Пример #1
//Description :: Check if removal of this vertex would violate the manifold_property or not.
bool Check_Manifold_Property(Halfedge_handle h, const int &type,const int &valence)
	bool check = false;
	Halfedge_handle g = h;
	int* Points_index = new int[valence];

	// if valence is 3, no new edge is inserted, so always safe to remove.
	if(valence == 3)
		return false;

		// Points_index[] contains all boundary vertices' indices (ordered in counterclockwise)

		Points_index[0] = g->vertex()->Vertex_Number_S;
		g = g->next(); // g points center vertex;

		for(int i=1; i<valence; i++)
			g = g->prev_on_vertex();// around the vertex in the counterclockwise way.
			Points_index[i] = g->opposite()->vertex()->Vertex_Number_S;

		// quadrangle
		if (valence == 4)
			if ((type == 5) || (type == 8))
				g = h->opposite();
				Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator Hvc = g->vertex_begin();
				Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator Hvc_end = Hvc;

					if (Hvc->opposite()->vertex()->Vertex_Number_S == Points_index[1])
						check = true;

			else if (( type == 6) || (type == 7))
				g = h;
				Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator Hvc = g->vertex_begin();
				Halfedge_around_vertex_circulator Hvc_end = Hvc;

					if (Hvc->opposite()->vertex()->Vertex_Number_S == Points_index[2])
						check = true;;
