInfo, traceHit.startpos, traceHit.endpos, vec3_origin );

	if ( traceHit.fraction == 1.0 )
		float meleeHullRadius = 1.732f * MELEE_HULL_DIM;  // hull is +/- 16, so use cuberoot of 2 to determine how big the hull is from center to the corner point

		// Back off by hull "radius"
		swingEnd -= forward * meleeHullRadius;

		UTIL_TraceHull( swingStart, swingEnd, g_meleeMins, g_meleeMaxs, MASK_SHOT_HULL, pOwner, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &traceHit );
		if ( traceHit.fraction < 1.0 && traceHit.m_pEnt )
			Vector vecToTarget = traceHit.m_pEnt->GetAbsOrigin() - swingStart;
			VectorNormalize( vecToTarget );

			float dot = vecToTarget.Dot( forward );

			// YWB:  Make sure they are sort of facing the guy at least...
			if ( dot < 0.70721f )
				// Force amiss
				traceHit.fraction = 1.0f;
				nHitActivity = ChooseIntersectionPointAndActivity( traceHit, g_meleeMins, g_meleeMaxs, pOwner );

	WeaponSound( SINGLE );

	// -------------------------
	//	Miss
	// -------------------------
	if ( traceHit.fraction == 1.0f )
		nHitActivity = bIsSecondary ? ACT_VM_MISSCENTER2 : ACT_VM_MISSCENTER;

		// We want to test the first swing again
		Vector testEnd = swingStart + forward * GetRange();
		// See if we happened to hit water
		ImpactWater( swingStart, testEnd );
		Hit( traceHit, nHitActivity );

	// Send the anim
	SendWeaponAnim( nHitActivity );


	//Setup our next attack times
	m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + GetFireRate();
	m_flNextSecondaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + SequenceDuration();