Пример #1
std::vector<IMenu*> LayoutManager::findAllMenus(IWindow& window, const char* path)
	// create a collection of all menus associated with this window.
	auto& windowMenus = window.menus();
	std::vector<IMenu*> menus(windowMenus.size() + dynamicMenus_.size());

	// copy all the menus owned by the window
	auto it = std::transform(windowMenus.begin(), windowMenus.end(), menus.begin(),
	                         [](const std::unique_ptr<IMenu>& menu) { return menu.get(); });

	// copy all the menus dynamically registered for this window
	auto windowId = safe_str(window.id());
	it = std::copy_if(dynamicMenus_.begin(), dynamicMenus_.end(), it, [&](IMenu* menu) {
		auto menuWindowId = safe_str(menu->windowId());
		return strcmp(windowId, menuWindowId) == 0;

	// resize the collection to the actual number of menus that were collected
	menus.erase(it, menus.end());

	for (auto it = menus.begin(); it != menus.end();)
		if (matchMenu(**it, path))

		it = menus.erase(it);

	return menus;