// 测试堆 void TestHeap() { Heap<int, greater<int>> heap; heap.Push(3); heap.Push(5); heap.Push(1); heap.Push(4); heap.Push(5); heap.Push(1); heap.Push(8); while (!heap.Empty()) { cout<<heap.Top()<<" "; heap.Pop(); } cout<<endl; //int array[10] = {9,1,3,5,6,7,8,0,2,4}; int array[10] = {10,16,18,12,11,13,15,17,14,19}; Heap<int> heap1(array, 10); while (!heap1.Empty()) { cout<<heap1.Top()<<" "; heap1.Pop(); } cout<<endl; }
HuffmanTree(const T *a, size_t n) { struct NodeCompare { bool operator() (const Node *left, const Node *right) { return (left->_weight) <( right->_weight); } }; Heap<Node*, NodeCompare> minHeap; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { minHeap.Push(new Node(a[i])); } while (minHeap.Size() > 1) { Node *left = minHeap.Top(); minHeap.Pop(); Node *right = minHeap.Top(); minHeap.Pop(); Node *parent = new Node(left->_weight + right->_weight); parent->_left = left; parent->_right = right; minHeap.Push(parent); } _root = minHeap.Top(); }
void Dijkstra::Solve_distance() { weighted_vertex wt = {0,0,0}; heap.Push(wt); s1 = "0" + s1; s2 = "0" + s2; while (!heap.Empty()) { weighted_vertex top = heap.top(); vertex now_top = top.v; if (now_top.y + 1 < s2.length() && s1[now_top.x] != s2[now_top.y + 1]) { vertex temp = now_top; temp.y++; weighted_vertex wt; wt.w = Add_potential(now_top, temp, top.w + 1); wt.v = temp; heap.Push(wt); } if (now_top.x + 1 < s1.length() && s1[now_top.x + 1] != s2[now_top.y]) { vertex temp = now_top; temp.x++; weighted_vertex wt; wt.w = Add_potential(now_top, temp, top.w + 1); wt.v = temp; heap.Push(wt); } if (now_top.x + 1 < s1.length() && now_top.y + 1 < s2.length()) { int weight = 0; if (s1[now_top.x + 1] != s2[now_top.y + 1]) weight = 1; vertex temp = now_top; temp.x++; temp.y++; weighted_vertex wt; wt.w = Add_potential(now_top, temp, top.w + 1); wt.v = temp; heap.Push(wt); } if (now_top.x == (int)s1.length() - 1 && now_top.y == (int)s2.length() - 1) { vertex t = {0,0}; answer = Delete_potentials(t, now_top, top.w); break; } } }
Node* CreateTree(const T*a, size_t size, const T&invalid) { Heap<Node*, Less<Node*>> minHeap; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (a[i] != invalid) { Node* tmp = new Node(a[i]); minHeap.Push(tmp); } } while (!minHeap.empty()) { Node* left = minHeap.Top(); minHeap.Pop(); Node* right = NULL; if (!minHeap.empty()) { right = minHeap.Top(); minHeap.Pop(); } Node* parent = NULL; if (right) { parent = new Node(left->_weight + right->_weight); } else { parent = new Node(left->_weight); } parent->_left = left; parent->_right = right; if (minHeap.empty()) { return parent; } minHeap.Push(parent); } return NULL; }
HuffmanTree(T *arr, int len) { Heap<HTNode* > hp; for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(arr[i]._count == 0) //arr[i]->_weight._ch 该字符没有出现过 continue; hp.Push(new HTNode(arr[i])); //创建一个新的树节点,插入到堆中 } _root = CreateTree(hp); }
void RollModel::Roll(int min, int max, int times) { struct occurrence_t{ int value; uint count; bool operator < (const occurrence_t &o) const{ return count > o.count || (count == o.count && value < o.value); } }; beginResetModel(); m_data.resize(times); m_total = 0; m_min = GINT32_MAX; m_max = GINT32_MIN; m_mode.clear(); m_modeCount = 0; m_mean = 0.0; m_median = 0.0; QHash<int, uint> occurrences; for(int i = 0; i < times; i++){ int X = m_rng.U_Discrete(min, max); m_data[i] = X; m_total += X; if(X < m_min) m_min = X; if(X > m_max) m_max = X; if(occurrences.contains(X)) occurrences[X]++; else occurrences.insert(X, 1); } m_mean = (double)m_total/times; // Compute the median vector<int> sorted_data = m_data; std::sort(sorted_data.begin(), sorted_data.end()); int median_index = sorted_data.size() / 2; int val1 = sorted_data[median_index]; int val2 = (sorted_data.size() & 1) ? val1 : sorted_data[median_index - 1]; m_median = ((double)val1 + val2) / 2; // Compute the mode (using heap sort) Heap<occurrence_t> heap; for(int k : occurrences.keys()) heap.Push({k, occurrences[k]}); if(heap.Count()){ occurrence_t *t = heap.Top(); uint mode_count = t->count; int cnt = 0; vector<int> tmp_mode; while(t && (mode_count == t->count)){ tmp_mode.push_back(t->value); heap.Pop(); t = heap.Top(); cnt++; } // If every item is the mode, then there is no mode if(cnt < occurrences.keys().count()){ m_modeCount = mode_count; m_mode = tmp_mode; } } endResetModel(); }
std::vector<Aresta *> Grafo::Kruskal() { std::vector<Aresta *> retorno; //so faz se nao eh direcionado if (!this->Direcionado()) { //conjunto de vertices e ranks std::vector<int> ranks; //inicializa conjunto de vertices e ranks Heap * nHeap; int tamHeapMax = 0; conjKruskal.clear(); ranks.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < tamGrafo; i++) { this->conjKruskal.push_back(i); ranks.push_back(1); for (int j =0; j < tamGrafo; j++) if (this->Conexao(i,j)) tamHeapMax++; } nHeap = new Heap(tamHeapMax); nHeap->SetTipo(MINIMO); for (int i = 0; i < tamGrafo; i++) { for (int j =i; j < tamGrafo; j++) { if (this->Conexao(i,j)) { Aresta * nAresta = new Aresta(*this->GetVertice(i).GetAresta(j)); nHeap->Push(nAresta); } } } //nHeap->ListaHeap(); int id1; int id2; int id1tmp; int id2tmp; std::vector<Aresta *> lArestas; while(nHeap->GetTamHeap() > 0 ) { Aresta * cAresta = nHeap->Pop(); id1 = cAresta->GetId1(); id2 = cAresta->GetId2(); //cout << "id1: " << id1 << " id2:" << id2 << endl; if ((id1tmp = this->BuscaKruskal(id1)) != (id2tmp = BuscaKruskal(id2))) { //cout << "conjuntos diferentes: " << "id1: " << this->BuscaKruskal(id1) << " id2: " << this->BuscaKruskal(id2) << endl; retorno.push_back(cAresta); if (ranks[id1tmp] != ranks[id2tmp]) { int maior = (ranks[id1tmp] > ranks[id2tmp] ? id1tmp : id2tmp); int menor = (ranks[id2tmp] > ranks[id1tmp] ? id1tmp : id2tmp); conjKruskal[menor] = maior; //cout << "ranks: " << " menor: " << ranks[menor] << "maior: " << ranks[maior] << endl; } else { conjKruskal[id2tmp] = id1tmp; ranks[id1tmp] += 1; //cout << "aumentou rank" << endl; } } } } return retorno; }