void CLogicMirrorMovement::Think()
    // Attempt to get the player's handle because it didn't exist at Activate time
    if ( !m_hMirrorTarget.Get() )
        // If we will never find a target, we don't have a use... shutdown
        if ( m_strMirrorTarget == NULL_STRING )
            SetNextThink ( NULL );

        //BUGBUG: If m_strSetMirrorTarget doesn't exist in ent list, we get per-think searches with no results ever...
        SetMirrorTarget ( STRING(m_strMirrorTarget) );

    // Make sure all entities are valid
    if ( m_hMirrorTarget.Get() && m_hMovementTarget.Get() && m_hRemoteTarget.Get() && m_hMirrorRelative.Get() )
        // Get our two portal's world transforms transforms
        VMatrix matPortal1ToWorldInv, matPortal2ToWorld;
        MatrixInverseGeneral( m_hMirrorRelative->EntityToWorldTransform(), matPortal1ToWorldInv );
        matPortal2ToWorld = m_hRemoteTarget->EntityToWorldTransform();

        VMatrix matTransformToRemotePortal = matPortal1ToWorldInv * matPortal2ToWorld;

        // Get our scene camera's current orientation
        Vector ptCameraPosition, vCameraLook, vCameraRight, vCameraUp;
        ptCameraPosition		= m_hMirrorTarget->EyePosition();
        m_hMirrorTarget->GetVectors ( &vCameraLook, &vCameraRight, &vCameraUp );

        // map this position and orientation to the remote portal, mirrored (invert the result)
        Vector ptNewPosition, vNewLook;
        ptNewPosition	= matPortal1ToWorldInv * ptCameraPosition;
        ptNewPosition	= matPortal2ToWorld*( Vector( -ptNewPosition.x, -ptNewPosition.y, ptNewPosition.z ) );

        vNewLook		= matPortal1ToWorldInv.ApplyRotation( vCameraLook );
        vNewLook		= matPortal2ToWorld.ApplyRotation( Vector( -vNewLook.x, -vNewLook.y, vNewLook.z) );

        // Set the point camera to the new location/orientation
        QAngle qNewAngles;
        VectorAngles( vNewLook, qNewAngles );
        m_hMovementTarget->Teleport( &ptNewPosition, &qNewAngles, NULL );

    SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + TICK_INTERVAL );