Пример #1
// Purpose: Recover stamina
void CSDKGameMovement::ReduceTimers( void )
	Vector vecPlayerVelocity = m_pSDKPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();

#if defined ( SDK_USE_STAMINA ) || defined ( SDK_USE_SPRINTING )
	float flStamina = m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.GetStamina();
#if defined ( SDK_USE_SPRINTING )

	float fl2DVelocitySquared = vecPlayerVelocity.x * vecPlayerVelocity.x + 
								vecPlayerVelocity.y * vecPlayerVelocity.y;	

	if ( !( mv->m_nButtons & IN_SPEED ) )

	// Can only sprint in forward direction.
	bool bSprinting = ( (mv->m_nButtons & IN_SPEED) && ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD ) );

	// If we're holding the sprint key and also actually moving, remove some stamina
	Vector vel = m_pSDKPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();
	if ( bSprinting && fl2DVelocitySquared > 10000 ) //speed > 100
		flStamina -= 20 * gpGlobals->frametime;

		m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.SetStamina( flStamina );

#if defined ( SDK_USE_STAMINA ) || defined ( SDK_USE_SPRINTING )
		//gain some back		
		if ( fl2DVelocitySquared <= 0 )
			flStamina += 60 * gpGlobals->frametime;
		else if ( ( m_pSDKPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) && 
					( mv->m_nButtons & IN_DUCK ) &&
					( m_pSDKPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_DUCKING ) )
			flStamina += 50 * gpGlobals->frametime;
			flStamina += 10 * gpGlobals->frametime;

		m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.SetStamina( flStamina );	
Пример #2
void CDAViewModel::AddViewModelBob( CBasePlayer *owner, Vector& eyePosition, QAngle& eyeAngles )
	CSDKPlayer* pOwner = ToSDKPlayer(owner);
	if (!pOwner)

	CWeaponSDKBase* pWeapon = GetDAWeapon();
	if (pWeapon && pWeapon->IsThrowingGrenade())
		float flThrowStart = GetDAWeapon()->GetGrenadeThrowStart();
		float flHolsterTime = GetDAWeapon()->GetGrenadeThrowWeaponHolsterTime();
		float flDeployTime = GetDAWeapon()->GetGrenadeThrowWeaponDeployTime();
		float flThrowEnd = GetDAWeapon()->GetGrenadeThrowEnd();

		float flGain = 0.7f;
		if (pOwner->GetCurrentTime() < flHolsterTime)
			eyePosition -= Vector(0, 0, 1) * RemapGainedValClamped( pOwner->GetCurrentTime(), flGain, flThrowStart, flHolsterTime, 0, da_weapon_grenadethrow_drop.GetFloat());
			eyeAngles.x += RemapGainedValClamped( pOwner->GetCurrentTime(), flGain, flThrowStart, flHolsterTime, 0, da_weapon_grenadethrow_tilt.GetFloat());
		else if (pOwner->GetCurrentTime() > flDeployTime)
			eyePosition -= Vector(0, 0, 1) * RemapGainedValClamped( pOwner->GetCurrentTime(), flGain, flDeployTime, flThrowEnd, da_weapon_grenadethrow_drop.GetFloat(), 0);
			eyeAngles.x += RemapGainedValClamped( pOwner->GetCurrentTime(), flGain, flDeployTime, flThrowEnd, da_weapon_grenadethrow_tilt.GetFloat(), 0);

	// Offset it a tad so that it moves while looking around.
	eyePosition.x += da_weaponoffset.GetFloat();

	// For mysterious reasons that I don't care to investigate, the eye angles
	// are sometimes slammed to (0, 0, 0) for a frame or two. If this should
	// happen, use the previous eye angles instead.
	QAngle angEye = EyeAngles();

	if (angEye.x == 0 && angEye.y == 0 && angEye.z == 0)
		angEye = m_angLastPlayerEyeAngles;
		m_angLastPlayerEyeAngles = angEye;

	Vector vecViewForward, vecViewRight, vecViewUp;
	AngleVectors(angEye, &vecViewForward, &vecViewRight, &vecViewUp);

	Vector vecViewDirection(vecViewForward.x, vecViewForward.y, 0);

	float flMaxVelocity = 100;
	Vector vecOwnerVelocity = pOwner->GetAbsVelocity();
	if (vecOwnerVelocity.LengthSqr() > flMaxVelocity*flMaxVelocity)
		vecOwnerVelocity = (vecOwnerVelocity / vecOwnerVelocity.Length()) * flMaxVelocity;

	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.x = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.x, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.x, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);
	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.y = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.y, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.y, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);
	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.z = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.z, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.z, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);

	Vector vecPlayerVelocityLerp = m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp;

	float flViewVelocityDot = fabs(vecPlayerVelocityLerp.Dot(vecViewRight));
	eyePosition += m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp * da_weaponlag.GetFloat() * flViewVelocityDot;

	if (pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() && pOwner->m_Shared.GetRunSpeed())
		float flViewBobMagnitude = pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() * da_weaponbob.GetFloat();

		float flRunPeriod = M_PI * 3;
		float flRunUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flRunPeriod * 2) * (flViewBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flRunRightBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flRunPeriod) * flViewBobMagnitude;

		float flWalkPeriod = M_PI * 1.5f;
		float flWalkUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flWalkPeriod * 2) * (flViewBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flWalkRightBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flWalkPeriod) * flViewBobMagnitude;

		// 0 is walk, 1 is run.
		float flRunRamp = RemapValClamped(pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp(), pOwner->m_Shared.GetAimInSpeed()/pOwner->m_Shared.GetRunSpeed(), 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		float flRightBob = RemapValClamped(flRunRamp, 0, 1, flWalkRightBob, flRunRightBob);
		float flUpBob = RemapValClamped(flRunRamp, 0, 1, flWalkUpBob, flRunUpBob);

		eyePosition += vecViewRight * flRightBob + vecViewUp * (flUpBob - pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() * da_weapondrop.GetFloat());

	if (pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt())
		Vector vecDiveRight = Vector(0, 0, 1).Cross(pOwner->m_Shared.GetDiveDirection());

		float flRightDot = vecViewDirection.Dot(vecDiveRight);
		float flUpDot = vecViewDirection.Dot(pOwner->m_Shared.GetDiveDirection());

		eyeAngles.z += flRightDot * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt() * da_weapontilt.GetFloat();;

		eyePosition += (vecViewUp * (flUpDot * 0.5f) + vecViewDirection * (flUpDot * 0.5f)) * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt();

		float flDiveBobMagnitude = 0.5f * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt();
		float flDiveBobPeriod = M_PI * 0.5f;
		float flDiveUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flDiveBobPeriod * 2) * (flDiveBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flDiveRightBob = cos(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flDiveBobPeriod * 2) * (flDiveBobMagnitude / 2);

		eyePosition += vecViewRight * flDiveRightBob + vecViewUp * flDiveUpBob;
Пример #3
// Purpose: 
void CSDKGameMovement::CheckParameters( void )
	QAngle	v_angle;


	if ( player->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_ISOMETRIC &&
		 player->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP &&
		 player->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_OBSERVER	)
		float spd;
		float maxspeed;

		spd = ( mv->m_flForwardMove * mv->m_flForwardMove ) +
			  ( mv->m_flSideMove * mv->m_flSideMove ) +
			  ( mv->m_flUpMove * mv->m_flUpMove );

		maxspeed = mv->m_flClientMaxSpeed;
		if ( maxspeed != 0.0 )
			mv->m_flMaxSpeed = min( maxspeed, mv->m_flMaxSpeed );

		// Slow down by the speed factor
		float flSpeedFactor = 1.0f;
		if ( player->GetSurfaceData() )
			flSpeedFactor = player->GetSurfaceData()->game.maxSpeedFactor;

		// If we have a constraint, slow down because of that too.
		float flConstraintSpeedFactor = ComputeConstraintSpeedFactor();
		if (flConstraintSpeedFactor < flSpeedFactor)
			flSpeedFactor = flConstraintSpeedFactor;

		mv->m_flMaxSpeed *= flSpeedFactor;

		if ( g_bMovementOptimizations )
			// Same thing but only do the sqrt if we have to.
			if ( ( spd != 0.0 ) && ( spd > mv->m_flMaxSpeed*mv->m_flMaxSpeed ) )
				float fRatio = mv->m_flMaxSpeed / sqrt( spd );
				mv->m_flForwardMove *= fRatio;
				mv->m_flSideMove    *= fRatio;
				mv->m_flUpMove      *= fRatio;
			spd = sqrt( spd );
			if ( ( spd != 0.0 ) && ( spd > mv->m_flMaxSpeed ) )
				float fRatio = mv->m_flMaxSpeed / spd;
				mv->m_flForwardMove *= fRatio;
				mv->m_flSideMove    *= fRatio;
				mv->m_flUpMove      *= fRatio;

	if ( player->GetFlags() & FL_FROZEN ||
		 player->GetFlags() & FL_ONTRAIN || 
		 IsDead() )
		mv->m_flForwardMove = 0;
		mv->m_flSideMove    = 0;
		mv->m_flUpMove      = 0;


	// Take angles from command.
	if ( !IsDead() )
		v_angle = mv->m_vecAngles;
		v_angle = v_angle + player->m_Local.m_vecPunchAngle;

		// Now adjust roll angle
		if ( player->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_ISOMETRIC  &&
			 player->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NOCLIP )
			mv->m_vecAngles[ROLL]  = CalcRoll( v_angle, mv->m_vecVelocity, sv_rollangle.GetFloat(), sv_rollspeed.GetFloat() );
			mv->m_vecAngles[ROLL] = 0.0; // v_angle[ ROLL ];
		mv->m_vecAngles[PITCH] = v_angle[PITCH];
		mv->m_vecAngles[YAW]   = v_angle[YAW];
		mv->m_vecAngles = mv->m_vecOldAngles;

	// Set dead player view_offset
	if ( IsDead() )
		player->SetViewOffset( VEC_DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT );

	// Adjust client view angles to match values used on server.
	if ( mv->m_vecAngles[YAW] > 180.0f )
		mv->m_vecAngles[YAW] -= 360.0f;

	if ( cl_show_speed.GetBool() )
		Vector vel = m_pSDKPlayer->GetAbsVelocity();
		float actual_speed = sqrt( vel.x * vel.x + vel.y * vel.y );
		Msg( "player speed %.1f ( max: %f ) \n",actual_speed, mv->m_flClientMaxSpeed );
Пример #4
void CSDKGameMovement::WalkMove( void )

#if defined ( SDK_USE_SPRINTING )
	float flSpeedCheck = m_pSDKPlayer->GetAbsVelocity().Length2D();

	bool bSprintButtonPressed = ( mv->m_nButtons & IN_SPEED ) > 0;

	if( bSprintButtonPressed && 
		( mv->m_nButtons & IN_FORWARD ) &&
#if defined ( SDK_USE_PRONE )
		!m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsProne() && 
		!m_pSDKPlayer->m_Shared.IsDucking() &&
		flSpeedCheck > 80 )
		m_pSDKPlayer->SetSprinting( true );
		m_pSDKPlayer->SetSprinting( false );

	// Get the movement angles.
	Vector vecForward, vecRight, vecUp;
	AngleVectors( mv->m_vecViewAngles, &vecForward, &vecRight, &vecUp );
	vecForward.z = 0.0f;
	vecRight.z = 0.0f;		
	VectorNormalize( vecForward );
	VectorNormalize( vecRight );

	// Copy movement amounts
	float flForwardMove = mv->m_flForwardMove;
	float flSideMove = mv->m_flSideMove;

	// Find the direction,velocity in the x,y plane.
	Vector vecWishDirection( ( ( vecForward.x * flForwardMove ) + ( vecRight.x * flSideMove ) ),
		( ( vecForward.y * flForwardMove ) + ( vecRight.y * flSideMove ) ), 
		0.0f );

	// Calculate the speed and direction of movement, then clamp the speed.
	float flWishSpeed = VectorNormalize( vecWishDirection );
	flWishSpeed = clamp( flWishSpeed, 0.0f, mv->m_flMaxSpeed );

	// Accelerate in the x,y plane.
	mv->m_vecVelocity.z = 0;
	Accelerate( vecWishDirection, flWishSpeed, sv_accelerate.GetFloat() );
	Assert( mv->m_vecVelocity.z == 0.0f );

	// Clamp the players speed in x,y.
	float flNewSpeed = VectorLength( mv->m_vecVelocity );
	if ( flNewSpeed > mv->m_flMaxSpeed )
		float flScale = ( mv->m_flMaxSpeed / flNewSpeed );
		mv->m_vecVelocity.x *= flScale;
		mv->m_vecVelocity.y *= flScale;

	// Now reduce their backwards speed to some percent of max, if they are travelling backwards unless they are under some minimum
	if ( sdk_clamp_back_speed.GetFloat() < 1.0 && VectorLength( mv->m_vecVelocity ) > sdk_clamp_back_speed_min.GetFloat() )
		float flDot = DotProduct( vecForward, mv->m_vecVelocity );

		// are we moving backwards at all?
		if ( flDot < 0 )
			Vector vecBackMove = vecForward * flDot;
			Vector vecRightMove = vecRight * DotProduct( vecRight, mv->m_vecVelocity );

			// clamp the back move vector if it is faster than max
			float flBackSpeed = VectorLength( vecBackMove );
			float flMaxBackSpeed = ( mv->m_flMaxSpeed * sdk_clamp_back_speed.GetFloat() );

			if ( flBackSpeed > flMaxBackSpeed )
				vecBackMove *= flMaxBackSpeed / flBackSpeed;

			// reassemble velocity	
			mv->m_vecVelocity = vecBackMove + vecRightMove;

	// Add base velocity to the player's current velocity - base velocity = velocity from conveyors, etc.
	VectorAdd( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

	// Calculate the current speed and return if we are not really moving.
	float flSpeed = VectorLength( mv->m_vecVelocity );
	if ( flSpeed < 1.0f )
		// I didn't remove the base velocity here since it wasn't moving us in the first place.

	// Calculate the destination.
	Vector vecDestination;
	vecDestination.x = mv->GetAbsOrigin().x + ( mv->m_vecVelocity.x * gpGlobals->frametime );
	vecDestination.y = mv->GetAbsOrigin().y + ( mv->m_vecVelocity.y * gpGlobals->frametime );	
	vecDestination.z = mv->GetAbsOrigin().z;

	// Try moving to the destination.
	trace_t trace;
	TracePlayerBBox( mv->GetAbsOrigin(), vecDestination, PlayerSolidMask(), COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT, trace );
	if ( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
		// Made it to the destination (remove the base velocity).
		mv->SetAbsOrigin( trace.endpos );
		VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, player->GetBaseVelocity(), mv->m_vecVelocity );

		// Save the wish velocity.
		mv->m_outWishVel += ( vecWishDirection * flWishSpeed );

		// Try and keep the player on the ground.
		// NOTE YWB 7/5/07: Don't do this here, our version of CategorizePosition encompasses this test
		// StayOnGround();


	// Now try and do a step move.
	StepMove( vecDestination, trace );

	// Remove base velocity.
	Vector baseVelocity = player->GetBaseVelocity();
	VectorSubtract( mv->m_vecVelocity, baseVelocity, mv->m_vecVelocity );

	// Save the wish velocity.
	mv->m_outWishVel += ( vecWishDirection * flWishSpeed );

	// Try and keep the player on the ground.
	// NOTE YWB 7/5/07: Don't do this here, our version of CategorizePosition encompasses this test
	// StayOnGround();
Пример #5
void CDABViewModel::AddViewModelBob( CBasePlayer *owner, Vector& eyePosition, QAngle& eyeAngles )
	CSDKPlayer* pOwner = ToSDKPlayer(owner);
	if (!pOwner)

	// Offset it a tad so that it moves while looking around.
	eyePosition.x += da_weaponoffset.GetFloat();

	Vector vecViewForward, vecViewRight, vecViewUp;
	AngleVectors(EyeAngles(), &vecViewForward, &vecViewRight, &vecViewUp);

	Vector vecViewDirection(vecViewForward.x, vecViewForward.y, 0);

	float flMaxVelocity = 100;
	Vector vecOwnerVelocity = pOwner->GetAbsVelocity();
	if (vecOwnerVelocity.LengthSqr() > flMaxVelocity*flMaxVelocity)
		vecOwnerVelocity = (vecOwnerVelocity / vecOwnerVelocity.Length()) * flMaxVelocity;

	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.x = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.x, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.x, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);
	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.y = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.y, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.y, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);
	m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.z = Approach(vecOwnerVelocity.z, m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp.z, 1000*gpGlobals->frametime);

	Vector vecPlayerVelocityLerp = m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp;

	float flViewVelocityDot = fabs(vecPlayerVelocityLerp.Dot(vecViewRight));
	eyePosition += m_vecPlayerVelocityLerp * da_weaponlag.GetFloat() * flViewVelocityDot;

	if (pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() && pOwner->m_Shared.GetRunSpeed())
		float flViewBobMagnitude = pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() * da_weaponbob.GetFloat();

		float flRunPeriod = M_PI * 3;
		float flRunUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flRunPeriod * 2) * (flViewBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flRunRightBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flRunPeriod) * flViewBobMagnitude;

		float flWalkPeriod = M_PI * 1.5f;
		float flWalkUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flWalkPeriod * 2) * (flViewBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flWalkRightBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flWalkPeriod) * flViewBobMagnitude;

		// 0 is walk, 1 is run.
		float flRunRamp = RemapValClamped(pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp(), pOwner->m_Shared.GetAimInSpeed()/pOwner->m_Shared.GetRunSpeed(), 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

		float flRightBob = RemapValClamped(flRunRamp, 0, 1, flWalkRightBob, flRunRightBob);
		float flUpBob = RemapValClamped(flRunRamp, 0, 1, flWalkUpBob, flRunUpBob);

		eyePosition += vecViewRight * flRightBob + vecViewUp * (flUpBob - pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewBobRamp() * da_weapondrop.GetFloat());

	if (pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt())
		Vector vecDiveRight = Vector(0, 0, 1).Cross(pOwner->m_Shared.GetDiveDirection());

		float flRightDot = vecViewDirection.Dot(vecDiveRight);
		float flUpDot = vecViewDirection.Dot(pOwner->m_Shared.GetDiveDirection());

		eyeAngles.z -= flRightDot * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt() * 8;

		eyePosition += (vecViewUp * (flUpDot * 0.5f) + vecViewDirection * (flUpDot * 0.5f)) * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt();

		float flDiveBobMagnitude = 0.5f * pOwner->m_Shared.GetViewTilt();
		float flDiveBobPeriod = M_PI * 0.5f;
		float flDiveUpBob = sin(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flDiveBobPeriod * 2) * (flDiveBobMagnitude / 2);
		float flDiveRightBob = cos(pOwner->GetCurrentTime() * flDiveBobPeriod * 2) * (flDiveBobMagnitude / 2);

		eyePosition += vecViewRight * flDiveRightBob + vecViewUp * flDiveUpBob;