Пример #1
Implemented but not tested
Void CVector3f::SetFromReflectionVector( const CVector3f& input, const CVector3f& normal )

	dot = input.DotProduct( normal );

	x = input.GetX() - 2 * dot * normal.GetX();
	y = input.GetY() - 2 * dot * normal.GetY();
	z = input.GetZ() - 2 * dot * normal.GetZ();
Пример #2
"Intersecting a Ray with a Cylinder"
by Joseph M. Cychosz and Warren N. Waggenspack, Jr.,
([email protected], [email protected])
in "Graphics Gems IV", Academic Press, 1994
Float32 CCylinder::Intersect( const CRay& r )
    Float32 in, out;
    Bool		hit;		// True if ray intersects cyl
    CVector3f	rc;		    // Ray base to cylinder base
    Float32		dist;		    // Shortest distance between

    Float32		t, s;		// Distances along the ray
    CVector3f	n, o;
    Float32		ln;

    CVector3f axis = GetAxis();
    rc = r.Origin - PointA;
    n.CrossProduct( r.Direction, axis );

    ln = n.GetLength();
    if ( ln == 0.0f ) 
        CVector3f tmp;
        // ray parallel to cyl
        dist = rc.DotProduct( axis );
        tmp = rc - axis * dist;

        dist = tmp.GetLength();
        in = -FLOAT32_MAX_VAL;
        out =  FLOAT32_MAX_VAL;
        if( dist <= Radius )		// true if ray is in cyl
            return 1.0;

    dist = MathAbs( rc.DotProduct( n ) );		// shortest distance
    hit = (dist <= Radius);

    if  (hit) 
        // if ray hits cylinder 
        o.CrossProduct( rc, axis );
        t = - o.DotProduct( n ) / ln;
        o.CrossProduct( n, axis );
        s = MathAbs( MathSqrt( Radius*Radius - dist*dist) / r.Direction.DotProduct( o ) );
        in	 = t - s;			// entering distance
        out = t + s;			// exiting  distance

        // Test for capped cylinder
        CVector3f intersection = r.Origin + r.Direction * in;
        CVector3f cylBaseToInter = intersection - PointA;
        ln = cylBaseToInter.GetLength();

        if( axis.DotProduct( cylBaseToInter ) >= 0.0f )
            Float32 cylLength = CVector3f( PointA-PointB ).GetLength();
            if( ln <= cylLength )
                return in;

    return -1.0f;