Пример #1
bool COrder_Resource::FindAnotherResource(CUnit &unit)
	if (this->CurrentResource) {
		const ResourceInfo *resinfo = unit.Type->ResInfo[this->CurrentResource];
		if (resinfo) {
			//Wyrmgus start
	//		if (!resinfo.TerrainHarvester) {
			if (!Map.Info.IsPointOnMap(this->goalPos)) {
			//Wyrmgus end
				CUnit *newGoal = UnitFindResource(unit, this->Resource.Mine ? *this->Resource.Mine : unit, 8, this->CurrentResource, 1);

				if (newGoal) {
					CUnit *mine = this->Resource.Mine;
					if (mine) {
					this->Resource.Mine = newGoal;
					this->goalPos.x = -1;
					this->goalPos.y = -1;
					this->State = SUB_MOVE_TO_RESOURCE;
					return true;
			} else {
				Vec2i resPos;
				//Wyrmgus start
//				if (FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldForest, 8, *unit.Player, unit.tilePos, &resPos)) {
				if ((this->CurrentResource == WoodCost && FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldForest, 8, *unit.Player, unit.tilePos, &resPos)) || (this->CurrentResource == StoneCost && FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldRocks, 8, *unit.Player, unit.tilePos, &resPos))) {
				//Wyrmgus end
					this->goalPos = resPos;
					this->State = SUB_MOVE_TO_RESOURCE;
					DebugPrint("Found a better place to harvest %d,%d\n" _C_ resPos.x _C_ resPos.y);
					return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
**  Initialize
**  return false if action is canceled, true otherwise.
bool COrder_Resource::ActionResourceInit(CUnit &unit)
	Assert(this->State == SUB_START_RESOURCE);

	this->Range = 0;
	CUnit *const goal = this->GetGoal();
	CUnit *mine = this->Resource.Mine;

	if (mine) {
		this->Resource.Mine = NULL;
	if (goal && goal->IsAlive() == false) {
		return false;
	if (goal && goal->CurrentAction() != UnitActionBuilt) {
		this->Resource.Mine = goal;

	UnitGotoGoal(unit, goal, SUB_MOVE_TO_RESOURCE);
	return true;
Пример #3
**  Wait in depot, for the resources stored.
**  @param unit  Pointer to unit.
**  @return      TRUE if ready, otherwise FALSE.
bool COrder_Resource::WaitInDepot(CUnit &unit)
	const ResourceInfo &resinfo = *unit.Type->ResInfo[this->CurrentResource];
	const CUnit *depot = ResourceDepositOnMap(unit.tilePos, resinfo.ResourceId);


	// Range hardcoded. don't stray too far though
	//Wyrmgus start
//	if (resinfo.TerrainHarvester) {
	if (!this->Resource.Mine) {
	//Wyrmgus end
		Vec2i pos = this->Resource.Pos;

		//Wyrmgus start
//		if (FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldForest, 10, *unit.Player, pos, &pos)) {
		if ((this->CurrentResource == WoodCost && FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldForest, 10, *unit.Player, pos, &pos)) || (this->CurrentResource == StoneCost && FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldRocks, 10, *unit.Player, pos, &pos))) {
		//Wyrmgus end
			if (depot) {
				DropOutNearest(unit, pos, depot);
			this->goalPos = pos;
			//Wyrmgus start
			if (this->CurrentResource == WoodCost) { //tree tiles can regrow, so we need to check if any have regrown closer to the worker
				Vec2i forestPos;
				int max_forest_range = std::max<int>(abs(unit.tilePos.x - this->goalPos.x), abs(unit.tilePos.y - this->goalPos.y));
				if (FindTerrainType(unit.Type->MovementMask, MapFieldForest, max_forest_range, *unit.Player, unit.tilePos, &forestPos)) {
					if (PlaceReachable(unit, forestPos, 1, 1, 0, 1, max_forest_range * 4)) {
						this->goalPos = forestPos;
			//Wyrmgus end
		} else {
			if (depot) {
				DropOutOnSide(unit, LookingW, depot);
			this->Finished = true;
			return false;
	} else {
		const unsigned int tooManyWorkers = 15;
		CUnit *mine = this->Resource.Mine;
		const int range = 15;
		CUnit *newdepot = NULL;
		CUnit *goal = NULL;
		const bool longWay = unit.pathFinderData->output.Cycles > 500;

		//Wyrmgus start
//		if (unit.Player->AiEnabled && AiPlayer && AiPlayer->BuildDepots) {
		if (depot && unit.Player->AiEnabled && AiPlayer && AiPlayer->BuildDepots) { //check if the depot is valid
		//Wyrmgus end
			// If the depot is overused, we need first to try to switch into another depot
			// Use depot's ref counter for that
			if (longWay || !mine || (depot->Refs > tooManyWorkers)) {
				newdepot = AiGetSuitableDepot(unit, *depot, &goal);
				if (newdepot == NULL && longWay) {
					// We need a new depot

		// If goal is not NULL, then we got it in AiGetSuitableDepot
		if (!goal) {
			goal = UnitFindResource(unit, newdepot ? *newdepot : (mine ? *mine : unit), mine ? range : 1000,
									this->CurrentResource, unit.Player->AiEnabled, newdepot ? newdepot : depot);

		if (goal) {
			if (depot) {
				DropOutNearest(unit, goal->tilePos + goal->Type->GetHalfTileSize(), depot);

			if (goal != mine) {
				if (mine) {
				this->Resource.Mine = goal;
			this->goalPos.x = this->goalPos.y = -1;
		} else {
#ifdef DEBUG
			const Vec2i &pos = mine ? mine->tilePos : unit.tilePos;
			DebugPrint("%d: Worker %d report: [%d,%d] Resource gone near [%d,%d] in range %d. Sit and play dumb.\n"
					   _C_ unit.Player->Index _C_ UnitNumber(unit)
					   _C_ unit.tilePos.x _C_ unit.tilePos.y
					   _C_ pos.x _C_ pos.y _C_ range);
#endif // DEBUG
			if (depot) {
				DropOutOnSide(unit, LookingW, depot);
			if (mine) {
				this->Resource.Mine = NULL;
			this->Finished = true;
			return false;
	return true;