Пример #1
// intersect a plane
bool TXOctree::TouchPlane(const CVector3f& n, float d, float bias) 
	bool sa = n.GetX()>=0, sb = n.GetY()>=0, sc = n.GetZ()>=0;
	float p1x = m_min.GetX(), p1y, p1z, p2x = m_max.GetX(), p2y, p2z;

	if (sb == sa) 
		p1y = m_min.GetY(); p2y = m_max.GetY();
		p1y = m_max.GetY(); p2y = m_min.GetY();

	if (sc == sa) 
		p1z = m_min.GetZ(); p2z = m_max.GetZ();
		p1z = m_max.GetZ(); p2z = m_min.GetZ();

	float dot1 = n.GetX()*p1x + n.GetY()*p1y + n.GetZ()*p1z + d ;
	float dot2 = n.GetX()*p2x + n.GetY()*p2y + n.GetZ()*p2z + d ;
	bool sd1 = dot1 >= bias;
	bool sd2 = dot2 >= bias;
	return (sd1 != sd2);
Пример #2
Transform the vector by m.
Use this method to do general vector transformation.
\param[in] m The transformation matrix.
Void	CVector3f::Transform( const CMatrix4x4f& m )
	CVector3f tmp = *this;

	x = m._11*tmp.GetX() + m._21*tmp.GetY() + m._31*tmp.GetZ();
	y = m._12*tmp.GetX() + m._22*tmp.GetY() + m._32*tmp.GetZ();
	z = m._13*tmp.GetX() + m._23*tmp.GetY() + m._33*tmp.GetZ();
Пример #3
Initialize the plane from a points and a normal vector
Void CPlane::Set( const CVector3f& pos, const CVector3f& norm )
	CVector3f n = norm;

	m_Coef.SetX( n.GetX() );
	m_Coef.SetY( n.GetY() );
	m_Coef.SetZ( n.GetZ() );
	m_Coef.SetW(  -(m_Coef.GetX()*pos.GetX() + m_Coef.GetY()*pos.GetY() + m_Coef.GetZ()*pos.GetZ() ) );
Пример #4
Implemented but not tested
Void CVector3f::SetFromReflectionVector( const CVector3f& input, const CVector3f& normal )

	dot = input.DotProduct( normal );

	x = input.GetX() - 2 * dot * normal.GetX();
	y = input.GetY() - 2 * dot * normal.GetY();
	z = input.GetZ() - 2 * dot * normal.GetZ();
Пример #5
// place a triangle mesh in the grid
void TXGrid3D::PlaceIntoGrid(TXGeometry *geom) 
	m_min = CVector3f(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
	m_max = CVector3f(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);

	// compute bounding box
	int totalTriangles = 0;

	TXTriangle* tp;
	CVector3f p;

	for(ULONG t=0;t<geom->m_triangles.size();t++)
		tp = geom->m_triangles[t];
		for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
			p = tp->m_v[i]->m_pos;

	Application().LogMessage(L"Total Triangles : "+(CString)totalTriangles);

	// select grid size
	int grid_size;
	if (totalTriangles <= 10000) grid_size = 10;
	else if (totalTriangles <= 40000) grid_size = 15;
	else grid_size = 20;

	// create grid

	m_xstep = (m_max.GetX() - m_min.GetX()) / m_size;
	m_ystep = (m_max.GetY() - m_min.GetY()) / m_size;
	m_zstep = (m_max.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ()) / m_size;

	for(ULONG t=0;t<geom->m_triangles.size();t++)
Пример #6
Bool CVector3f::operator!=( const CVector3f& V )  const 
	if((x != V.GetX() ) || (y != V.GetY() ) || (z != V.GetZ() ))
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Пример #7
Compute the linear interpolation between this vector and v.
The interpolation is parameterized by t.
\param[in] v the second vector.
\param[in] t the parametrization value between [ O.O , 1.0 ]
\return The interpoled vector
CVector3f CVector3f::LinearInterpolation( const CVector3f& v, Float32 t)
	DebugAssert( t >= 0.0f && t <= 1.0f );
	CVector3f r( x + t*(v.GetX() -x), y + t*(v.GetY() -y), z + t*(v.GetZ() -z) );

	return r;
Пример #8
Bool CVector3f::operator==( const CVector3f& V )  const 
	if((x == V.GetX() ) && (y == V.GetY() ) && (z == V.GetZ() ))
		return TRUE;

	return FALSE;
Пример #9
Transform the vector by m and then divide by W component.
Use this method to transform a position in space.
\param[in] m The transformation matrix.
Void CVector3f::TransformPosition( const CMatrix4x4f& m )
	CVector3f tmp = *this;
	Float32 w = 1.0f;

	x	= m._11*tmp.GetX() + m._21*tmp.GetY() + m._31*tmp.GetZ() + m._41*1 ;
	y	= m._12*tmp.GetX() + m._22*tmp.GetY() + m._32*tmp.GetZ() + m._42*1 ;
	z	= m._13*tmp.GetX() + m._23*tmp.GetY() + m._33*tmp.GetZ() + m._43*1 ;
	w	= m._14*tmp.GetX() + m._24*tmp.GetY() + m._34*tmp.GetZ() + m._44*1 ;

	if( w != 0.0f )
		x	= x / w; 
		y	= y / w; 
		z	= z / w; 
Пример #10
CVector3f	CVector3f::Reflect( const CVector3f& n)
	Float32 i_dot_n;

	i_dot_n = DotProduct(n);

    CVector3f R( x - 2*i_dot_n * n.GetX(), y - 2*i_dot_n * n.GetY(), z - 2*i_dot_n * n.GetZ() );

	return R;
Пример #11
Bool CAABox::IsInside( const CVector3f& pos )const
    Float32 x = pos.GetX();
    Float32 y = pos.GetY();
    Float32 z = pos.GetZ();

    return  ( x>m_Minimum.GetX()&&x<m_Maximum.GetX() ) &&  
            ( y>m_Minimum.GetY()&&y<m_Maximum.GetY() ) &&  
            ( z>m_Minimum.GetZ()&&z<m_Maximum.GetZ() ) ;
Пример #12
Void CAABox::AddPoint( const CVector3f& point )
    if( IsEmpty() )
        m_Minimum = point;
        m_Maximum = point;
	    if ( point.GetX() > m_Maximum.GetX() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetX( point.GetX() );
	    if ( point.GetY() > m_Maximum.GetY() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetY( point.GetY() );
	    if ( point.GetZ() > m_Maximum.GetZ() ) 
		    m_Maximum.SetZ( point.GetZ() );
	    if ( point.GetX() < m_Minimum.GetX() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetX( point.GetX() );
	    if ( point.GetY() < m_Minimum.GetY() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetY( point.GetY() );
	    if ( point.GetZ() < m_Minimum.GetZ() ) 
		    m_Minimum.SetZ( point.GetZ() );
Пример #13
Compute the position of a point projected orthogonally on the plane. (according to the plane's normal)
Bool CPlane::OrthogonalProjection( const CVector3f& point, CVector3f& projectedPoint )
	CVector3f planeNormal = GetNormal();

	Float32 nx, ny, nz, px, py, pz, d, distFromPlane, denum;
	nx = m_Coef.GetX();
	ny = m_Coef.GetY();
	nz = m_Coef.GetZ();
	d = m_Coef.GetW();

	px = point.GetX();
	py = point.GetY();
	pz = point.GetZ();
	denum = ( nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz );
	if( denum == 0.0f )
		return FALSE;

	distFromPlane = ( nx*px + ny*py + nz*pz + d ) / denum;

	projectedPoint = point - planeNormal * distFromPlane;

	return TRUE;
Пример #14
// intersect a box
bool TXDualEdge::Touch(const CVector3f& minp, const CVector3f& maxp) const {
  int m = 4;

  CVector3f step;
  step.Sub(m_dp[1], m_dp[0]);
  CVector3f A = m_dp[0];
  CVector3f B;

  for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    CVector3f bmin(MIN(A.GetX(),B.GetX()),MIN(A.GetY(),B.GetY()),MIN(A.GetZ(),B.GetZ()));
	CVector3f bmax(MAX(A.GetX(),B.GetX()),MAX(A.GetY(),B.GetY()),MAX(A.GetZ(),B.GetZ()));

    if (bmin.GetX() <= maxp.GetX() && minp.GetX() <= bmax.GetX() &&
	bmin.GetY() <= maxp.GetY() && minp.GetY() <= bmax.GetY() &&
	bmin.GetZ() <= maxp.GetZ() && minp.GetZ() <= bmax.GetZ()) return true;
    A = B;
    B += step;
  return false;
Пример #15
CVector3f::CVector3f( const CVector3f& other )
	x = other.GetX();
	y = other.GetY();
	z = other.GetZ();
Пример #16
// intersect a ray with the mesh
bool TXGrid3D::IntersectRay(const CVector3f& start, const CVector3f& end) 
	// pick rays
	m_rays.push_back(TXRay(start, end));
	CVector3f dir;

	int idir[3] = {
	fabs(dir.GetX()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetX() > 0 ? 1 : -1),
	fabs(dir.GetY()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetY() > 0 ? 1 : -1),
	fabs(dir.GetZ()) < DBL_EPSILON ? 0 : (dir.GetZ() > 0 ? 1 : -1) };

	double dist = 0;
	CVector3f pos;
	pos.Sub(end, m_min);

	int ix = (int)floor((end.GetX() - m_min.GetX())/m_xstep),
	iy = (int)floor((end.GetY() - m_min.GetY())/m_ystep),
	iz = (int)floor((end.GetZ() - m_min.GetZ())/m_zstep);
	double tx = 1.0, ty = 1.0, tz = 1.0;

	// first cell
	ix = MIN(MAX(ix, 0), m_size-1);
	iy = MIN(MAX(iy, 0), m_size-1);
	iz = MIN(MAX(iz, 0), m_size-1);

	// intersection test, from end to start
	while ((dist < 1) && (ix >= 0) && (ix < m_size) &&(iy >= 0) && (iy < m_size) && (iz >= 0) && (iz < m_size)) 
		int csz = m_grid[ix][iy][iz].size();
		for (int i=0; i<csz; i++) 
			TXGridTriangle* gt = m_grid[ix][iy][iz][i];
			double rpdot = dir.Dot(gt->m_n);
			if (rpdot != 0) 
				CVector3f tmp;
				double t = tmp.Dot(gt->m_n) / rpdot;

				if (t > DBL_EPSILON && t < 1) 
					CVector3f pt;

					CVector3f pt0,pt1,pt2;

					if (pt0.Dot(gt->m_en1)> -DBL_EPSILON &&
					  pt1.Dot(gt->m_en2)>-DBL_EPSILON &&
						m_rays[m_rays.size()-1].m_p = t;
						return true;

		// next cell
		if (idir[0] != 0)
		  tx = (m_min.GetX() + (ix+(idir[0]+1)/2)*m_xstep - end.GetX()) / dir.GetX();
		if (idir[1] != 0)
		  ty = (m_min.GetY() + (iy+(idir[1]+1)/2)*m_ystep - end.GetY()) / dir.GetY();
		if (idir[2] != 0)
		  tz = (m_min.GetZ() + (iz+(idir[2]+1)/2)*m_zstep - end.GetZ()) / dir.GetZ();
		if ((tx <= ty) && (tx <= tz)) 
			dist = tx, ix += idir[0];
			if (ty == tx) iy += idir[1];
			if (tz == tx) iz += idir[2];
		else if (ty <= tz) 
			dist = ty, iy += idir[1];
			if (tz == ty) iz += idir[2];
		else dist = tz, iz += idir[2];

	return false;
Пример #17
CVector3f CVector3f::operator/( const CVector3f& v) const 
	return CVector3f(x/v.GetX(),y/v.GetY(),z/v.GetZ() );
Пример #18
Return TRUE, if the ray intersect the plane.
\param ray The input ray
\param intersection the intersection distance from the origin of the ray
\return TRUE if any intersection.
Float32 CPlane::Intersect( const CRay& ray ) const
		origin = ray.Origin, 
		dir = ray.Direction;
	Float32 divider, intersection;


	// Take line equation as: P = origin + t * dir
	// Then plug line equation into plane equation:
	// a*(origin.x + t*dir.x) + a*(origin.y + t*dir.y) + a*(origin.z + t*dir.z) + d = 0
	// solve for t :
    divider = (m_Coef.GetX()*dir.GetX() + m_Coef.GetY()*dir.GetY() + m_Coef.GetZ()*dir.GetZ());
    if( divider == 0.0f )
        return FALSE;

	intersection = -(m_Coef.GetX()*origin.GetX() + m_Coef.GetY()*origin.GetY() + m_Coef.GetZ()*origin.GetZ() + m_Coef.GetW()) / divider;

	if(intersection < 0.0f)
		return -1.0f;

	return intersection;
Пример #19
SICALLBACK MOM_SetAttributes_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt )
	// The current output port being evaluated...
   ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( );

   if(gSimulation == NULL)
      return CStatus::OK;

	switch( out_portID )
		case ID_OUT_base:
         CDataArrayLong baseData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_base );
         CDataArrayLong idData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_id );
         rbdID rbd_ID;
         CIndexSet indexSet( in_ctxt );

			// Get the output port array ...
			CDataArrayLong outData( in_ctxt );

			// get all of the input SET data!
			CDataArrayBool setPosData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_position);
			CDataArrayBool setRotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_orientation);
			CDataArrayBool setLinvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setAngvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayBool setStateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_state);
			CDataArrayBool setMassData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_mass);
			CDataArrayBool setBounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_bounce);
			CDataArrayBool setFrictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_friction);
			CDataArrayBool setLindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lindamping);
			CDataArrayBool setAngdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angdamping);
			CDataArrayBool setLintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayBool setAngtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_set_angtreshold);

			// get all of the input data!
			CDataArrayVector3f posData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_position);
			CDataArrayVector3f rotData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_orientation);
			CDataArrayVector3f linvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_linvelocity);
			CDataArrayVector3f angvelData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angvelocity);
			CDataArrayLong stateData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_state);
			CDataArrayFloat massData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_mass);
			CDataArrayFloat bounceData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_bounce);
			CDataArrayFloat frictionData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_friction);
			CDataArrayFloat lindampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lindamping);
			CDataArrayFloat angdampData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angdamping);
			CDataArrayFloat lintreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_lintreshold);
			CDataArrayFloat angtreshData( in_ctxt, ID_IN_angtreshold);

         // get the index set iterator
         btTransform bodyTransform;
         CVector3f bodyPos,linvel,angvel;
         btQuaternion bodyRot;
			CRotation rot;
			CQuaternion quat;
			CVector3f anglesf;
			CVector3 angles;

			for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = indexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
            rbd_ID.primary = (int)(baseData.IsConstant() ? baseData[0] : baseData[it]);
            rbd_ID.secondary = (int)(idData.IsConstant() ? idData[0] : idData[it]);
            btRigidBodyReference * bodyRef = gSimulation->GetRigidBody(rbd_ID);
            if(bodyRef != NULL)
               // take care of the positions
               if((setPosData.IsConstant() ? setPosData[0] : setPosData[it]) == true)
                  bodyPos = posData.IsConstant() ? posData[0] : posData[it];
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the orientations
               if((setRotData.IsConstant() ? setRotData[0] : setRotData[it]) == true)
                  anglesf = rotData.IsConstant() ? rotData[0] : rotData[it];
                  quat = rot.GetQuaternion();
                  bodyTransform = bodyRef->GetWorldTransform();
               // take care of the linear velocity
               if((setLinvelData.IsConstant() ? setLinvelData[0] : setLinvelData[it]) == true)
                  linvel = linvelData.IsConstant() ? linvelData[0] : linvelData[it];
               // take care of the angular velocity
               if((setAngvelData.IsConstant() ? setAngvelData[0] : setAngvelData[it]) == true)
                  angvel = angvelData.IsConstant() ? angvelData[0] : angvelData[it];
               // take care of the state
               if((setStateData.IsConstant() ? setStateData[0] : setStateData[it]) == true)
                  int state = stateData.IsConstant() ? stateData[0] : stateData[it];
                  if(state == 0)
                  else if(state == 1)
                  else if(state == 2)
               // take care of the mass
               if((setMassData.IsConstant() ? setMassData[0] : setMassData[it]) == true)
                  // compute the inertia
                  bodyRef->mass = massData.IsConstant() ? massData[0] : massData[it];
                  btVector3 inertia(0,0,0);
                  if(bodyRef->mass > 0.0f)
               // take care of the bounce
               if((setBounceData.IsConstant() ? setBounceData[0] : setBounceData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setRestitution(bounceData.IsConstant() ? bounceData[0] : bounceData[it]);
               // take care of the friction
               if((setFrictionData.IsConstant() ? setFrictionData[0] : setFrictionData[it]) == true)
                  bodyRef->body->setFriction(frictionData.IsConstant() ? frictionData[0] : frictionData[it]);
               // take care of the linear damping
               if((setLindampData.IsConstant() ? setLindampData[0] : setLindampData[it]) == true)
                  float angdamp = bodyRef->body->getAngularDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindampData.IsConstant() ? lindampData[0] : lindampData[it],angdamp);
               // take care of the angular damping
               if((setAngdampData.IsConstant() ? setAngdampData[0] : setAngdampData[it]) == true)
                  float lindamp = bodyRef->body->getLinearDamping();
                  bodyRef->body->setDamping(lindamp,angdampData.IsConstant() ? angdampData[0] : angdampData[it]);
               // take care of the linear treshold
               if((setLintreshData.IsConstant() ? setLintreshData[0] : setLintreshData[it]) == true)
                  float angtresh = bodyRef->body->getAngularSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintreshData.IsConstant() ? lintreshData[0] : lintreshData[it],angtresh);
               // take care of the angular treshold
               if((setAngtreshData.IsConstant() ? setAngtreshData[0] : setAngtreshData[it]) == true)
                  float lintresh = bodyRef->body->getLinearSleepingThreshold();
                  bodyRef->body->setSleepingThresholds(lintresh,angtreshData.IsConstant() ? angtreshData[0] : angtreshData[it]);
            outData[it] = rbd_ID.primary;

	return CStatus::OK;
Пример #20
CVector3f CVector3f::operator-( const CVector3f& v) const
	return CVector3f(x-v.GetX(),y-v.GetY(),z-v.GetZ() );
Пример #21
Set this vector by the result of the dot product of v& by v2.
\param[in] v1 The left operand.
\param[in] v1 The right operand.
Void CVector3f::CrossProduct( const CVector3f& v1, const CVector3f& v2) 
    x = v1.GetY() * v2.GetZ() - v1.GetZ() * v2.GetY();
    y = v1.GetZ() * v2.GetX() - v1.GetX() * v2.GetZ();
    z = v1.GetX() * v2.GetY() - v1.GetY() * v2.GetX();
Пример #22
CVector3f CVector3f::operator*( const CVector3f& v) const 
	return CVector3f(x+v.GetX(),y+v.GetY(),z+v.GetZ() );
Пример #23
Return the value of the cross product between this and v.
\param[in] v The right operand.
\return the result vector of the cross product.
CVector3f CVector3f::CrossProduct( const CVector3f& v) const
	return CVector3f( y * v.GetZ() - z * v.GetY(), z * v.GetX() - x * v.GetZ(), x * v.GetY() - y * v.GetX() );;
Пример #24
Compute the do product of this vector by v.
\param[in] v The right operand ( this beeing the left one )
\return the cross product value
Float32  CVector3f::DotProduct(const CVector3f& v) const
	return x*v.GetX() + y*v.GetY() + z*v.GetZ();
Пример #25
Void CGameProperty::SetAsVector3( const CVector3f& d)
	m_Tuple3fValue.x = d.GetX();
	m_Tuple3fValue.y = d.GetY();
	m_Tuple3fValue.z = d.GetZ();
Пример #26
Void CPolarCoordinate::SetFromCartesianCoordinate( const CVector3f& vector )
	x = vector.GetLength();
	y = MathArcTan2( vector.GetX(), vector.GetZ() );
	z = MathArcCos( vector.GetY() / x );
Пример #27
XSIPLUGINCALLBACK CStatus nest_LatticeDeform_Evaluate( ICENodeContext& in_ctxt )
   // The current output port being evaluated...
   ULONG out_portID = in_ctxt.GetEvaluatedOutputPortID( );

   switch( out_portID )
      case Array_ID_OUT_Result:
         siICENodeDataType dataType;
         siICENodeStructureType struType;
         siICENodeContextType contType;
         // get all of the data that is the same for any structure
         CDataArrayVector3f SubdivData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Subdivision );
         CDataArrayVector3f StepData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Step );
         CDataArray2DVector3f ReferenceData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Reference );
         CDataArray2DVector3f CurrentData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Current );
         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor ReferenceDataSub = ReferenceData[0];
         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor CurrentDataSub = CurrentData[0];

         // define the things we need to calculate
         long subdiv[3];
         subdiv[0] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetX()));
         subdiv[1] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetY()));
         subdiv[2] = long(floor(SubdivData[0].GetZ()));
         long subdiv1[3];
         subdiv1[0] = subdiv[0]+1;
         subdiv1[1] = subdiv[1]+1;
         subdiv1[2] = subdiv[2]+1;
         float step[3];
         step[0] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetX();
         step[1] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetY();
         step[2] = 1.0f / StepData[0].GetZ();
			float steplength = StepData[0].GetLength();
         long indexX[8];
         long indexY[8];
         long indexZ[8];
         long index[8];
         long lastIndex[3];
			lastIndex[0] = -1;
			lastIndex[1] = -1;
			lastIndex[2] = -1;
			CVector3f posCp;
			CVector3f pos;
         CVector3f diff[8];
         CVector3f motion[8];
         CVector3f motionScl[8];
			CVector3f deform;
         float weight[8];
			float xyz0[3];
			float xyz1[3];
			float weightSum;
         if(struType == siICENodeStructureSingle)
            // two behaviours based on the datatype...
            // Get the output port array ...
            CDataArrayVector3f outData( in_ctxt );
            // Get the input data buffers for each port
            CDataArrayVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point );

            // iterate each subset!
            CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt );
            for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
               // first let's find the index inside the box!
					// substract the lowest corner
					pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]);
					xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX());
					xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY());
					xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ());

					xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0];
					xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1];
					xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2];
					// calculate the indices (decomposed)
					indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]);
					indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]);
					indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]);
					if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0])
						indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
						for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
							// compose the indices!
							index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]);
							// calculate the motions
						// for performance, remember the last used index
						lastIndex[0] = indexX[0];
						lastIndex[1] = indexY[0];
						lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0];

					// compute the weights
					weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
					weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
					weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];

					// sum up all weighted motions
					for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
					// output the deformed position
					outData[it] = deform;
            // two behaviours based on the datatype...
            // Get the output port array ...
            CDataArray2DVector3f outData( in_ctxt );
            // Get the input data buffers for each port
            CDataArray2DVector3f PointData( in_ctxt, Lattice_ID_IN_Point );

            // iterate each subset!
            CIndexSet IndexSet( in_ctxt );
            for(CIndexSet::Iterator it = IndexSet.Begin(); it.HasNext(); it.Next())
		         CDataArray2DVector3f::Accessor PointDataSub = PointData[it];
					long subCount = PointDataSub.GetCount();
					for(long k=0;k<subCount;k++)
						// first let's find the index inside the box!
						// substract the lowest corner
						pos.Set(pos.GetX() * step[0], pos.GetY() * step[1], pos.GetZ() * step[2]);
						xyz0[0] = pos.GetX() - floor(pos.GetX());
						xyz0[1] = pos.GetY() - floor(pos.GetY());
						xyz0[2] = pos.GetZ() - floor(pos.GetZ());
						xyz1[0] = 1.0 - xyz0[0];
						xyz1[1] = 1.0 - xyz0[1];
						xyz1[2] = 1.0 - xyz0[2];
						// calculate the indices (decomposed)
						indexX[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetX())),0,subdiv[0]);
						indexY[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetY())),0,subdiv[1]);
						indexZ[0] = clampl(long(floor(pos.GetZ())),0,subdiv[2]);
						if(lastIndex[0] != indexX[0] || lastIndex[1] != indexY[0] || lastIndex[2] != indexZ[0])
							indexX[1] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[1] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[1] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[2] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[2] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[2] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[3] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[3] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[3] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[4] = clampl(indexX[0]+1	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[4] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[4] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[5] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[5] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[5] = clampl(indexZ[0]	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[6] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[6] = clampl(indexY[0]	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[6] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							indexX[7] = clampl(indexX[0]	,0,subdiv[0]);
							indexY[7] = clampl(indexY[0]+1	,0,subdiv[1]);
							indexZ[7] = clampl(indexZ[0]+1	,0,subdiv[2]);
							for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
								// compose the indices!
								index[i] = compose(indexX[i],indexY[i],indexZ[i],subdiv1[1],subdiv1[2]);
								// calculate the motions
							// for performance, remember the last used index
							lastIndex[0] = indexX[0];
							lastIndex[1] = indexY[0];
							lastIndex[2] = indexZ[0];
						// compute the weights
						weight[0] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[1] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[2] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[3] = xyz0[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[4] = xyz0[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[5] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz1[2];
						weight[6] = xyz1[0] * xyz1[1] * xyz0[2];
						weight[7] = xyz1[0] * xyz0[1] * xyz0[2];
						// sum up all weighted motions
						for(int i=0;i<8;i++)
						// output the deformed position
						outData[it][k] = deform;

      // Other output ports...


   return CStatus::OK;