std::string getAttributeByName (DOMNode* node, std::string attrName) { cdebug << "getAttr " << attrName << std::endl; assert (node->getNodeType () == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE); std::string value = ""; if (node->hasAttributes()) { DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = node->getAttributes (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pAttributes->getLength (); i++) { DOMAttr* pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i); char* name = XMLString::transcode(pAttributeNode->getName()); if (name == attrName) { char* tmpValue = XMLString::transcode(pAttributeNode->getValue()); value = tmpValue; XMLString::release(&tmpValue); } XMLString::release(&name); } } else { cdebug << "Error in file to parse" << std::endl; throw ("Error in file to parse attributes"); } cdebug << value << std::endl; return value; } /* std::string getAttributeByName (DOMNode* node, std::string attrName) */
void SYSTEM::CConfigItem::RemoveAllAttributes() { if(((DOMElement*)itemElement)->hasAttributes()) { DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = ((DOMElement*)itemElement)->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t count = pAttributes->getLength(); DOMAttr* pNode = NULL; for (XMLSize_t i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i) { pNode = (DOMAttr*)pAttributes->item(0); if( m_curValue != NULL ) XMLString::release(&m_curValue); if(!pNode) //属性名称不存在 m_curValue = NULL; else m_curValue = XMLString::transcode(pNode->getName());/*DOMAttr **/ ((DOMElement*)itemElement)->removeAttribute(pNode->getName()); } } }
XMLNode *JobXML::deepCopyElement( XMLNode **copy, const XMLNode *original ) { // add the element to the copy char *nodeName = XMLString::transcode( original->getNodeName() ); XMLNode *newElement = AddElement( (*copy), nodeName ); XMLString::release( &nodeName ); // add its attributes if ( original->hasAttributes() ) { DOMNamedNodeMap *attributes = original->getAttributes(); for( unsigned int i=0; i<attributes->getLength(); i++ ) { DOMAttr *attr = (DOMAttr*)attributes->item( i ); char *key = XMLString::transcode( attr->getName() ); char *val = XMLString::transcode( attr->getValue() ); SetAttribute( newElement, key, val ); XMLString::release( &key ); XMLString::release( &val ); } } // recursively copy all child elements int childElementCount=0; XMLNode *itr = original->getFirstChild(); for ( ; itr != NULL; itr = itr->getNextSibling() ) { if ( itr->getNodeType() == XMLNode::ELEMENT_NODE ) { deepCopyElement( &newElement, itr ); childElementCount++; } } // if no child elements, copy this element's text content and we are done if ( childElementCount == 0 ) { char *content = XMLString::transcode( original->getTextContent() ); SetContent( newElement, content ); XMLString::release( &content ); } return newElement; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Recursively Count up the total number of child Elements under the specified Node. // Process attributes of the node, if any. // // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int countChildElements(DOMNode *n, bool printOutEncounteredEles) { DOMNode *child; int count = 0; if (n) { if (n->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { if(printOutEncounteredEles) { char *name = XMLString::transcode(n->getNodeName()); cout <<"----------------------------------------------------------"<<endl; cout <<"Encountered Element : "<< name << endl; XMLString::release(&name); if(n->hasAttributes()) { // get all the attributes of the node DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = n->getAttributes(); int nSize = pAttributes->getLength(); cout <<"\tAttributes" << endl; cout <<"\t----------" << endl; for(int i=0; i<nSize; ++i) { DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i); // get attribute name char *name = XMLString::transcode(pAttributeNode->getName()); cout << "\t" << name << "="; XMLString::release(&name); // get attribute type name = XMLString::transcode(pAttributeNode->getValue()); cout << name << endl; XMLString::release(&name); } } } ++count; } for (child = n->getFirstChild(); child != 0; child=child->getNextSibling()) count += countChildElements(child, printOutEncounteredEles); } return count; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // utility func to extract a DOMNodes Base attr value if present // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const XMLCh * getBaseAttrValue(DOMNode *node){ if (node->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE){ DOMElement *elem = (DOMElement *)node; if(elem->hasAttributes()) { /* get all the attributes of the node */ DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = elem->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t nSize = pAttributes->getLength(); for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<nSize;++i) { DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i); /* get attribute name */ if (XMLString::equals(pAttributeNode->getName(), XIncludeUtils::fgXIBaseAttrName)){ /*if (namespace == XMLUni::fgXMLString){ }*/ return pAttributeNode->getValue(); } } } } return NULL; }
void XmlTag::construct(XmlTag * parent, DOMNode * n, bool logging) { this->parent = parent; this->name = "unknown"; if (parent == NULL) { if (logging) { pLogEngine l (LogEngine::create (LOG_DEVELOPER, "XmlTag")); this->log = l; } } else { if (logging) this->log = parent->log; } if (n == NULL) { if (logging) log->__format(LOG_ERROR, "Empty tag (%s)!", getFullName().c_str()); return; } if (n->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { if (logging) log->__format(LOG_ERROR, "This (%s) is not a tag!", getFullName().c_str()); } assignXmlString (name, n->getNodeName()); //fill tag attributes map if (!n->hasAttributes()) { if (logging) log->__format(LOG_WARNING, "No attributes in this tag (%s)!", getFullName().c_str() ); } else { std::string attributeName = ""; std::string attributeData = ""; DOMNamedNodeMap *attList = n->getAttributes (); int size = attList->getLength (); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { DOMAttr *attNode = (DOMAttr *) attList->item (i); assignXmlString (attributeName, attNode->getName ()); assignXmlString (attributeData, attNode->getValue ()); if ( (attributeName != "") && (attributeData != "") ) { attributes[attributeName] = attributeData; attributesRead[attributeName] = false; } } } //fill child tags map if (n->hasChildNodes()) { std::string childTagName; for (n = n->getFirstChild (); n != 0; n = n->getNextSibling ()) { if (n) if (n->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { assignXmlString (childTagName, n->getNodeName()); //XmlTag * tmpTag = new XmlTag(this, n, logging); XmlTag * tmpTag = new XmlTag(this, n); tags.push_back(tmpTag); } } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This method assumes that currentNode is an xinclude element and parses // it accordingly, acting on what it finds. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool XIncludeUtils::doDOMNodeXInclude(DOMNode *xincludeNode, DOMDocument *parsedDocument, XMLEntityHandler* entityResolver){ bool modifiedNode = false; /* the relevant attributes to look for */ const XMLCh *href = NULL; const XMLCh *parse = NULL; const XMLCh *xpointer = NULL; const XMLCh *encoding = NULL; const XMLCh *accept = NULL; const XMLCh *acceptlanguage = NULL; DOMNode *includeParent = xincludeNode->getParentNode(); if(xincludeNode->hasAttributes()) { /* get all the attributes of the node */ DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = xincludeNode->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t nSize = pAttributes->getLength(); for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<nSize;++i) { DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i); const XMLCh *attrName = pAttributeNode->getName(); /* check each attribute against the potential useful names */ if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeHREFAttrName)){ href = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrName)){ parse = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeXPointerAttrName)){ xpointer = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeEncodingAttrName)){ encoding = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeAcceptAttrName)){ accept = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else if (XMLString::equals(attrName, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeAcceptLanguageAttrName)){ acceptlanguage = pAttributeNode->getValue(); } else { /* if any other attribute is in the xi namespace, it's an error */ const XMLCh *attrNamespaceURI = pAttributeNode->getNamespaceURI(); if (attrNamespaceURI && XMLString::equals(attrNamespaceURI, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIIncludeNamespaceURI)){ } else { /* ignore - any other attribute is allowed according to spec, and must be ignored */ } } } } // 3.1 xi:include Element // The children property of the xi:include element may include a single xi:fallback element; // the appearance of more than one xi:fallback element, an xi:include element, // or any other element from the XInclude namespace is a fatal error. DOMNode *child; DOMElement *fallback = NULL; for (child = xincludeNode->getFirstChild(); child != 0; child=child->getNextSibling()){ if(child->getNodeType()!=DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if ( isXIFallbackDOMNode(child) ){ if (fallback != NULL){ /* fatal error - there are more than one fallback children */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeMultipleFallbackElems, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); return false; } fallback = (DOMElement*)child; } else if(isXIIncludeDOMNode(child) || XMLString::equals(child->getNamespaceURI(), XIncludeUtils::fgXIIIncludeNamespaceURI)) { /* fatal error - an xi element different from xi:fallback is a child of xi:include */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeDisallowedChild, child->getNodeName(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); return false; } } if (href == NULL){ /* this is an unrecoverable error until we have xpointer support - if there is an xpointer, the current document is assumed however, there is no xpointer support yet */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeNoHref, NULL, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); return false; } /* set up the accept and accept-language values */ if (accept != NULL){ } if (parse == NULL){ /* use the default, as specified */ parse = XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrXMLValue; } if (xpointer != NULL){ /* not supported yet */ /* Note that finding an xpointer attr along with parse="text" is a Fatal Error * - */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeXPointerNotSupported, NULL, href); return false; } /* set up the href according to what has gone before */ XIncludeLocation hrefLoc(href); XIncludeLocation relativeLocation(href); const XMLCh *includeBase = xincludeNode->getBaseURI(); if (includeBase != NULL){ hrefLoc.prependPath(includeBase); } if (getBaseAttrValue(xincludeNode) != NULL){ relativeLocation.prependPath(getBaseAttrValue(xincludeNode)); } /* Take the relevant action - we need to retrieve the target as a whole before we can know if it was successful or not, therefore the do* methods do not modify the parsedDocument. Swapping the results in is left to the caller (i.e. here) */ DOMText *includedText = NULL; DOMDocument *includedDoc = NULL; if (XMLString::equals(parse, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrXMLValue)){ /* including a XML element */ includedDoc = doXIncludeXMLFileDOM(hrefLoc.getLocation(), relativeLocation.getLocation(), xincludeNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } else if (XMLString::equals(parse, XIncludeUtils::fgXIIncludeParseAttrTextValue)){ /* including a text value */ includedText = doXIncludeTEXTFileDOM(hrefLoc.getLocation(), relativeLocation.getLocation(), encoding, xincludeNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } else { /* invalid parse attribute value - fatal error according to the specification */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeInvalidParseVal, parse, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); return false; } RefVectorOf<DOMNode> delayedProcessing(12,false); if (includedDoc == NULL && includedText == NULL){ /* there was an error - this is now a resource error let's see if there is a fallback */ XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeIncludeFailedResourceError, hrefLoc.getLocation(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); if (includeParent == NULL){ includeParent = parsedDocument; } // we could be getting errors trying to insert elements at the root of the document, so we should use replaceChild; // in order to handle multiple nodes, add them to a document fragment and use that to replace the original node if (fallback){ /* baseURI fixups - see for details. */ XMLUri parentURI(includeParent->getBaseURI()); XMLUri includedURI(fallback->getBaseURI()); if (fallback->hasChildNodes()){ DOMDocumentFragment* frag = parsedDocument->createDocumentFragment(); DOMNode *child = fallback->getFirstChild(); /* add the content of the fallback element, and remove the fallback elem itself */ for ( ; child != NULL ; child=child->getNextSibling()){ if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE){ continue; } DOMNode *newNode = parsedDocument->importNode(child, true); /* if the paths differ we need to add a base attribute */ if (newNode->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && !XMLString::equals(parentURI.getPath(), includedURI.getPath())){ if (getBaseAttrValue(newNode) == NULL){ /* need to calculate the proper path difference to get the relativePath */ ((DOMElement*)newNode)->setAttribute(fgXIBaseAttrName, getBaseAttrValue(fallback->getParentNode())); } else { /* the included node has base of its own which takes precedence */ XIncludeLocation xil(getBaseAttrValue(newNode)); if (getBaseAttrValue(fallback->getParentNode()) != NULL){ /* prepend any specific base modification of the xinclude node */ xil.prependPath(getBaseAttrValue(fallback->getParentNode())); } ((DOMElement*)newNode)->setAttribute(fgXIBaseAttrName, xil.getLocation()); } } DOMNode *newChild = frag->appendChild(newNode); // don't process the node now, wait until it is placed in the final position delayedProcessing.addElement(newChild); //parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(newChild, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } includeParent->replaceChild(frag, xincludeNode); frag->release(); for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<delayedProcessing.size();i++) { DOMNode* childNode=delayedProcessing.elementAt(i); parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(childNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } modifiedNode = true; } else { /* empty fallback element - simply remove it! */ includeParent->removeChild(xincludeNode); modifiedNode = true; } } else { XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeIncludeFailedNoFallback, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI(), parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); return false; } } else { if (includedDoc){ /* record the successful include while we process the children */ addDocumentURIToCurrentInclusionHistoryStack(hrefLoc.getLocation()); DOMDocumentFragment* frag = parsedDocument->createDocumentFragment(); /* need to import the document prolog here */ DOMNode *child = includedDoc->getFirstChild(); for (; child != NULL; child = child->getNextSibling()) { if (child->getNodeType() == DOMNode::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) continue; // check for NOTATION or ENTITY clash if(child->getNodeType()==DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE && includedDoc->getDoctype()!=NULL) { DOMNamedNodeMap *pAttributes = child->getAttributes(); XMLSize_t nSize = pAttributes->getLength(); for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<nSize;++i) { DOMAttr *pAttributeNode = (DOMAttr*) pAttributes->item(i); const DOMTypeInfo * typeInfo=pAttributeNode->getSchemaTypeInfo(); if(typeInfo && XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeNamespace(), XMLUni::fgInfosetURIName)) { if(XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeName(), XMLUni::fgNotationString)) { const XMLCh* notationName=pAttributeNode->getNodeValue(); DOMNotation* notat=(DOMNotation*)includedDoc->getDoctype()->getNotations()->getNamedItem(notationName); // ensure we have a DTD if(parsedDocument->getDoctype()==NULL) parsedDocument->insertBefore(parsedDocument->createDocumentType(parsedDocument->getDocumentElement()->getNodeName(), NULL,NULL), parsedDocument->getFirstChild()); DOMNotation* myNotation=(DOMNotation*)parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getNotations()->getNamedItem(notationName); if(myNotation==NULL) { // it's missing, add it parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getNotations()->setNamedItem(parsedDocument->importNode(notat, true)); } else if(XMLString::equals(myNotation->getPublicId(), notat->getPublicId()) && XMLString::equals(myNotation->getSystemId(), notat->getSystemId()) && XMLString::equals(myNotation->getBaseURI(), notat->getBaseURI())) { // it's duplicate, ignore it } else { // it's a conflict, report it XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeConflictingNotation, notationName, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); } } else if(XMLString::equals(typeInfo->getTypeName(), XMLUni::fgEntityString)) { const XMLCh* entityName=pAttributeNode->getNodeValue(); DOMEntity* ent=(DOMEntity*)includedDoc->getDoctype()->getEntities()->getNamedItem(entityName); // ensure we have a DTD if(parsedDocument->getDoctype()==NULL) parsedDocument->insertBefore(parsedDocument->createDocumentType(parsedDocument->getDocumentElement()->getNodeName(), NULL,NULL), parsedDocument->getFirstChild()); DOMEntity* myEnt=(DOMEntity*)parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getEntities()->getNamedItem(entityName); if(myEnt==NULL) { // it's missing, add it parsedDocument->getDoctype()->getEntities()->setNamedItem(parsedDocument->importNode(ent, true)); } else if(XMLString::equals(myEnt->getPublicId(), ent->getPublicId()) && XMLString::equals(myEnt->getSystemId(), ent->getSystemId()) && XMLString::equals(myEnt->getBaseURI(), ent->getBaseURI())) { // it's duplicate, ignore it } else { // it's a conflict, report it XIncludeUtils::reportError(xincludeNode, XMLErrs::XIncludeConflictingEntity, entityName, parsedDocument->getDocumentURI()); } } } } } DOMNode *newNode = parsedDocument->importNode(child, true); DOMNode *newChild = frag->appendChild(newNode); // don't process the node now, wait until it is placed in the final position delayedProcessing.addElement(newChild); //parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(newChild, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } includeParent->replaceChild(frag, xincludeNode); frag->release(); for(XMLSize_t i=0;i<delayedProcessing.size();i++) { DOMNode* childNode=delayedProcessing.elementAt(i); parseDOMNodeDoingXInclude(childNode, parsedDocument, entityResolver); } popFromCurrentInclusionHistoryStack(NULL); modifiedNode = true; } else if (includedText){ includeParent->replaceChild(includedText, xincludeNode); modifiedNode = true; } } if (includedDoc) includedDoc->release(); return modifiedNode; }
BatchItem BatchFlatfileStorage::dequeue() { DEBUG( "Dequeue" ); if( !m_CrtStorage.is_open() ) { stringstream errorMessage; errorMessage << "Batch file [" << m_CrtStorageId << "] was not opened"; TRACE( errorMessage.str() ); throw runtime_error( errorMessage.str() ); } if ( m_NextItem.getSequence() == BatchItem::INVALID_SEQUENCE ) { TRACE( "Attempt to read past the end of the batch file" ); throw runtime_error( "Attempt to read past the end of the batch file" ); } // alloc buffer and perform a first read DEBUG( "Buffer is " << ( ( m_Buffer == NULL ) ? "empty" : "available " ) ); if ( m_Buffer == NULL ) { DEBUG( "Allocating buffer [" << m_ChunkSize << "] bytes ..." ); m_Buffer = new unsigned char[ m_ChunkSize + 1 ]; m_CrtIndex = 0; memset( m_Buffer, 0, m_ChunkSize + 1 ); ( char * )m_Buffer, m_ChunkSize ); m_BufferLength = m_CrtStorage.gcount(); string bufferEx = ""; if ( m_BufferLength > 100 ) bufferEx = string( ( char * )m_Buffer, 100 ) + string( "..." ); else bufferEx = string( ( char * )m_Buffer ); DEBUG( "Position in file is [" << m_BufferLength << "]. Buffer is [" << bufferEx << "]" ); } BatchItem item( m_NextItem ); XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument* outputData = NULL; DOMImplementation* implementation = DOMImplementationRegistry::getDOMImplementation( unicodeForm( "Core" ) ); outputData = implementation->createDocument( 0, // root element namespace URI. unicodeForm( "root" ), // root element name 0 ); // document type object (DTD). try { DOMElement* rootElem = outputData->createElement( unicodeForm( "Message" ) ); DEBUG( "Root element created." ); outputData->getDocumentElement()->appendChild( rootElem ); DEBUG( "Root node appended." ); bool matched = false; // if there is no parser ( no template ) just base64 what we read and consider a match if ( m_Parser.getTemplateFile().length() == 0 ) { matched = ( m_BufferLength > 0 ); /*// quick workaround xmling string base64Value = "<bin>" + Base64::encode( m_Buffer, m_BufferLength ) + "</bin>"; //recreate the template structure as if there was one XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_QUALIFIER DOMDocument* doc = rootElem->getOwnerDocument(); DOMElement* element = doc->createElement( unicodeForm( "dummy" ) ); rootElem->appendChild( element ); DOMElement* secelement = doc->createElement( unicodeForm( "dummy" ) ); element->appendChild( secelement ); secelement->setAttribute( unicodeForm( "base64" ), unicodeForm( base64Value ) );*/ } else { DEBUG( "Attempting match of batch template at index [" << m_CrtIndex << "] ..." ); try { ManagedBuffer inputBuffer( m_Buffer + m_CrtIndex, ManagedBuffer::Ref, m_ChunkSize - m_CrtIndex ); matched = m_Parser.Matches( inputBuffer, rootElem ); } catch( ... ) { TRACE( "Match failed" ); throw; } } DEBUG( "Match " << ( matched ? "successful" : "failed" ) ); if ( !matched ) { DEBUG( "Template doesn't match .." ); // if end of file, no more reads if ( m_CrtStorage.eof() ) { DEBUG( "EOF" ); // no items read if ( m_CrtSequence == 0 ) { DEBUG( "Current sequence is 0" ); stringstream errorMessage; errorMessage << "Batch file [" << m_CrtStorageId << "] contains no usable data"; TRACE( errorMessage.str() ); throw runtime_error( errorMessage.str() ); } DEBUG( "Current sequence is [" << m_CrtSequence << "] at index [" << m_CrtIndex << "]. Buffer size [" << m_BufferLength << "]" ); if ( m_CrtIndex == m_BufferLength ) { item.setSequence( BatchItem::LAST_IN_SEQUENCE ); item.setLast(); m_NextItem.setSequence( BatchItem::INVALID_SEQUENCE ); } else { stringstream errorMessage; errorMessage << "Batch file [" << m_CrtStorageId << "] contains no usable data"; TRACE( errorMessage.str() ); throw runtime_error( errorMessage.str() ); } } // is not end of file, but template doesn't match // reason : wrong format or Chunksize is not multiple of message size // solution: // repositoning in the file back to the end of the last match and delete the buffer and dequeue again // if match is OK the file is parsed with next chunk // if it was a problem with the format the first match failed, crtIndex will be 0 and will throw an exception // else { if ( m_CrtIndex == 0 ) { DEBUG( "Current position in chunk is " ); stringstream errorMessage; errorMessage << "Batch file [" << m_CrtStorageId << "] contains no usable data"; TRACE( errorMessage.str() ); throw runtime_error( errorMessage.str() ); } else { //repositioning in the file to the end of the last match DEBUG( "Current position in chunk is " << m_CrtIndex ); m_CrtStorage.seekg( m_CrtIndex - m_ChunkSize, ios::cur ); // reset the chunk if ( m_Buffer != NULL ) { delete[] m_Buffer; m_Buffer = NULL; } //try with next chunk or reset the chunk and verify if it is bad formatted storage dequeue(); } } // realloc buffer } else // template matched { m_NextItem.setSequence( m_CrtSequence++ ); m_NextItem.setBatchId( m_CrtStorageId ); m_NextItem.setMessageId( Collaboration::GenerateGuid() ); if ( m_Parser.getTemplateFile().length() == 0 ) { // quick workaround xmling string base64Value = Base64::encode( m_Buffer, m_BufferLength ); rootElem->setAttribute( unicodeForm( "base64" ), unicodeForm( base64Value ) ); m_NextItem.setPayload( XmlUtil::SerializeToString( outputData ) ); // reset the chunk if ( m_Buffer != NULL ) { delete[] m_Buffer; m_Buffer = NULL; } } else { m_CrtIndex += m_Parser.getMatchEnd(); DEBUG( "End point for match is : " << m_CrtIndex ); // from root( Message ) -> child ( template format ) -> child ( selection friendly name ) -> attribute ( data ) if( rootElem == NULL ) throw logic_error( "Root empty" ); if( rootElem->getFirstChild() == NULL ) throw logic_error( "Template child empty" ); if( rootElem->getFirstChild()->getFirstChild() == NULL ) { TRACE( XmlUtil::SerializeToString( rootElem ) ); throw logic_error( "Template child2 empty" ); } DOMNamedNodeMap *attributes = rootElem->getFirstChild()->getFirstChild()->getAttributes(); if ( attributes != NULL ) { DEBUG( "Number of attributes for selection : " << attributes->getLength() ); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<attributes->getLength(); i++ ) { DOMAttr *attribute = dynamic_cast< DOMAttr * >( attributes->item( i ) ); if ( attribute == NULL ) continue; string attributeName = localForm( attribute->getName() ); string attributeValue = localForm( attribute->getValue() ); string attributeValueToLog = ( attributeValue.length() > 100 ) ? attributeValue.substr( 0, 100 ) + string( "..." ) : attributeValue; DEBUG( "Attribute [" << attributeName << "] = [" << attributeValueToLog << "]" ); m_NextItem.setPayload( attributeValue ); } } } } if ( outputData != NULL ) { outputData->release(); outputData = NULL; } } catch( ... ) { if ( outputData != NULL ) { outputData->release(); outputData = NULL; } throw; } return item; }
void XMLData::parseDOMElement(DOMElement* element) { string name(XMLString::transcode(element->getTagName())); DOMNamedNodeMap* map = element->getAttributes(); for (XMLSize_t i = 0; i < map->getLength(); i++) { DOMAttr* attr = static_cast<DOMAttr*>(map->item(i)); string attr_name(XMLString::transcode(attr->getName())); string attr_value(XMLString::transcode(attr->getValue())); int value; try { value = stoi(attr_value); if(name == "hairiness") { if(attr_name == "typesMax") { hairTypeLength = nbBitsMin(value-1); } } else if(name == "limbs") { if(attr_name == "nbMax") { limbNbLength = nbBitsMin(value); } else if(attr_name == "sizeMax") { limbSizeLength = nbBitsMin(value); } else if(attr_name == "typesMax") { limbTypeLength = nbBitsMin(value-1); } } else if(name == "ears") { if(attr_name == "nbMax") { earNbLength = nbBitsMin(value); } } else if(name == "eyes") { if(attr_name == "nbMax") { eyeNbLength = nbBitsMin(value); } } else if(name == "nostrils") { if(attr_name == "nbMax") { nostrilNbLength = nbBitsMin(value); } } else if(name == "width") { if(attr_name == "typesMax") { mouthWidthTypeLength = nbBitsMin(value-1); } } else if(name == "teeth") { if(attr_name == "nbMax") { teethNbLength = nbBitsMin(value); } else if(attr_name == "typesMax") { teethTypeLength = nbBitsMin(value-1); } } } catch(invalid_argument& e) { if(name == "type") { string parentName(XMLString::transcode(static_cast<DOMElement*>(element->getParentNode())->getTagName())); if(parentName == "hairiness") { hairTypes.push_back(attr_value); } else if(parentName == "limbs") { limbTypes.push_back(attr_value); } else if(parentName == "width") { mouthWidthTypes.push_back(attr_value); } else if(parentName == "teeth") { teethTypes.push_back(attr_value); } } } /* cout << "\t" << attr_name << ": "<< attr_value << endl; */ } }
void XmlSchemaGenerator::generateData ( const wxString &elementName, size_t nIndent /*= 0*/) { ElmtData &data = mElements[elementName]; std::set<const DOMElement *>::iterator elmtItr; = elementName; //Content std::map<wxString, ChildData> &childMap = data.children; std::map<wxString, ChildData>::iterator itr; std::set<wxString> previous; elmtItr = data.nodes.begin(); for ( ; elmtItr != data.nodes.end(); ++elmtItr ) { previous.clear(); std::map<wxString, size_t> countMap; DOMElement *child = ( **elmtItr ).getFirstElementChild(); for ( ; child != NULL; child = child->getNextElementSibling() ) { wxString name = WrapXerces::toString ( child->getTagName() ); childMap[name].prevSiblings.insert ( previous.begin(), previous.end() ); childMap[name].prevSiblings.erase ( name ); // Don't depend on oneself previous.insert ( name ); countMap[name] += 1; } std::map<wxString, size_t>::iterator countItr = countMap.begin(); for ( ; countItr != countMap.end(); ++countItr ) { if ( childMap[countItr->first].maxOccurs < countItr->second ) childMap[countItr->first].maxOccurs = countItr->second; } if ( childMap.size() == countMap.size() ) continue; for ( itr = childMap.begin(); itr != childMap.end(); ++itr ) { if ( countMap.find ( itr->first ) != countMap.end() ) continue; itr->second.minOccurs = 0; } } // Attribute std::map<wxString, const XMLCh *> &attrMap = data.attrMap; std::set<wxString> &optAttrs = data.optAttrs; std::map<wxString, const XMLCh *>::iterator attrItr; elmtItr = data.nodes.begin(); for ( ; elmtItr != data.nodes.end(); ++elmtItr ) { if ( ! ( **elmtItr ).hasAttributes() ) continue; wxString name; DOMAttr *attr; DOMNamedNodeMap *attrs = ( **elmtItr ).getAttributes(); size_t i = attrs->getLength(); while ( i-- > 0 ) { attr = ( DOMAttr* ) attrs->item ( i ); name = WrapXerces::toString ( attr->getName() ); if ( attr->getPrefix() != NULL ) { wxLogDebug ( _T("Ignore: %s"), name.c_str() ); continue; } if ( attr->getSpecified() ) attrMap[name]; // Initialize attribute map else attrMap[name] = attr->getValue(); } if ( attrMap.size() == optAttrs.size() ) continue; for ( attrItr = attrMap.begin(); attrItr != attrMap.end(); ++attrItr ) { if ( attrs->getNamedItem ( ( const XMLCh * ) WrapXerces::toString ( attrItr->first ).GetData() ) == NULL ) { optAttrs.insert ( attrItr->first ); } } } // Deal with sequence wxLogDebug ( _T("%s:"), elementName.c_str() ); data.useSequence = getSequence ( data.sequence, childMap ); // Now we have the data of the element if ( mGrammarType == Grammar::DTDGrammarType ) { generateDTD ( data, nIndent ); mSchema << data.schema; } else if ( !mInlineSimpleType ) { // Or wait until all data are available generateSchema ( data, nIndent ); mSchema << data.schema; } }