bool CacheSeed::cacheTile(const MapFrame& mapf, const TileKey& key ) const { bool gotData = false; for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); i++ ) { ImageLayer* layer = i->get(); if ( layer->isKeyValid( key ) ) { GeoImage image = layer->createImage( key ); if ( image.valid() ) gotData = true; } } if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 0 ) { osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf; mapf.getHeightField( key, false, hf ); if ( hf.valid() ) gotData = true; } return gotData; }
bool CacheTileHandler::handleTile(const TileKey& key, const TileVisitor& tv) { ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast< ImageLayer* >( _layer.get() ); ElevationLayer* elevationLayer = dynamic_cast< ElevationLayer* >( _layer.get() ); // Just call createImage or createHeightField on the layer and the it will be cached! if (imageLayer) { GeoImage image = imageLayer->createImage( key ); if (image.valid()) { return true; } } else if (elevationLayer ) { GeoHeightField hf = elevationLayer->createHeightField(key, 0L); if (hf.valid()) { return true; } } // If we didn't produce a result but the key isn't within range then we should continue to // traverse the children b/c a min level was set. if (!_layer->isKeyInLegalRange(key)) { return true; } return false; }
bool CacheTileHandler::handleTile( const TileKey& key ) { ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast< ImageLayer* >( _layer.get() ); ElevationLayer* elevationLayer = dynamic_cast< ElevationLayer* >( _layer.get() ); // Just call createImage or createHeightField on the layer and the it will be cached! if (imageLayer) { GeoImage image = imageLayer->createImage( key ); if (image.valid()) { return true; } } else if (elevationLayer ) { GeoHeightField hf = elevationLayer->createHeightField( key ); if (hf.valid()) { return true; } } return false; }
osg::Image* CompositeTileSource::createImage(const TileKey& key, ProgressCallback* progress ) { ImageMixVector images; images.reserve(_imageLayers.size()); // Try to get an image from each of the layers for the given key. for (ImageLayerVector::const_iterator itr = _imageLayers.begin(); itr != _imageLayers.end(); ++itr) { ImageLayer* layer = itr->get(); ImageInfo imageInfo; imageInfo.dataInExtents = layer->getTileSource()->hasDataInExtent( key.getExtent() ); imageInfo.opacity = layer->getOpacity(); if (imageInfo.dataInExtents) { GeoImage image = layer->createImage(key, progress); if (image.valid()) { imageInfo.image = image.getImage(); } // If the progress got cancelled or it needs a retry then return NULL to prevent this tile from being built and cached with incomplete or partial data. if (progress && (progress->isCanceled() || progress->needsRetry())) { OE_DEBUG << LC << " createImage was cancelled or needs retry for " << key.str() << std::endl; return 0L; } } images.push_back(imageInfo); } // Determine the output texture size to use based on the image that were creatd. unsigned numValidImages = 0; osg::Vec2s textureSize; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { ImageInfo& info = images[i]; if (info.image.valid()) { if (numValidImages == 0) { textureSize.set( info.image->s(), info.image->t()); } numValidImages++; } } // Create fallback images if we have some valid data but not for all the layers if (numValidImages > 0 && numValidImages < images.size()) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { ImageInfo& info = images[i]; ImageLayer* layer = _imageLayers[i].get(); if (!info.image.valid() && info.dataInExtents) { TileKey parentKey = key.createParentKey(); GeoImage image; while (!image.valid() && parentKey.valid()) { image = layer->createImage(parentKey, progress); if (image.valid()) { break; } // If the progress got cancelled or it needs a retry then return NULL to prevent this tile from being built and cached with incomplete or partial data. if (progress && (progress->isCanceled() || progress->needsRetry())) { OE_DEBUG << LC << " createImage was cancelled or needs retry for " << key.str() << std::endl; return 0L; } parentKey = parentKey.createParentKey(); } if (image.valid()) { // TODO: Bilinear options? bool bilinear = layer->isCoverage() ? false : true; GeoImage cropped = image.crop( key.getExtent(), true, textureSize.x(), textureSize.y(), bilinear); info.image = cropped.getImage(); } } } } // Now finally create the output image. //Recompute the number of valid images numValidImages = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { ImageInfo& info = images[i]; if (info.image.valid()) numValidImages++; } if ( progress && progress->isCanceled() ) { return 0L; } else if ( numValidImages == 0 ) { return 0L; } else if ( numValidImages == 1 ) { //We only have one valid image, so just return it and don't bother with compositing for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { ImageInfo& info = images[i]; if (info.image.valid()) return info.image.release(); } return 0L; } else { osg::Image* result = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < images.size(); i++) { ImageInfo& imageInfo = images[i]; if (!result) { if (imageInfo.image.valid()) { result = new osg::Image( *imageInfo.image.get()); } } else { if (imageInfo.image.valid()) { ImageUtils::mix( result, imageInfo.image.get(), imageInfo.opacity ); } } } return result; } }
void TerrainTileModelFactory::addColorLayers(TerrainTileModel* model, const Map* map, const TerrainEngineRequirements* reqs, const TileKey& key, const CreateTileModelFilter& filter, ProgressCallback* progress) { OE_START_TIMER(fetch_image_layers); int order = 0; LayerVector layers; map->getLayers(layers); for (LayerVector::const_iterator i = layers.begin(); i != layers.end(); ++i) { Layer* layer = i->get(); if (layer->getRenderType() != layer->RENDERTYPE_TERRAIN_SURFACE) continue; if (!layer->getEnabled()) continue; if (!filter.accept(layer)) continue; ImageLayer* imageLayer = dynamic_cast<ImageLayer*>(layer); if (imageLayer) { osg::Texture* tex = 0L; osg::Matrixf textureMatrix; if (imageLayer->isKeyInLegalRange(key) && imageLayer->mayHaveDataInExtent(key.getExtent())) { if (imageLayer->createTextureSupported()) { tex = imageLayer->createTexture( key, progress, textureMatrix ); } else { GeoImage geoImage = imageLayer->createImage( key, progress ); if ( geoImage.valid() ) { if ( imageLayer->isCoverage() ) tex = createCoverageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer); else tex = createImageTexture(geoImage.getImage(), imageLayer); } } } // if this is the first LOD, and the engine requires that the first LOD // be populated, make an empty texture if we didn't get one. if (tex == 0L && _options.firstLOD() == key.getLOD() && reqs && reqs->fullDataAtFirstLodRequired()) { tex = _emptyTexture.get(); } if (tex) { tex->setName(model->getKey().str()); TerrainTileImageLayerModel* layerModel = new TerrainTileImageLayerModel(); layerModel->setImageLayer(imageLayer); layerModel->setTexture(tex); layerModel->setMatrix(new osg::RefMatrixf(textureMatrix)); model->colorLayers().push_back(layerModel); if (imageLayer->isShared()) { model->sharedLayers().push_back(layerModel); } if (imageLayer->isDynamic()) { model->setRequiresUpdateTraverse(true); } } } else // non-image kind of TILE layer: { TerrainTileColorLayerModel* colorModel = new TerrainTileColorLayerModel(); colorModel->setLayer(layer); model->colorLayers().push_back(colorModel); } } if (progress) progress->stats()["fetch_imagery_time"] += OE_STOP_TIMER(fetch_image_layers); }
osg::Node* OSGTileFactory::createPopulatedTile(const MapFrame& mapf, Terrain* terrain, const TileKey& key, bool wrapInPagedLOD, bool fallback, bool& validData ) { const MapInfo& mapInfo = mapf.getMapInfo(); bool isPlateCarre = !mapInfo.isGeocentric() && mapInfo.isGeographicSRS(); typedef std::vector<GeoImageData> GeoImageDataVector; GeoImageDataVector image_tiles; // Collect the image layers bool empty_map = mapf.imageLayers().size() == 0 && mapf.elevationLayers().size() == 0; // Create the images for the tile for( ImageLayerVector::const_iterator i = mapf.imageLayers().begin(); i != mapf.imageLayers().end(); ++i ) { ImageLayer* layer = i->get(); GeoImageData imageData; // Only try to create images if the key is valid if ( layer->isKeyValid( key ) ) { imageData._image = layer->createImage( key ); imageData._layerUID = layer->getUID(); imageData._imageTileKey = key; } // always push images, even it they are empty, so that the image_tiles vector is one-to-one // with the imageLayers() vector. image_tiles.push_back( imageData ); } bool hasElevation = false; //Create the heightfield for the tile osg::ref_ptr<osg::HeightField> hf; if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() > 0 ) { mapf.getHeightField( key, false, hf, 0L, _terrainOptions.elevationInterpolation().value()); } //If we are on the first LOD and we couldn't get a heightfield tile, just create an empty one. Otherwise you can run into the situation //where you could have an inset heightfield on one hemisphere and the whole other hemisphere won't show up. if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() && key.getLevelOfDetail() <= 1 && !hf.valid()) { hf = createEmptyHeightField( key ); } hasElevation = hf.valid(); //Determine if we've created any images unsigned int numValidImages = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image_tiles.size(); ++i) { if (image_tiles[i]._image.valid()) numValidImages++; } //If we couldn't create any imagery or heightfields, bail out if (!hf.valid() && (numValidImages == 0) && !empty_map) { OE_DEBUG << LC << "Could not create any imagery or heightfields for " << key.str() <<". Not building tile" << std::endl; validData = false; //If we're not asked to fallback on previous LOD's and we have no data, return NULL if (!fallback) { return NULL; } } else { validData = true; } //Try to interpolate any missing image layers from parent tiles for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapf.imageLayers().size(); i++ ) { if (!image_tiles[i]._image.valid()) { if (mapf.getImageLayerAt(i)->isKeyValid(key)) { //If the key was valid and we have no image, then something possibly went wrong with the image creation such as a server being busy. createValidGeoImage(mapf.getImageLayerAt(i), key, image_tiles[i]._image, image_tiles[i]._imageTileKey); } //If we still couldn't create an image, either something is really wrong or the key wasn't valid, so just create a transparent placeholder image if (!image_tiles[i]._image.valid()) { //If the image is not valid, create an empty texture as a placeholder image_tiles[i]._image = GeoImage(ImageUtils::createEmptyImage(), key.getExtent()); image_tiles[i]._imageTileKey = key; } } } //Fill in missing heightfield information from parent tiles if (!hf.valid()) { //We have no heightfield sources, if ( mapf.elevationLayers().size() == 0 ) { hf = createEmptyHeightField( key ); } else { //Try to get a heightfield again, but this time fallback on parent tiles if ( mapf.getHeightField( key, true, hf, 0L, _terrainOptions.elevationInterpolation().value() ) ) { hasElevation = true; } else { //We couldn't get any heightfield, so just create an empty one. hf = createEmptyHeightField( key ); } } } // In a Plate Carre tesselation, scale the heightfield elevations from meters to degrees if ( isPlateCarre ) { HeightFieldUtils::scaleHeightFieldToDegrees( hf.get() ); } osg::ref_ptr<GeoLocator> locator = GeoLocator::createForKey( key, mapInfo ); osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer* hf_layer = new osgTerrain::HeightFieldLayer(); hf_layer->setLocator( locator.get() ); hf_layer->setHeightField( hf.get() ); bool isStreaming = _terrainOptions.loadingPolicy()->mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_SEQUENTIAL || _terrainOptions.loadingPolicy()->mode() == LoadingPolicy::MODE_PREEMPTIVE; Tile* tile = terrain->createTile( key, locator.get() ); tile->setTerrainTechnique( terrain->cloneTechnique() ); tile->setVerticalScale( _terrainOptions.verticalScale().value() ); //tile->setLocator( locator.get() ); tile->setElevationLayer( hf_layer ); //tile->setRequiresNormals( true ); tile->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); #if 0 //Attach an updatecallback to normalize the edges of TerrainTiles. if (hasElevation && _terrainOptions.normalizeEdges().get() ) { tile->setUpdateCallback(new TerrainTileEdgeNormalizerUpdateCallback()); tile->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); } #endif //Assign the terrain system to the TerrainTile. //It is very important the terrain system is set while the MapConfig's sourceMutex is locked. //This registers the terrain tile so that adding/removing layers are always in sync. If you don't do this //you can end up with a situation where the database pager is waiting to merge a tile, then a layer is added, then //the tile is finally merged and is out of sync. double min_units_per_pixel = DBL_MAX; #if 0 // create contour layer: if (map->getContourTransferFunction() != NULL) { osgTerrain::ContourLayer* contourLayer(new osgTerrain::ContourLayer(map->getContourTransferFunction())); contourLayer->setMagFilter(_terrainOptions.getContourMagFilter().value()); contourLayer->setMinFilter(_terrainOptions.getContourMinFilter().value()); tile->setCustomColorLayer(layer,contourLayer); //TODO: need layerUID, not layer index here -GW ++layer; } #endif for (unsigned int i = 0; i < image_tiles.size(); ++i) { if (image_tiles[i]._image.valid()) { const GeoImage& geo_image = image_tiles[i]._image; double img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax; geo_image.getExtent().getBounds( img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax ); //Specify a new locator for the color with the coordinates of the TileKey that was actually used to create the image osg::ref_ptr<GeoLocator> img_locator = key.getProfile()->getSRS()->createLocator( img_xmin, img_ymin, img_xmax, img_ymax, isPlateCarre ); if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() ) img_locator->setCoordinateSystemType( osgTerrain::Locator::GEOCENTRIC ); tile->setCustomColorLayer( CustomColorLayer( mapf.getImageLayerAt(i), geo_image.getImage(), img_locator.get(), key.getLevelOfDetail(), key) ); double upp = geo_image.getUnitsPerPixel(); // Scale the units per pixel to degrees if the image is mercator (and the key is geo) if ( geo_image.getSRS()->isMercator() && key.getExtent().getSRS()->isGeographic() ) upp *= 1.0f/111319.0f; min_units_per_pixel = osg::minimum(upp, min_units_per_pixel); } } osg::BoundingSphere bs = tile->getBound(); double max_range = 1e10; double radius = bs.radius(); #if 1 double min_range = radius * _terrainOptions.minTileRangeFactor().get(); //osg::LOD::RangeMode mode = osg::LOD::DISTANCE_FROM_EYE_POINT; #else double width = key.getExtent().width(); if (min_units_per_pixel == DBL_MAX) min_units_per_pixel = width/256.0; double min_range = (width / min_units_per_pixel) * _terrainOptions.getMinTileRangeFactor(); //osg::LOD::RangeMode mode = osg::LOD::PIXEL_SIZE_ON_SCREEN; #endif // a skirt hides cracks when transitioning between LODs: hf->setSkirtHeight(radius * _terrainOptions.heightFieldSkirtRatio().get() ); // for now, cluster culling does not work for CUBE rendering //bool isCube = mapInfo.isCube(); //map->getMapOptions().coordSysType() == MapOptions::CSTYPE_GEOCENTRIC_CUBE; if ( mapInfo.isGeocentric() && !mapInfo.isCube() ) { //TODO: Work on cluster culling computation for cube faces osg::ClusterCullingCallback* ccc = createClusterCullingCallback(tile, locator->getEllipsoidModel() ); tile->setCullCallback( ccc ); } // Wait until now, when the tile is fully baked, to assign the terrain to the tile. // Placeholder tiles might try to locate this tile as an ancestor, and access its layers // and they must be intact before making this tile available via setTerrain. // // If there's already a placeholder tile registered, this will be ignored. If there isn't, // this will register the new tile. tile->attachToTerrain( terrain ); //tile->setTerrain( terrain ); //terrain->registerTile( tile ); if ( isStreaming && key.getLevelOfDetail() > 0 ) { static_cast<StreamingTile*>(tile)->setHasElevationHint( hasElevation ); } osg::Node* result = 0L; if (wrapInPagedLOD) { // create a PLOD so we can keep subdividing: osg::PagedLOD* plod = new osg::PagedLOD(); plod->setCenter( ); plod->addChild( tile, min_range, max_range ); std::string filename = createURI( _engineId, key ); //map->getId(), key ); //Only add the next tile if it hasn't been blacklisted bool isBlacklisted = osgEarth::Registry::instance()->isBlacklisted( filename ); if (!isBlacklisted && key.getLevelOfDetail() < (unsigned int)getTerrainOptions().maxLOD().value() && validData ) { plod->setFileName( 1, filename ); plod->setRange( 1, 0.0, min_range ); } else { plod->setRange( 0, 0, FLT_MAX ); } #if USE_FILELOCATIONCALLBACK osgDB::Options* options = new osgDB::Options; options->setFileLocationCallback( new FileLocationCallback() ); plod->setDatabaseOptions( options ); #endif result = plod; if ( isStreaming ) result->addCullCallback( new PopulateStreamingTileDataCallback( _cull_thread_mapf ) ); } else { result = tile; } return result; }