Пример #1
void XercesUpdateFactory::completeDeletions(DynamicContext *context)
  //    e. Finally, for each node marked for deletion by one of the update primitives listed above, let $N be the node that is marked
  //       for deletion, and let $P be its parent node. The following actions are applied:
  //          i. The parent property of $N is set to empty.
  //         ii. If $N is an attribute node, the attributes property of $P is modified to remove $N.
  //        iii. If $N is a non-attribute node, the children property of $P is modified to remove $N.
  //         iv. If $N is an element, attribute, or text node, and $P is an element node, then upd:removeType($P) is invoked.

  for(DOMNodeSet::iterator i = forDeletion_.begin(); i != forDeletion_.end(); ++i) {
    DOMNode *domnode = *i;

    if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
      DOMAttr *attr = (DOMAttr*)domnode;
      DOMElement *owner = attr->getOwnerElement();
      if(owner != 0) {
    else {
      DOMNode *parent = domnode->getParentNode();
      if(parent != 0) {
        if(domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ||
           domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::TEXT_NODE ||
           domnode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) {
Пример #2
void XercesUpdateFactory::applyReplaceAttribute(const PendingUpdate &update, DynamicContext *context)
  const XercesNodeImpl *nodeImpl = (const XercesNodeImpl*)update.getTarget()->getInterface(Item::gXQilla);
  DOMAttr *domnode = (DOMAttr*)nodeImpl->getDOMNode();
  Node::Ptr parentNode = nodeImpl->dmParent(context);
  DOMElement *element = domnode->getOwnerElement();
  DOMDocument *doc = element->getOwnerDocument();

  bool untyped = parentNode->dmNodeKind() == Node::element_string &&
    XPath2Utils::equals(parentNode->getTypeName(), DocumentCache::g_szUntyped) &&
    XPath2Utils::equals(parentNode->getTypeURI(), SchemaSymbols::fgURI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA);

  Result children = update.getValue();
  Item::Ptr item;
  while((item = children->next(context)).notNull()) {
    const XercesNodeImpl *childImpl = (const XercesNodeImpl*)item->getInterface(Item::gXQilla);
    DOMNode *newChild = importNodeFix(doc, const_cast<DOMNode*>(childImpl->getDOMNode()), /*deep*/true);

    // 1. Error checks:
    //    a. If the QNames of any two attribute nodes in $replacement have implied namespace bindings that conflict with
    //       each other, a dynamic error is raised [err:XUDY0024].
    //    b. If the QName of any attribute node in $replacement has an implied namespace binding that conflicts with a
    //       namespace binding in the "namespaces" property of parent($target), a dynamic error is raised [err:XUDY0024].
    // Checks performed by UpdateFactory

    // 2b. If the type-name property of parent($target) is xs:untyped, then upd:setToUntyped() is invoked
    //     on each element node in $replacement.
    if(!untyped) setTypes(newChild, childImpl->getDOMNode());

    // 2a. For each node in $replacement, the parent property is set to parent($target).
    // 4a. If $target is an attribute node, the attributes property of parent($target) is modified by removing $target
    //     and adding the nodes in $replacement (if any).
    // 4b. If $target is an attribute node, the namespaces property of parent($target) is modified to include namespace
    //     bindings for any attribute namespace prefixes in $replacement that did not already have bindings.

  // 3a. $target is marked for deletion.

  // 4d. upd:removeType(parent($target)) is invoked.

  // Use parentNode, since the attr replace could have removed the original attr
  addToPutSet(parentNode, &update, context);