Пример #1
void K3bDataFileView::slotOpen()
  if( K3bDataViewItem* viewItem = dynamic_cast<K3bDataViewItem*>( selectedItems().first() ) ) {
    K3bDataItem* item = viewItem->dataItem();
    if( item->isFile() ) {
      K3bDataFileViewItem* fvi = static_cast<K3bDataFileViewItem*>( viewItem );
      if( fvi->mimeType() &&
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,3,0)
	  !KRun::isExecutableFile( KURL::fromPathOrURL(item->localPath()), 
				   fvi->mimeType()->name() )
	  !QFileInfo( item->localPath() ).isExecutable()
	KRun::runURL( KURL::fromPathOrURL(item->localPath()), 
		      fvi->mimeType()->name() );
	KRun::displayOpenWithDialog( KURL::fromPathOrURL(item->localPath()) );
Пример #2
bool K3bIsoImager::writeJolietHideFile()
  delete m_jolietHideFile;
  m_jolietHideFile = new KTempFile();

  if( QTextStream* t = m_jolietHideFile->textStream() ) {

    K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
    while( item ) {
      if( item->hideOnRockRidge() ) {
	if( !item->isDir() )  // hiding directories does not work (all dirs point to the dummy-dir but we could introduce a second hidden dummy dir)
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << endl;
      item = item->nextSibling();

    return true;
    return false;
Пример #3
bool K3bIsoImager::writeSortWeightFile()
  delete m_sortWeightFile;
  m_sortWeightFile = new KTempFile();

  if( QTextStream* t = m_sortWeightFile->textStream() ) {
    // We need to write the local path in combination with the sort weight
    // mkisofs will take care of multiple entries for one local file and always
    // use the highest weight
    K3bDataItem* item = m_doc->root();
    while( (item = item->nextSibling()) ) {  // we skip the root here
      if( item->sortWeight() != 0 ) {
	if( m_doc->bootImages().containsRef( dynamic_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item) ) ) { // boot-image-backup-hack
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( static_cast<K3bBootItem*>(item)->tempPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
	else if( item->isDir() ) {
	  // Since we use dummy dirs for all directories in the filesystem and mkisofs uses the local path
	  // for sorting we need to create a different dummy dir for every sort weight value.
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;
	  *t << escapeGraftPoint( item->localPath() ) << " " << item->sortWeight() << endl;

    return true;
    return false;
Пример #4
int K3bIsoImager::writePathSpecForDir( K3bDirItem* dirItem, QTextStream& stream )
  if( !m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation && dirItem->depth() > 7 ) {
    kdDebug() << "(K3bIsoImager) found directory depth > 7. Enabling no deep directory relocation." << endl;
    m_noDeepDirectoryRelocation = true;

  // now create the graft points
  int num = 0;
  for( QPtrListIterator<K3bDataItem> it( dirItem->children() ); it.current(); ++it ) {
    K3bDataItem* item = it.current();
    bool writeItem = item->writeToCd();

    if( item->isSymLink() ) {
      if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_ALL ||
	  ( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::DISCARD_BROKEN &&
	    !item->isValid() ) )
	writeItem = false;

      else if( d->usedLinkHandling == Private::FOLLOW ) {
	QFileInfo f( K3b::resolveLink( item->localPath() ) );
	if( !f.exists() ) {
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not follow link %1 to non-existing file %2. Skipping...")
			    .arg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
	  writeItem = false;
	else if( f.isDir() ) {
	  emit infoMessage( i18n("Ignoring link %1 to folder %2. K3b is unable to follow links to folders.")
			    .arg(f.filePath()), WARNING );
	  writeItem = false;
    else if( item->isFile() ) {
      QFileInfo f( item->localPath() );
      if( !f.exists() ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not find file %1. Skipping...").arg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
	writeItem = false;
      else if( !f.isReadable() ) {
	emit infoMessage( i18n("Could not read file %1. Skipping...").arg(item->localPath()), WARNING );
	writeItem = false;

    if( writeItem ) {

      // some versions of mkisofs seem to have a bug that prevents to use filenames
      // that contain one or more backslashes
      if( item->writtenPath().contains("\\") )
	m_containsFilesWithMultibleBackslashes = true;

      if( item->isDir() ) {
	stream << escapeGraftPoint( item->writtenPath() )
	       << "="
	       << escapeGraftPoint( dummyDir( static_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item) ) ) << "\n";

	int x = writePathSpecForDir( dynamic_cast<K3bDirItem*>(item), stream );
	if( x >= 0 )
	  num += x;
	  return -1;
      else {
	writePathSpecForFile( static_cast<K3bFileItem*>(item), stream );

  return num;