Пример #1
void ltrace_input() {
	// File format is
	// 1900 16:43:29.397714 [08053bc1] malloc(9) = 0x0805e050
	// 1900 16:43:29.397714 [08053bc1] realloc(0x0805e050, 100) = 0x0805e100
	// 1900 16:43:29.398460 [08053bc1] free(0x08097c60) = <void>

	char line[1000];
	char call[1000],answer[1000];
    unsigned int base, newBase, size, caller, pid, time;
	int r,h,m,s;

	printf("Reading input from ltrace's output\n");
	while (!feof(stdin)) {
		fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin);
		r=sscanf(line, "%d %d:%d:%d.%d [%p] %s = %s", &pid, &h, &m, &s, &time, &caller, &call, &answer);
        if (r < 7) {
            qprintf(("Unrecognized line: %s", line));
		if (r < 8) 
			r=sscanf(line, "%d %d:%d:%d.%d [%p] %s %d) = %s", &pid, &h, &m, &s, &time, &caller, &call, &size, &answer);
		time += ((h*60+m)*60+s)*1000000;
		verprintf(4,("PID: %d TIME: %lu ADDR: %08x CALL: %s ANSWER: %s\n", pid, time, caller, call, answer));

		if (pidToFollow == 0) pidToFollow = pid;
		if (pidToFollow == -1 || pidToFollow == (int)pid) {
			if (!strncmp(call,"malloc",6)) {
				sscanf(answer, "0x%p", &base);
				sscanf(call, "malloc(%d)", &size);

                heap.alloc(base, size, time, pid, caller);
            } else if (!strncmp(call, "calloc", 6)) {
				sscanf(answer, "0x%p", &base);
				sscanf(call, "calloc(%d, %d", &size, &s);
                size *= s;

                heap.alloc(base, size, time, pid, caller);
			} else if (!strncmp(call, "free", 4)) {
				sscanf(call, "free(0x%p)", &base);

                heap.free(base, time, pid, caller);
			} else if (!strncmp(call, "realloc", 7)) {
				sscanf(call, "realloc(0x%p", &base);
				sscanf(answer, "0x%p", &newBase);
			printf("realloc(0x%x, %d) = 0x%\n", base, size, newBase);

                heap.realloc(base, newBase, size, time, pid, caller);
Пример #2
	virtual void test() {
		Heap<Device> heap;

		cout << " -- test " << __LINE__ << endl;

			Obj<Device> root = heap.alloc(new Device);
			Obj<Device> child = heap.alloc(new Device(root));


		cout << heap.size() << endl;
		cout << heap.size() << endl;
   void alloc(ulen len)
     Space mem=heap.alloc(len);

     if( mem.len )


Пример #4
void truss_input() {
	// File format is
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3619	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x20, 0x87d4c, 0xc, 0xff31a000)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3630	  -> libc:mmap(0xfe982000, 0x2000, 0x3, 0x12)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3638	  <- libc:mmap() = 0xfe982000
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3647	<- libSDtFwa:malloc() = 0xfe982000
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3695	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x1ff0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff31a000)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3706	-> libc:malloc(0x1ff0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff31a000)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3717	<- libSDtFwa:malloc() = 0x48650
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3724	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x800, 0x48650, 0xc, 0x2000)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3734	-> libc:malloc(0x800, 0x48650, 0xc, 0x2000)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3743	<- libSDtFwa:malloc() = 0x4a648
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3751	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x8, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3764	  -> libc:mmap(0xfec02000, 0x2000, 0x3, 0x12)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3772	  <- libc:mmap() = 0xfec02000
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3781	<- libSDtFwa:malloc() = 0xfec02000
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3788	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x10, 0x878c8, 0x71, 0x159a0)
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3798	<- libSDtFwa:malloc() = 0xfeb12010
	// 4388/1@1:	 0.3808	-> libSDtFwa:malloc(0x8, 0x8759c, 0x11a, 0xff2913d0)

	char line[1000];
	char library[1000],*call,*arg, direction[1000];
    unsigned int newSize, size, caller, pid, time; 
	unsigned int r,h,m,s,arg1,arg2,answer;

	printf("Reading input from truss output\n");
	while (!feof(stdin)) {
		fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin);
		r=sscanf(line, "%d%*s\t %d.%d\t%s %s 0x%p", &pid, &s, &time, &direction, &library, &arg2);

        if (r != 6) 
            sscanf(line, "%d%*s\t %d.%d\t%s %s = 0x%p", &pid, &s, &time, &direction, &library, &answer);

		time += s*10000;

		call = strchr(library, ':');
		if (!call) continue;
		*call = 0;

        arg = strchr(call, '(');
        if (arg) {
            *arg = 0;
            if (direction[0] == '-') {
                sscanf(arg, "%p", &arg1);


		if (pidToFollow == 0) pidToFollow = pid;
		if (pidToFollow == -1 || pidToFollow == (int)pid) {
            verprintf(4,("PID: %d TIME: %lu AUX: %s LIB: %s CALL: %s ARG1: %x ARG2: %x ANSWER: %x\n", pid, time, direction, library, call, arg1, arg2, answer));
            if (direction[0] == '-') {
                // -> entering call
                if (!strncmp(call, "free", 4)) {
                    if (strcmp("libc",library) && strcmp("libmtmalloc",library)) continue;
                    heap.free(arg1, time, pid);
                } else if (!strcmp(call, "malloc"))
                    size = arg1;
                else if (!strcmp(call, "realloc"))
                    newSize = arg2;
            } else {
                // <- returning from call
                if (!strncmp(call,"malloc", 6)) {
                    heap.alloc(answer, size, time, pid);
                } else if (!strncmp(call,"mmap", 4)) {
                    heap.mmap(answer, arg2, time, pid);
                } else if (!strncmp(call, "realloc", 7)) {
                    heap.realloc(arg1, answer, newSize, time, pid);
Пример #5
void ntsd_input() {
	// File format is
    // Opened log file 'c:\l'
    0:000> g
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:47.186 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f904  77f8d88d 00070000 00180000 00000020
    *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for calc.exe
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\SHLWAPI.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\COMCTL32.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\RPCRT4.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\USER32.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\GDI32.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\msvcrt.dll - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\SHELL32.dll - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\ADVAPI32.DLL - 
    *** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINNT\system32\KERNEL32.DLL - 
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:47.717 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f538  77f91e63 00070000 00000000 00000022
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:47.827 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f4f8  77f896b6 00070000 00000000 0000000c
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:47.957 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f52c  77f8970f 00070000 00000000 000728d0
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:48.077 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f5ac  77f8b60c 00170000 00000000 0000001c
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:48.218 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f5bc  77f8b644 00170000 00000000 00170688
    Debugger (not debuggee) time: Tue Jun 22 18:07:48.338 2004 (GMT-3)
    0006f680  77f8301a 00070000 00000000 00000009

	char line[1000],*p,g[1000];
    unsigned int caller, tid, time; 
	unsigned int r,h,m,s,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,answer;

	printf("Reading input from ntsd output\n");
	while (!feof(stdin)) {
		fgets(line, sizeof(line)-1, stdin);

        if (line[0] == '<' && line[1] == '/') {
            // it's a closing tag
            if (NULL != (p = strchr(line,'>'))) *p=0;
            verprintf(4,("[%d] %d: %s(%x, %x, %x) = %x\n", tid, time, line, arg1, arg2, arg3, answer));
            if (pidToFollow == 0) pidToFollow = tid;
            if (pidToFollow == -1 || pidToFollow == (int)tid) {
                if (!strcmp("</ntdll!RtlAllocateHeap",line))
                    heap.alloc(answer, arg3, time, tid, caller);
                if (!strcmp("</ntdll!RtlReAllocateHeap",line))
                    heap.realloc(arg3, answer, arg4, time, tid, caller);
                if (!strcmp("</ntdll!RtlFreeHeap",line)) 
                    heap.free(arg3, time, tid, caller);
        // Thread ID
        r = sscanf(line, "$tid=%p", &tid);
        if (r==1) continue;

        // Time
        r = sscanf(line, "Debugger (not debuggee) time: %*s %*s %*s %d:%d:%d.%d", &h, &m, &s, &time);
        if (r==4) {
            time += ((((h*60)+m)*60)+s)*1000;
        // Stack (Arguments)
        r = sscanf(line, "%*p %p %p %p %p", &arg4, &arg1, &arg2, &arg3);
        if (r == 4) {
            caller = arg4;
        // next line for multiline stack dump (berp!)
        if (r == 1) continue;

        // answer
        r = sscanf(line, "eax=%p", &answer);
        if (r == 1) continue;