Пример #1
void AddTypeToIsland (CUniverse &Universe, ReverseIndexMap &ReverseIndex, IslandMap *pIsland, CDesignType *pType)
	int i;

	//	Skip images

	if (pType->GetType() == designImage)

	if (pType->GetType() == designShipTable)

	//	Exclude default types

	if (g_DefaultTypes.Find(pType->GetUNID()))

	//	If this type is already on the island, then there is nothing to do.

	if (pIsland->Find(pType->GetUNID()))

	//	Add the type to the island (we do this first because we want it to be
	//	here in case we recurse below).

	pIsland->Insert(pType->GetUNID(), true);

	//	Now get the list of all types that this type uses and add them to the
	//	island.

	IslandMap TypesUsed;
	for (i = 0; i < TypesUsed.GetCount(); i++)
		CDesignType *pTypeUsed = Universe.FindDesignType(TypesUsed.GetKey(i));
		if (pTypeUsed == NULL)

		AddTypeToIsland(Universe, ReverseIndex, pIsland, pTypeUsed);

	//	Now get the lists that use this type and add them to the island.

#if 0
	TArray<DWORD> *pList = ReverseIndex.GetAt(pType->GetUNID());
	if (pList)
		for (i = 0; i < pList->GetCount(); i++)
			CDesignType *pTypeUsing = Universe.FindDesignType(pList->GetAt(i));
			if (pTypeUsing == NULL)

			AddTypeToIsland(Universe, ReverseIndex, pIsland, pTypeUsing);
Пример #2
void AddTypesUsedRecursive (CUniverse &Universe, DWORD dwUNID, TSortMap<DWORD, bool> *retTypesUsed)
	int i;

	//	If already added, don't bother

	if (retTypesUsed->Find(dwUNID))

	CDesignType *pType = Universe.FindDesignType(dwUNID);
	if (pType == NULL)

	retTypesUsed->SetAt(dwUNID, true);

	//	Recurse

	TSortMap<DWORD, bool> TypesUsed;
	for (i = 0; i < TypesUsed.GetCount(); i++)
		AddTypesUsedRecursive(Universe, TypesUsed.GetKey(i), retTypesUsed);
Пример #3
void GenerateTypeIslands (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine)
	int i, j;

	bool bExcludeImages = true;

	printf("TYPE ISLANDS\n");

	//	Make a list of default types

#if 0
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00001001, true);	//	independent sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00001002, true);	//	Commonwealth sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00001003, true);	//	independent sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00001007, true);	//	ares sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000100c, true);	//	sung slavers sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000100f, true);	//	auton sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00001011, true);	//	corporate hierarchy
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00004027, true);	//	container of frozen supplies
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000402c, true);	//	pteracnium ore
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x000040ae, true);	//	helium3 reactor assembly
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x000040af, true);	//	pteracnium fuel
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x000040ca, true);	//	lancer cannon
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x000040e2, true);	//	worldship armor
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00004100, true);	//	xenotite ore
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00004109, true);	//	SN2500 reactor
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00004167, true);	//	tetramite ore
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00005004, true);	//	wreck ejecta
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000500c, true);	//	blast explosion 2
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000500d, true);	//	blast explosion 3
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000500e, true);	//	blast explosion 4
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000500f, true);	//	thermo explosion 1
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00005011, true);	//	thermo explosion 3
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00005012, true);	//	thermo explosion 4
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00009004, true);	//	shield effect
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x00009007, true);	//	explosion effect
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000900a, true);	//	fire effect
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000A003, true);	//	dsAbandonedStation
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x0000a017, true);	//	dock screen?

	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x001a200c, true);	//	wreck of the CSC Europa
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x001a200e, true);	//	sandstorm wreck
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x001c1002, true);	//	ares sect in Heretic
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x08020102, true);	//	huari empire sovereign
	g_DefaultTypes.SetAt(0x08040140, true);	//	gaian processor station

	//	Create a reverse index of all type dependencies

	ReverseIndexMap ReverseIndex;
	for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetDesignTypeCount(); i++)
		CDesignType *pType = Universe.GetDesignType(i);

		//	Get the list of UNIDs that this type uses

		TSortMap<DWORD, bool> TypesUsed;
		for (j = 0; j < TypesUsed.GetCount(); j++)
			CDesignType *pRequired = Universe.FindDesignType(TypesUsed.GetKey(j));
			if (pRequired == NULL)

			//	Add to reverse index

			TArray<DWORD> *pList = ReverseIndex.SetAt(pRequired->GetUNID());

	//	We create a list of islands. In each island, all the types refer to
	//	each other and don't refer to types on any other island.

	TArray<IslandMap> AllIslands;

	//	Loop over all types and add them to an island.

	for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetDesignTypeCount(); i++)
		CDesignType *pType = Universe.GetDesignType(i);

		//	Exclude images

		if (bExcludeImages && pType->GetType() == designImage)

		if (pType->GetType() == designShipTable)

		//	Exclude default types

		if (g_DefaultTypes.Find(pType->GetUNID()))

		//	If this type is already on one of the islands, then we skip it.

#if 0
		bool bFound = false;
		for (j = 0; j < AllIslands.GetCount(); j++)
			if (AllIslands[j].Find(pType->GetUNID()))
				bFound = true;

		if (bFound)

		//	Since this type is not on any island, we add start a new island and
		//	add all related types to it.

		IslandMap *pIsland = AllIslands.Insert();
		AddTypeToIsland(Universe, ReverseIndex, pIsland, pType);

		//	Print

		printf("ISLAND %s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pType));

		for (j = 0; j < pIsland->GetCount(); j++)
			CDesignType *pType = Universe.FindDesignType(pIsland->GetKey(j));
			if (pType == NULL)

			printf("%s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pType));

Пример #4
void GenerateTypeDependencies (CUniverse &Universe, CXMLElement *pCmdLine)
	int i, j;

	bool bRecursive = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("recursive"));
	bool bReverse = pCmdLine->GetAttributeBool(CONSTLIT("reverse"));

	//	Create a reverse index of all type dependencies

	TSortMap<DWORD, TArray<DWORD> > ReverseIndex;

	//	Types and what they use

	if (!bReverse)
		printf("TYPES AND WHAT THEY USE\n");

	for (i = 0; i < Universe.GetDesignTypeCount(); i++)
		CDesignType *pType = Universe.GetDesignType(i);

		if (!bReverse)
			printf("%s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pType));

		//	Get the list of UNIDs that this type uses

		TSortMap<DWORD, bool> TypesUsed;
		if (bRecursive)
			AddTypesUsedRecursive(Universe, pType->GetUNID(), &TypesUsed);

		//	Output the list

		for (j = 0; j < TypesUsed.GetCount(); j++)
			CDesignType *pRequired = Universe.FindDesignType(TypesUsed.GetKey(j));
			if (pRequired == NULL)

			if (!bReverse)
				printf("\t%s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pRequired));

			//	Add to reverse index

			TArray<DWORD> *pList = ReverseIndex.SetAt(pRequired->GetUNID());

	//	Types and what depends on them

	if (bReverse)
		printf("\nTYPES AND WHAT USES THEM\n");
		printf(  "------------------------\n\n");

		for (i = 0; i < ReverseIndex.GetCount(); i++)
			CDesignType *pType = Universe.FindDesignType(ReverseIndex.GetKey(i));
			if (pType == NULL)

			printf("%s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pType));

			TArray<DWORD> &List = ReverseIndex.GetValue(i);
			for (j = 0; j < List.GetCount(); j++)
				CDesignType *pRequiredBy = Universe.FindDesignType(List[j]);
				if (pRequiredBy)
					printf("\t%s\n", (char *)GetTypeDesc(pRequiredBy));