Пример #1
/// Updates the lookup table
void CvDistanceMapTurns::Update()
	//performance optimization, reduce pathfinding range
	int iMaxTurns = GC.getGame().getElapsedGameTurns() == 0 ? 7 : 12;
	int iVeryFar = iMaxTurns * 6;

	const CvMap& map = GC.getMap();
	int nPlots = map.numPlots();

	m_vDistance = std::vector<int>(nPlots, iVeryFar);
	m_vClosestFeature = std::vector<int>(nPlots,0);
	m_bArrayAllocated = true;
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		//if we have a set player, ignore all others
		if (m_ePlayer!=NO_PLAYER && m_ePlayer!=i)

		// for each city
		CvPlayer& thisPlayer = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)i);
		int iCityIndex = 0;
		for(CvCity* pLoopCity = thisPlayer.firstCity(&iCityIndex); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = thisPlayer.nextCity(&iCityIndex))
			//slow update only for plots close to the city
			ReachablePlots turnsFromCity;
			SPathFinderUserData data(m_ePlayer, PT_GENERIC_REACHABLE_PLOTS, -1, iMaxTurns);
			turnsFromCity = GC.GetStepFinder().GetPlotsInReach(pLoopCity->plot(), data);

			for (ReachablePlots::iterator it = turnsFromCity.begin(); it != turnsFromCity.end(); ++it)
				int iTurns = it->iTurns;
				bool bUpdate = (iTurns < m_vDistance[it->iPlotIndex]);
				//in case of equal distance, take care not to prefer the player with the lower ID
				if (iTurns == m_vDistance[it->iPlotIndex])
					PlayerTypes currentOwner = (PlayerTypes)UNPACK_OWNER(m_vClosestFeature[it->iPlotIndex]);
					CvCity* pCurrentCity = GET_PLAYER(currentOwner).getCity(UNPACK_ID(m_vClosestFeature[it->iPlotIndex]));
					//it can happen that there is no current city if the plot has never been updated because it's very remote
					bUpdate = (pCurrentCity==NULL) || (pCurrentCity->getGameTurnFounded() > pLoopCity->getGameTurnFounded());

				if (bUpdate)
					m_vDistance[it->iPlotIndex] = iTurns;
					m_vClosestFeature[it->iPlotIndex] = PACK(pLoopCity->getOwner(), pLoopCity->GetID());

	m_bDirty = false;
/// Updates the danger plots values to reflect threats across the map
void CvDistanceMap::Update()
	const CvMap& map = GC.getMap();
	int nPlots = map.numPlots();

	m_vDistance = std::vector<int>(nPlots,INT_MAX);
	m_vClosestFeature = std::vector<int>(nPlots,0);
	m_bArrayAllocated = true;
	// since we know there are very few cities compared to the number of plots,
	// we don't need to do the full distance transform

	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
		if (m_ePlayer!=NO_PLAYER && m_ePlayer!=i)

		// for each city
		CvPlayer& thisPlayer = GET_PLAYER((PlayerTypes)i);
		int iCityIndex = 0;
		for(CvCity* pLoopCity = thisPlayer.firstCity(&iCityIndex); pLoopCity != NULL; pLoopCity = thisPlayer.nextCity(&iCityIndex))
			CvPlot* pCityPlot = pLoopCity->plot();

			for (int iPlotIndex=0; iPlotIndex<nPlots; iPlotIndex++)
				CvPlot* pPlot = map.plotByIndexUnchecked(iPlotIndex);
				if (pPlot)
					int iDistance = plotDistance( pCityPlot->getX(),pCityPlot->getY(),pPlot->getX(),pPlot->getY() );

					bool bUpdate = (iDistance < m_vDistance[iPlotIndex]);
					//in case of equal distance, take care not to prefer the player with the lower ID
					if (iDistance == m_vDistance[iPlotIndex]) 
						PlayerTypes currentOwner = (PlayerTypes) UNPACK_OWNER(m_vClosestFeature[iPlotIndex]);
						CvCity* pCurrentCity = GET_PLAYER(currentOwner).getCity( UNPACK_ID(m_vClosestFeature[iPlotIndex]) );
						bUpdate = (pCurrentCity->getGameTurnFounded() > pLoopCity->getGameTurnFounded());

					if (bUpdate)
						m_vDistance[iPlotIndex] = iDistance;
						m_vClosestFeature[iPlotIndex] = PACK(pLoopCity->getOwner(), pLoopCity->GetID());

	m_bDirty = false;
/// Add data for this cell into dominance zone information
void CvTacticalAnalysisMap::AddToDominanceZones(int iIndex, CvTacticalAnalysisCell* pCell)
	TeamTypes ourTeam = GET_PLAYER(m_ePlayer).getTeam();
	CvPlot* pPlot = GC.getMap().plotByIndex(iIndex);

	// Compute zone data for this cell
	CvTacticalDominanceZone newZone;

	int iCityDistance = GC.getGame().GetClosestCityDistanceInTurns(pPlot);
	CvCity* pCity = GC.getGame().GetClosestCityByEstimatedTurns(pPlot);
	PlayerTypes eOwnerPlayer = NO_PLAYER;
	TeamTypes eOwnerTeam = NO_TEAM;

	//for plots far away from a city, check the owner
	if (iCityDistance>2)
		eOwnerTeam = pPlot->getTeam();
		eOwnerPlayer = pPlot->getOwner();

		//there is almost always a closest city, but we're not always interested
		if (pCity && eOwnerPlayer!=pCity->getOwner())
			pCity = NULL;
	else if (pCity) //look at the city
		eOwnerTeam = pCity->getTeam();
		eOwnerPlayer = pCity->getOwner();


	else if(eOwnerTeam == ourTeam)
	else if(GET_TEAM(ourTeam).isAtWar(eOwnerTeam))

	// Now see if we already have a matching zone
	CvTacticalDominanceZone* pZone = MergeWithExistingZone(&newZone);
		// Data populated, now add to vector
		pZone = &m_DominanceZones[m_DominanceZones.size() - 1];

	// Set zone for this cell
/// Retrieve the relative value of this plot (including plots that would be in city radius)
int CvCitySiteEvaluator::PlotFoundValue(CvPlot* pPlot, const CvPlayer* pPlayer, YieldTypes eYield, bool /*bCoastOnly*/, CvString* pDebug)
		return -1;

	// Make sure this player can even build a city here
	if(!CanFound(pPlot, pPlayer, false))
			*pDebug = "cannot found";
		return -1;

	//for debugging
	std::vector<std::string> vQualifiersPositive;
	std::vector<std::string> vQualifiersNegative;

	int iTotalPlotValue = 0;
	int iValueModifier = 0; //general modifiers
	int iCivModifier = 0; //civ-specific modifiers
	int iStratModifier = 0; //strategic modifiers

	int iCelticForestCount = 0;
	int iIroquoisForestCount = 0;
	int iBrazilJungleCount = 0;
	int iNaturalWonderCount = 0;
	int iDesertCount = 0;
	int iWetlandsCount = 0;

	int iLakeCount = 0;
	int iLuxuryCount = 0;

	//currently just for debugging
	int iTotalFoodValue = 0;
	int iTotalHappinessValue = 0;
	int iTotalProductionValue = 0;
	int iTotalGoldValue = 0;
	int iTotalScienceValue = 0;
	int iTotalFaithValue = 0;
	int iTotalResourceValue = 0;
	int iTotalStrategicValue = 0;

	//use a slightly negative base value to discourage settling in bad lands
	int iDefaultPlotValue = -100;

	int iBorderlandRange = 6;
	int iCapitalArea = NULL;

	bool bIsAlmostCoast = false;
	bool bIsInca = false;
	int iAdjacentMountains = 0;

	std::vector<SPlotWithScore> workablePlots;

	TeamTypes eTeam = pPlayer ? pPlayer->getTeam() : NO_TEAM;
	PlayerTypes ePlayer = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetID() : NO_PLAYER;

	if (pPlayer)
		if ( pPlayer->getCapitalCity() )
			iCapitalArea = pPlayer->getCapitalCity()->getArea();

		// Custom code for Inca ideal terrace farm locations
		ImprovementTypes eIncaImprovement = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("IMPROVEMENT_TERRACE_FARM", true);  
		if(eIncaImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT)
			CvImprovementEntry* pkEntry = GC.getImprovementInfo(eIncaImprovement);
			if(pkEntry != NULL && pkEntry->IsSpecificCivRequired())
				CivilizationTypes eCiv = pkEntry->GetRequiredCivilization();
				if(eCiv == pPlayer->getCivilizationType())
					bIsInca = true;

	int iRange = pPlayer ? pPlayer->getWorkPlotDistance() : 3;
	for (int iDX = -iRange; iDX <= iRange; iDX++)
		for (int iDY = -iRange; iDY <= iRange; iDY++)
			CvPlot* pLoopPlot = plotXY(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), iDX, iDY);

			if (pLoopPlot != NULL)
				int iDistance = plotDistance(pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY(), pLoopPlot->getX(), pLoopPlot->getY());

				if (iDistance <= iRange)
					int iRingModifier = m_iRingModifier[iDistance];

					//not only our cities, also other player's cities!
					int iExistingCityDistance = GC.getGame().GetClosestCityDistance(pLoopPlot);

					//count the tile only if the city will be able to work it
					if ( !pLoopPlot->isValidMovePlot(pPlayer->GetID()) || pLoopPlot->getWorkingCity()!=NULL || iExistingCityDistance<=2 ) 
						iRingModifier = 0;

					if (iExistingCityDistance==3)
						//this plot will likely be contested between the two cities, reduce its value
						iRingModifier /= 2;

					int iPlotValue = iDefaultPlotValue;
					if (iRingModifier>0)
						int iFoodValue = 0;
						int iHappinessValue = 0;
						int iProductionValue = 0;
						int iGoldValue = 0;
						int iScienceValue = 0;
						int iFaithValue = 0;
						int iResourceValue = 0;
						int iStrategicValue = 0;

						if (eYield == NO_YIELD || eYield == YIELD_FOOD)
							iFoodValue = ComputeFoodValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*15*/ GC.getSETTLER_FOOD_MULTIPLIER();

						if (eYield == NO_YIELD || eYield == YIELD_PRODUCTION)
							iProductionValue = ComputeProductionValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*3*/ GC.getSETTLER_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER();

						if (eYield == NO_YIELD || eYield == YIELD_GOLD)
							iGoldValue = ComputeGoldValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*2*/ GC.getSETTLER_GOLD_MULTIPLIER();

						if (eYield == NO_YIELD || eYield == YIELD_SCIENCE)
							iScienceValue = ComputeScienceValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*1*/ GC.getSETTLER_SCIENCE_MULTIPLIER();

						if (eYield == NO_YIELD || eYield == YIELD_FAITH)
							iFaithValue = ComputeFaithValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*1*/ GC.getSETTLER_FAITH_MULTIPLIER();

						if (pLoopPlot->getOwner() == NO_PLAYER) // there is no benefit if we already own these tiles
							iHappinessValue = ComputeHappinessValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*6*/ GC.getSETTLER_HAPPINESS_MULTIPLIER();
							iResourceValue = ComputeTradeableResourceValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer) * /*1*/ GC.getSETTLER_RESOURCE_MULTIPLIER();
							if (iDistance)
								iStrategicValue = ComputeStrategicValue(pLoopPlot, pPlayer, iDistance) * /*1*/ GC.getSETTLER_STRATEGIC_MULTIPLIER();  // the ring is included in the computation

						iTotalFoodValue += iFoodValue;
						iTotalHappinessValue += iHappinessValue;
						iTotalProductionValue += iProductionValue;
						iTotalGoldValue += iGoldValue;
						iTotalScienceValue += iScienceValue;
						iTotalFaithValue += iFaithValue;
						iTotalResourceValue += iResourceValue;
						iTotalStrategicValue += iStrategicValue;

						iPlotValue += iRingModifier * ( iFoodValue + iHappinessValue + iProductionValue + iGoldValue + iScienceValue + iFaithValue + iResourceValue ) + iStrategicValue;

					// for the central plot
					if (iDistance==0)
						vQualifiersPositive.push_back( CvString::format("raw plot value %d", iPlotValue).c_str() );

					if (iDistance==1 && !pPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()) && pLoopPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()))
						bIsAlmostCoast = true;

					// if this tile is a NW boost the value just so that we force the AI to claim them (if we can work it)
					if (pLoopPlot->IsNaturalWonder() && iPlotValue>0)
						iPlotValue *= 15;

					// lower value a lot if we already own this tile
					if (iPlotValue > 0 && pLoopPlot->getOwner() == ePlayer && ePlayer != NO_PLAYER)
						iPlotValue /= 2;

					// add this plot into the total
					workablePlots.push_back( SPlotWithScore(pLoopPlot,iPlotValue) );

					// some civ-specific checks
					FeatureTypes ePlotFeature = pLoopPlot->getFeatureType();
					ImprovementTypes ePlotImprovement = pLoopPlot->getImprovementType();
					ResourceTypes ePlotResource = pLoopPlot->getResourceType();

					if (ePlotFeature == FEATURE_FOREST)
						if (iDistance <= 5)
							if (iDistance == 1)
								if (ePlotImprovement == NO_IMPROVEMENT)
					else if (ePlotFeature == FEATURE_JUNGLE)
						if (iDistance <= iRange)
					else if (ePlotFeature == FEATURE_MARSH || ePlotFeature == FEATURE_FLOOD_PLAINS)
						if (iDistance <= iRange)

					if (pLoopPlot->IsNaturalWonder())
						if (iDistance <= iRange)

					if (pLoopPlot->isLake())
						if (iDistance <= iRange)
					if (pLoopPlot->getResourceType(NO_TEAM) != NO_RESOURCE)
						ResourceTypes eResource = pLoopPlot->getResourceType(eTeam);
						if(eResource != NO_RESOURCE && GC.getResourceInfo(eResource)->getResourceUsage() == RESOURCEUSAGE_LUXURY)
							if (iDistance <= iRange)

					if (pLoopPlot->getTerrainType() == TERRAIN_DESERT)
						if (iDistance <= iRange)
							if (ePlotResource == NO_RESOURCE)

					if (bIsInca)
						if (pLoopPlot->isHills() && iDistance <= iRange)
							iAdjacentMountains = pLoopPlot->GetNumAdjacentMountains();
							if (iAdjacentMountains > 0 && iAdjacentMountains < 6)
								//give the bonus if it's hills, with additional if bordered by mountains
								iCivModifier += (iAdjacentMountains+1) * m_iIncaMultiplier;
								vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) incan hills");

	//take into account only the best 70% of the plots - in the near term the city will not work all plots anyways
	std::stable_sort( workablePlots.begin(), workablePlots.end() );
	size_t iIrrelevantPlots = workablePlots.size()*30/100;
	for (size_t idx=iIrrelevantPlots; idx<workablePlots.size(); idx++)
		SPlotWithScore& ref = workablePlots[idx];
		iTotalPlotValue += ref.score;

	if (iTotalPlotValue<0)
		return 0;
	//civ-specific bonuses
	if (pPlayer)
		if (pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->IsFaithFromUnimprovedForest())
			if (iCelticForestCount >= 3)
				iCivModifier += 2 * 1000 * m_iFlavorMultiplier[YIELD_FAITH];
				vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) much forest");
			else if (iCelticForestCount >= 1)
				iCivModifier += 1 * 1000 * m_iFlavorMultiplier[YIELD_FAITH];
				vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) some forest");
		else if (pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->IsMoveFriendlyWoodsAsRoad())
			iCivModifier += iIroquoisForestCount * 10;	
			vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) forested");
		else if (pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->GetNaturalWonderYieldModifier() > 0)	//ie: Spain
			iCivModifier += iNaturalWonderCount * m_iSpainMultiplier;	
			vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) natural wonders");

		// Custom code for Brazil
		ImprovementTypes eBrazilImprovement = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("IMPROVEMENT_BRAZILWOOD_CAMP", true);  
		if(eBrazilImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT)
			CvImprovementEntry* pkEntry = GC.getImprovementInfo(eBrazilImprovement);
			if(pkEntry != NULL && pkEntry->IsSpecificCivRequired())
				CivilizationTypes eCiv = pkEntry->GetRequiredCivilization();
				if(eCiv == pPlayer->getCivilizationType())
					iCivModifier += iBrazilJungleCount * m_iBrazilMultiplier;
					vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) jungle");

		// Custom code for Morocco
		ImprovementTypes eMoroccoImprovement = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("IMPROVEMENT_KASBAH", true);  
		if(eMoroccoImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT)
			CvImprovementEntry* pkEntry = GC.getImprovementInfo(eMoroccoImprovement);
			if(pkEntry != NULL && pkEntry->IsSpecificCivRequired() && !pkEntry->IsAdjacentCity())
				CivilizationTypes eCiv = pkEntry->GetRequiredCivilization();
				if(eCiv == pPlayer->getCivilizationType())
					iCivModifier += iDesertCount * m_iMorrocoMultiplier;
					vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) desert");

		// Custom code for France
		ImprovementTypes eFranceImprovement = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("IMPROVEMENT_CHATEAU", true);  
		if(eFranceImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT)
			CvImprovementEntry* pkEntry = GC.getImprovementInfo(eFranceImprovement);
			if(pkEntry != NULL && pkEntry->IsSpecificCivRequired() && pkEntry->IsAdjacentLuxury())
				CivilizationTypes eCiv = pkEntry->GetRequiredCivilization();
				if(eCiv == pPlayer->getCivilizationType())
					iCivModifier += iLuxuryCount * m_iFranceMultiplier;
					vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) luxury");

		//Custom code for Netherlands
		ImprovementTypes ePolderImprovement = (ImprovementTypes)GC.getInfoTypeForString("IMPROVEMENT_POLDER", true);  
		if(ePolderImprovement != NO_IMPROVEMENT)
			CvImprovementEntry* pkEntry = GC.getImprovementInfo(ePolderImprovement);
			if(pkEntry != NULL && pkEntry->IsSpecificCivRequired())
				CivilizationTypes eCiv = pkEntry->GetRequiredCivilization();
				if(eCiv == pPlayer->getCivilizationType())
					iCivModifier += iWetlandsCount * m_iNetherlandsMultiplier;
						iCivModifier += (iLakeCount * m_iNetherlandsMultiplier);
					vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(C) wetlands");

	// Finally, look at the city plot itself
	if (pPlot->getResourceType(eTeam) != NO_RESOURCE)
		iValueModifier += (int)iTotalPlotValue * /*-50*/ GC.getBUILD_ON_RESOURCE_PERCENT() / 100;
		vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) city on resource");

	if (pPlot->IsNaturalWonder())
		iValueModifier += (int)iTotalPlotValue * /*-50*/ GC.getBUILD_ON_RESOURCE_PERCENT() / 100;
		vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) city on natural wonder");

	if ( iTotalFoodValue>5*iTotalProductionValue || iTotalProductionValue > 2*iTotalFoodValue )
		iValueModifier -= (int)iTotalPlotValue * 10 / 100;
		vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) unbalanced yields");

	if (pPlot->isRiver())
		iValueModifier += (int)iTotalPlotValue * /*15*/ GC.getBUILD_ON_RIVER_PERCENT() / 100;
		if(pPlayer && pPlayer->GetPlayerTraits()->IsRiverTradeRoad())
			iValueModifier += (int)iTotalPlotValue * /*15*/ GC.getBUILD_ON_RIVER_PERCENT() / 100 * 2;
		vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(V) river");

	if (bIsAlmostCoast)
		iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 25) / 100;
		vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) almost coast");

	CvArea* pArea = pPlot->area();
	int iGoodTiles = 1;
	if(pArea != NULL)
		iGoodTiles = max(1,(pArea->getNumUnownedTiles() - pArea->GetNumBadPlots()));

	//Island maps need a little more loose restriction here.
	if(GC.getMap().GetAIMapHint() & ciMapHint_NavalOffshore)
		if (pPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()))
			if(pArea != NULL && iGoodTiles > 0)
				iValueModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*40*/ GC.getSETTLER_BUILD_ON_COAST_PERCENT()) / 100;
				vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(V) coast");

				if (pPlayer)
					int iNavalFlavor = pPlayer->GetGrandStrategyAI()->GetPersonalityAndGrandStrategy((FlavorTypes)m_iNavalIndex);
					if (iNavalFlavor > 7)
						iValueModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*40*/ GC.getSETTLER_BUILD_ON_COAST_PERCENT()) / 100;
					if (pPlayer->getCivilizationInfo().isCoastalCiv()) // we really like the coast (England, Norway, Polynesia, Carthage, etc.)
						iValueModifier += iTotalPlotValue;
			if(iGoodTiles <= 3)
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 40) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) not enough good plots");
			else if(iGoodTiles <= 6)
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 20) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) few good plots");
		if (pPlot->isCoastalLand(GC.getMIN_WATER_SIZE_FOR_OCEAN()))
			if(pArea != NULL && iGoodTiles > 3)
				iValueModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*40*/ GC.getSETTLER_BUILD_ON_COAST_PERCENT()) / 100;
				vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(V) coast");

				if (pPlayer)
					int iNavalFlavor = pPlayer->GetGrandStrategyAI()->GetPersonalityAndGrandStrategy((FlavorTypes)m_iNavalIndex);
					if (iNavalFlavor > 7)
						iValueModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*40*/ GC.getSETTLER_BUILD_ON_COAST_PERCENT()) / 100;
					if (pPlayer->getCivilizationInfo().isCoastalCiv()) // we really like the coast (England, Norway, Polynesia, Carthage, etc.)
						iValueModifier += iTotalPlotValue;
			else if(pArea != NULL && iGoodTiles == 1)
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 40) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) coast on 1-tile island is not great");
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 25) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) coast on small island");
			if(iGoodTiles <= 5)
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 40) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) not enough good plots");
			else if(iGoodTiles <= 10)
				iValueModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * 20) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) few good plots");

	//Is this a chokepoint?
		iStratModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*100*/ GC.getBALANCE_CHOKEPOINT_STRATEGIC_VALUE()) / 100;
		vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(S) chokepoint");

		//each landbride is a chokepoint, but not every chokepoint is a landbridge
			iStratModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*100*/ GC.getBALANCE_CHOKEPOINT_STRATEGIC_VALUE()) / 100;
			vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(S) landbridge");

	//Check for strategic landgrab
	int iOwnCityDistance = pPlayer ? pPlayer->GetCityDistance(pPlot) : INT_MAX;
	int iOtherCityDistance = INT_MAX;

	//check if the closest city is our or somebody else's
	CvCity* pClosestCity = GC.getGame().GetClosestCity(pPlot);
	if( pClosestCity && (!pPlayer || pClosestCity->getOwner()!=pPlayer->GetID()) )
		iOtherCityDistance = GC.getGame().GetClosestCityDistance(pPlot);

		PlayerTypes eOtherPlayer = (PlayerTypes) pClosestCity->getOwner();
		PlayerProximityTypes eProximity = GET_PLAYER(eOtherPlayer).GetProximityToPlayer(pPlayer->GetID());
		if(eProximity >= PLAYER_PROXIMITY_CLOSE && iOtherCityDistance<=iBorderlandRange)
			//Neighbor must not be too strong
			if ( pPlayer->GetMilitaryMight() > GET_PLAYER(eOtherPlayer).GetMilitaryMight()*1.4f )
				iStratModifier += (iTotalPlotValue * /*50*/ GC.getBALANCE_EMPIRE_BORDERLAND_STRATEGIC_VALUE()) / 100;
				vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(S) landgrab");
			else if ( pPlayer->GetMilitaryMight() < GET_PLAYER(eOtherPlayer).GetMilitaryMight()*0.8f )
				iStratModifier -= (iTotalPlotValue * /*50*/ GC.getBALANCE_EMPIRE_BORDERLAND_STRATEGIC_VALUE()) / 100;
				vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(S) too dangerous");

	// where is our personal sweet spot?
	int iMinDistance = /*3*/ GC.getMIN_CITY_RANGE();
	if(pPlayer && pPlayer->isMinorCiv())
		if(GC.getMap().getWorldInfo().getMinDistanceCityStates() > 0)
			iMinDistance = GC.getMap().getWorldInfo().getMinDistanceCityStates();
	else if(GC.getMap().getWorldInfo().getMinDistanceCities() > 0)
		iMinDistance = GC.getMap().getWorldInfo().getMinDistanceCities();

	if (iOwnCityDistance <= iMinDistance)
		//this case should be handled by the distance check in CanFound() also
		iValueModifier -= iTotalPlotValue / 2;
		vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(V) too close to existing friendly city");

	// AI only
	if (pPlayer && !pPlayer->isHuman())

		//check our preferred balance between tall and wide
		int iGrowthFlavor = pPlayer->GetGrandStrategyAI()->GetPersonalityAndGrandStrategy((FlavorTypes)m_iGrowthIndex);
		if (iGrowthFlavor > 5)
		else if (iGrowthFlavor < 5)

		int iExpansionFlavor = pPlayer->GetGrandStrategyAI()->GetPersonalityAndGrandStrategy((FlavorTypes)m_iExpansionIndex);
		if (iExpansionFlavor > 5)
		else if (iExpansionFlavor < 5)

		if(iSweetMin < iMinDistance)
			iSweetMin = iMinDistance;

		//this affects both friendly and other cities
		if (min(iOwnCityDistance,iOtherCityDistance) >= iSweetMin && max(iOwnCityDistance,iOtherCityDistance) <= iSweetMax) 
			iValueModifier += (iTotalPlotValue*20)/100; //make this a small bonus, there is a separate distance check anyway
			vQualifiersPositive.push_back("(V) optimal distance to existing cities");

		//boldness comes into play when there are enemy cities around
		int iBoldness = pPlayer->GetDiplomacyAI()->GetBoldness();
		if (iBoldness > 5)
		if (iBoldness < 5)

		if (iOtherCityDistance<=iSweetMin)
			iStratModifier -= iTotalPlotValue / 2;
			vQualifiersNegative.push_back("(S) too close to existing enemy city");

		if (GAMEEVENTINVOKE_TESTALL(GAMEEVENT_PlayerCanFoundCity, pPlayer->GetID(), pPlot->getX(), pPlot->getY()) == GAMEEVENTRETURN_FALSE) {
			return false;
	//logging logging logging
	if (pDebug)
		pDebug->Format("%d,%d,%d,%d", iTotalPlotValue, iValueModifier, iStratModifier, iCivModifier);
		for (size_t i=0; i<vQualifiersPositive.size();i++)
			pDebug->append(",positive: ");
		for (size_t i=0; i<vQualifiersNegative.size();i++)
			pDebug->append(",negative: ");

	return max(0,iTotalPlotValue + iValueModifier + iStratModifier + iCivModifier);