Пример #1
void Path::addBeziersForRoundedRect(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatSize& topLeftRadius, const FloatSize& topRightRadius, const FloatSize& bottomLeftRadius, const FloatSize& bottomRightRadius)
    moveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width(), rect.y()));

    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - topRightRadius.width(), rect.y()));
    if (topRightRadius.width() > 0 || topRightRadius.height() > 0)
        addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - topRightRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.y()),
            FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.y() + topRightRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
            FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.y() + topRightRadius.height()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.maxY() - bottomRightRadius.height()));
    if (bottomRightRadius.width() > 0 || bottomRightRadius.height() > 0)
        addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.maxY() - bottomRightRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
            FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - bottomRightRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.maxY()),
            FloatPoint(rect.maxX() - bottomRightRadius.width(), rect.maxY()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + bottomLeftRadius.width(), rect.maxY()));
    if (bottomLeftRadius.width() > 0 || bottomLeftRadius.height() > 0)
        addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x() + bottomLeftRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.maxY()),
            FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.maxY() - bottomLeftRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
            FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.maxY() - bottomLeftRadius.height()));
    addLineTo(FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeftRadius.height()));
    if (topLeftRadius.width() > 0 || topLeftRadius.height() > 0)
        addBezierCurveTo(FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.y() + topLeftRadius.height() * gCircleControlPoint),
            FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width() * gCircleControlPoint, rect.y()),
            FloatPoint(rect.x() + topLeftRadius.width(), rect.y()));

WindowFeatures::WindowFeatures(const String& dialogFeaturesString, const FloatRect& screenAvailableRect)
    : widthSet(true)
    , heightSet(true)
    , menuBarVisible(false)
    , toolBarVisible(false)
    , locationBarVisible(false)
    , fullscreen(false)
    , dialog(true)
    , nodejs(false)
    DialogFeaturesMap features;
    parseDialogFeatures(dialogFeaturesString, features);

    const bool trusted = false;

    // The following features from Microsoft's documentation are not implemented:
    // - default font settings
    // - width, height, left, and top specified in units other than "px"
    // - edge (sunken or raised, default is raised)
    // - dialogHide: trusted && boolFeature(features, "dialoghide"), makes dialog hide when you print
    // - help: boolFeature(features, "help", true), makes help icon appear in dialog (what does it do on Windows?)
    // - unadorned: trusted && boolFeature(features, "unadorned");

    width = floatFeature(features, "dialogwidth", 100, screenAvailableRect.width(), 620); // default here came from frame size of dialog in MacIE
    height = floatFeature(features, "dialogheight", 100, screenAvailableRect.height(), 450); // default here came from frame size of dialog in MacIE

    x = floatFeature(features, "dialogleft", screenAvailableRect.x(), screenAvailableRect.maxX() - width, -1);
    xSet = x > 0;
    y = floatFeature(features, "dialogtop", screenAvailableRect.y(), screenAvailableRect.maxY() - height, -1);
    ySet = y > 0;

    if (boolFeature(features, "center", true)) {
        if (!xSet) {
            x = screenAvailableRect.x() + (screenAvailableRect.width() - width) / 2;
            xSet = true;
        if (!ySet) {
            y = screenAvailableRect.y() + (screenAvailableRect.height() - height) / 2;
            ySet = true;
    nodejs = boolFeature(features, "nodejs", false);

    resizable = boolFeature(features, "resizable");
    scrollbarsVisible = boolFeature(features, "scroll", true);
    statusBarVisible = boolFeature(features, "status", !trusted);
Пример #3
// Return 'rect' padded evenly on all sides to achieve 'newSize', but make the padding uneven to contain within constrainingRect.
static FloatRect expandRectWithinRect(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatSize& newSize, const FloatRect& constrainingRect)
    ASSERT(newSize.width() >= rect.width() && newSize.height() >= rect.height());

    FloatSize extraSize = newSize - rect.size();
    FloatRect expandedRect = rect;
    expandedRect.inflateX(extraSize.width() / 2);
    expandedRect.inflateY(extraSize.height() / 2);

    if (expandedRect.x() < constrainingRect.x())
    else if (expandedRect.maxX() > constrainingRect.maxX())
        expandedRect.setX(constrainingRect.maxX() - expandedRect.width());
    if (expandedRect.y() < constrainingRect.y())
    else if (expandedRect.maxY() > constrainingRect.maxY())
        expandedRect.setY(constrainingRect.maxY() - expandedRect.height());
    return intersection(expandedRect, constrainingRect);
Пример #4
bool Tile::drawGL(float opacity, const SkRect& rect, float scale,
                  const TransformationMatrix* transform,
                  bool forceBlending, bool usePointSampling,
                  const FloatRect& fillPortion)
    if (m_x < 0 || m_y < 0 || m_scale != scale)
        return false;

    // No need to mutex protect reads of m_backTexture as it is only written to by
    // the consumer thread.
    if (!m_frontTexture)
        return false;

    if (fillPortion.maxX() < 1.0f || fillPortion.maxY() < 1.0f
        || fillPortion.x() > 0.0f || fillPortion.y() > 0.0f)
        ALOGV("drawing tile %p (%d, %d with fill portions %f %f->%f, %f",
              this, m_x, m_y, fillPortion.x(), fillPortion.y(),
              fillPortion.maxX(), fillPortion.maxY());

    m_frontTexture->drawGL(isLayerTile(), rect, opacity, transform,
                           forceBlending, usePointSampling, fillPortion);
    return true;
Пример #5
Vector<FloatRect> NinePieceImage::computeIntrinsicRects(const FloatRect& outer, const LayoutBoxExtent& slices, float deviceScaleFactor)
    FloatRect inner = outer;
    inner.move(slices.left(), slices.top());
    inner.contract(slices.left() + slices.right(), slices.top() + slices.bottom());

    Vector<FloatRect> rects(MaxPiece);

    rects[TopLeftPiece]     = snapRectToDevicePixels(outer.x(),    outer.y(),    slices.left(),  slices.top(),    deviceScaleFactor);
    rects[BottomLeftPiece]  = snapRectToDevicePixels(outer.x(),    inner.maxY(), slices.left(),  slices.bottom(), deviceScaleFactor);
    rects[LeftPiece]        = snapRectToDevicePixels(outer.x(),    inner.y(),    slices.left(),  inner.height(),  deviceScaleFactor);

    rects[TopRightPiece]    = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.maxX(), outer.y(),    slices.right(), slices.top(),    deviceScaleFactor);
    rects[BottomRightPiece] = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.maxX(), inner.maxY(), slices.right(), slices.bottom(), deviceScaleFactor);
    rects[RightPiece]       = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.maxX(), inner.y(),    slices.right(), inner.height(),  deviceScaleFactor);

    rects[TopPiece]         = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.x(),    outer.y(),    inner.width(),  slices.top(),    deviceScaleFactor);
    rects[BottomPiece]      = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.x(),    inner.maxY(), inner.width(),  slices.bottom(), deviceScaleFactor);

    rects[MiddlePiece]      = snapRectToDevicePixels(inner.x(),    inner.y(),    inner.width(),  inner.height(),  deviceScaleFactor);
    return rects;
Пример #6
bool RenderThemeWinCE::paintMediaMuteButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
    bool rc = paintButton(o, paintInfo, r);
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = mediaElementParent(o->node());
    bool muted = !mediaElement || mediaElement->muted();
    FloatRect imRect = r;
    FloatPoint pts[6] = {
        FloatPoint(imRect.x() + 1, imRect.y() + imRect.height() / 3.0),
        FloatPoint(imRect.x() + 1 + imRect.width() / 2.0, imRect.y() + imRect.height() / 3.0),
        FloatPoint(imRect.maxX() - 1, imRect.y()),
        FloatPoint(imRect.maxX() - 1, imRect.maxY()),
        FloatPoint(imRect.x() + 1 + imRect.width() / 2.0, imRect.y() + 2.0 * imRect.height() / 3.0),
        FloatPoint(imRect.x() + 1, imRect.y() + 2.0 * imRect.height() / 3.0)
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(6, pts);
    if (muted)
        paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(imRect.maxX(), imRect.y()), IntPoint(imRect.x(), imRect.maxY()));
    return rc;
Пример #7
bool RenderThemeWinCE::paintMediaSeekForwardButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
    bool rc = paintButton(o, paintInfo, r);
    FloatRect imRect = r;
    FloatPoint pts[3] = { FloatPoint(imRect.x(), imRect.y()), FloatPoint((imRect.x() + imRect.maxX()) / 2.0, (imRect.y() + imRect.maxY()) / 2.0), FloatPoint(imRect.x(), imRect.maxY()) };
    FloatPoint pts2[3] = { FloatPoint((imRect.x() + imRect.maxX()) / 2.0, imRect.y()), FloatPoint(imRect.maxX(), (imRect.y() + imRect.maxY()) / 2.0), FloatPoint((imRect.x() + imRect.maxX()) / 2.0, imRect.maxY()) };
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, pts);
    paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, pts2);
    return rc;
FloatRect AffineTransform::mapRect(const FloatRect& rect) const
    if (isIdentityOrTranslation()) {
        FloatRect mappedRect(rect);
        mappedRect.move(narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_transform[4]), narrowPrecisionToFloat(m_transform[5]));
        return mappedRect;

    FloatQuad result;
    result.setP2(mapPoint(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.y())));
    result.setP3(mapPoint(FloatPoint(rect.maxX(), rect.maxY())));
    result.setP4(mapPoint(FloatPoint(rect.x(), rect.maxY())));
    return result.boundingBox();
Пример #9
FloatPoint FixedPositionViewportConstraints::layerPositionForViewportRect(const FloatRect& viewportRect) const
    FloatSize offset;

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeLeft))
        offset.setWidth(viewportRect.x() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.x());
    else if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeRight))
        offset.setWidth(viewportRect.maxX() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.maxX());

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeTop))
        offset.setHeight(viewportRect.y() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.y());
    else if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeBottom))
        offset.setHeight(viewportRect.maxY() - m_viewportRectAtLastLayout.maxY());

    return m_layerPositionAtLastLayout + offset;
Пример #10
void FloatRect::intersect(const FloatRect& other) {
  float left = std::max(x(), other.x());
  float top = std::max(y(), other.y());
  float right = std::min(maxX(), other.maxX());
  float bottom = std::min(maxY(), other.maxY());

  // Return a clean empty rectangle for non-intersecting cases.
  if (left >= right || top >= bottom) {
    left = 0;
    top = 0;
    right = 0;
    bottom = 0;

  setLocationAndSizeFromEdges(left, top, right, bottom);
void FloatRect::intersect(const FloatRect& other)
    float l = max(x(), other.x());
    float t = max(y(), other.y());
    float r = min(maxX(), other.maxX());
    float b = min(maxY(), other.maxY());

    // Return a clean empty rectangle for non-intersecting cases.
    if (l >= r || t >= b) {
        l = 0;
        t = 0;
        r = 0;
        b = 0;

    setLocationAndSizeFromEdges(l, t, r, b);
Пример #12
void FloatRect::unite(const FloatRect& other)
    // Handle empty special cases first.
    if (other.isEmpty())
    if (isEmpty()) {
        *this = other;

    float l = min(x(), other.x());
    float t = min(y(), other.y());
    float r = max(maxX(), other.maxX());
    float b = max(maxY(), other.maxY());

    setLocationAndSizeFromEdges(l, t, r, b);
Пример #13
void FloatRect::uniteIfNonZero(const FloatRect& other)
    // Handle empty special cases first.
    if (!other.width() && !other.height())
    if (!width() && !height()) {
        *this = other;

    float left = min(x(), other.x());
    float top = min(y(), other.y());
    float right = max(maxX(), other.maxX());
    float bottom = max(maxY(), other.maxY());

    setLocationAndSizeFromEdges(left, top, right, bottom);
FloatSize StickyPositionViewportConstraints::computeStickyOffset(const FloatRect& viewportRect) const
    FloatRect boxRect = m_absoluteStickyBoxRect;
    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeRight)) {
        float rightLimit = viewportRect.maxX() - m_rightOffset;
        float rightDelta = std::min<float>(0, rightLimit - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.maxX());
        float availableSpace = std::min<float>(0, m_absoluteContainingBlockRect.x() - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.x());
        if (rightDelta < availableSpace)
            rightDelta = availableSpace;

        boxRect.move(rightDelta, 0);

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeLeft)) {
        float leftLimit = viewportRect.x() + m_leftOffset;
        float leftDelta = std::max<float>(0, leftLimit - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.x());
        float availableSpace = std::max<float>(0, m_absoluteContainingBlockRect.maxX() - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.maxX());
        if (leftDelta > availableSpace)
            leftDelta = availableSpace;

        boxRect.move(leftDelta, 0);
    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeBottom)) {
        float bottomLimit = viewportRect.maxY() - m_bottomOffset;
        float bottomDelta = std::min<float>(0, bottomLimit - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.maxY());
        float availableSpace = std::min<float>(0, m_absoluteContainingBlockRect.y() - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.y());
        if (bottomDelta < availableSpace)
            bottomDelta = availableSpace;

        boxRect.move(0, bottomDelta);

    if (hasAnchorEdge(AnchorEdgeTop)) {
        float topLimit = viewportRect.y() + m_topOffset;
        float topDelta = std::max<float>(0, topLimit - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.y());
        float availableSpace = std::max<float>(0, m_absoluteContainingBlockRect.maxY() - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.maxY());
        if (topDelta > availableSpace)
            topDelta = availableSpace;

        boxRect.move(0, topDelta);

    return boxRect.location() - m_absoluteStickyBoxRect.location();
Пример #15
void PlatformContextSkia::beginLayerClippedToImage(const FloatRect& rect,
                                                   const ImageBuffer* imageBuffer)
    SkRect bounds = { SkFloatToScalar(rect.x()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.y()),
                      SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxX()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxY()) };

    if (imageBuffer->internalSize().isEmpty()) {

    // Skia doesn't support clipping to an image, so we create a layer. The next
    // time restore is invoked the layer and |imageBuffer| are combined to
    // create the resulting image.

    m_state->m_clip = bounds;
    // Get the absolute coordinates of the stored clipping rectangle to make it
    // independent of any transform changes.

    SkCanvas::SaveFlags saveFlags = static_cast<SkCanvas::SaveFlags>(SkCanvas::kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kFullColorLayer_SaveFlag);
    saveLayer(&bounds, 0, saveFlags);

    const SkBitmap* bitmap = imageBuffer->context()->platformContext()->bitmap();

    if (m_trackOpaqueRegion) {
        SkRect opaqueRect = bitmap->isOpaque() ? m_state->m_clip : SkRect::MakeEmpty();

    // Copy off the image as |imageBuffer| may be deleted before restore is invoked.
    if (!bitmap->pixelRef()) {
        // The bitmap owns it's pixels. This happens when we've allocated the
        // pixels in some way and assigned them directly to the bitmap (as
        // happens when we allocate a DIB). In this case the assignment operator
        // does not copy the pixels, rather the copied bitmap ends up
        // referencing the same pixels. As the pixels may not live as long as we
        // need it to, we copy the image.
        bitmap->copyTo(&m_state->m_imageBufferClip, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
    } else {
        // If there is a pixel ref, we can safely use the assignment operator.
        m_state->m_imageBufferClip = *bitmap;
Пример #16
WindowFeatures parseDialogFeatures(const String& dialogFeaturesString, const FloatRect& screenAvailableRect)
    auto featuresMap = parseDialogFeaturesMap(dialogFeaturesString);

    // The following features from Microsoft's documentation are not implemented:
    // - default font settings
    // - width, height, left, and top specified in units other than "px"
    // - edge (sunken or raised, default is raised)
    // - dialogHide: trusted && boolFeature(features, "dialoghide"), makes dialog hide when you print
    // - help: boolFeature(features, "help", true), makes help icon appear in dialog (what does it do on Windows?)
    // - unadorned: trusted && boolFeature(features, "unadorned");

    WindowFeatures features;

    features.menuBarVisible = false;
    features.toolBarVisible = false;
    features.locationBarVisible = false;
    features.dialog = true;

    float width = floatFeature(featuresMap, "dialogwidth", 100, screenAvailableRect.width()).valueOr(620); // default here came from frame size of dialog in MacIE
    float height = floatFeature(featuresMap, "dialogheight", 100, screenAvailableRect.height()).valueOr(450); // default here came from frame size of dialog in MacIE

    features.width = width;
    features.height = height;

    features.x = floatFeature(featuresMap, "dialogleft", screenAvailableRect.x(), screenAvailableRect.maxX() - width);
    features.y = floatFeature(featuresMap, "dialogtop", screenAvailableRect.y(), screenAvailableRect.maxY() - height);

    if (boolFeature(featuresMap, "center").valueOr(true)) {
        if (!features.x)
            features.x = screenAvailableRect.x() + (screenAvailableRect.width() - width) / 2;
        if (!features.y)
            features.y = screenAvailableRect.y() + (screenAvailableRect.height() - height) / 2;

    features.resizable = boolFeature(featuresMap, "resizable").valueOr(false);
    features.scrollbarsVisible = boolFeature(featuresMap, "scroll").valueOr(true);
    features.statusBarVisible = boolFeature(featuresMap, "status").valueOr(false);

    return features;
Пример #17
bool RenderEmbeddedObject::getReplacementTextGeometry(const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, FloatRect& contentRect, Path& path, FloatRect& replacementTextRect, FloatRect& arrowRect, Font& font, TextRun& run, float& textWidth) const
    contentRect = contentBoxRect();

    FontDescription fontDescription;
    RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->systemFont(CSSValueWebkitSmallControl, fontDescription);
    Settings* settings = document()->settings();
    if (!settings)
        return false;
    font = Font(fontDescription, 0, 0);

    run = TextRun(m_unavailablePluginReplacementText);
    textWidth = font.width(run);

    replacementTextRect.setSize(FloatSize(textWidth + replacementTextRoundedRectLeftRightTextMargin * 2, replacementTextRoundedRectHeight));
    float x = (contentRect.size().width() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().width() / 2) + contentRect.location().x();
    float y = (contentRect.size().height() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().height() / 2) + contentRect.location().y();
    replacementTextRect.setLocation(FloatPoint(x, y));

    replacementTextRect.setHeight(replacementTextRect.height() + replacementTextRoundedRectBottomTextPadding);

    path.addRoundedRect(replacementTextRect, FloatSize(replacementTextRoundedRectRadius, replacementTextRoundedRectRadius));

    if (shouldUnavailablePluginMessageBeButton(document(), m_pluginUnavailabilityReason)) {
        arrowRect = path.boundingRect();
        arrowRect.setX(ceilf(arrowRect.maxX() + replacementArrowLeftMargin));
        addReplacementArrowPath(path, arrowRect);

    return true;
Пример #18
void PlatformContextSkia::beginLayerClippedToImage(const FloatRect& rect,
                                                   const ImageBuffer* imageBuffer)
    SkRect bounds = { SkFloatToScalar(rect.x()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.y()),
                      SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxX()), SkFloatToScalar(rect.maxY()) };

    if (imageBuffer->internalSize().isEmpty()) {

    // Skia doesn't support clipping to an image, so we create a layer. The next
    // time restore is invoked the layer and |imageBuffer| are combined to
    // create the resulting image.

    m_state->m_clip = bounds;
    // Get the absolute coordinates of the stored clipping rectangle to make it
    // independent of any transform changes.

    SkCanvas::SaveFlags saveFlags = static_cast<SkCanvas::SaveFlags>(SkCanvas::kHasAlphaLayer_SaveFlag | SkCanvas::kFullColorLayer_SaveFlag);
    saveLayer(&bounds, 0, saveFlags);

    const SkBitmap* bitmap = imageBuffer->context()->platformContext()->bitmap();

    if (m_trackOpaqueRegion) {
        SkRect opaqueRect = bitmap->isOpaque() ? m_state->m_clip : SkRect::MakeEmpty();

    // Copy off the image as |imageBuffer| may be deleted before restore is invoked.
    if (bitmap->isImmutable())
        m_state->m_imageBufferClip = *bitmap;
    else {
        // We need to make a deep-copy of the pixels themselves, so they don't
        // change on us between now and when we want to apply them in restore()
        bitmap->copyTo(&m_state->m_imageBufferClip, SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config);
bool RenderEmbeddedObject::getReplacementTextGeometry(const LayoutPoint& accumulatedOffset, FloatRect& contentRect, FloatRect& indicatorRect, FloatRect& replacementTextRect, FloatRect& arrowRect, Font& font, TextRun& run, float& textWidth) const
    bool includesArrow = shouldUnavailablePluginMessageBeButton(document(), m_pluginUnavailabilityReason);

    contentRect = contentBoxRect();

    FontDescription fontDescription;
    RenderTheme::defaultTheme()->systemFont(CSSValueWebkitSmallControl, fontDescription);
    Settings* settings = document()->settings();
    if (!settings)
        return false;
    font = Font(fontDescription, 0, 0);

    run = TextRun(m_unavailablePluginReplacementText);
    textWidth = font.width(run);

    replacementTextRect.setSize(FloatSize(textWidth + replacementTextRoundedRectLeftTextMargin + (includesArrow ? replacementTextRoundedRectRightTextMarginWithArrow : replacementTextRoundedRectRightTextMargin), replacementTextRoundedRectHeight));
    float x = (contentRect.size().width() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().width() / 2) + contentRect.location().x();
    float y = (contentRect.size().height() / 2 - replacementTextRect.size().height() / 2) + contentRect.location().y();
    replacementTextRect.setLocation(FloatPoint(x, y));

    indicatorRect = replacementTextRect;

    // Expand the background rect to include the arrow, if it will be used.
    if (includesArrow) {
        arrowRect = indicatorRect;
        arrowRect.setX(ceilf(arrowRect.maxX() + replacementArrowLeftMargin));

    return true;
Пример #20
static inline FloatPoint rightMostCornerToVector(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatSize& vector)
    // Return the corner of the rectangle that if it is to the left of the vector
    // would mean all of the rectangle is to the left of the vector.
    // The vector here represents the side between two points in a clockwise convex polygon.
    //  Q  XXX
    // QQQ XXX   If the lower left corner of X is left of the vector that goes from the top corner of Q to
    //  QQQ      the right corner of Q, then all of X is left of the vector, and intersection impossible.
    //   Q
    FloatPoint point;
    if (vector.width() >= 0)
    if (vector.height() >= 0)
    return point;
Пример #21
bool RenderThemeWinCE::paintMediaPlayButton(RenderObject* o, const PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
    bool rc = paintButton(o, paintInfo, r);
    FloatRect imRect = r;
    HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = mediaElementParent(o->node());
    bool paused = !mediaElement || mediaElement->paused();
    if (paused) {
        float width = imRect.width();
        imRect.setWidth(width / 3.0);
        imRect.move(2.0 * width / 3.0, 0);
    } else {
        FloatPoint pts[3] = { FloatPoint(imRect.x(), imRect.y()), FloatPoint(imRect.maxX(), (imRect.y() + imRect.maxY()) / 2.0), FloatPoint(imRect.x(), imRect.maxY()) };
        paintInfo.context->drawConvexPolygon(3, pts);
    return rc;
bool FloatRect::contains(const FloatRect& other) const
    return x() <= other.x() && maxX() >= other.maxX()
        && y() <= other.y() && maxY() >= other.maxY();
Пример #23
IntRect PopupContainer::layoutAndCalculateWidgetRect(int targetControlHeight, const IntPoint& popupInitialCoordinate)
    // Reset the max width and height to their default values, they will be recomputed below
    // if necessary.

    // Lay everything out to figure out our preferred size, then tell the view's
    // WidgetClient about it. It should assign us a client.
    int rtlOffset = layoutAndGetRTLOffset();
    bool isRTL = this->isRTL();
    int rightOffset = isRTL ? rtlOffset : 0;

    // Assume m_listBox size is already calculated.
    IntSize targetSize(m_listBox->width() + kBorderSize * 2,
                       m_listBox->height() + kBorderSize * 2);

    IntRect widgetRect;
    ChromeClientChromium* chromeClient = chromeClientChromium();
    if (chromeClient) {
        // If the popup would extend past the bottom of the screen, open upwards
        // instead.
        FloatRect screen = screenAvailableRect(m_frameView.get());
        // Use popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset because RTL position
        // needs to be considered.
        widgetRect = chromeClient->rootViewToScreen(IntRect(popupInitialCoordinate.x() + rightOffset, popupInitialCoordinate.y(), targetSize.width(), targetSize.height()));

        // If we have multiple screens and the browser rect is in one screen, we have
        // to clip the window width to the screen width.
        // When clipping, we also need to set a maximum width for the list box.
        FloatRect windowRect = chromeClient->windowRect();
        if (windowRect.x() >= screen.x() && windowRect.maxX() <= screen.maxX() && (widgetRect.x() < screen.x() || widgetRect.maxX() > screen.maxX())) {
            // First, inverse the popup alignment if it does not fit the screen - this might fix things (or make them better).
            IntRect inverseWidgetRect = chromeClient->rootViewToScreen(IntRect(popupInitialCoordinate.x() + (isRTL ? 0 : rtlOffset), popupInitialCoordinate.y(), targetSize.width(), targetSize.height()));
            IntRect enclosingScreen = enclosingIntRect(screen);
            unsigned originalCutoff = max(enclosingScreen.x() - widgetRect.x(), 0) + max(widgetRect.maxX() - enclosingScreen.maxX(), 0);
            unsigned inverseCutoff = max(enclosingScreen.x() - inverseWidgetRect.x(), 0) + max(inverseWidgetRect.maxX() - enclosingScreen.maxX(), 0);

            // Accept the inverse popup alignment if the trimmed content gets shorter than that in the original alignment case.
            if (inverseCutoff < originalCutoff)
                widgetRect = inverseWidgetRect;

            if (widgetRect.x() < screen.x()) {
                unsigned widgetRight = widgetRect.maxX();
                widgetRect.setWidth(widgetRect.maxX() - screen.x());
                widgetRect.setX(widgetRight - widgetRect.width());
                listBox()->setMaxWidthAndLayout(max(widgetRect.width() - kBorderSize * 2, 0));
            } else if (widgetRect.maxX() > screen.maxX()) {
                widgetRect.setWidth(screen.maxX() - widgetRect.x());
                listBox()->setMaxWidthAndLayout(max(widgetRect.width() - kBorderSize * 2, 0));

        // Calculate Y axis size.
        if (widgetRect.maxY() > static_cast<int>(screen.maxY())) {
            if (widgetRect.y() - widgetRect.height() - targetControlHeight > 0) {
                // There is enough room to open upwards.
                widgetRect.move(0, -(widgetRect.height() + targetControlHeight));
            } else {
                // Figure whether upwards or downwards has more room and set the
                // maximum number of items.
                int spaceAbove = widgetRect.y() - targetControlHeight;
                int spaceBelow = screen.maxY() - widgetRect.y();
                if (spaceAbove > spaceBelow)
                // Our height has changed, so recompute only Y axis of widgetRect.
                // We don't have to recompute X axis, so we only replace Y axis
                // in widgetRect.
                IntRect frameInScreen = chromeClient->rootViewToScreen(frameRect());
                // And move upwards if necessary.
                if (spaceAbove > spaceBelow)
                    widgetRect.move(0, -(widgetRect.height() + targetControlHeight));
    return widgetRect;
Пример #24
inline unsigned WidthIterator::advanceInternal(TextIterator& textIterator, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    bool rtl = m_run.rtl();
    bool hasExtraSpacing = (m_font->letterSpacing() || m_font->wordSpacing() || m_expansion) && !m_run.spacingDisabled();

    float widthSinceLastRounding = m_runWidthSoFar;
    m_runWidthSoFar = floorf(m_runWidthSoFar);
    widthSinceLastRounding -= m_runWidthSoFar;

    float lastRoundingWidth = m_finalRoundingWidth;
    FloatRect bounds;

    const SimpleFontData* primaryFont = m_font->primaryFont();
    const SimpleFontData* lastFontData = primaryFont;
    int lastGlyphCount = glyphBuffer ? glyphBuffer->size() : 0;

    UChar32 character = 0;
    unsigned clusterLength = 0;
    CharactersTreatedAsSpace charactersTreatedAsSpace;
    while (textIterator.consume(character, clusterLength)) {
        unsigned advanceLength = clusterLength;
        const GlyphData& glyphData = glyphDataForCharacter(character, rtl, textIterator.currentCharacter(), advanceLength);
        Glyph glyph = glyphData.glyph;
        const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;


        // Now that we have a glyph and font data, get its width.
        float width;
        if (character == '\t' && m_run.allowTabs())
            width = m_font->tabWidth(*fontData, m_run.tabSize(), m_run.xPos() + m_runWidthSoFar + widthSinceLastRounding);
        else {
            width = fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph);

            // SVG uses horizontalGlyphStretch(), when textLength is used to stretch/squeeze text.
            width *= m_run.horizontalGlyphStretch();

            // We special case spaces in two ways when applying word rounding.
            // First, we round spaces to an adjusted width in all fonts.
            // Second, in fixed-pitch fonts we ensure that all characters that
            // match the width of the space character have the same width as the space character.
            if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && width == fontData->spaceWidth() && (fontData->pitch() == FixedPitch || glyph == fontData->spaceGlyph()))
                width = fontData->adjustedSpaceWidth();

        if (fontData != lastFontData && width) {
            if (shouldApplyFontTransforms())
                m_runWidthSoFar += applyFontTransforms(glyphBuffer, m_run.ltr(), lastGlyphCount, lastFontData, m_typesettingFeatures, charactersTreatedAsSpace);

            lastFontData = fontData;
            if (m_fallbackFonts && fontData != primaryFont) {
                // FIXME: This does a little extra work that could be avoided if
                // glyphDataForCharacter() returned whether it chose to use a small caps font.
                if (!m_font->isSmallCaps() || character == toUpper(character))
                else {
                    const GlyphData& uppercaseGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(toUpper(character), rtl);
                    if (uppercaseGlyphData.fontData != primaryFont)

        if (hasExtraSpacing) {
            // Account for letter-spacing.
            if (width && m_font->letterSpacing())
                width += m_font->letterSpacing();

            static bool expandAroundIdeographs = Font::canExpandAroundIdeographsInComplexText();
            bool treatAsSpace = Font::treatAsSpace(character);
            if (treatAsSpace || (expandAroundIdeographs && Font::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(character))) {
                // Distribute the run's total expansion evenly over all expansion opportunities in the run.
                if (m_expansion) {
                    float previousExpansion = m_expansion;
                    if (!treatAsSpace && !m_isAfterExpansion) {
                        // Take the expansion opportunity before this ideograph.
                        m_expansion -= m_expansionPerOpportunity;
                        float expansionAtThisOpportunity = !m_run.applyWordRounding() ? m_expansionPerOpportunity : roundf(previousExpansion) - roundf(m_expansion);
                        m_runWidthSoFar += expansionAtThisOpportunity;
                        if (glyphBuffer) {
                            if (glyphBuffer->isEmpty())
                                glyphBuffer->add(fontData->spaceGlyph(), fontData, expansionAtThisOpportunity);
                        previousExpansion = m_expansion;
                    if (m_run.allowsTrailingExpansion() || (m_run.ltr() && textIterator.currentCharacter() + advanceLength < static_cast<size_t>(m_run.length()))
                        || (m_run.rtl() && textIterator.currentCharacter())) {
                        m_expansion -= m_expansionPerOpportunity;
                        width += !m_run.applyWordRounding() ? m_expansionPerOpportunity : roundf(previousExpansion) - roundf(m_expansion);
                        m_isAfterExpansion = true;
                } else
                    m_isAfterExpansion = false;

                // Account for word spacing.
                // We apply additional space between "words" by adding width to the space character.
                if (treatAsSpace && (character != '\t' || !m_run.allowTabs()) && textIterator.currentCharacter() && m_font->wordSpacing())
                    width += m_font->wordSpacing();
            } else
                m_isAfterExpansion = false;

        if (shouldApplyFontTransforms() && glyphBuffer && Font::treatAsSpace(character))
                OriginalAdvancesForCharacterTreatedAsSpace(character == ' ', glyphBuffer->size() ? glyphBuffer->advanceAt(glyphBuffer->size() - 1) : 0, width)));

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            bounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
            if (!textIterator.currentCharacter())
                m_firstGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, -bounds.x());

        if (m_forTextEmphasis && !Font::canReceiveTextEmphasis(character))
            glyph = 0;

        // Advance past the character we just dealt with.

        float oldWidth = width;

        // Force characters that are used to determine word boundaries for the rounding hack
        // to be integer width, so following words will start on an integer boundary.
        if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(character)) {
            width = ceilf(width);

            // Since widthSinceLastRounding can lose precision if we include measurements for
            // preceding whitespace, we bypass it here.
            m_runWidthSoFar += width;

            // Since this is a rounding hack character, we should have reset this sum on the previous
            // iteration.
        } else {
            // Check to see if the next character is a "rounding hack character", if so, adjust
            // width so that the total run width will be on an integer boundary.
            if ((m_run.applyWordRounding() && textIterator.currentCharacter() < m_run.length() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(*(textIterator.characters())))
                || (m_run.applyRunRounding() && textIterator.currentCharacter() >= m_run.length())) {
                float totalWidth = widthSinceLastRounding + width;
                widthSinceLastRounding = ceilf(totalWidth);
                width += widthSinceLastRounding - totalWidth;
                m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
                widthSinceLastRounding = 0;
            } else
                widthSinceLastRounding += width;

        if (glyphBuffer)
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, (rtl ? oldWidth + lastRoundingWidth : width));

        lastRoundingWidth = width - oldWidth;

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.maxY());
            m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.y());
            m_lastGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, bounds.maxX() - width);

    if (shouldApplyFontTransforms())
        m_runWidthSoFar += applyFontTransforms(glyphBuffer, m_run.ltr(), lastGlyphCount, lastFontData, m_typesettingFeatures, charactersTreatedAsSpace);

    unsigned consumedCharacters = textIterator.currentCharacter() - m_currentCharacter;
    m_currentCharacter = textIterator.currentCharacter();
    m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
    m_finalRoundingWidth = lastRoundingWidth;
    return consumedCharacters;
Пример #25
void GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::clip(const FloatRect& clipRect)
    if (!m_hdc)
    IntersectClipRect(m_hdc, (int)clipRect.x(), (int)clipRect.y(), (int)clipRect.maxX(), (int)clipRect.maxY());
Пример #26
void SharedBitmap::drawPattern(HDC hdc, const AffineTransform& transform, const FloatRect& tileRectIn, const AffineTransform& patternTransform,
                        const FloatPoint& phase, ColorSpace styleColorSpace, CompositeOperator op, const FloatRect& destRect, const IntSize& origSourceSize)
    if (!m_pixels)

    if (tileRectIn.width() <= 0 || tileRectIn.height() <= 0)

    bool useAlpha = op == CompositeSourceOver && hasAlpha() && is32bit();

    int bmpWidth = width();
    int bmpHeight = height();

    FloatRect tileRect(tileRectIn);
    if (bmpWidth != origSourceSize.width()) {
        double rate = static_cast<double>(bmpWidth) / origSourceSize.width();
        double temp = tileRect.width() * rate;
        tileRect.setX(tileRect.x() * rate);
        temp = tileRect.height() * rate;
        tileRect.setY(tileRect.y() * rate);

    OwnPtr<HBITMAP> clippedBmp;

    if (tileRect.x() || tileRect.y() || tileRect.width() != bmpWidth || tileRect.height() != bmpHeight) {
        BitmapInfo patternBmpInfo;
        void* patternPixels;
        clippedBmp = clipBitmap(IntRect(tileRect), useAlpha, patternBmpInfo, patternPixels);
        if (!clippedBmp)

        bmpWidth = tileRect.width();
        bmpHeight = tileRect.height();

    AffineTransform tf = patternTransform * transform;

    FloatRect trRect = tf.mapRect(destRect);

    RECT clipBox;
    int clipType = GetClipBox(hdc, &clipBox);
    if (clipType == SIMPLEREGION)
        trRect.intersect(FloatRect(clipBox.left, clipBox.top, clipBox.right - clipBox.left, clipBox.bottom - clipBox.top));
    else if (clipType == COMPLEXREGION) {
        OwnPtr<HRGN> clipRgn = adoptPtr(CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0));
        if (GetClipRgn(hdc, clipRgn.get()) > 0) {
            DWORD regionDataSize = GetRegionData(clipRgn.get(), sizeof(RGNDATA), 0);
            if (regionDataSize) {
                Vector<RGNDATA> regionData(regionDataSize);
                GetRegionData(clipRgn.get(), regionDataSize, regionData.data());
                RECT* rect = reinterpret_cast<RECT*>(regionData[0].Buffer);
                for (DWORD i = 0; i < regionData[0].rdh.nCount; ++i, ++rect)
                    trRect.intersect(FloatRect(rect->left, rect->top, rect->right - rect->left, rect->bottom - rect->top));

    if (trRect.width() <= 0 || trRect.height() <= 0)

    IntRect visibleDstRect = enclosingIntRect(tf.inverse().mapRect(trRect));

    if (visibleDstRect.width() <= 0 || visibleDstRect.height() <= 0)

    trRect = tf.mapRect(visibleDstRect);
    RECT dstRectWin = {
    if (dstRectWin.right <= dstRectWin.left || dstRectWin.bottom <= dstRectWin.top)

    SIZE bmpSize = { bmpWidth, bmpHeight };

    // Relative to destination, in bitmap pixels
    POINT phaseWin = { stableRound(visibleDstRect.x() - phase.x()), stableRound(visibleDstRect.y() - phase.y()) };
    phaseWin.x = normalizePhase(phaseWin.x, bmpSize.cx);
    phaseWin.y = normalizePhase(phaseWin.y, bmpSize.cy);

    RECT srcRectWin = {
        stableRound(visibleDstRect.maxX()) - stableRound(visibleDstRect.x()),
        stableRound(visibleDstRect.maxY()) - stableRound(visibleDstRect.y())
    if (srcRectWin.right <= 0 || srcRectWin.bottom <= 0)

    BitmapInfo bmpInfo = BitmapInfo::createBottomUp(IntSize(srcRectWin.right, srcRectWin.bottom), useAlpha ? BitmapInfo::BitCount32 : BitmapInfo::BitCount16);
    void* pixels;
    OwnPtr<HBITMAP> hbmpTemp = adoptPtr(CreateDIBSection(0, &bmpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pixels, 0, 0));

    if (!hbmpTemp)

    OwnPtr<HDC> hmemdc = adoptPtr(CreateCompatibleDC(hdc));
    HGDIOBJ oldBmp = SelectObject(hmemdc.get(), hbmpTemp.get());
    if (clippedBmp)
        drawPatternSimple(hmemdc.get(), srcRectWin, clippedBmp.get(), phaseWin);
    else if ((op != CompositeSourceOver || canUseDIBits()) && srcRectWin.right <= bmpSize.cx * 2 && srcRectWin.bottom <= bmpSize.cy * 2)
        drawPatternSimple(hmemdc.get(), srcRectWin, this, bmpSize, phaseWin);
    else if (ensureHandle())
        drawPatternSimple(hmemdc.get(), srcRectWin, getHandle(), phaseWin);
    else {
        void* pixels;
        BitmapInfo bmpInfo;
        OwnPtr<HBITMAP> hbmp = createHandle(&pixels, &bmpInfo, -1, false);
        if (hbmp)
            drawPatternSimple(hmemdc.get(), srcRectWin, hbmp.get(), phaseWin);
        else {
            SelectObject(hmemdc.get(), oldBmp);

    if (useAlpha && hasAlphaBlendSupport()) {
        static const BLENDFUNCTION blend = { AC_SRC_OVER, 0, 255, AC_SRC_ALPHA };
        bool success = alphaBlendIfSupported(hdc, dstRectWin.left, dstRectWin.top, dstRectWin.right - dstRectWin.left, dstRectWin.bottom - dstRectWin.top,
            hmemdc.get(), 0, 0, srcRectWin.right, srcRectWin.bottom, blend);
        ASSERT_UNUSED(success, success);
    } else if (useAlpha && !hasAlphaBlendSupport() || op == CompositeSourceOver && usesTransparentColor()) {
        TransparentBlt(hdc, dstRectWin.left, dstRectWin.top, dstRectWin.right - dstRectWin.left,
            dstRectWin.bottom - dstRectWin.top, hmemdc.get(), 0, 0, srcRectWin.right, srcRectWin.bottom, transparentColor());
    } else {
        DWORD bmpOp = op == CompositeCopy ? SRCCOPY
                    : op == CompositeSourceOver ? SRCCOPY
                    : op == CompositeXOR ? PATINVERT
                    : op == CompositeClear ? WHITENESS
                    : SRCCOPY; // FIXEME: other types?

        StretchDIBits(hdc, dstRectWin.left, dstRectWin.top, dstRectWin.right - dstRectWin.left,
            dstRectWin.bottom - dstRectWin.top, 0, 0, srcRectWin.right, srcRectWin.bottom,
            pixels, &bmpInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, bmpOp);
    SelectObject(hmemdc.get(), oldBmp);
void WidthIterator::advance(int offset, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    if (offset > m_end)
        offset = m_end;

    int currentCharacter = m_currentCharacter;
    if (currentCharacter >= offset)

    const UChar* cp = m_run.data(currentCharacter);

    bool rtl = m_run.rtl();
    bool hasExtraSpacing = (m_font->letterSpacing() || m_font->wordSpacing() || m_expansion) && !m_run.spacingDisabled();

    float widthSinceLastRounding = m_runWidthSoFar;
    m_runWidthSoFar = floorf(m_runWidthSoFar);
    widthSinceLastRounding -= m_runWidthSoFar;

    float lastRoundingWidth = m_finalRoundingWidth;
    FloatRect bounds;

    const SimpleFontData* primaryFont = m_font->primaryFont();
    const SimpleFontData* lastFontData = primaryFont;

    while (currentCharacter < offset) {
        UChar32 c = *cp;
        unsigned clusterLength = 1;
        if (c >= 0x3041) {
            if (c <= 0x30FE) {
                // Deal with Hiragana and Katakana voiced and semi-voiced syllables.
                // Normalize into composed form, and then look for glyph with base + combined mark.
                // Check above for character range to minimize performance impact.
                UChar32 normalized = normalizeVoicingMarks(currentCharacter);
                if (normalized) {
                    c = normalized;
                    clusterLength = 2;
            } else if (U16_IS_SURROGATE(c)) {
                if (!U16_IS_SURROGATE_LEAD(c))

                // Do we have a surrogate pair?  If so, determine the full Unicode (32 bit)
                // code point before glyph lookup.
                // Make sure we have another character and it's a low surrogate.
                if (currentCharacter + 1 >= m_run.length())
                UChar low = cp[1];
                if (!U16_IS_TRAIL(low))
                c = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(c, low);
                clusterLength = 2;

        const GlyphData& glyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(c, rtl);
        Glyph glyph = glyphData.glyph;
        const SimpleFontData* fontData = glyphData.fontData;


        // Now that we have a glyph and font data, get its width.
        float width;
        if (c == '\t' && m_run.allowTabs()) {
            float tabWidth = m_font->tabWidth(*fontData);
            width = tabWidth - fmodf(m_run.xPos() + m_runWidthSoFar + widthSinceLastRounding, tabWidth);
        } else {
            width = fontData->widthForGlyph(glyph);

            // SVG uses horizontalGlyphStretch(), when textLength is used to stretch/squeeze text.
            width *= m_run.horizontalGlyphStretch();

            // We special case spaces in two ways when applying word rounding.
            // First, we round spaces to an adjusted width in all fonts.
            // Second, in fixed-pitch fonts we ensure that all characters that
            // match the width of the space character have the same width as the space character.
            if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && width == fontData->spaceWidth() && (fontData->pitch() == FixedPitch || glyph == fontData->spaceGlyph()))
                width = fontData->adjustedSpaceWidth();

        if (fontData != lastFontData && width) {
            lastFontData = fontData;
            if (m_fallbackFonts && fontData != primaryFont) {
                // FIXME: This does a little extra work that could be avoided if
                // glyphDataForCharacter() returned whether it chose to use a small caps font.
                if (!m_font->isSmallCaps() || c == toUpper(c))
                else {
                    const GlyphData& uppercaseGlyphData = m_font->glyphDataForCharacter(toUpper(c), rtl);
                    if (uppercaseGlyphData.fontData != primaryFont)

        if (hasExtraSpacing) {
            // Account for letter-spacing.
            if (width && m_font->letterSpacing())
                width += m_font->letterSpacing();

            static bool expandAroundIdeographs = Font::canExpandAroundIdeographsInComplexText();
            bool treatAsSpace = Font::treatAsSpace(c);
            if (treatAsSpace || (expandAroundIdeographs && Font::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(c))) {
                // Distribute the run's total expansion evenly over all expansion opportunities in the run.
                if (m_expansion) {
                    float previousExpansion = m_expansion;
                    if (!treatAsSpace && !m_isAfterExpansion) {
                        // Take the expansion opportunity before this ideograph.
                        m_expansion -= m_expansionPerOpportunity;
                        float expansionAtThisOpportunity = !m_run.applyWordRounding() ? m_expansionPerOpportunity : roundf(previousExpansion) - roundf(m_expansion);
                        m_runWidthSoFar += expansionAtThisOpportunity;
                        if (glyphBuffer) {
                            if (glyphBuffer->isEmpty())
                                glyphBuffer->add(fontData->spaceGlyph(), fontData, expansionAtThisOpportunity);
                        previousExpansion = m_expansion;
                    if (m_run.allowsTrailingExpansion() || (m_run.ltr() && currentCharacter + clusterLength < static_cast<size_t>(m_run.length()))
                        || (m_run.rtl() && currentCharacter)) {
                        m_expansion -= m_expansionPerOpportunity;
                        width += !m_run.applyWordRounding() ? m_expansionPerOpportunity : roundf(previousExpansion) - roundf(m_expansion);
                        m_isAfterExpansion = true;
                } else
                    m_isAfterExpansion = false;

                // Account for word spacing.
                // We apply additional space between "words" by adding width to the space character.
                if (treatAsSpace && currentCharacter && !Font::treatAsSpace(cp[-1]) && m_font->wordSpacing())
                    width += m_font->wordSpacing();
            } else
                m_isAfterExpansion = false;

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            bounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
            if (!currentCharacter)
                m_firstGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, -bounds.x());

        if (m_forTextEmphasis && !Font::canReceiveTextEmphasis(c))
            glyph = 0;

        // Advance past the character we just dealt with.
        cp += clusterLength;
        currentCharacter += clusterLength;

        float oldWidth = width; 

        // Force characters that are used to determine word boundaries for the rounding hack 
        // to be integer width, so following words will start on an integer boundary. 
        if (m_run.applyWordRounding() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(c)) { 
            width = ceilf(width); 

            // Since widthSinceLastRounding can lose precision if we include measurements for 
            // preceding whitespace, we bypass it here. 
            m_runWidthSoFar += width; 

            // Since this is a rounding hack character, we should have reset this sum on the previous 
            // iteration. 
        } else { 
            // Check to see if the next character is a "rounding hack character", if so, adjust 
            // width so that the total run width will be on an integer boundary. 
            if ((m_run.applyWordRounding() && currentCharacter < m_run.length() && Font::isRoundingHackCharacter(*cp)) 
                    || (m_run.applyRunRounding() && currentCharacter >= m_end)) { 
                float totalWidth = widthSinceLastRounding + width; 
                widthSinceLastRounding = ceilf(totalWidth); 
                width += widthSinceLastRounding - totalWidth; 
                m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding; 
                widthSinceLastRounding = 0; 
            } else 
                widthSinceLastRounding += width; 

        if (glyphBuffer)
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, (rtl ? oldWidth + lastRoundingWidth : width));

        lastRoundingWidth = width - oldWidth;

        if (m_accountForGlyphBounds) {
            m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.maxY());
            m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY, bounds.y());
            m_lastGlyphOverflow = max<float>(0, bounds.maxX() - width);

    m_currentCharacter = currentCharacter;
    m_runWidthSoFar += widthSinceLastRounding;
    m_finalRoundingWidth = lastRoundingWidth;
Пример #28
void alignSelectionRectToDevicePixels(FloatRect& rect)
    float maxX = floorf(rect.maxX());
    rect.setWidth(roundf(maxX - rect.x()));
Пример #29
bool UniscribeController::shapeAndPlaceItem(const UChar* cp, unsigned i, const SimpleFontData* fontData, GlyphBuffer* glyphBuffer)
    // Determine the string for this item.
    const UChar* str = cp + m_items[i].iCharPos;
    int len = m_items[i+1].iCharPos - m_items[i].iCharPos;
    SCRIPT_ITEM item = m_items[i];

    // Set up buffers to hold the results of shaping the item.
    Vector<WORD> glyphs;
    Vector<WORD> clusters;
    Vector<SCRIPT_VISATTR> visualAttributes;
    // Shape the item.
    // The recommended size for the glyph buffer is 1.5 * the character length + 16 in the uniscribe docs.
    // Apparently this is a good size to avoid having to make repeated calls to ScriptShape.
    glyphs.resize(1.5 * len + 16);

    if (!shape(str, len, item, fontData, glyphs, clusters, visualAttributes))
        return true;

    // We now have a collection of glyphs.
    Vector<GOFFSET> offsets;
    Vector<int> advances;
    int glyphCount = 0;
    HRESULT placeResult = ScriptPlace(0, fontData->scriptCache(), glyphs.data(), glyphs.size(), visualAttributes.data(),
                                      &item.a, advances.data(), offsets.data(), 0);
    if (placeResult == E_PENDING) {
        // The script cache isn't primed with enough info yet.  We need to select our HFONT into
        // a DC and pass the DC in to ScriptPlace.
        HDC hdc = GetDC(0);
        HFONT hfont = fontData->platformData().hfont();
        HFONT oldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, hfont);
        placeResult = ScriptPlace(hdc, fontData->scriptCache(), glyphs.data(), glyphs.size(), visualAttributes.data(),
                                  &item.a, advances.data(), offsets.data(), 0);
        SelectObject(hdc, oldFont);
        ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
    if (FAILED(placeResult) || glyphs.isEmpty())
        return true;

    // Convert all chars that should be treated as spaces to use the space glyph.
    // We also create a map that allows us to quickly go from space glyphs back to their corresponding characters.
    Vector<int> spaceCharacters(glyphs.size());

    const float cLogicalScale = fontData->platformData().useGDI() ? 1.0f : 32.0f;
    unsigned logicalSpaceWidth = fontData->spaceWidth() * cLogicalScale;
    float spaceWidth = fontData->spaceWidth();

    for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {
        UChar ch = *(str + k);
        bool treatAsSpace = Font::treatAsSpace(ch);
        bool treatAsZeroWidthSpace = ch == zeroWidthSpace || Font::treatAsZeroWidthSpace(ch);
        if (treatAsSpace || treatAsZeroWidthSpace) {
            // Substitute in the space glyph at the appropriate place in the glyphs
            // array.
            glyphs[clusters[k]] = fontData->spaceGlyph();
            advances[clusters[k]] = treatAsSpace ? logicalSpaceWidth : 0;
            if (treatAsSpace)
                spaceCharacters[clusters[k]] = m_currentCharacter + k + item.iCharPos;

    // Populate our glyph buffer with this information.
    bool hasExtraSpacing = m_font.letterSpacing() || m_font.wordSpacing() || m_padding;
    float leftEdge = m_runWidthSoFar;

    for (unsigned k = 0; k < glyphs.size(); k++) {
        Glyph glyph = glyphs[k];
        float advance = advances[k] / cLogicalScale;
        float offsetX = offsets[k].du / cLogicalScale;
        float offsetY = offsets[k].dv / cLogicalScale;

        // Match AppKit's rules for the integer vs. non-integer rendering modes.
        float roundedAdvance = roundf(advance);
        if (!m_font.isPrinterFont() && !fontData->isSystemFont()) {
            advance = roundedAdvance;
            offsetX = roundf(offsetX);
            offsetY = roundf(offsetY);

        advance += fontData->syntheticBoldOffset();

        if (hasExtraSpacing) {
            // If we're a glyph with an advance, go ahead and add in letter-spacing.
            // That way we weed out zero width lurkers.  This behavior matches the fast text code path.
            if (advance && m_font.letterSpacing())
                advance += m_font.letterSpacing();

            // Handle justification and word-spacing.
            int characterIndex = spaceCharacters[k];
            // characterIndex is left at the initial value of -1 for glyphs that do not map back to treated-as-space characters.
            if (characterIndex != -1) {
                // Account for padding. WebCore uses space padding to justify text.
                // We distribute the specified padding over the available spaces in the run.
                if (m_padding) {
                    // Use leftover padding if not evenly divisible by number of spaces.
                    if (m_padding < m_padPerSpace) {
                        advance += m_padding;
                        m_padding = 0;
                    } else {
                        m_padding -= m_padPerSpace;
                        advance += m_padPerSpace;

                // Account for word-spacing.
                if (characterIndex > 0 && !Font::treatAsSpace(*m_run.data(characterIndex - 1)) && m_font.wordSpacing())
                    advance += m_font.wordSpacing();

        m_runWidthSoFar += advance;

        // FIXME: We need to take the GOFFSETS for combining glyphs and store them in the glyph buffer
        // as well, so that when the time comes to draw those glyphs, we can apply the appropriate
        // translation.
        if (glyphBuffer) {
            FloatSize size(offsetX, -offsetY);
            glyphBuffer->add(glyph, fontData, advance, &size);

        FloatRect glyphBounds = fontData->boundsForGlyph(glyph);
        glyphBounds.move(m_glyphOrigin.x(), m_glyphOrigin.y());
        m_minGlyphBoundingBoxX = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxX, glyphBounds.x());
        m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxX = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxX, glyphBounds.maxX());
        m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY = min(m_minGlyphBoundingBoxY, glyphBounds.y());
        m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY = max(m_maxGlyphBoundingBoxY, glyphBounds.maxY());
        m_glyphOrigin.move(advance + offsetX, -offsetY);

        // Mutate the glyph array to contain our altered advances.
        if (m_computingOffsetPosition)
            advances[k] = advance;

    while (m_computingOffsetPosition && m_offsetX >= leftEdge && m_offsetX < m_runWidthSoFar) {
        // The position is somewhere inside this run.
        int trailing = 0;
        ScriptXtoCP(m_offsetX - leftEdge, clusters.size(), glyphs.size(), clusters.data(), visualAttributes.data(),
                    advances.data(), &item.a, &m_offsetPosition, &trailing);
        if (trailing && m_includePartialGlyphs && m_offsetPosition < len - 1) {
            m_offsetPosition += m_currentCharacter + m_items[i].iCharPos;
            m_offsetX += m_run.rtl() ? -trailing : trailing;
        } else {
            m_computingOffsetPosition = false;
            m_offsetPosition += m_currentCharacter + m_items[i].iCharPos;
            if (trailing && m_includePartialGlyphs)
            return false;

    return true;
Пример #30
void TileController::adjustTileCoverageRect(FloatRect& coverageRect, const FloatSize& newSize, const FloatRect& previousVisibleRect, const FloatRect& visibleRect, float contentsScale) const
    // If the page is not in a window (for example if it's in a background tab), we limit the tile coverage rect to the visible rect.
    if (!m_isInWindow) {
        coverageRect = visibleRect;

    // FIXME: unify the iOS and Mac code.
    if (m_tileCoverage == CoverageForVisibleArea || MemoryPressureHandler::singleton().isUnderMemoryPressure()) {
        coverageRect = visibleRect;

    double horizontalMargin = kDefaultTileSize / contentsScale;
    double verticalMargin = kDefaultTileSize / contentsScale;

    double currentTime = monotonicallyIncreasingTime();
    double timeDelta = currentTime - m_velocity.lastUpdateTime;

    FloatRect futureRect = visibleRect;
        futureRect.location().x() + timeDelta * m_velocity.horizontalVelocity,
        futureRect.location().y() + timeDelta * m_velocity.verticalVelocity));

    if (m_velocity.horizontalVelocity) {
        futureRect.setWidth(futureRect.width() + horizontalMargin);
        if (m_velocity.horizontalVelocity < 0)
            futureRect.setX(futureRect.x() - horizontalMargin);

    if (m_velocity.verticalVelocity) {
        futureRect.setHeight(futureRect.height() + verticalMargin);
        if (m_velocity.verticalVelocity < 0)
            futureRect.setY(futureRect.y() - verticalMargin);

    if (!m_velocity.horizontalVelocity && !m_velocity.verticalVelocity) {
        if (m_velocity.scaleChangeRate > 0) {
            coverageRect = visibleRect;
        futureRect.setWidth(futureRect.width() + horizontalMargin);
        futureRect.setHeight(futureRect.height() + verticalMargin);
        futureRect.setX(futureRect.x() - horizontalMargin / 2);
        futureRect.setY(futureRect.y() - verticalMargin / 2);

    // Can't use m_tileCacheLayer->bounds() here, because the size of the underlying platform layer
    // hasn't been updated for the current commit.
    IntSize contentSize = expandedIntSize(newSize);
    if (futureRect.maxX() > contentSize.width())
        futureRect.setX(contentSize.width() - futureRect.width());
    if (futureRect.maxY() > contentSize.height())
        futureRect.setY(contentSize.height() - futureRect.height());
    if (futureRect.x() < 0)
    if (futureRect.y() < 0)


    // FIXME: look at how far the document can scroll in each dimension.
    FloatSize coverageSize = visibleRect.size();

    bool largeVisibleRectChange = !previousVisibleRect.isEmpty() && !visibleRect.intersects(previousVisibleRect);

    // Inflate the coverage rect so that it covers 2x of the visible width and 3x of the visible height.
    // These values were chosen because it's more common to have tall pages and to scroll vertically,
    // so we keep more tiles above and below the current area.
    float widthScale = 1;
    float heightScale = 1;

    if (m_tileCoverage & CoverageForHorizontalScrolling && !largeVisibleRectChange)
        widthScale = 2;

    if (m_tileCoverage & CoverageForVerticalScrolling && !largeVisibleRectChange)
        heightScale = 3;
    coverageSize.scale(widthScale, heightScale);

    FloatRect coverageBounds = boundsForSize(newSize);
    FloatRect coverage = expandRectWithinRect(visibleRect, coverageSize, coverageBounds);
    LOG_WITH_STREAM(Scrolling, stream << "TileController::computeTileCoverageRect newSize=" << newSize << " mode " << m_tileCoverage << " expanded to " << coverageSize << " bounds with margin " << coverageBounds << " coverage " << coverage);